Oct 25, 2017
Is it just me or is the 5.1 mix screwed?
In the intro everything sounds great but during gameplay, the voices are REALLY LOUD (but naturally coming from the central speaker).
Music is a bit muffled as well.

This is an old demo so there is hoping they tuned it for the release.
The audio mixing is horrible in stereo too once you're nearing the boss fight, voices sound muffled as hell.

I think it's just bad audio mixing in general, not specifically 5.1, which is better because it makes it more likely it'll be fixed.


Oct 25, 2017
I dont get the complaints about Barret, he is exactly the way he was in the OG game. Also, his VA is pretty solid.

FF VII wasnt dark all the time.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 29, 2017
Agreed. Those tweets are great but playing the demo through three times, I never felt I was in the same location as the original apart from the train station.
Not for me. Whilst not all was instantly recognisable or you catch all of the details like when people point them out here, I instantly knew most those places or areas and it made the hair stand up as I felt I was there and it was taking me back. And like I said before, these are just the more industrial places that don't have as much stand out points like in the slums, church or tower would have. Seeing and actually being there will be something else.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
The music in general sucks, the remixes lack so much personality and punch. Orchestrization (spelling?) was not well made imo. Or maybe it's the sound mix as some say but I still think the remixes suck so far.


Oct 27, 2017
Did anyone else have a hard time being able to tell if you actually used an item after selecting it? There were a couple times when I selected a potion with Barrett to consume, but he got knocked down during the potion animation and it was never actually consumed and I didn't know it. His health dropped and I lost him near the end of the Scorpion fight, although I still defeated it with only cloud.


Oct 27, 2017
I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would, I'm actually excited for the release.

Now I just hope PS5 version doesnt come out with new, exclusive content cause Im not sure I want to wait. lol


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The combat like FFXIII and CC together so it does feel like a FF game.

I adored the combat in FFXIII - but in general it felt like I had much more control over things, and I didn't have to run around the battlefield, dodging attacks and taking cover.

I'm gonna give the demo another try tonight, but it felt much more like FFXV than FFXIII to me last night.


Sausage Tycoon
Oct 25, 2017
I played the demo again, I just can't get on with the default combat. I find it quite honestly boring, will try with the more turn based option next, I doubt it will be as turn based as I hope though.


Feb 12, 2018
I think maybe the best way to look at dodges is you should only use it if you know exactly where the attack you're trying to dodge will land, or how far it will reach.

You can dodge the scorpion tail swipe but sometimes I think it's best just to block cause it takes like two rolls to get out of there in a very short space of time.

I do think this is 30% an action game and 70% a turn based RPG. The bits in between using ATB are the 30% action game. While FFXV was mostly just an action game.

When the DMC5 demo/previews came out someone (Dahbomb I think) made a thread to catalogue tips for people getting into it. I wonder if VIIR could use one too


Oct 27, 2017
I also had a hard time being able to tell if I'm taking damage. There were times where I thought I was getting killed, but my health was still pretty much unchanged. Then all of the sudden I check it again and I'm near death. Maybe it just takes time to get used to, but I don't see the big HP numbers leaving my body after getting attacked like a normal turn based RPG.

Having said that, this demo was phenomenal. Most fun I've had playing a demo for quite a while. Day one for me.


Nov 2, 2017
I played the demo yesterday on Normal mode. Unlike alot of people, I don't hold alot of nostalgia for the original PS1 game (only played it for a bit on the Switch). The combat seemed too frenetic and fast paced to control. Having to pause the action to execute special moves or even use healing items seemed pretty awkward, gives me flashbacks to playing the Mana games, and I died at that robot scorpion boss. I'll give it another try, but the demo is a meh for me.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Lol this kotaku editor

That's kobunheat. I believe has an account here. He loves FF, but is more of a fan of the older games. He even wrote a book on FFV.
Put some respect on that name lol.

He's been around since the older GAF days and is a huge collector as well. Not everyone is gonna like everything the same. That's fine!


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 25, 2017
Manila, Philippines
Just finished the demo. I'm OK with the combat I guess - I'm hoping the turn based option ends up being better in the full game, but if it doesn't, I'll live. Most everything else, though, is really great. It's like seeing FF7 again for the first time, and the nostalgia really hits like a truck in some sections.

One caveat: Barrett's voice direction is hilariously bad, like I know that the infamous elevator scene is in the original script but I feel they could have done a better job of modernizing that dialogue. It's a remake, take every opportunity to improve upon it.


Nov 2, 2017
That's kobunheat. I believe has an account here. He loves FF, but is more of a fan of the older games. He even wrote a book on FFV.
Put some respect on that name lol.

He's been around since the older GAF days and is a huge collector as well. Not everyone is gonna like everything the same. That's fine!

I agree with Chris Kohler's sentiments on the demo. Too confusing and too much going on in the battles.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah the script seems shoddy at times. But probably the worst bit was when Cloud helped Jessie out from under the concrete block and she says "my hero" with absolutely no emotion or anything really. So I'd go with a mix of both, a weird script and a lack of proper direction.
I hated that I didn't get to choose to help Jessie like in the original game and feel like a cool guy.

i hated that this game seems to have stripped all the dialogue choices of the original and therefore any effect they may have had

Seems pretty clear that Vincent and Yuffie will no longer be secret optional party members in the sequels, either, and likewise their side stories will be fully integrated

and im gonna guess i wont get a chance to go on a date with Yuffie or Barret

Classy Tomato

Jun 2, 2019
Are you sure you download the English/Japanese version and not Chinese/Korean version ? The one on the front store page is the latter. I made this mistake yesterday lol.
Wait, it's the Chinese/Korean version on the front store page? I thought it's the English/Japanese one. We were on the same boat then lol

Gonna redownload it now. Thanks!


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles
Ugh...I'm gonna have to buy a PS4 Pro just to make sure the tech issues I have go away huh? Anyone who has a 4K TV with PS4 Pro be honest and let me know if the game is less blurry and dithering is less of an issue on Pro?


Oct 25, 2017
I agree with Chris Kohler's sentiments on the demo. Too confusing and too much going on in the battles.

Comments like this kinda blow my mind. I really don't know how anyone could find this demo confusing. It's incredibly simple unless you completely ignore reading the tutorials and even then I'm pretty sure you can figure most of it out.

The Last One

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Ugh...I'm gonna have to buy a PS4 Pro just to make sure the tech issues I have go away huh? Anyone who has a 4K TV with PS4 Pro be honest and let me know if the game is less blurry and dithering is less of an issue on Pro?

I have a PRO with a 1080p screen and the game has no dithering, it's kinda impressive.

Deleted member 56266

Account closed at user request
Apr 25, 2019
Combat system is very straightforward IMO. I think people confused will be fine after playing through the demo twice (or once and then playing the main game).


▲ Legend ▲
Sep 18, 2019
I also had a hard time being able to tell if I'm taking damage. There were times where I thought I was getting killed, but my health was still pretty much unchanged. Then all of the sudden I check it again and I'm near death. Maybe it just takes time to get used to, but I don't see the big HP numbers leaving my body after getting attacked like a normal turn based RPG.

Having said that, this demo was phenomenal. Most fun I've had playing a demo for quite a while. Day one for me.
Check your settings or get glasses. Big red HP numbers pop off your character when you take damage.
Oct 25, 2017
Will there be a part II demo?

Dengeki Online posted video after the demo ends.

That shielded enemy looks a ton of fun to fight against. The demo trailer already confirms that the Punisher parry blows them up, and this video shows that fire and attacking their backs is also effective, but not quite as much as Punisher parrying.

Enemy design and variety will really carry this combat system, I hope they nail it.


Dec 19, 2017
Played through the demo three times yesterday.

The presentation of this game is magnificent. I don't think anyone doubted Square in this department, but they delivered, they captured the essence of FF7 from the atmosphere to the look and feel of the world.

The music arrangements are nice, I don't know if I'd say I like them more than the original... I have to give them a proper listen through headphones and not my television set, but as long as I was able to instantly recognize everything, that's good in my book.

Biggs, Wedge, and Jess (especially Jessie) have a lot more character now. I never really got attached to either of them playing through the game as a kid, but it seems that they're going to get built up this time around.

The combat. This is going to be the biggest point of contention in this remake (outside of splitting up the game). It took me a 2nd playthrough to truly grasp the combat system. In the first go, I didn't care for it. I thought it felt clunky and that things didn't synergize well. I was constantly hitting the wrong buttons, bringing up the wrong menu for the wrong character, hitting ability instead of spell, or spell instead of item. Ugh, I hated it. On the 2nd and 3rd playthrough? It clicked and everything was smooth like butter. I was issuing commands, swapping characters, hitting abilities with no problem at all.

I'll reiterate some of the same statements others have made about the ATB gauge. I understand it throws in strategy and tact to decide when and how we should utilize those ATB gauges. However, I still think it's rough that magic costs MP and requires an ATB gauge as well. Items being tied to it with the possibility of being canceled by an enemy attack/knockdown, the game definitely punishes you from not recognizing attack patterns. I also think this is a game where a lot of players are going to want to spam potions/cures, lol. Lastly, I feel like the ATB gauge is prime for expanding slots, sorta like in FFXIII. So by the end of the game (maybe not part 1), you'd have 4-6 ATB slots on a character (thinking something like, say, Knights of the Round, would cost 6 ATB points).

Square has never been my favorite developer when it comes to ARPG's. I know people love and defend KH combat systems, but I've never fallen in love with them. FF7R lands higher than FFXV for me (which I thought was abysmal), it's not the perfect system I'm looking for (I have some issues with the Guard Scorpion fight), but it's serviceable and will get the job done. Hopefully without me ever wishing that I was still playing the turn-based version of the original.
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah the script seems shoddy at times. But probably the worst bit was when Cloud helped Jessie out from under the concrete block and she says "my hero" with absolutely no emotion or anything really. So I'd go with a mix of both, a weird script and a lack of proper direction.
The weird thing is that "my hero!" is just "thanks" in japanese, lmao. Really unnecessary change.


Living the Dreams
Oct 29, 2017
As I love both Turn-Based and Action, this Remake have great battle system, in my opinion.

Even when finally play Yakuza 7 won't much of a problem to me.


Writer at Jeux.ca
Oct 28, 2017
I'm not a fan of FF turning into KH. The combat system is indeed all over the place, which sticks out like a sore thumb during boss fights. Most of the time I had no idea what was going on. I still enjoyed it, but would rather have a Dragon Quest combat system than this button mashing fest.


Oct 27, 2017
São Paulo, Brazil
Played through the demo three times yesterday.

The presentation of this game is magnificent. I don't think anyone doubted Square in this department, but they delivered, they captured the essence of FF7 from the atmosphere to the look and feel of the world.

The music arrangements are nice, I don't know if I'd say I like them more than the original... I have to give them a proper listen through headphones and not my television set, but as long as I was able to instantly recognize everything, that's good in my book.

Biggs, Wedge, and Jess (especially Jessie) have a lot more character now. I never really got attached to either of them playing through the game as a kid, but it seems that they're going to get built up this time around.

The combat. This is going to be the biggest point of contention in this remake (outside of splitting up the game). It took me a 2nd playthrough to truly grasp the combat system. In the first go, I didn't care for it. I thought it felt clunky and that things didn't synergize well. I was constantly hitting the wrong buttons, bringing up the wrong menu for the wrong character, hitting ability instead of spell, or spell instead of item. Ugh, I hated it. On the 2nd and 3rd playthrough? It clicked and everything was smooth like butter. I was issuing commands, swapping characters, hitting abilities with no problem at all.

I'll reiterate some of the same statements others have made about the ATB gauge. I understand it throws in strategy and tact to decide when and how we should utilize those ATB gauges. However, I still think it's rough that magic costs MP and requires an ATB gauge as well. Items being tied to it with the possibility of being canceled by an enemy attack/knockdown, the game definitely punishes you from not recognizing attack patterns. I also think this is a game where a lot of players are going to want to spam potions/cures, lol. Lastly, I feel like the ATB gauge is prime for expanding slots, sorta like in FFXIII. So by the end of the game (maybe not part 1), you'd have 4-6 ATB slots on a character (thinking something like, say, Knights of the Round, would cost 6 ATB points).

Square has never been my favorite developer when it comes to ARPG's. I know people love and defend KH combat systems, but I've never fallen in love with them. FF7R lands higher than FFXV for me (which I thought was abysmal), it's not the perfect system I'm looking for (I have some issues with the Guard Scorpion fight), but it's serviceable and will get the job done. Hopefully without me ever wishing that I was still playing the turn-based version of the original.

I had pretty much the same experience regarding combat.
I tried to make Barret a Magic Healer, and that was a no go, almost all my cures where interrupted, since I was controlling him and had active aggro.
Potions are much faster and reliable.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Reading through the thread with its the patented era negativity, I'm just glad my biggest complaint is Barret's voice acting. Super love most everything else.


Oct 28, 2017
After playing Nioh 2 and FF7:R right after each other the complaints about FF7:R's combat are nonsense to me. It's an action rpg now and its not all that fast after you spend a few hours with it its actually really easy to navigate. Nioh 2 on the other hand felt like i needed a third hand.


Jul 22, 2019
The combat is actually not that complicated or anything, but there is this weird feeling that it is chaotic and messy due to the camera angles and constant barrage of visual effects.