Oct 27, 2017
This might explain that odd FBI conference the other day. Make fanfare about catching some Islamic terrorists in order to dampen the real spicey news- white terrorist trump lovers trying to kill a democratic governor. Interesting and a little aggrevating.
Yo wait, hold the fucking phone. You're right. Why the fuck would they set up a presser for that and not stopping a sitting Governor from being abducted and assassinated?? Like wtf are the priorities?

This is all completely rhetorical, but it's frustrating to see play out so biased.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
They also discussed kidnapping Virginia's governor

And what should come to nobody's surprise, Trump tweeted that Virginia should be liberated.

Trump and the GOP can try to spin this in whatever way they want, but it's simply a cold hard fact that there's terrorists out there who see Trump as their leader and take whatever he says as an order. And Twitter should do what's long overdue: ban Trump, because at this point it's quite clear that their platform is being used to communicate orders to terrorists.


Oct 25, 2017
Just read about the Virginia one. And like I said before folks will still defe these terrorists but will blame antifa for burning down cities.


Oct 26, 2017
They also discussed kidnapping Virginia's governor

And what should come to nobody's surprise, Trump tweeted that Virginia should be liberated.

Trump and the GOP can try to spin this in whatever way they want, but it's simply a cold hard fact that there's terrorists out there who see Trump as their leader and take whatever he says as an order. And Twitter should do what's long overdue: ban Trump, because at this point it's quite clear that their platform is being used to communicate orders to terrorists.

I wouldn't be surprised if this was some Putin hot tip for Trump. Like, "You say to liberate a state and if followers understand then you know you have them fully" or whatever.
Oct 30, 2017
The boogaloo types hate Virginia's governor.

They reacted extremely poorly to Virginia being governed by Democrats in the house, senate, and governorship.
As if isn't the norm for Republican governance in many many states around the country.


Oct 26, 2017
Man the article in the WaPo was weird about this...from reading the first page the impression is that this was Antifa since it stressed they targeted law enforcement as well. 👀

Or did they? All I know is some wacko sheriff was like "IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE GOVERNMENT YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH LAW ENFORCEMENT" so maybe they really didn't and the police just want to feel like the victims too.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017

And the kicker:

Despite the violent nature of the charges, including an alleged plan to hold a mock treason trial for the governor of Michigan once she was kidnapped, several of the defendants have had bond reductions and are now free.


Sep 5, 2019
Exactly. Apparently you can plot a major domestic terror attack in the U.S. and get the red carpet treatment with the justice system as a white person. But a black or brown person can be laid out dead from existing within 15 feet of a deranged law enforcement officer.
You can successfully carry such an attack out and receive a fresh whopper and comforting headpats from a sympathetic policeman.


Sep 5, 2019
Well yeah, I meant aside from the obvious.

White folks are more of danger to this country than anyone else, but we're the ones who get demonized.
Kluklania is the real country that needs to be defended and empowered in the minds of these shitbrained pigs. A just and equitable USA is the thing they fear most, so of course any attempt to prevent that reality is treated with kid's gloves if it's punished at all.


Oct 25, 2017
And the kicker:

Despite the violent nature of the charges, including an alleged plan to hold a mock treason trial for the governor of Michigan once she was kidnapped, several of the defendants have had bond reductions and are now free.

Meanwhile, cops will murder a black man for selling cigarettes on the street.


Oct 27, 2017

The judge dismissed charges because they were contained within encrypted chats rather non-encrypted or public forums. I don't agree as it's no different than me putting my plans to commit a crime in one of those notebooks with a password lock and then putting that inside of a safe. But I don't know legalese.

But they're still being charged with supporting terrorist acts along with other charges, so they're still going to prison.

These three are going to be worked under "aiding and abetting" it feels like, so it's not like they're being let off. The rest of the group is getting hit with everything.


Nov 5, 2017
They were encrypted chats with other conspirators, they should be legally admissible at trial and should apply to the charges. The only way I could see that not being the case is if there was a fault with the warrants that led to that information being acquired. If that were the case, though, you'd think the judge would have said so, because they tend to note that shit in order to let the officers who fucked up know.