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Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
The comic convention circuit will be back sooner than you think. In a detailed Facebook post Tuesday afternoon, the organizers behind Tampa Bay Comic Con confirmed they've received the green light from officials to keep with the event that's been scheduled for mid-July. As of now, the convention will still take place from July 10th to July 12th at the Tampa Convention Center, likely making it one of the only conventions to stand its ground from a summer date. Even pillars of the convention circuit like San Diego Comic-Con have cancelled their dates in late July.

Though the Tampa-based convention will still take place, the Tampa Convention Center and Tampa Fire Marshal are forcing the convention to implement several new safety measures, including mandatory temperature checks, increased cleaning and disinfection staff, and restricted occupancy.

The full statement provided by Tampa Bay Comic Convention can be found below.

"After nearly two months of agonizing uncertainty, we have received confirmation from the Tampa Convention Center and Tampa Fire Marshal that TBCC 2020 will move forward with numerous health measures enacted by the venue and various levels of government, to keep attendees, exhibitors, guests, and staff as safe as possible. Below you'll find some of the measures that will be enacted:

  1. Temperature screenings will be mandatory for all occupants prior to entering Tampa Convention Center. Those exhibiting temperatures above a certain level will not be allowed entry into the convention.
  2. Tampa Convention Center has increased cleaning and disinfection procedures in high-traffic areas such as elevators and escalators, handrails, benches, tables, handles, restrooms and more.
  3. Hand sanitizing stations shall be set through the pre-function space and high traffic areas at entrance points.
  4. Interior occupancy of the exhibit hall, ballrooms, and meeting rooms shall be strictly limited, with one-way ingress and one-way egress of all interior spaces.

We've been waiting in limbo, not knowing and not having answers for quite a while. Now, we can resume guest announcements, along with exhibitor/artist alley invoicing, and guest bookings.

We're looking forward to another nerdy weekend at Tampa Bay Comic Convention, in less than two months!"

Tampa Bay Comic Con Gets Green Light for July Dates

The comic convention circuit will be back sooner than you think. In a detailed Facebook post [...]


I think I'd literally go to a sporting event before i'd go to a fucking comic book convention in a pandemic.... If I'm the guests and panelists I'm canceling. All those hands.... all those likely dirty ass fucking hands.


Sep 11, 2019
I spoke at a panel last year, was going to do it again this year but we cancelled all our engagements for the year.

I love con season because I get to just talk about games and eat great food in different cities but it is really selfish and short sighted to host them right now.


Oct 25, 2017
How are they expected to social distance? How will photos work? This sounds like a horrible, poorly-thought out idea.
Oct 29, 2017
The hands are least of their worries. All sharing the same air and air circulation in one building jam packed with hundreds of people at any given time. Likely not even wearing masks, of course.


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
As if the smell isn't a big enough deterant already


Oct 26, 2017
Most of the people who would attend an event like this in a pandemic are deniers/downplayers and will probably use the event to flaunt their lack of care. Yikes


Oct 25, 2017


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
How much of a selfish asshole do you have to be as a convention organizer to not shut down during a pandemic?


Oct 25, 2017
So many unwashed asses. Cons were gross even before the pandemic. Middle of summer in Florida. Yeesh.
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