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Oct 27, 2017
They've been looking for women that used to work with Mueller, which would include former and current FBI agents, and the FBI has been aware of what they're doing for at least a little while. I'd say there's a chance the woman they got for the press conference is just going to walk up to the mic and tell them they're under arrest.



Oct 25, 2017
They've been looking for women that used to work with Mueller, which would include former and current FBI agents, and the FBI has been aware of what they're doing for at least a little while. I'd say there's a chance the woman they got for the press conference is just going to walk up to the mic and tell them they're under arrest.
This would be a fitting end and wrap things up nicely.

The Namekian

Nov 5, 2017
New York City
They've been looking for women that used to work with Mueller, which would include former and current FBI agents, and the FBI has been aware of what they're doing for at least a little while. I'd say there's a chance the woman they got for the press conference is just going to walk up to the mic and tell them they're under arrest.

Wait, wait, wait......WAIT!

Are you telling me these idiots were trying to bribe former FBI agents and/or FBI Staff to be part of this half assed scheme?

They got to make a comedy movie on this bullshit.


Oct 27, 2017
Wait, wait, wait......WAIT!

Are you telling me these idiots were trying to bribe former FBI agents and/or FBI Staff to be part of this half assed scheme?

They got to make a comedy movie on this bullshit.
I don't know that they're targeting former FBI agents, but if they're going after former associates there's a possibility they'd get one. He was head of the FBI for over a decade, and before that he held various US Attorney positions for a long time.

You could say even these guys are smart enough to avoid the FBI agents, but then one wonders how careful they're really being on background checks if they're saying stuff happened on a day Mueller was known to be in a different city on jury duty.


Oct 27, 2017
Is there any possibility this dude doesn't end up in jail?

He's a white, straight, Christian male with an affluent family and a conservative bent. I just assumed it was given there were no reprimands, just possible commendations, merits, or promotions in his future. He's the definition of failing upwards.
Nov 1, 2017
Awww another "let's just ignore the bad actors and they'll disappear" take? Did this work in 2016, or 2017?

Not what I'm saying at all. The bad actor won't disappear, but this story will. It's getting absolutely no traction in the conservative media. It'll be forgotten by Monday. To go after Wohl/Burkman would mean keeping the story alive and increasing the opportunities for the conservative media to mold it into a proper smear and distracting from actually important stories. But thanks for being super condescending.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
eh the kids 20 and probably brainwashed by his dad, I'm not gonna crucify him

Making false rape accusations so that you can help your hateful dictator continue destroying any decency left in America is indeed a mistake any dumb teenager and 20 yo would do.

Calm yourselves down lib cucks.


Oct 28, 2017
Can't wait to see Jacob Wohl walk up to a microphone with a wig on. And then reveal himself and say the media is fake for believing his lies.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh yea, this is one of the young people who have been grifting MAGA and alt-right types who are even dumber than they are? No wonder his plan was so fucking stupid. Would have been funnier if Shapiro or Lahren were involved.
Oct 28, 2017
eh the kids 20 and probably brainwashed by his dad, I'm not gonna crucify him

Mainly he's 20 and just making a really dumb mistake. Hopefully knock some sense Into him.

I've seen this sentiment across the internet but I legitimately don't get it. Someone who is banned for life by the National Futures Association for 14 alleged counts of fraud isn't something a normal 20 year old kid does with their life. A kid might do some tricks, sell some drugs, do some hustling or do some shoplifting to get enough cash to do what they want. Yeah, I might forgive those things but financial fraud is whole another level that requires whole lot more organisation, effort and ultimately actual malicious intent to harm another person (financially in this case).

If that event didn't tell him "hey kid, maybe you shouldn't try and scam the fuck out of people and make shit up", then this event most definitely won't.

People need to know the people they're defending before they start sticking their necks out. This kid isn't some kid who fucked up by trolling the media or something seemingly innocuous to a casual bystander. This kid has been a complete fraud/asshole for a long time, its like giving Bernie Madoff the benefit of the doubt because you think he looks like a really nice man who never defrauded anyone in his life.
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Oct 26, 2017
I see this sentiment sometimes and I'm like, if you don't know the basic difference between right and wrong - or if you've committed multiple high profile public frauds that smear good people and are knowingly built on ever more disgusting lies and been caught out many times - by age 20 -- then you probably SHOULD be in jail or serious trouble for your own good.

20 is not a reckless teen. 20 is grown ass man. Sounds like his family are enablers too.

But he doesn't get youth as an excuse at 20. That's a bizarre infantilizing thing to think. And if he were a black guy, 20 would be 45 in the media and justice system.

This kind of age related cosseting has enabled and encouraged hi too so it's not even harmless. We have to hold each other responsible.

Sympathy for Wohl is a bizarre position to take. Understanding is even weirder and should probably lead to self reflection. Conservatives should be pissed at this guy too.

Totally agree, this is super malicious through and through and obviously without remorse. Bury em.


Oct 28, 2017
Come on guys, he's just a kid trying to manufacture a scandal to damage the reputation of an ex-FBI director, it was a silly mistake, we've all been there.


Oct 25, 2017
White House
Would anyone here be defending him for faking rape allegations if he was a woman? Probably not...

He commited a crime and deserves whatever comes next. We live in a society where a grifting conman is president, and countless grifters have attached themselves to him in order to exploit people or cause chaos. When these people break the law they need to be reprimanded/prosecuted.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, no, not buying the apologist take here.

20 years old is plenty old enough to intelligently gauge whether you want to commit fraud to bring down a perceived political opponent. Plenty of 20 year old MAGA idiots out there and only this moron attempted this.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Jack Burkman @Jack_Burkman

Let's set the story straight. There are 2 women who the press suggests somehow we offered to pay. All of it false. Lorraine Parsons, a person who does not exist & Jen Taub, who does exist, but received an email from a person who does not exist. Thursday we unveil the real accuser


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Not what I'm saying at all. The bad actor won't disappear, but this story will. It's getting absolutely no traction in the conservative media. It'll be forgotten by Monday. To go after Wohl/Burkman would mean keeping the story alive and increasing the opportunities for the conservative media to mold it into a proper smear and distracting from actually important stories. But thanks for being super condescending.

The bad actors are keeping the story alive themselves as evidenced by Burkman just now. Prosecuting them for this level of conspiracy doesn't promote their message. It shows the consequence of messing with special counsel investigations at the highest levels. The conservative media doesn't need any help pushing nonsense without basis to their viewers. They don't need a "proper" smear, whatever that means. All of their smears are manufactured and artificial to begin with. Prosecuting and/or investigating these losers doesn't validate conservatives just because they happen to have a massive victim complex. Talking about it doesn't either. This shit should be well documented by both investigators and the public.


Oct 27, 2017
He's a white, straight, Christian male with an affluent family and a conservative bent. I just assumed it was given there were no reprimands, just possible commendations, merits, or promotions in his future. He's the definition of failing upwards.
According to the GOP culture warriors he's jewish.
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