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Feb 7, 2018
They (game designers like Square) honestly give you the feel that you can either have ONE or the OTHER, but ONLY one or the other (unless its an MMORPG like FFXIV). I'm sure BOTH can be achieved, and that's just me as a non-programmer, non-developer spitballing a vision from my sideline, but to me, if you already know how to do both on the further ends of the spectrum, wouldn't that mean doing something towards the middle be do-able? Something big enough to give the impression/illusion you are traveling across a world without making you feel like you are traveling across pointless space, but something linear enough to guide tight pacing of a story without feeling like the world is just a made-up of connected dungeons.
Yeah. I think it's feasible to have a good looking game with a sizable world and a relatively high number of diverse points of interest/towns populated by meaningful content and balancing all so that it doesn't look like either a wasteland or an amusement park.

That's why I'm a big advocate for out of bounds imagery and why I'm not too into the open world game idea for FF XVI (I still love that type of game, mind you). Take the Crystalline Dominion: if we're able to explore a sizable and dense enough portion of it, go ham with the skyboxes to sell on the awe-inducing scale. Same for the overworld: I don't care if I can't reach a mountain or even a village in the distance as long as the actual exploration is meaty enough and there's a nice balance between dead spaces and points of interest. I welcome it, even.

As of recent FFs, some of the hurdles in FF XV and VII Remake shouldn't really apply to FF XVI (hopefully): the former is a game that got a relatively rushed development in its current form (otherwise, it's not crazy we could have gotten shit to do and see in Tenebrae and, sure enough, Insomnia) and there's only so much you can do with just Midgar, I guess.

Regardless of the world structure, I hope they can take advantage of a seemingly defined political and geographical map and covey the feeling of meaningful stuff regularly happening across a continent-sized land.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
I'm still not even convinced it's a next gen title. It was even revealed as a "PlayStation console exclusive" and they've never clarified whether or not it's coming to PS4 as well as PS5, so I think they might have deliberately left that door open for now. Character models and environments in the trailer were nothing that couldn't be feasibly accomplished as a cross-gen title. I'd say many PS4 games look better, even RPGs with huge open worlds (Horizon Zero Dawn for example). There were a lot of cross-gen red flags, like Clive's chainmail being a very flat texture below, and a lot of obvious polys on the character model, which are poly savings that definitely aren't necessary next gen (look at Ratchet's poly count and clothing details, even on random NPCs):


It's a character model completely on par with Noctis', just with better IQ thanks to 4k as standard for PS5.

And yes, I know old Clive looks better:

But I'll raise you old Noctis:

XV was still a beautifully showcased game, and nothing from that XVI trailer was a generational leap over this imo:

I think the next trailer will either be a huge step up visually with some noticeable overhauls to character models and environment geometry, and fully confirmed as PS5 and next gen exclusive. Or it will look mostly the same where polys/geometry is concerned, with some big shader/lighting improvements showcasing the PS5 version, but be announced as cross-gen.

Of course it's also possible that Square are struggling to step up their game for next gen, or just aren't concerned much with visuals, but Forspoken shows they can push their tech forwards, and FF games have always proudly pushed visuals to the brink in the past. So this would be a big change in priority for Square and this franchise.
I do remember XV looking extremely blurry and running bad on PS4. I am honestly constantly more impressed by XIV's locations purely for the creativity on display.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm still not even convinced it's a next gen title. It was even revealed as a "PlayStation console exclusive" and they've never clarified whether or not it's coming to PS4 as well as PS5, so I think they might have deliberately left that door open for now. Character models and environments in the trailer were nothing that couldn't be feasibly accomplished as a cross-gen title. I'd say many PS4 games look better, even RPGs with huge open worlds (Horizon Zero Dawn for example). There were a lot of cross-gen red flags, like Clive's chainmail being a very flat texture below, and a lot of obvious polys on the character model, which are poly savings that definitely aren't necessary next gen (look at Ratchet's poly count and clothing details, even on random NPCs):


It's a character model completely on par with Noctis', just with better IQ thanks to 4k as standard for PS5.

And yes, I know old Clive looks better:

But I'll raise you old Noctis:

XV was still a beautifully showcased game, and nothing from that XVI trailer was a generational leap over this imo:

I think the next trailer will either be a huge step up visually with some noticeable overhauls to character models and environment geometry, and fully confirmed as PS5 and next gen exclusive. Or it will look mostly the same where polys/geometry is concerned, with some big shader/lighting improvements showcasing the PS5 version, but be announced as cross-gen.

Of course it's also possible that Square are struggling to step up their game for next gen, or just aren't concerned much with visuals, but Forspoken shows they can push their tech forwards, and FF games have always proudly pushed visuals to the brink in the past. So this would be a big change in priority for Square and this franchise.

This is the truth right now.

However, I hope for a major polishing in the graphics department for XVI in the upcoming months. If the game ends up being current gen only, then it should have no issues surpassing XV's visuals easily.

Please, don't let it be cross gen!


Oct 25, 2017
They (game designers like Square) honestly give you the feel that you can either have ONE or the OTHER, but ONLY one or the other (unless its an MMORPG like FFXIV). I'm sure BOTH can be achieved, and that's just me as a non-programmer, non-developer spitballing a vision from my sideline, but to me, if you already know how to do both on the further ends of the spectrum, wouldn't that mean doing something towards the middle be do-able? Something big enough to give the impression/illusion you are traveling across a world without making you feel like you are traveling across pointless space, but something linear enough to guide tight pacing of a story without feeling like the world is just a made-up of connected dungeons.
The funny thing is that they already kind of achieved this with XII. Playing it for the first time and like… I'd love if they just slapped the style of world design they used there into XVI. Love how the areas feel big and interconnected, but not too bland and pointlessly open like XV
This is the truth right now.

However, I hope for a major polishing in the graphics department for XVI in the upcoming months. If the game ends up being current gen only, then it should have no issues surpassing XV's visuals easily.

Please, don't let it be cross gen!
considering the PS5 situation, I'd like to actually be able to play the game so I'm praying it comes to PS4 too. It's not worth locking millions of people out for playing the game just for slightly better visuals, when the game just needs a great art style.
I'm still not even convinced it's a next gen title. It was even revealed as a "PlayStation console exclusive" and they've never clarified whether or not it's coming to PS4 as well as PS5, so I think they might have deliberately left that door open for now. Character models and environments in the trailer were nothing that couldn't be feasibly accomplished as a cross-gen title. I'd say many PS4 games look better, even RPGs with huge open worlds (Horizon Zero Dawn for example). There were a lot of cross-gen red flags, like Clive's chainmail being a very flat texture below, and a lot of obvious polys on the character model, which are poly savings that definitely aren't necessary next gen (look at Ratchet's poly count and clothing details, even on random NPCs):


It's a character model completely on par with Noctis', just with better IQ thanks to 4k as standard for PS5.

And yes, I know old Clive looks better:

But I'll raise you old Noctis:

XV was still a beautifully showcased game, and nothing from that XVI trailer was a generational leap over this imo:

I think the next trailer will either be a huge step up visually with some noticeable overhauls to character models and environment geometry, and fully confirmed as PS5 and next gen exclusive. Or it will look mostly the same where polys/geometry is concerned, with some big shader/lighting improvements showcasing the PS5 version, but be announced as cross-gen.

Of course it's also possible that Square are struggling to step up their game for next gen, or just aren't concerned much with visuals, but Forspoken shows they can push their tech forwards, and FF games have always proudly pushed visuals to the brink in the past. So this would be a big change in priority for Square and this franchise.
to be honest, if shifting the focus away from visuals gets us better games, I'm all for it. XIII and XV were extremely compromised in the game design department. If you have a stellar art team, then the games will be timeless visually anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
We can probably write off getting any news for FFXVI this year. If it didn't happen this week,it won't happen Christmas week. Nothing gets done Christmas week.

We more than likely get a Twitter Christmas card saying more news in 2022.

FFVI will probably drop just before Christmas may be next Thursday but it could be delayed until 2022. No big loss to me as I dislike the game.
Oct 27, 2017
considering the PS5 situation, I'd like to actually be able to play the game so I'm praying it comes to PS4 too. It's not worth locking millions of people out for playing the game just for slightly better visuals, when the game just needs a great art style.

A game being PS5 exclusive isn't just about prettier visuals, the actual game design, level design, and AI are built around the limitations of the base system they have to support.

I get where you're coming from, but the "slightly" better visuals critique only comes into play when the game is cross-gen.

to be honest, if shifting the focus away from visuals gets us better games, I'm all for it. XIII and XV were extremely compromised in the game design department. If you have a stellar art team, then the games will be timeless visually anyway.

FFXIII was pretty much doomed to fail due to Square, and most Japanese developers', poor transition and uptake to HD game development. Crystal Tools was not a good engine, and Square had a double whammy of having to build the engine while simultaneously designing and developing the game. The development of FFXIII and Crystal tool went so bad that Tetsuya Nomura and most of the Versus XIII staff had to help with finishing FFXIII,, it's sequels, and Crystal Tool's. This situation was repeated again with FFXV and Luminous Engine. Versus XIII's development was pushed so far back that Square decided to make it a PS4 game, and once again, Square decided to build an entirely new engine for the then next-generation instead of using middleware. FFXV had to be designed and developed as Square was building Luminous.

To sum up, both games were victims of poor planning, stubbornness to not go with middleware, and unrealistic deadlines. Square deciding to move to UE4 for FF7 Remake was one of the best decision they ever made...excluding deciding to have CyberConnect2 make the game and thus being forced too pretty much scrap most of that work.

I still find it funny, now that Luminous Studio is actually a finished engine, Square decided not to have FFXVI built on it. Either the engine was ultimately too unperformant on PS4, or the more likely case; they realized that it's best to have the team work on an engine they are already comfortable with to deliver the game in a timely manner. Square has always been a company that pushed the visual and technical bar in their games though. It's in their DNA. Even FFXIV was a heavy game, for an MMO, when it first released.


Oct 25, 2017
A game being PS5 exclusive isn't just about prettier visuals, the actual game design, level design, and AI are built around the limitations of the base system they have to support.

I get where you're coming from, but the "slightly" better visuals critique only comes into play when the game is cross-gen.

FFXIII was pretty much doomed to fail due to Square, and most Japanese developers', poor transition and uptake to HD game development. Crystal Tools was not a good engine, and Square had a double whammy of having to build the engine while simultaneously designing and developing the game. The development of FFXIII and Crystal tool went so bad that Tetsuya Nomura and most of the Versus XIII staff had to help with finishing FFXIII,, it's sequels, and Crystal Tool's. This situation was repeated again with FFXV and Luminous Engine. Versus XIII's development was pushed so far back that Square decided to make it a PS4 game, and once again, Square decided to build an entirely new engine for the then next-generation instead of using middleware. FFXV had to be designed and developed as Square was building Luminous.

To sum up, both games were victims of poor planning, stubbornness to not go with middleware, and unrealistic deadlines. Square deciding to move to UE4 for FF7 Remake was one of the best decision they ever made...excluding deciding to have CyberConnect2 make the game and thus being forced too pretty much scrap most of that work.

I still find it funny, now that Luminous Studio is actually a finished engine, Square decided not to have FFXVI built on it. Either the engine was ultimately too unperformant on PS4, or the more likely case; they realized that it's best to have the team work on an engine they are already comfortable with to deliver the game in a timely manner. Square has always been a company that pushed the visual and technical bar in their games though. It's in their DNA. Even FFXIV was a heavy game, for an MMO, when it first released.
I get that but these things are decided long before we even know of the game. "Don't make it cross gen!" at this point is dumb, if the game was designed with PS4 in mind then it would be practically rebooting development to change that to "fully take advantage" of next gen or whatever.

XVI seems like it could be a PS4 game and that's not a bad thing! There's tons of great PS4 games that don't need the advantages of next gen and are amazing on their own.

we're in a transitional period and will be for a while thanks to the stock situation and COVID, letting the most people possible play games is only a good thing imo. There will be games later in the systems life that take full advantage, I don't think that needs to immediately be done right now.

In fact I think in terms of Square/FF specifically, developing for a system they've been familiar with for a while like the PS4 could be an advantage. A time to take a breather and really focus on getting a great game out from the get go. Like you said, they got their ass kicked developing for the PS3 and then again for the PS4. That's not the case for every developer, but id argue the constant pushing of the visual and technical bar has been disadvantageous to the design of FF games in the past decade. It's felt like Square has bit off more than they could chew in this constant chase to still prove that reputation that you mentioned.

XIII suffered from linearity and no towns due to the development troubles, but when time came for XIII-2 and they didn't have the need to push visuals and technical stuff, they were able to fix those issues! That's kind of my mindset with XVI. I really just want a complete-feeling single player FF with great level design. It feels like it's been so long and I REALLY think once people get over it if it's not boundary pushing technically and visually, the game would stand the test of time moreso than any single player FF of the past decade. Doubly so if it has a great art style, FF13 still looks amazing today.

To clarify, I don't mean it has to be one or the other - great level design vs boundary pushing tech and visuals. I'm just saying based on the past decade I don't see square specifically being capable of both lol.


Oct 25, 2017
To add to my post above (phone isn't saving my edit for some reason)

FF6 and FF9 are viewed by many as the best in the series, and both were late gen releases right as their next gen was beginning! I seriously think they benefited from developer experience with their platform. They may have been a bit forgotten in the shuffle of next gen when they came out, but look at their reception now. I would be totally fine if that was the case with XVI and we get an all time classic that stands the test of time even if it's not presented as a big PS5 showcase


Feb 4, 2020
We can probably write off getting any news for FFXVI this year. If it didn't happen this week,it won't happen Christmas week. Nothing gets done Christmas week.

We more than likely get a Twitter Christmas card saying more news in 2022.

FFVI will probably drop just before Christmas may be next Thursday but it could be delayed until 2022. No big loss to me as I dislike the game.
IIRC, christmas is business as usual for Japanese company so they can still do it if they want to.
But yeah, I'm also team 2022 news now.


Oct 25, 2017
XVI seems like it could be a PS4 game and that's not a bad thing!

XVI doesn't seem like it could be anything other than what they've said it is, which is a single-player RPG on consoles. I don't know how or why that first trailer has become such a Rorschach test for people, but some folks are pulling quite a lot from what's ostensibly four minutes of in-engine cutscenes. Even if you think it looks bad or last-gen or whatever, it wouldn't be the first game that's not cross-gen to look that way, either.


Oct 25, 2017
IIRC, christmas is business as usual for Japanese company so they can still do it if they want to.
But yeah, I'm also team 2022 news now.

Most of the marketing for the last few Final Fantasy games has been handled by the Western side of the company with the exception of the FFXIV live letters. The Western side will be closed for Christmas.

Stowaway Silfer

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Though it won't bother me much if it isn't, I'd rather XVI be new-gen only. Even beyond graphics, which I'm more than satisfied with with what's in the trailer, I don't want the level design to be limited by what can be done on PS4, especially after playing FF7R.


Feb 7, 2018
Just in case there's some hopium left, Stranger of Paradise being the big thing during the anniversary is another nail in Clive's coffin.

Still very frustrated about the radio silence and the likely wait until E3 tbh. Wouldn't be a FF mainline title without mediocre communication!
Though it won't bother me much if it isn't, I'd rather XVI be new-gen only. Even beyond graphics, which I'm more than satisfied with with what's in the trailer, I don't want the level design to be limited by what can be done on PS4, especially after playing FF7R.
I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to this stuff, but having to design a game to fit 2013 era tech (and even then, they were kinda outdated systems iirc) is a compromise, so I fully agree. I guess that if the game was originally (and for a good while) intended to be on PS4, sure, the more players, the merrier, as long as that doesn't affect the game's design.

I really think it'll be PS5-only and that it'll look good enough that people won't be thinking "PS4 graphix", even if I don't expect a contender for best graphics of the year. Or maybe, tbh, as the big 2022 titles we've seen, while gorgeous, aren't that above the first trailer for XVI.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
There it is, this is the square enix holiday post for 2021. It is on the PS Blog via a compilation of holiday postcards. Clive is not even on it. We are seeing XVI no sooner than E3 2022, if even.

2021 was obviously not a year for any focus or mention of Final Fantasy XVI.



Unshakable Resolve
Sep 27, 2019
XIII suffered from linearity and no towns due to the development troubles, but when time came for XIII-2 and they didn't have the need to push visuals and technical stuff, they were able to fix those issues! That's kind of my mindset with XVI. I really just want a complete-feeling single player FF with great level design. It feels like it's been so long and I REALLY think once people get over it if it's not boundary pushing technically and visually, the game would stand the test of time moreso than any single player FF of the past decade. Doubly so if it has a great art style, FF13 still looks amazing today.
This is the boat I'm on.

I'm playing through XII: TZA right now for the first time. I played the original way back when, and while I didn't complete it, it feels like a Final Fantasy game in the way Rabanastre is just this massive mystical fantasy city with so many people you can talk to that it just feels alive. While it has its own issues, this is the type of feel FF should be striving for, I think.


Oct 25, 2017
This is the boat I'm on.

I'm playing through XII: TZA right now for the first time. I played the original way back when, and while I didn't complete it, it feels like a Final Fantasy game in the way Rabanastre is just this massive mystical fantasy city with so many people you can talk to that it just feels alive. While it has its own issues, this is the type of feel FF should be striving for, I think.
This is exactly my position too with playing XII for the first time lol.

I think it's my favorite style of world/level design for FF


Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
Yeah, we aren't saying that towns should be GTA sized cities, but just have some variety. If a town needs 5 houses and a small shop only, cool,

if it has towns like this size, cool. Just make smart and good towns and encampments.

I think Lestallum was alright honestly, not bad, just they were so few. And then Altissia was impressive but it was a bit limited itself.

The Last One

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
There it is, this is the square enix holiday post for 2021. It is on the PS Blog via a compilation of holiday postcards. Clive is not even on it. We are seeing XVI no sooner than E3 2022, if even.

2021 was obviously not a year for any focus or mention of Final Fantasy XVI.

All of these are from already released games. I don't think it means anything about when we are seeing FF XVI.


Feb 7, 2018
What a disappointment and what a disaster of a communication plan when you had to do is put up a single tweet weeks/months ago or even during early December 🤷‍♂️

I guess I'm feeling extra pissy considering we're having a 34th anniversary stream for the series showing an Amano piece for the 35th anniversary and a Sakaguchi and Uematsu appearance :_
Yeah, we aren't saying that towns should be GTA sized cities, but just have some variety. If a town needs 5 houses and a small shop only, cool,

if it has towns like this size, cool. Just make smart and good towns and encampments.

I think Lestallum was alright honestly, not bad, just they were so few. And then Altissia was impressive but it was a bit limited itself.
The cities in XV weren't bad, yeah. It's just that there were only two and they weren't meaningful at all in their story content (nothing happens in Lestallum and Altissia is such a fleeting adventure). But if they manage to cram some story significance (and some nice optional content) in about 4 or so cities like the ones in XV in terms of size, I'm more than happy. Actually, no: give me a shitton of interiors pls.

The map also has some smaller villages, so maybe we'll get a few TW3-like ones.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Jump Festa is this weekend….yeah.I don't think we are getting any thing this year..

I guess I'm feeling extra pissy considering we're having a 34th anniversary stream for the series showing an Amano piece for the 35th anniversary and a Sakaguchi and Uematsu appearance :_

Yes. I wonder if there is any company power struggle now that Kitase from BD1 is in charge of the FF brand and Hashimoto is no longer there to protect Yoshida.….only half joking lol


Nov 1, 2017
Weren't we supposed to have more info about DQXII too? When they announced it officially a couple months ago?


Nov 15, 2017
This is the boat I'm on.

I'm playing through XII: TZA right now for the first time. I played the original way back when, and while I didn't complete it, it feels like a Final Fantasy game in the way Rabanastre is just this massive mystical fantasy city with so many people you can talk to that it just feels alive. While it has its own issues, this is the type of feel FF should be striving for, I think.
I remember playing XII and thinking that this style of game is what the series should be striving for in the future. It's not perfect, the story pacing is a mess, the dungeons are sometimes overlong , and the treasure system was goofy as hell. But the structure of having a large, zoned world that actually rewarded you for exploring it with treasure and sometimes even bosses, some fantastic cities and outposts, and linear plot progression, really is, in my view, a great take on a modern JRPG. Too bad the series stepped away from that style with FFXIII, because I would have liked to see that base built on.

I'm hoping (though I don't expect) that FFVII Remake Part 2 has a somewhat similar structure now that we're out of Midgar. I'm at least hoping its a bit more open.

I wouldn't be surprised if XVI has a similar structure too. XIV takes a fair amount of influence from XII (considering XII already took some elements from MMOs), like the zoned structure and being encouraged to explore and do other things in between story segments (though, being an MMO, you're more likely to be doing multiplayer activities or sidequests, rather than finding world dungeons and treasure/bosses like in XII). Since XVI is made by the same division, there may be some similarities there. But who knows!

Gaia Lanzer

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, we aren't saying that towns should be GTA sized cities, but just have some variety. If a town needs 5 houses and a small shop only, cool,

if it has towns like this size, cool. Just make smart and good towns and encampments.

I think Lestallum was alright honestly, not bad, just they were so few. And then Altissia was impressive but it was a bit limited itself.
I think Altissia needed more locations to give it a grander feel. I'm not saying the whole thing needs to be explorable, but they made it so that you basically only explore the center part of this:


Maybe they planned, originally on more explorable parts (we know a lot of content was cut or changed throughout development), but looking back, there should've been gondola rides (or ferry rides) to the land around the middle city, those little houses and perhaps additional locations (a Sea Cavern dungeon, or an ancient-looking temple to Leviathan, where you learn more about Altissia's history and such). Imagine docking on the land on the bottom, climbing the hill roads passing more smaller houses, then looking off that hill and seeing all of Altissia in all its glory. Prime photo ops for Prompto right there!!!

As for small towns, old-school FFs did it right. All you need are modest little villages where you have every shop/inn accounted for and a few others for townsfolk. Maybe a town square, a central fountain, stage/gazebo, or statue for decoration purposes, but that's it. Doesn't have to be a realistic small town. That or do the perspective thing where you enter the small town from an outer zone (you approach it and it looks like a larger, walled town), you enter the transition point and you appear a few streets from the town center. You can explore that area (the few streets around the town center and the town center) and when you leave that area, you end up back outside the walled city. Easy peasy. A part of me wouldn't even mind something like The Last Story's Lazulis City:


Shape it differently/accordingly, trim the fat (make it a bit more tight) and it could be a nice template for this location (or Alexandria of a FFIX full remake):

Particularly the lower city area. I look at this art and see four separate zones, not including the castle (which would be its separate zone entirely). You got the royal city, which stretches along the shore. You got the first ascent up the hill, the second ascent, then the citadel outside of the main castle.


May 22, 2021
Yoshi-P: "Our next big information reveal is scheduled for 2021"

Just kidding, I love you Yoshida

s y

Nov 8, 2017
Seeing as Clive is a Nero clone I hope there's an Exceed mechanic. I wish more action games would copy that.


Unshakable Resolve
Sep 27, 2019
I think Altissia needed more locations to give it a grander feel. I'm not saying the whole thing needs to be explorable, but they made it so that you basically only explore the center part of this:


Maybe they planned, originally on more explorable parts (we know a lot of content was cut or changed throughout development), but looking back, there should've been gondola rides (or ferry rides) to the land around the middle city, those little houses and perhaps additional locations (a Sea Cavern dungeon, or an ancient-looking temple to Leviathan, where you learn more about Altissia's history and such). Imagine docking on the land on the bottom, climbing the hill roads passing more smaller houses, then looking off that hill and seeing all of Altissia in all its glory. Prime photo ops for Prompto right there!!!
Given that the Leviathan set piece was massively cut down, I can almost guarantee you were meant to see way more of Altissia than we actually got. Makes me sad.


Unshakable Resolve
Sep 27, 2019
I guess that's what he meant by more "info", sucks, but man, I was hoping to see more of it soon.

I sincerely doubt this is what he meant. It seems because Endwalker took longer than they wanted, and that Forspoken and FFO (I'm going to call it this now on because it looks too much like State of Play :D) moved along more quickly than FFXVI did, marketing priorities changed. They know FFXVI will be a hot seller one way or the other, and these other two are completely different properties with uncertain futures, so they must hammer on them now. You can already see the increased intensity in marketing FFO, as they've released several new videos and screenshots in the last week.

In some ways, though, I can see why YoshiP wants to be very cautious about starting the marketing push without the game being fully ready. Endwalker only got delayed a couple of weeks so it wasn't a big deal, but that two month delay for FFXV looked awful at the time considering how heavily they were marketing it. I think they desperately want to cling to a strict marketing schedule, with no delays, to try to change this reputation they have.

Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Yea, I think it's safe to say that the off-hand comment about VA being almost done, that was sorta forced out of YoshiP in a FFXIV event by Yoko Taro wasn't the planned "big information reveal" that he teased back in 2020.

It's obvious that they wanted to have a big rereveal for the game but had to delay that for one reason or another.


Oct 30, 2017
I suppose in Japan people would not be that Happy to see ff16 news without being able to buy a ps5 imho....i know Sony paid for next gen exclusive but i think Yoshi do not want japanese fans to be angry for this situation imho.
So they move ff16 show for later...i think...


Unshakable Resolve
Sep 27, 2019
I suppose in Japan people would not be that Happy to see ff16 news without being able to buy a ps5 imho....i know Sony paid for next gen exclusive but i think Yoshi do not want japanese fans to be angry for this situation imho.
So they move ff16 show for later...i think...

This kind of routes back to whether this is a cross-gen title or not. The page hasn't been updated away from being PS5 only, but of course the initial trailer says Playstation Console exclusive.


Unshakable Resolve
Sep 27, 2019
Sakaguchi also tried to get YoshiP to let him set up a questline for FFXVI to which he said the quests were already done.

I tend to think he's not against giving out that kind of information informally, but certainly it's not appropriate to do a gameplay reveal so informally. This needs to have that big blowout, and I just don't think the schedule is working out. Maybe there's bunches of tweaks to be done? I fully expect that we won't see this until E3. Before that, though? Unless there's something in 2021 these last ten days, anything before E3 would be between FFO and Forspoken release dates. End of March, perhaps, before the FY ends. They're not gonna step on FFO the way they've been putting the pedal to the metal on that game's marketing.


Feb 7, 2018
This is accurate, yes
Out of curiosity (and if you don't mind me asking!), have you heard if they were planning for anything this year they had to delay? Well, I mean, that's clearly what it looks like, but I'm more curious about where/when they wanted to show the game and what might have happened.

It seems like E3 was never in the cards, but if TGS indeed was, I wonder what happened, as two months (TGA) would be enough for them to do something if October was indeed under serious consideration (as unlikely as it seemed).

I wonder if they might have internally delayed tha game (like not significantly, mind you) based on S-E's own release schedule, namely Forspoken's. Since Yoshida doesn't want a long marketing cycle, they might have ditched any plan for 2021 to avoid spending a year showing the game. But they should have said something :(
I fully expect that we won't see this until E3.
That's my current guess, and it makes the lack of communication worse.

Well, Sony is probably gonna do something early 2022, but I don't know if big enough to get FF XVI on board, especially if they're intent on showing it closer to release.
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