
Oct 25, 2017
Huge thanks to BClarkOMP for translating this recent Famitsu interview with the creators of FFVI:


25 years ago, Final Fantasy was already a hugely popular series. But with FFVI you can really feel the determination of the staff to not rest on their laurels due to the series' reputation. These legendary creators took a look back at their memories of the development of this title with us.

Eiji Nakamura – As the sound engineer for FFVI, he was responsible for the sound effects and sampling. He's currently the president of Sound Racer.

Kasuko Shibuya – Square Enix's "Pixel Artisan". As the graphics director for FFVI, she was in charge of the character pixel graphics.

Hironobu Sakaguchi – As the father of Final Fantasy, he needs no introduction, and he served as the producer of FFVI. He's currently the president of Mistwalker.

Yoshinori Kitase – An executive officer at Square Enix, he served as the directory for FFVI. He also put together the event team.

Minoru Akao – He was in charge of the sound programming for many Square titles, beginning with FFVI. He's currently the president of RedSpark.


A Staff Of 30 People Came Together To Create FFVI
First of all, I'd like ask about the atmosphere amidst the development team. Were there FF series veterans like Mr. Sakaguchi and Ms. Shibuya, as well as first timers?

(Nakamura) I'd just started at Square then, and I was really scared of Mr. Sakaguchi (Laughs)

(Sakaguchi) Huh, really? Did I get angry with you or something?

(Nakamura) When we first met, the very first thing you said to me was "Don't bring the quality down" with a very serious look on your face…

(Sakaguchi) I don't remember that (Laughs)

I…can feel the pressure from that myself!

(Nakamura) I didn't even really know how to use the computers. You had to type in commands to operate them, instead of using a mouse or whatever. So I started from a position of not knowing what was what, and I learned a lot from Mr. Akao as I worked on the game.

(Akao) It's no wonder that Nakamura was all depressed when we went out to drink after that, saying "Mr. Sakaguchi said I can't bring the quality down…" (Laughs)

Mr. Sakaguchi's words really stuck with you, didn't they Mr. Nakamura? (Laughs) Is there anything that you remember particularly well from the development of FFVI, Mr. Akao?

(Akao) From the Famicom era before FFVI, Konami's games always had the coolest sound. That's why Mr. Sakaguchi told me to "Beat Konami" (Laughs)

(Sakaguchi) He went and said it (Laughs) Akao is a really amazing guy who used all possible means to reproduce Mr. Uematsu's sound in-game.

(Nakamura) We'd get requests from Mr. Uematsu like "When it goes from the map into a battle, I want the music to pick up where it left off when it goes back to the map" and "I want you to put some vibrato in the music". And Mr. Akao made all of those requests happen.

(Akao) It was very tough keeping resource usage down for the sound as I experimented to see how I could implement Mr. Uematu's requests.

Truly a job that only a sound programmer can do.

(Akao) I think there's an image of sound programmers being good at composition, but they're actually just regular programmers. They're in charge of the sound related aspects of the game, and we don't go around pretending to be composers. FFVI was released on the Super Famicom, but one unique trait of that platform is that it had 2 CPUs. My attention was focused on how I could properly utilize those CPUs for separating the sound from the rest of the game.

(Sakaguchi) I just now thought about it, but was there anyone specifically in charge of the sound effects in FF games up until that point?

(Akao) There wasn't. When someone working on graphics would finish up their tasks, you'd just say "Alright, now program the sound effects".

(Sakaguchi) Oh yeah, that's right! We'd give the tools to whoever was free, and explain how to use them. And while they were trying to figure things out you'd just hear all these screeching sounds.

Huh!? You're saying that all the way through FFV, staff members who worked on graphics were responsible for the sound effects?

(Shibuya) I didn't ever work on them, but I believe quite a few of the staff members who worked on graphics did.

(Akao) They created the sound effects for the roaring of the flying dragons, for example. FFVI was the first time we had any staff specifically on sound effects.

I see. Approximately how large was the development team for FFVI?

(Shibuya) It was about 30 people.

(Kitase) Looking at it today, 30 people seems like an incredibly small development team. But back that, a 30 person development team was quite big.

(Sakaguchi) That's true. For other game genres, the teams would often be 4-5 people.

(Kitase) Mr. Sakaguchi and I did all of the event planning in FFV. But for FFVI there were 5 people doing it, including Mr. Sakaguchi. It definitely felt like there were more of us working on that project at the time.

The Young Staff That Worked On This Title Are Now Legendary Creators
When I look at the staff credits for FFVI, there are so many names that are now at the front lines of the industry. It really was a legendary team.

(Sakaguchi) Oh come on, everyone was just using FFVI to get a promotion, right?

(Shibuya) That definitely could have been the case (Laughs)

(Sakaguchi) I'm half-joking about that, but we really had nothing but great staff members on that project, particularly when it came to graphics. There was Tetsu (Tetsuya Nomura), Taka (Tetsuya Takahashi, now president of Monolith Soft), Naora (Yuusuke Naora, now with IZM designworks), and Minaba (Hideo Minaba, now with CyDesignation). From FFIV to FFV the games really started selling, so they really took on the feeling of being major titles. I don't believe they were cutting edge titles up through FFIII. I said this previously during a live stream, but I even really thought the last dungeon of FFIII was horrible (Laughs bitterly) But we achieved sales in the millions for the first time with FFIII, so we got a lot of new people on staff as a result of that. That "Second Generation of FF" coming in was quite a big deal.

Mr. Kitase, do you have any memories of the young staff members that joined around the time of FFVI?

(Kitase) Not really, I was a young staff member at that point too (Laughs) Mr. Sakaguchi was the one who primarily put the team together. I was kind of in charge of putting the event planning team together, but everyone came in around the same time so there was no real pecking order. I remember us just all excitedly working on the game.

(Sakaguchi) Kitase sat close to the programmers, and had conversations with them. So he was in charge of things like conserving memory to fit in a new map, creating the paths to advance cut-scenes, and just the inner-workings of a lot of the cut-scenes in general. So he took charge of cut-scenes that I didn't even know anything about (Laughs) For example, the scene where they're going down the stairs at Darill's Tomb, the scene between Maduin and Madeline, that kind of thing. My reactions were basically "I didn't know about this, but wow!" (Laughs)

(Kitase) Things didn't look particularly realistic in the Super Famicom era, so we were able to express things in all sorts of different ways. The Maduin and Madeline scene had a very short plot line in the scenario. But we got across the emotion that Mr. Sakaguchi wanted to convey, and really put everything we had into creating the cut-scenes.

(Sakaguchi) That plot point was about 4 lines of dialogue. And I wondered if Kitase was going to challenge me on the "How can we know for sure unless we try for ourselves?" line or not (Laughs)

The World Of Ruin Wasn't Originally Planned!
FFVI didn't follow in the footsteps of FFV in terms of having its popular job system, but instead steered in a direction of having a story more based around its characters. What were you aiming for with that?

(Sakaguchi) People say that the odd numbered FF games are system-based and the even numbered ones are story-based, but it's just not determined in that way. It's simply a matter of the creators getting tired and not wanting to do things the same way as the last time, so they're just changing the way it's presented.

Why did you choose to use a world where technology and fantasy are so intermingled together?

(Sakaguchi) We weren't particularly immersed in typical fantasy about swords and sorcery in the first place. So we thought it would be alright to have a fantasy world where technology existed. We were able to express things in various ways due to the evolution of hardware and development techniques, and we'd gotten more used to game creation as well. And I feel like Taka (Tetsuya Takahashi) being a big mech enthusiast had something to do with it too (Laughs)

It was a shocking development when the world was destroyed, and you continued traveling through the World of Ruin afterward.

(Sakaguchi) Actually we didn't initially plan to make the World of Ruin at all.

(Kitase) We originally planned for the party to save the world and defeat Kefka just as things were looking grim and the world was about to be destroyed. Then we started talking about reworking that.

(Sakaguchi) The game was coming along more smoothly than we expected, so we were able to free up some time in our schedule before the release date and implement that.

Speaking of the World Of Ruin, you really livened up the scene with Celes and Cid on Solitary Island during a recent live stream (a series of streams in which Sakaguchi plays FFVI on Famitsu's YouTube channel).

(Sakaguchi) That's right, I kept feeding Cid fish (Laughs) Kitase, you were the one who made that part, right?

(Kitase) I was. It was purposefully made difficult by giving no hints as to which fish you give him. I created it with the route where Cid dies being the original one. But I thought it would be better to have a way of saving him, so as a bit of an extra I made a way for Cid to not die if you tried hard in giving him fish.

(Nakamura) I'd like to ask Mr. Kitase something: Why did you put that bird on that beach!? It gets in the way too much and makes it hard to catch fish! (Laughs)

(Kitase) If you look closely, you'll understand. That bird is there in the scene when Celes throws herself off the cliff as well, connecting things to the previous events on the beach. That bird is what gives Celes her change of heart.

(Sakaguchi) I see. But it does get in the way (Laughs)

(Kitase) I'm sorry about that (Laughs)

(Shibuya) The Celes throwing herself off the cliff scene was a good example, but I was very surprised by the unexpected ways in which the character graphics were used. I drew them in all sorts of different animations, like waving and fainting. Since the characters in FFVI had the same proportions on both the world map and in battle, you could use those animations in any scene. So when I saw the completed cut-scenes, I was surprised at the use of the character graphics in ways that I didn't think of them to be used in.

The graphic of Celes taking damage was used in the scene where she throws herself off the cliff, for example.

(Kitase) It's true that we were able to take the graphics that Ms. Shibuya drew and use them as characters to act out events in the cut-scenes.

Incidentally, there are differences in the details between the character drawings that Yoshitaka Amano did for FFVI and the ones appearing in the game, but why is that?

(Sakaguchi) That's because Mr. Amano was working on those at the same time we were working on the game.

(Shibuya) Even now I still often get asked "Is Terra's hair blond or green?". If we'd gone by Mr. Amano's designs, just about all of the characters would have blond hair, and it would be harder to distinguish between them. And having them all be blond would dilute their distinctive traits as well. So I had control over the character colors on-screen while Mr. Amano was free to draw them however he liked.

Also, did Amano's illustrations or Ms. Shibuya's pixel art come first?

(Sakaguchi) Shibuya's came first in just about every case.

For the designs, did you sketch them out first and then convert them into pixel graphics?

(Shibuya) No, I drew them as pixel graphics from the start. Drawing them on paper first was a waste of time, after all. And since at that time the project wouldn't progress unless I was able to create the graphics gradually, getting something done with a small victory (Laughs) For example, I initially designed Terra with short hair, and quickly handed the data over to the programmers. And as she was actually implemented, I gradually brought her closer to the Terra that everyone knows now.

Feelings Of Rivalry With Dragon Quest Allowed FF To Grow Into An Epic
FFVI went on sale on 04/02/1994 in Japan, so if you calculate things in reverse, development finished 1-2 months earlier that same year. How long did it take from the start of development to completion of the master build?

(Sakaguchi) Right around 1 year.

(Shibuya) Development started right after work on FFV finished, so it may not have even taken a full year.

I assume that approximately 1 year was very grueling?

(Nakamura) I was a new employee, so I was extremely busy. It was so hectic that I remember barely any of the details. For example, it was necessary for me to see the actual game in order to see what weapon a character was attacking with when making sound effects. So I'd make the sound effects as I was playing and debugging…that kind of thing. It was a common thing for us to sleep in the office.

(Sakaguchi) I slept in a chair that folded out into a bed (Laughs)

(Kitase) I brought a sleeping bag in with me.

(Akao) I had a down futon!

(Everyone) A down futon!?

(Akao) Yeah, a small one that I spread out on the floor (Laughs)

These are memories that only could have come from back then (Laughs) But even though you were sleeping in the office overnight, you still had the energy to make something of high quality.

(Sakaguchi) That's because Dragon Quest was such a big motivator. It has such a unique atmosphere, and wonderful scenario writing by Yuji Horii. We wanted to make something top-notch because we were determined to surpass Dragon Quest.

(Kitase) Mr. Sakaguchi, during FFV you even said "We're going to surpass Dragon Quest in number of games!"

(Sakaguchi) Back then I didn't think we'd win in terms of games (Laughs) From the first game in the series I only felt that we'd never lose out in terms of graphics. Of course we always put effort into the systems and scenarios, but that was the only aspect in which I had confidence that we'd beat out Dragon Quest in. Ah, speaking of Dragon Quest, there was that one event that you rejected.

(Kitase) Huh, which one was that?

(Sakaguchi) So in the FF series, no matter how many members you have in your party, only one of them will be shown moving around on the map. You could think of it as something like the party combining into one character to represent everyone. So in the event that you rejected, the four party members tried to combine into one, and said "Huh? We can't combine!?". So the four of them were shown all lined up behind one another, very reminiscent of Dragon Quest (Laughs)

(Kitase) Ahh, I believe I rejected that one saying "This is too joke-y!" (Laughs)

(Laughs) Now for our final question. Is there anything that you've realized all over again from playing FFVI from the beginning, as a part of the live streams?

(Sakaguchi) It may seem like I'm singing my own praises, but FFVI is really still fun to play now, even though it's an older game. Games went to 3D and grew much bigger in scope after this, but that's another matter, and I feel this is a game that you can still have a lot of fun with today. Also the bird on the beach gets in the way after all (Laughs)

(Kitase) I'm so sorry (Laughs)

Favorite Characters And Scenes
Cut-Scene Pickup #1
How Can We Know For Sure…
Mr. Kitase was in charge of the emotional scene where Maduin says "How can we know for sure unless we try for ourselves?" to Madeline, who is unsure whether or not humans and espers can be together. The two dance together, and then Terra is born.

Cut-Scene Pickup #2
And That's A Big Mistake
Setzer quotes Darill during the ending, but what's the meaning behind what he says? People have been guessing at it for many years now. But Mr. Kitase, who was in charge of this scene, says "It doesn't mean anything in particular (Laughs) So it doesn't really matter either way".

Cut-Scene Pickup #3
Hang In There Katarin…
Mr. Sakaguchi had high hopes for the scene where Katarin was giving birth. And as it happens, Mr. Sakaguchi had just had a child himself. He said "There's nothing so emotionally moving in life" and "She definitely has her child in the ending".

Favorite Characters And Scenes
Hironobu Sakaguchi
Character: Everyone

Scene: Phantom Train, etc.

I can't choose a single favorite character. For scenes, of course I love the opera, but from an artistic standpoint it would be the phantom train. I think Hideo Minaba (Art Director) really gave it his all. And I really love the opening…I guess I love all of the scenes (Laughs)

Yoshinori Kitase
Character: Celes

Scene: Opera

After creating the World of Ruin, which we hadn't originally planned to do, I had a strong emotional attachment to Celes ever since I started event planning for the second chapter where we tried to make her the main character. And of course the scene that sticks with me the most is the opera.

Kazuko Shibuya
Character: Kefka

Scene: Darill's Tomb

Kefka is a very distinctive character in the FF series. I was able to express his insanity through animations very well. My favorite scene is Darill's Tomb, it honestly moved me.

Minoru Akao
Character: Sabin

Scene: Opera

I think my favorite character is Sabin. And my favorite scene is of course, the opera. In trying to figure out how to express this in terms of sound, Mr. Uematsu said "I want to do something different than usual". And so I figured it out through much trial and error.

Eiji Nakamura
Character: Shadow

Scene: Ending

My favorite character is Shadow. I really love the back and forth between Shadow and Interceptor during the ending. It's a bit of a sad scene, but it really left and impression on me.



One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
FF VI is absolutely a legendary title. This was a fun interview.

(I never knew the World of Ruin wasn't originally planned.)


Oct 25, 2017
I did not realize the kind of talent in the graphic department till they mentioned it here.

Hell, looking at the credits there's A LOT of powerhouse names there.


Oct 27, 2017
(Nakamura) We'd get requests from Mr. Uematsu like "When it goes from the map into a battle, I want the music to pick up where it left off when it goes back to the map" and "I want you to put some vibrato in the music". And Mr. Akao made all of those requests happen.

Funny that in the later re releases of FFs games, this is one of the things they can't get right. Yesterday I was playing FF7 after leaving it for a couple of months and after all the talk about it, it's really hard to not notice it...

I've been thinking lately of replaying the snes games and can't decide if using the SNES Classic or an accurate emulator like Higan, just because of the music and sounds.
Last edited:


Dec 15, 2018
The best FF and the one I beat on multiple platforms (SNES, GBA, PS1) just perfect.


Oct 27, 2017
I have a lot more respect for Kitase now. I had no idea he was behind the really great scenes in VI.

It's a shame he treats VI like an estranged child.


Oct 25, 2017
This was a great interview. Gave me a few laughs. There are some scenes from this game that will stay with me forever, as I remember playing them when I was younger.


Nov 7, 2018
To think FF7 is being remade before FF6.

Square Enix baby what! Is you doing?


Oct 28, 2017
One of my favorite games ever, so many memories of sinking piles of hours into it as a kid.

Crazy that the World of Ruin wasn't in the original plan. Pretty rare that any game is going along so smoothly that they can *add* a major chunk of additional gameplay, especially one that so elevates the game. FFVI wouldn't have been nearly the classic it is without the World of Ruin turn in it.

Regulus Tera

Oct 25, 2017
The shit about putting graphics people doing sound programming after they had finished their tasks is fucking insane to me. Programmers back then had to be multi-taskers. Stuff like that is unheard of today.
Jan 9, 2018
Very interesting interview. I love stuff like this. Definitely my fav RPG of all time. I have to play it through again during my summer vacation, I think.


Oct 25, 2017
That was a great interview. I really feel like playing through all the FFs again lmao

Deleted member 39353

User requested account closure
Feb 1, 2018
We'd get requests from Mr. Uematsu like "When it goes from the map into a battle, I want the music to pick up where it left off when it goes back to the map" and "I want you to put some vibrato in the music". And Mr. Akao made all of those requests happen.

Hahahaha this is really funny and sad to me in light of the 7 9 and 10 rerelease bugs.
Oct 27, 2017
Great interview. Lots of stuff I didnt know, you could tell the sound design was far ahead of the previous FF titles. The soundtrack is legendary, but nobody ever mentions how good the sound FX was in FF6 as well. All of the different magic spell sounds. One of my favorites is the sound of using Heal Force from the Magitek Armor as well as Gau's Blue magic casting sound.

Hahahaha this is really funny and sad to me in light of the 7 9 and 10 rerelease bugs.

Seriously haha. Square needs to get their heads out of their asses and get back into mid 90s mode with their games.


Oct 25, 2017
Great interview. So World of Ruin essentially came about because they had too much time on their hands lol, that's hilarious. Shoulda spent that time squashing bugs!

Shibuya's sprites were amazing, the best thing about ffvi imo


Oct 27, 2017
I have a lot more respect for Kitase now. I had no idea he was behind the really great scenes in VI.

It's a shame he treats VI like an estranged child.
Aha, Kitase was absurd in his prime (he's the director with the most games in the ERA Top 100 RPGs list (literally every single game he directed made it: FFVI, Chrono Trigger, FFVII, FFVIII and FFX)). I desperately wish he'd take a more active role in development as opposed to overseeing things as a producer these days, but he just doesn't seem interested.

Prof Bathtub

Apr 26, 2018
Great interview. Makes sense that Takahashi influenced the mech elements of the setting. Also interesting that Sakaguchi never felt FF was just a fantasy series. I suppose Sakaguchi's games always had sci-fi leanings, which makes it stranger that he mostly eschewed that for FFIX.

Still bugs me that a lot of fans/writers put Amano in the role of character designer when discussing the contrast between "Amano" designs and Nomura designs, when Shibuya's work should be highlighted more.


Oct 25, 2017
Aha, Kitase was absurd in his prime (he's the director with the most games in the ERA Top 100 RPGs list (literally every single game he directed made it: FFVI, Chrono Trigger, FFVII, FFVIII and FFX)). I desperately wish he'd take a more active role in development as opposed to overseeing things as a producer these days, but he just doesn't seem interested.
Fun fact: on FFVIIR he's actually involved in designing/planning the two final floors of the Shinra building, so he's at least a bit more hands-on again :D

But yeah, in general he doesn't seem like he still wants to or even has the energy for directing an AAA FF anymore (understandably).


Oct 27, 2017
Fun fact: on FFVIIR he's actually involved in designing/planning the two final floors of the Shinra building, so he's at least a bit more hands-on again :D

But yeah, in general he doesn't seem like he still wants to or even has the energy for directing an AAA FF anymore (understandably).

That's actually super cool!


Jul 18, 2018
Favorite scenario is Serpent Trench dive. Shame as I don't have a favorite character I can think of at this moment.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
Thank you so much for this. FFVI was my favorite game of all time for many years, and it's still one of my darlings. :)

We were able to express things in various ways due to the evolution of hardware and development techniques, and we'd gotten more used to game creation as well. And I feel like Taka (Tetsuya Takahashi) being a big mech enthusiast had something to do with it too (Laughs).

Of course Takahashi would be the one to introduce mecha to Final Fantasy, hahah. It seems so obvious in retrospect. :D


Oct 26, 2017
Nakamura said:
We'd get requests from Mr. Uematsu like "When it goes from the map into a battle, I want the music to pick up where it left off when it goes back to the map"

Recent FF7 and 9 ports confirmed spitting on Uematsu's vision.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017


Oct 26, 2017
Funny that in the later re releases of FFs games, this is one of the things they can't get right. Yesterday I was playing FF7 after leaving it for a couple of months and after all the talk about it, it's really hard to not notice it...
Personally it's 100% a dealbreaker for me. I do not touch those modern ports. PS1 version or bust.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 30, 2017
The Citizen Kane of FF.

We need a next-gen remake. Just keep Nomura far away from it.

Flame Flamey

Feb 8, 2018
Surely they had to have attempted to contact Ito for an interview, and he turned it down, right? He was the co-director, in charge of all battle aspects, he was a big deal, they can't have just forgotten to ask him?

Surely the janitor meme isn't true, right?


Oct 25, 2017
FFVI is still peak FF for me. The game had such an influence over me at the time.

That was a really interesting fact that the characters were designed as pixel art first, and the illustrations came after. Not even a rough pencil sketch. I honestly thought it would have been the other way around.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Thank you so much for this. FFVI was my favorite game of all time for many years, and it's still one of my darlings. :)

Of course Takahashi would be the one to introduce mecha to Final Fantasy, hahah. It seems so obvious in retrospect. :D

To be fair, there was a mech all the way back in the first game. I don't think Takahashi worked on FFI.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
To be fair, there was a mech all the way back in the first game. I don't think Takahashi worked on FFI.

Is it playable or an enemy? There's been mechas and robots as enemies in several FF games (I mean, the Giant of Bab-Il is technically one) but I think FFVI is the first time the player gets to actually control their characters in such mechs.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Is it playable or an enemy? There's been mechas and robots as enemies in several FF games (I mean, the Giant of Bab-Il is technically one) but I think FFVI is the first time the player gets to actually control their characters in such mechs.

Warmech/Omega has been a recurring boss since the very beginning of the series, yeah, but you're right that VI is the first time that you ever got to use them in battle...even if it only lasted like nine minutes total.


Jan 26, 2018
This is such a formative game for me. Met my best friend playing it. His first words to me were "where do you get the bum rush ability" He was just in the world of balance. God we were such nerds.

Unfortunately I played this game far too many time as a child, and I can't really go back. Though I keep trying with the GBA version.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
Warmech/Omega has been a recurring boss since the very beginning of the series, yeah, but you're right that VI is the first time that you ever got to use them in battle...even if it only lasted like nine minutes total.

Yeah, that kind of makes it even more amazing, that they went to the trouble to create them just for that. I remember they even gave Terra's more attacks. :D

You can use them again in... Cyan's dream, I think? But again it's like five minutes. Must have felt great for Takahashi to finally get to direct a game and make mechas an integral part. :D


A game where you can suplex a fucking train: how it can't be the number one game?

* Sabin suplexes a giant locomotive, just because he can.


Oct 27, 2017
Man, it's crazy that they turned this game around in less than a year, especially considering the gigantic graphical leap it was over FFV (And really, everyone other SNES games at that time).

I love this game so much. It has aged like fine wine.