
Oct 25, 2017
The thing I hated about both ff13 and ff15 combat systems is that I always felt somewhat out of control of what was happening on the screen. Even in hour 40. That hasn't happened here at all. This is the formula KH and XV were chasing Imo, refined to a T.


May 28, 2019
I did not like this much. Game is beautiful, soundtrack fantastic, the battle system though... nah... not for me.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, for better or worse, this is...kind of exactly what I thought Barrett would look and sound like with more technical fidelity, even way back in 1997. The way he behaves and acts in this demo isn't a stretch at all imo. This is Barrett.

It was a problem in 97 and it's a problem today.


Oct 25, 2017
The thing I hated about both ff13 and ff15 combat systems is that I always felt somewhat out of control of what was happening on the screen. Even in hour 40. That hasn't happened here at all. This is the formula KH and XV were chasing Imo, refined to a T.
I feel that hard here TBH. You're locked into one of two predetermined combos depending on your stance with no way to influence it in any way. I don't feel like I'm actively in control, and when I try to reclaim that control, by trying to make combos involving both characters or throwing in abilities to try and keep the combo going, the game actively fights against me.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 29, 2017
Also when your about to go into the reactor building but look left across the way and see the Shinra Tower in the distance with the cranes was really awesome to see.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
Broke down and played it.
Holy hell that was awesome!! Five weeks and 5 days is going to be brutal!

I had a blast with the combat, too. Granted, I played 'Classic' and yes, I never ever really felt in danger of losing, but I loved bouncing back and forth between Cloud and Barret, normal attacks, special attacks when the ATB filled, healing, changing styles (dude... Punisher is badass!)... loved it. Going to try Normal next, but everything from the graphics to the presentation, to the music, to the little details... hot damn!


Oct 27, 2017
I give this demo game 10/10. Can we just award this as GOTY?

Actually no, wait. TLOu2 and re3 remake. Can we award all 3 games as goty?


Oct 25, 2017
My nitpicks, I had to change enemy targeting to left and right on the d pad so I could move the camera around while locked on, but by the time I figured that out I was using left and right to switch characters and now I needed to use up and down so I was fighting muscle memory already.

The time stopping on cutscenes took the urgency completely away for me. And I had over 10 minutes left on the 20 minute escape I think. Hopefully it's just for the demo? Seems really silly when I think about it.
Oct 27, 2017
Just played. A lot going on with combat (and that's with only two characters). Pretty sweet once you start getting into the groove. Switching to Barrett to big shot a turret then smoothly back to Cloud to punisher mode counter a shock trooper directly into a thrust attack stagger and finish with bolt or a Braver feels real good, and not hard to handle once the button layout starts sinking in. Will have to see with more characters and magic and skills but so far I really like how it's an action rpg where you can meaningfully control a party and still keep track of what's happening. Having the specials on the menu and easy access for uncontrolled character menu is a smart move.

The feel of the bombing mission is spot on too, expanded realistically without fundamentally changing.

I'm still grumpy about having to wait so long for the whole saga, but am feeling pretty positive about part 1.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Me: lol why did they give us so many potions, easy mode babby game lol

Me at the boss fight: So anyways, I used all my potions

Deleted member 5334

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
For anyone who wants to play with Japanese voices on the Western demo release, I can confirm if you have your console set to Japanese, the voices will switch to Japanese with English text. This is not the case with the Japanese demo, where language is dependent fully on your consoles UI. This shouldn't be the case for the final, just a by product with how the demo works.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
Started the download before I left for work in the morning. Can't wait to try it out when I get home!

Nose Master

Oct 27, 2017
Why does classic mode exist? It technically auto attacks and blocks, but not if youre moving and its really slow. Like, you could hit the enemy 5x by the time it does the first automatic strike.

Really bizarre.


Dead Drop Studios Founder
Nov 5, 2017
Incredible. I was a little skeptical and thought I wanted a closer-to-the-original experience, but the demo sold me. Once I got the flow of combat, it felt like a nice mix of classic command vs. more action modernization. Was surprised at how much strategy went into the boss fight - and I was actually really happy with the length of that battle. Loved the cutscenes and detail to the environment. Looking forward to the full release! Also, I was on a 4K OLED and the game did look a little blurry on my PS4Pro, but the HDR implementation was fantastic.


Gotham's Finest
Oct 28, 2017
This is probably my favourite shot I've taken so far, so much detail on Cloud's model and the Buster Sword.



Oct 25, 2017
8,445 that a significant plot change in the ending of the demo or am I misremembering something?

The bomb fails, and then Shinra tells Heidegger to destroy the reactor anyway?


Oct 26, 2017
What's the consensus on Barret? I kind of feel like this over-the-top slice of black pepper ham was how he would've been portrayed in 97, and I guess they decided to stay true to that, for better or worse. Wedge sounded weird too. Everyone else is fine, Cloud sounds almost the same as Steve Burton imo

Deleted member 16136

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Anime grunts, huffs and puffs and oh's. Eurgh.

Dont think classic mode suits this game at all, feel way to detached from whats going on.


Oct 25, 2017
Me: lol why did they give us so many potions, easy mode babby game lol

Me at the boss fight: So anyways, I used all my potions
Yo exactly. I'm not sure yet how to properly Dodge all attacks. I get hit by everything and even blocked attacks chip away faster than I'd like.

Wish there was an autoheal option (using your own materia and items of course) after battles.


Oct 26, 2017
I recently sped through the original again before starting this to get an idea of the contrasts between them.

One thing I'm curious about is how they will handle the final Scarlet and Heidegger battle. I accepted it back then because as a kid I always viewed fighting the "RPG generals" (which is what they are in all but name technically), as a checklist. The "defeat every general" trope is pretty blatant in FF7 because the encounter doesn't really make any sense other than checking off the box to defeat them, and there was no story time to do it (because the game overall is pretty on rails story beat wise) other than to jam them together into one shoehorned battle.


Oct 28, 2017
Incredible. I was a little skeptical and thought I wanted a closer-to-the-original experience, but the demo sold me. Once I got the flow of combat, it felt like a nice mix of classic command vs. more action modernization. Was surprised at how much strategy went into the boss fight - and I was actually really happy with the length of that battle. Loved the cutscenes and detail to the environment. Looking forward to the full release! Also, I was on a 4K OLED and the game did look a little blurry on my PS4Pro, but the HDR implementation was fantastic.

Weird. It looked so crisp on my C9 with amazing HDR


Oct 28, 2017
UK that a significant plot change in the ending of the demo or am I misremembering something?

The bomb fails, and then Shinra tells Heidegger to destroy the reactor anyway?
It's not fully clear, IIRC in the original Jessie said it was a much bigger explosion that intended. Maybe they just wanted to knock it offline and not nuke it.


Oct 25, 2017
What's the consensus on Barret? I kind of feel like this over-the-top slice of black pepper ham was how he would've been portrayed in 97, and I guess they decided to stay true to that, for better or worse. Wedge sounded weird too. Everyone else is fine, Cloud sounds almost the same as Steve Burton imo

Wedge has that weird "fat guy voice" that Square has apparently thought was a thing since at least Kingsglaive .

To be honest I don't like Barret's voice either but we knew this was gonna happen.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Yo exactly. I'm not sure yet how to properly Dodge all attacks. I get hit by everything and even blocked attacks chip away faster than I'd like.

Wish there was an autoheal option (using your own materia and items of course) after battles.
I'm over here acting like it's Kingdom Hearts thinking the dodge has a bunch of i-frames


Oct 27, 2017
Combat feels way better to me than 15 ever did, but it's no dmc. Still, I feel like I'll enjoy it a lot! It's absolutely gorgeous as well, can't wait to see how they've done the other crazy environments in 7.


Fight Sephiroth or end video games
Oct 28, 2017
I'm pretty sure that back before the war broke out, Barrett used to be a saucier in San Antone


Unshakable Resolve
Jan 10, 2019
Overall really enjoyed it. Combat feels nice, it can get button mashy but there's always a pause to sift through abilities which diminishes it. Only problem I have is with dodging and defending because they feel a bit useless.

Score sounds great, voice acting is typical Square JRPG level, which is fine. Barret is pretty ridiculous though, and not in a good way.

Oh and the group banter was quite endearing.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
What's the consensus on Barret? I kind of feel like this over-the-top slice of black pepper ham was how he would've been portrayed in 97, and I guess they decided to stay true to that, for better or worse. Wedge sounded weird too. Everyone else is fine, Cloud sounds almost the same as Steve Burton imo

Barret's just a macho blowhard. I think Bentley does a great job, honestly- but some of his quieter, more subtle dialogue is really well done. I hope that's more of the tone Barret takes after all the bravado and madness that goes down in Game 1.

Barret's biggest moments in Corel Village should be an excellent opportunity for Bentley to really shine.

Overall I'm really happy with all the central voice work. The ShinRa troops kind of have that generic anime voice work and the amount of 'mouth noises' (sighs, gasps, grunts) are a bit much, but it doesn't really bother me. The casual dialogue is pretty great, I think.


Feb 12, 2018
Magic being tied to ATB when there's already MP doesn't make sense to me.

This too. I'm constantly dodging but getting hit anyway.
You need to anticipate for the dodge. It's not really a reactive action like Bayo or Kingdom Hearts I think. TBH I think it's mostly just for local AOE (like EMP blast). For regular melee seems like block is the way to go. Maybe block combined with Operator mode.

I don't think it needs i-frames, it's not that kind of action game.


Nov 15, 2017
I love this combat so much more than XV's already. Which isn't difficult because I really disliked XV's combat.


Feb 12, 2018
I love this combat so much more than XV's already. Which isn't difficult because I really disliked XV's combat.
Honestly if it holds up in the full game then this will be the best real time action combat in the series.

The rest of the remake could suck for all I care, I'll still be happy if the game has lots of cool mechanics like we can see in the demo. Even just having three party members is going to be so interesting.

Nose Master

Oct 27, 2017
The classic auto attack doesnt go off, not only when youre moving the character, but also if youre moving the camera. Even a little bit. Incredible.

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
Mis phrased on competent but she's still lots different. The only issue is when the fallout with Cloud happens and she's beating herself up about her id getting them flagged on the train.

And I can't even begin to go into how stupid the "VII was always anime/silly" when the script and stuff has been changed to this degree but I've given up that fight a long time ago. People see what they want to see. It's time for 3+ games of Sephiroth taunting cloud through Jenova hallucinations and making everyone a caricature.

There WAS nuance in the original script and how it handled its plot lines, and knew how to balance it. I have to believe anyone thinking the new direction is "the same" is being willfully obtuse.

You're looking at the OG FFVII through a nostalgia filter and it's heavily coloring your opinion.


Apr 9, 2019
You're looking at the OG FFVII through a nostalgia filter and it's heavily coloring your opinion.
You can keep saying that, and if anyone gave a shit I'd explain why I'm not, but whatever helps you sleep at night my dude.

Magic being tied to ATB when there's already MP doesn't make sense to me.
It's going to cripple attempts at caster focused characters as well, as even Aeris has to spin her stick and throw magic orbs at shit in order to heal or something. The ATB system with notches would have worked if there wasn't also MP involved. I imagine they're going to try and balance that out with having "skills" the nonMP consuming abilities that will help balance out the healing and reactiveness when you can't use your items or healer abilities because you haven't mashed square enough.

But that then raises the question of why everything isn't just ATB notch costs and not MP costs, because adding an MP cost makes the materia/magic system extremely limited, but then they throw in mako shards inbetween fights making mp regen a non issue. So there's no real balancing between the two resources and/or why they're used. The better system would be magic is tied to MP so you can use it whenever but it costs MP, while other abilities are tied to ATB, giving players more real time control while also having finite resources to manage in one of their skill pools. But that's just me.
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