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Oct 27, 2017
This is the most toxic attitude you can possibly have.

You know as well as I do how fucking annoying it is to be in a PF group, have one clown leave, and have to ditch the dungeon, go back into the finder, get another person, requeue, etc.

Oh wait, no you don't, cause you're the clown causing that bullshit in the first place.

Again, this is the lowest hanging fruit of 'hard' content, in EX trials. Your fraction of a dps loss, does not matter.
Why am I the toxic one and not the tank then? It's not just the DPS loss, it's also that it makes an already shitty feeling opener feel even shittier and then I get stuck in Noct and that feels really shitty.

For the last time, leaving groups where tanks don't give a shit about what the other players ask does not make you toxic
Oct 25, 2017
Ya'all don't know bad countdown macros until you've been in a party that has a ready check built into the start of a 20s countdown.

But also the only thing not having a 15s macro for AST should screw up is Star, at which point you'd probably just skip the opener star and eat the potency loss if you need alignment? You need more than 15s to prep if you're trying to Arcana into prepull Draw, and it doesn't matter where your Draw CD is since you're Sleeving prepull anyway. Everything else starts at like 5 seconds in the proposed openers I've seen, and that Aspected is kind of memey anyway. None of the EX's justify the horoscope shenanigans people have talked about.

now not having a lengthy countdown macro on DNC... ugh


Jan 25, 2019


Oct 27, 2017
Ya'all don't know bad countdown macros until you've been in a party that has a ready check built into the start of a 20s countdown.

But also the only thing not having a 15s macro for AST should screw up is Star, at which point you'd probably just skip the opener star and eat the potency loss if you need alignment? You need more than 15s to prep if you're trying to Arcana into prepull Draw, and it doesn't matter where your Draw CD is since you're Sleeving prepull anyway. Everything else starts at like 5 seconds in the proposed openers I've seen, and that Aspected is kind of memey anyway. None of the EX's justify the horoscope shenanigans people have talked about.

now not having a lengthy countdown macro on DNC... ugh
No, you do not sleeve draw pre-pull as that would waste a card and make it far less likely to get 3 seals on opener Div. And some ASTs insist on 20s because that will usually ensure draw is off cooldown at pull, but I will be fine with 15 because usually I can still get sleeve draw on time even if draw isn't quite off cooldown at pull.

AST opener is Malefic-play->combust->draw->LS—>Malefic->play->Sleeve draw->malefic->draw->play(or redraw)->Malefic->Divination->—>draw->Malefic —>MA—>Play->Malefic and repeat the MA again

And that's perfect rng, if you get bad rng you gotta weave redraws in as well.
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Pyros Eien

Oct 31, 2017
Ya'all don't know bad countdown macros until you've been in a party that has a ready check built into the start of a 20s countdown.

But also the only thing not having a 15s macro for AST should screw up is Star, at which point you'd probably just skip the opener star and eat the potency loss if you need alignment? You need more than 15s to prep if you're trying to Arcana into prepull Draw, and it doesn't matter where your Draw CD is since you're Sleeving prepull anyway. Everything else starts at like 5 seconds in the proposed openers I've seen, and that Aspected is kind of memey anyway. None of the EX's justify the horoscope shenanigans people have talked about.

now not having a lengthy countdown macro on DNC... ugh
I mean it sucks but ultimately you don't lose that much damage, you'll just have to hold standard later in the fight and probably lose one cast so you can realign. It's a substantial amount of loss for parsing, but it'll rarely matter for EX dungeons anyway. That's like 40-50k lost, plus whatever the boost from using the first one in the opener would be, so maybe 5-10k more. Over a 10mins fight, that's like 90ish DPS.

A lot of tanks do 15s though, and if you ask them the ones who don't probably would too. Some people just don't know how time sensitive some classes are for prepull prep.
Oct 25, 2017
No you do not sleeve draw prepull. And some ASTs insist on 20s because that will usually ensure draw is off cooldown at pull, but I will be fine with 15 because usually I can still get sleeve draw on time even if draw isn't quite off cooldown at pull.

Youu might not Sleeve prepull but the openers I've seen tossed around do it, and they make a ton of sense and make you less reliant on countdowns. If the general goal with Div is to beat the ~10s Trick Attack as a burst guideline, there's no Div-based reason to not. If you're not MA'ing a card out prepull and you're saving the banked draw + a post-pull draw for seal generation, you don't have enough oGCD space to deal with all your cards if RNG is against you anyway so saving Sleeve for post-pull just adds more oGCD crunch without any real substantial gain.
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Yankee Ruin X

Oct 31, 2017
Ok I downloaded 33GB update on PS4, not played since Heavensward.

Now if I buy shadowbringers will that give me 30 days free or something or do I need to resub as well. Is there a welcome back campaign going on at the minute?


Oct 25, 2017
Reading this remind me of a friend who asked for a heads up when I use Chain Stratagem. Normally I just randomly toss it out during fights cause I never thought anyone actually cared about it. I mean the only criticals I care about are my own and on my allies.
Oct 25, 2017
Reading this remind me of a friend who asked for a heads up when I use Chain Stratagem. Normally I just randomly toss it out during fights cause I never thought anyone actually cared about it.

Did you not know any bards

Less of a thing now (still a thing, but without critical proc less of one), but Stormblood bards who cared would be able to tell if Chain Strat drifted 1 GCD in the fight since it'd throw off their snapshotting.


Oct 25, 2017
Ok I downloaded 33GB update on PS4, not played since Heavensward.

Now if I buy shadowbringers will that give me 30 days free or something or do I need to resub as well. Is there a welcome back campaign going on at the minute?

You would need to resub.

You only get the 30 days free if you bought the base game (or the complete edition) on a new platform (PC/Steam/Mac).

No welcome back program currently going on.


Oct 25, 2017
Did you not know any bards

Less of a thing now (still a thing, but without critical proc less of one), but Stormblood bards who cared would be able to tell if Chain Strat drifted 1 GCD in the fight since it'd throw off their snapshotting.
Funny you say that. My group of friends is full of tanks, SMN, and NIN. None of them play bard. But I can see why it would be important to them.


Oct 27, 2017
Youu might not Sleeve prepull but the openers I've seen tossed around do it, and they make a ton of sense and make you less reliant on countdowns. If the general goal with Div is to beat the ~10s Trick Attack as a burst guideline, there's no Div-based reason to not. If you're not MA'ing a card out prepull and you're saving the banked draw + a post-pull draw for seal generation, you don't have enough oGCD space to deal with all your cards if RNG is against you anyway so saving Sleeve for post-pull just adds more oGCD crunch without any real substantial gain.
Yeah I just looked it up on the balance, it's interesting, but I wonder how the decreased odds of getting 6% during opener affects the opener rDPS. Because that opener basically says that div will be 4% on opener.

Also one less DPS gets a card during opener so I wonder how that really affects it. And no cards out during Div. hmmm idk about it
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Yankee Ruin X

Oct 31, 2017
You would need to resub.

You only get the 30 days free if you bought the base game (or the complete edition) on a new platform (PC/Steam/Mac).

No welcome back program currently going on.

Ok i'll just get shadowbringers base then. Logged into Mogstation and seems I still get my legacy discount on subscription so that's cool
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I just looked it up on the balance, it's interesting, but I wonder how the decreased odds of getting 6% during opener affects the opener rDPS. Because that opener basically says that div will be 4% on opener.

Also one less DPS gets a card during opener so I wonder how that really affects it. And no cards out during Div. hmmm idk about it

There's no measurable decrease in odds. Assume worst case RNG.

GCD 1, 0s: Play, Draw (1 seal, 2 Sleeve charges left, 3 redraws)
GCD 2, 2.5s: Redraw, Redraw (1 seal, 2 sleeve charges left, 1 redraw)
GCD 3, 5s: Play, Draw (2 seals that may or may not be the same, 1 sleeve charges left, 1 redraw)
GCD 4, 7.5s: Redraw, Play (3 seals that may or may not be the same, 1 sleeve charge, no redraw)
GCD 5, 10s: This is the latest you can Div based on current burst theory crafting I've seen; the extra Draw from delaying Sleeve doesn't super reliably help since it means you had to MA a card out earlier to protect your seals, and you don't have the 2 free oGCD slots before here to do that without delaying Div

Delaying Sleeve post-pull also means you must be planning to draw/play two cards pre-Sleeve in the opener, I think, which means you're not doing the prepull MA on a DPS, which in turn means you're not talking about losing a full card on a DPS, you're talking about 10s of MA at pull vs 15s of whatever you get on that DPS
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Oct 26, 2017
How do you report someone in game for abuse etc.? Right clicking in chat all I see is an option to report for RMT activity.


Freelance Market Director
Oct 25, 2017
How do you report someone in game for abuse etc.? Right clicking in chat all I see is an option to report for RMT activity.

In the support & help section there is an option to report people. I've had nothing but good experiences reporting people and the GMs usually reply quickly after.

They'll ask for details like when the offence occurred, the group and instance if it was in a dungeon, what was said, etc.


Oct 27, 2017
There's no measurable decrease in odds. Assume worst case RNG.

GCD 1, 0s: Play, Draw (1 seal, 2 Sleeve charges left, 3 redraws)
GCD 2, 2.5s: Redraw, Redraw (1 seal, 2 sleeve charges left, 1 redraw)
GCD 3, 5s: Play, Draw (2 seals that may or may not be the same, 1 sleeve charges left, 1 redraw)
GCD 4, 7.5s: Redraw, Play (3 seals that may or may not be the same, no sleeve charges, no redraw)
GCD 5, 10s: This is the latest you can Div based on current burst theory crafting I've seen; the extra Draw from delaying Sleeve doesn't super reliably help since it means you had to MA a card out earlier to protect your seals, and you don't have the 2 free oGCD slots before here to do that without delaying Div

Delaying Sleeve post-pull also means you must be planning to draw/play two cards pre-Sleeve in the opener, I think, which means you're not doing the prepull MA on a DPS, which in turn means you're not talking about losing a full card on a DPS, you're talking about 10s of MA at pull vs 15s of whatever you get on that DPS
But they won't have the MA during Divination which is when they should be doing their biggest burst. So you essentially give up to MA DPS during Div for a more comfy opener.

And yeah I see that your are right about the 6 % odds, I guess it comes down too how good your DPS are, if they deserve the MA during Divination for opener in post-pull sleeve 2 DPS will have MA cards, vs none in prepull. You are giving up 2 cards for it no matter when it is.(well one full card and then some extra time on one + not in div)
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Oct 25, 2017
And yeah I see that your are right about the 6 % odds, I guess it comes down too how good your DPS are, if they deserve the MA during Divination for opener in post-pull sleeve 2 DPS will have MA cards, vs none in prepull. You are giving up 2 cards for it no matter when it is.

I actually fucked up my explanation earlier and have edited--you go into Div with 1 Sleeve charge left in prepull so you're losing at most one card, and the card you lose probably still isn't a full duration loss.

Basically prepull Sleeve should be 4 cards for the first Div window (the one sitting in Draw prepull + the three Sleeves) + a MA running before the pull starts (you lose the MA in a no-countdown scenario, but in that scenario you also lose out on post pull Sleeve), post pull Sleeve is 5 (one in Draw, one you Draw, three Sleeve) w/no prepull MA

Since you only have 4 DPS, either the second MA is kicking in partway through Div and so you're not getting the full stack anyway, or you're overwriting stacks. The extra MA also means your Draws until the next Sleeve are possibly coming later and lose some raid buff alignments by coming out a GCD in. Then the loss works out to a couple percent on a couple of specific GCDs that will vary wildly depending on job. It's stuff I wouldn't expect to see reasonably answered until after the raid tier starts, since the normal start-of-Savage tuning is going to change potencies a lot which will have huge impact.

AST right now is just a fuckload of busywork for tiny rewards, basically, which is going to create hyper optimized statics having specific priorities vs what you have to do to survive in PUGs, where GCD accuracy of buffs is a dream. On the overall though prepull Sleeve should hold its own.


Oct 31, 2017
Are there any crafter leveling guides? I"m almost finished with Botanist and Miner and want to do the craters in the most efficient way possible.
Oct 25, 2017
Are there any crafter leveling guides? I"m almost finished with Botanist and Miner and want to do the craters in the most efficient way possible.

Honestly, I'd heavily suggest joining the Balance discord, registering for the DoH/DoL channels, and checking out the doh_dol_information channel. There are a lot of things linked there--leve guides, general leveling overview, one-button macros to HQ everything on your leveling journey starting at 71, gear sets and meld suggestions for 80, etc.

There's just a ton of information there and no one link is going to capture all of it.


Oct 25, 2017
From the tank side of things, I have a lot of pull macros but none under 15s I think. I stick with 20s as my go to as a lot of pre pull buff things would like more than 1s of time to react (e.g., DNCs 14s pre pull, old NIN prep, MNK timings, pre pull adlo fishing, etc.). And that's with voice chat where I can verbally warn that the countdown is starting.

In PF, I'll honestly just be pleasently surprised it's not instant pulls when the barrier drops.


Oct 27, 2017
I had to stop playing for a bit right before finishing the final quest. Unless this is answered after I complete it, I'm still confused about something.
Emet-Selch implies that he knows the WoL from his time. Hythlodaeus also says that the WoL is reminiscent of "her." Now idk if that was a gender specific thing or if by "her" he just meant Hydaelin. I don't remember if it was capitalized. They even say that someone from the Convocation Fourteen or whatever left during the Final Day's. I thought this meant that the WoL was an Ascian or something and was part of the Convocation and said "fuck you guys I'm out."


Apr 9, 2019
I had to stop playing for a bit right before finishing the final quest. Unless this is answered after I complete it, I'm still confused about something.
Emet-Selch implies that he knows the WoL from his time. Hythlodaeus also says that the WoL is reminiscent of "her." Now idk if that was a gender specific thing or if by "her" he just meant Hydaelin. I don't remember if it was capitalized. They even say that someone from the Convocation Fourteen or whatever left during the Final Day's. I thought this meant that the WoL was an Ascian or something and was part of the Convocation and said "fuck you guys I'm out."
Wait til you finish the game.


Roll Tahd, Pawl
Oct 25, 2017
I had to stop playing for a bit right before finishing the final quest. Unless this is answered after I complete it, I'm still confused about something.
Emet-Selch implies that he knows the WoL from his time. Hythlodaeus also says that the WoL is reminiscent of "her." Now idk if that was a gender specific thing or if by "her" he just meant Hydaelin. I don't remember if it was capitalized. They even say that someone from the Convocation Fourteen or whatever left during the Final Day's. I thought this meant that the WoL was an Ascian or something and was part of the Convocation and said "fuck you guys I'm out."
I think the "her" can be "him" if you are playing a male character, further implying that Hythlodaeus is talking about you, the main character.
Oct 25, 2017
I finally finished ARR and used my Fantasia, went from a Potato to a Dragon girl.

Now from what I hear I have to play 100+ quests to get to the first expansion, that's going to take me ages.
Dec 3, 2017
São Paulo, Brazil
I finally finished ARR and used my Fantasia, went from a Potato to a Dragon girl.

Now from what I hear I have to play 100+ quests to get to the first expansion, that's going to take me ages.

Unfortunately yeah, it's a slog. Try to do it in little batches so you don't get burned out.

The story does pick up again at Dreams Of Ice tho, and ARR ends with a huge bang, so you can always look forward to that.


Oct 25, 2017
In my Duty Finder today I was able to get a Morbol Seedling minion and that makes me incredibly happy. That dungeon sucks but I guess it was worth it lol.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm done and sick of having to click a placard for 15 hours to buy a house for the 5th time that I am thinking of macroing it


Oct 27, 2017
Finally got to Level 74 as WHM yesterday. Looking forward to experiencing these blood lilies and Aflatus Misery that everyone seems to be excited about.


Oct 25, 2017
One more run of Gubal and i'll be 60 on my SAM and I can go through Stormblood with it. This game is so good.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Is it just me or are the AF4 a pretty major step down this expansion? I like DNC and AST.... WHM and SCH. That's about it. Maybe my opinion will change with dyes but up to now ugh.


Oct 26, 2017
So, I'm a bit bored of my WHM and would like to have a bit more action. Because I get instant pops with my WHM, I figure it's probably better to run through Blood with a DPS for the MSQ exp. I am debating between Dancer (starts 60) or RDM (starts 50). Im not super excited about grinding 50-60 at the moment, so how is dancer overall? Seems like it'll scratch my support itch like RDM would, too.


Oct 25, 2017
I just did the Cape Westwind trial and ???????????????????

Why the hell was this an 8 party thing? And why is this the first 8 party thing???? Was there even mechanics to the fight? Dude died in less than a minute.


Oct 25, 2017
So, I'm a bit bored of my WHM and would like to have a bit more action. Because I get instant pops with my WHM, I figure it's probably better to run through Blood with a DPS for the MSQ exp. I am debating between Dancer (starts 60) or RDM (starts 50). Im not super excited about grinding 50-60 at the moment, so how is dancer overall? Seems like it'll scratch my support itch like RDM would, too.
DNC is very easy to pick up, fun, flows and works very well. Despite doing the weakest single target damage of all DPS it does good AOE so you won't be feeling useless in dungeons.

edit: speaking of RDM, why the hell did they make Veraero II and Verthunder II short casts, it's ruining my symmetry!


Oct 25, 2017
Is it just me or are the AF4 a pretty major step down this expansion? I like DNC and AST.... WHM and SCH. That's about it. Maybe my opinion will change with dyes but up to now ugh.
DRK is pretty great. DRG is good.

I just did the Cape Westwind trial and ???????????????????

Why the hell was this an 8 party thing? And why is this the first 8 party thing???? Was there even mechanics to the fight? Dude died in less than a minute.
Everyone overgears it now. You can get raid-quality level 50 gear with tomestones that grow on trees.


Oct 25, 2017
The DRG gods heard my annoyance about the stomach hole and then when everyone else got remixed AF1 we got a set with bare arms and a dumb thigh gap to spite me.


Oct 27, 2017
I just did the Cape Westwind trial and ???????????????????

Why the hell was this an 8 party thing? And why is this the first 8 party thing???? Was there even mechanics to the fight? Dude died in less than a minute.
The full party stuff in ARR is a ride. The structure and contents of the battles is an exciting whirlwind of questions you cannot answer.

I had the exact same thoughts as you when I did it, lol.

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Oct 27, 2017
I just did the Cape Westwind trial and ???????????????????

Why the hell was this an 8 party thing? And why is this the first 8 party thing???? Was there even mechanics to the fight? Dude died in less than a minute.

It kinda-sorta had mechanics, once upon a time.

Everyone totally outgears it now, so nothing actually matters anymore.
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