
Oct 25, 2017
Mega evos robbed us of new pokemon in gen six and I've held a grudge ever since, but this is daft.

(Yes I know megas are new pokemon but they don't get new pokedex numbers and I can't add them to my living dex so as a catch em all single player kinda guy they aren't thee same thing.)


Oct 28, 2017
Mega's were a cool mechanic. Dynamaxing is just plain trash and lazy in comparison.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
Lmao at everyone here going

"Good because muh balance"

They can just ban them from competitive like many legendaries have been for ages.

Just say you're glad we're getting less content because you don't like some designs or the option to have them.

Less options are good if it's stuff I don't like!

This is the let's go defense all over again.
What if I don't care about competitive play?

I hate megas because of what their inclusion means. Pokemon like Pinsir and Mawile were made to never be able to receive a proper new evolution, as well as the stupid favouritism of Charizard getting two forms and Venusaur/Blastoise only getting one.

Let's just keep the megas in the 3DS generation games and quietly move on and pretend they never happened.

Deleted member 34949

Account closed at user request
Nov 30, 2017
Pidgeot at least being semi viable was nice while it lasted.

Back to being a neat design and shit tier in every other aspect, I guess.


Art Director for Videogames
Oct 25, 2017
yeah great, less content.
fair weather explains a lot of this type of mentality
More content doesnt equal better, design by substraction can be much more powerful than just adding everything from previous games.

And yes, I would argue its important for Pokemon games to remain accessible to everyone. Its the first main gameon a home console so it needs to be a jumping point for a lot of players.


Oct 25, 2017
More content doesnt equal better, design by substraction can be much more powerful than just adding everything from previous games.

And yes, I would argue its important for Pokemon games to remain accessible to everyone. Its the first main gameon a home console so it needs to be a jumping point for a lot of players.
Let's Go already was that. And Mega Pokemon had basically become bonus postgame content for people who wanted them in the last games. They wouldn't get in the way of new players.


Art Director for Videogames
Oct 25, 2017
Let's Go already was that. And Mega Pokemon had basically become bonus postgame content for people who wanted them in the last games. They wouldn't get in the way of new players.
Depends, no content is free. Has to be designed, produced, implemented, tested ... all that gets in the way of making new stuff for a new game.

Lets Go was for Pokemon Go players, S&S is for people who dont like portable gaming and are curious about what a console game will be like. Focus on the new stuff and make that compelling instead of forcing legacy stuff in, thats generally a good idea.

Serebii Webmaster
Oct 24, 2017
It's possible that they can and will be readded in future titles or via patch. They're not gone forever.

Besides, they said this in Treehouse and that's where Famitsu got it from, not from the interview itself.


Legendary Duelist
Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica
What if I don't care about competitive play?

I hate megas because of what their inclusion means. Pokemon like Pinsir and Mawile were made to never be able to receive a proper new evolution, as well as the stupid favouritism of Charizard getting two forms and Venusaur/Blastoise only getting one.

Let's just keep the megas in the 3DS generation games and quietly move on and pretend they never happened.

I hate content because it's not the content I wanted for my favorite! Take it all away!

What is this bullshit?

Also, we don't even know if the game even has Pinsir or Mawile. At all.

Let's just quietly leave them in the 3DS era, and pretend they never happened shall we?


Oct 25, 2017
Hated megas and was indifferent to zmoves so I don't see this as a negative.


Oct 25, 2017
Megas actually involved Pokemon getting cool redesigns and, while they made missteps, it gave some underappreciated Pokemon a day in the limelight.

I can see why they don't want that overshadowing 'uh it's a Pokemon but it's big'


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
I hate content because it's not the content I wanted for my favorite! Take it all away!

What is this bullshit?

Also, we don't even know if the game even has Pinsir or Mawile. At all.

Let's just quietly leave them in the 3DS era, and pretend they never happened shall we?

It's called an opinion.

You like megas. I don't. That's fine. Cut the aggression.

Rand a. Thor

Oct 31, 2017
So basically fuck consistency, we'll just keep adding new battle gimmicks with Kanto exclusive forms and power ups, only to abandon them one gen later. Yep, Gamefreak has lost it for me. Sword and Shield is looking yo be a great addition to the series as a region and new pokemon go, but holy fuck are the devs going on a war path of bad decisions.


Oct 29, 2017
I really liked Megas, Z moves were just overly long animations to one shot something though. Also not that surprised. Pokemon regularly has a crisis when it comes to keeping old mechanics.

Actually, I'm pretty surprised to see Megas go. It became clear they were not going to expand on the idea but some of those forms became very popular.
Oct 25, 2017



Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
Y'all make me mad.

RIP Mega Evolution. I loved seeing some Pokemon achieve a new form past the one they had. And it should have just stayed as a fourth evolution.
Depends, no content is free. Has to be designed, produced, implemented, tested ... all that gets in the way of making new stuff for a new game.

Lets Go was for Pokemon Go players, S&S is for people who dont like portable gaming and are curious about what a console game will be like. Focus on the new stuff and make that compelling instead of forcing legacy stuff in, thats generally a good idea.
Oh this makes me so mad. Sounds exactly what Game Freak is saying in regards to cutting out groups of Pokemon from being transferred from Home to Sw/Sh and using Dynamax as a reasoning along with animations.


Oct 26, 2017
Getting rid of Mega's is so dumb. It finally give Pokemon like Charizard,Beedrill, Mawile, etc a chance to be useful. RIP Beedrill, back to PU you go along with Charizard.


Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
This is such fucking trash because it means I'll never see Mega Ampharos ever again. Goodnight, my sweet, L'Oreal prince

Death Penalty

Oct 27, 2017
Wow, RIP mega evolution, I really liked that mechanic and how it revitalized lots of Pokemon. Dynamaxing really just seems like a stupider version of it.


Oct 25, 2017
The battle gimmicks are really getting out of hand. Especially with Dynamax seemingly purposefully designed to never appear again. They really need to break out of this mentality they have where they feel the need to introduce a new one every generation.


Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
I hate content because it's not the content I wanted for my favorite! Take it all away!

What is this bullshit?

Also, we don't even know if the game even has Pinsir or Mawile. At all.

Let's just quietly leave them in the 3DS era, and pretend they never happened shall we?
Yeah I am pretty confident Pinsir an Mawile aren't in that PokeDex lol

Deleted member 6230

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Removing megas is fucking BOLD but I can't say I hate it. Definitely not going to miss Z moves. To be honest this is something they had to do for competitive play at least. Imagine having to worry about a mega, a z-move, and now dynamaxing all in the same match. Yeesh.


Apr 29, 2018
This 1-2 punch of absent pokemon and removing these..goodness..pull a sonic and delay it because my excitement is in the trash.


Oct 25, 2017
While I can mostly understand removing Z-moves, taking out megas is pretty dumb and emblematic of the issues with Sword and Shield in general. They're basically a full form change, so they should be kept around just like all the Pokémon should be kept around.

Seriously though, the really need to pick a gimmick and stick with it and build upon it.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
Kill these generational gimmicks and just give us the goddamn national dex!


Mar 19, 2019
Jesus game freak your slowly becoming the absolute worst

Only half the Pokémon and your butchering mega's and z moves

I know your hard up for time because you can to sync up the release with the next anime, card game, movie and more but still

So what happens in Gen 9 no gigamaxing it's gone for the next game.

Hire more staff


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
You're defending cut content on a game that might not even have the Pokemon you so want "real evolutions for"

It's bullshit.
I mean, that's fine if those Pokemon aren't in this game. If they actually commit to removing megas for all future generations then yeah maybe Pinsir will get an actual evolution in gen 9 or 10 or whatever, and I'll see this as the best way to go. Megas were a mistake that should be rectified.


Oct 25, 2017
There's some neat designs among the megas, but they never sat right with me as a way to make unloved pokemon more appealing, since it focused all the attention on a handful of lucky winners and left hundreds of others in the dust. Never mind that a good chunk of the megas were for species that were already popular and useful and didn't need the help, so the design intent of it was muddled from the beginning.

Still kinda surprised they're gone, though. Seemed too marketable to die.


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
Game Freak's gimmicky battle mechanics that are basically tossed out after 1 gen are definitely one of the most frustrating parts of recent Pokémon games.

And for the record- Mega Evolution was pretty cool. Z-moves were meh. Dynamaxing seems lame, but I'll withhold final judgment until I play it.


Oct 25, 2017
I loved some of the designs for Megas too but I'm glad they removed it.

Either you keep adding to it or don't even bother adding it in the first place.

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Between this and the national dex fiasco there's a hollow satisfaction in knowing that Game Freak's shortsightedness is finally coming back to bite them in the ass. I was never a huge fan of Megas and even less so of Z-Moves so their exclusion doesn't bother me that much personally but it's become a really dumb practice of theirs over the years to throw in stuff just to remove it again. There was a subset of the fanbase that kept defending it and now it's finally affected the one thing the hardcore holds dear - the Pokémon roster.


Feb 21, 2019
So when Game Freak said they considered Megas new Pokemon they weren't kidding huh?