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Soupman Prime

The Fallen
Nov 8, 2017
Boston, MA
Do any play together? Biggest group I've been in is 3 and that was with 2 randoms who didn't use mics so it wasn't so productive. Finally went into a blast zone and wasn't overly impressed. It was in Charleston so maybe that'd why but is it the ionized meat and plants that are musts.

And the more of the Mire I check the more scary it gets. Saw 2 high level Fog Crawlers destroy some ghouls in the distance, then saw some scorched mirelurks and finally found Gulpers who just brushed off my attacks.

Before I got off last night I found The Dragon in a toolbox. Idk if they just show up on random places or if someone left it there but it's cool. FOREVER to reload but packs a punch. Mainly use Black Powder Rifles as my sniper since I scrapped my hunting rifle.


Oct 25, 2017
Ive heard rumors that it is ~lv44, but I dont think that matters much tbh.

No matter what level you are, the easiest way to get the plans is to do the patrol duty event. The reason for this is because it guarantees a weapon plan drop. I got mine on my 3rd or 4th run. Others can vouch for it as well.

The handmade rifle is one of the most powerful, fully modable rifles in the game. Couple that with its superb recoil compensation, solid fire rate, and overall range and you have possibly one of the best weapons in the game. It's performance is too good to ignore.

This is why the handmade plans (handmade rifle aka the AK-47) are so sought after.

I thought the handmade looked suspiciously like my chinese assault rifle (yay, they brought it back). I don't have the plans, I just have one that I'm saving that I found.


Oct 25, 2017
I think it's a bit of Stockholm syndrome. I didn't want to play this though I'm an avid thousands of hours fan of the series. I eventually did and loved it. In spite of the glaring punishing flaws. Now I hate that I love it. I hate that I cant quit it. I spent all last night complaining about it to other gamers at a party declaring I'm going to walk away and finally join rdr2. Then today I spent another 6 hours on. Including progress wiping bugs, server hopping for plans that can only be gotten that way and 3 server kicks. I want this game to be good. The series was so great. There are still nuggets of greatness here if you actively look for them. I feel like I defend fallout 76 in the exact same way I defend San Francisco in every shit on SF thread. I defend it because its family even though it may not deserve a defense...

This is actually how I feel about R* multiplayer games (least the ones I"ve played, GTA V and RDR 2). They're absolutely just designed to try to make you pay to fix purposely done bad game designs and yet cause I like grindy games I can mostly enjoy them. Even though they outright encourage griefers cause they help sell shark cards/gold bars. The whole game is designed to be enjoyable mostly for people who like to piss other people off. And for those other people to see potential in teh game if they could just get around the griefers or at least skip game playing to avoid having to deal with them. And yet I keep playing them.

I don't feel guilty for liking 76. For one I much prefer how Bethesda did the microtransactions. At least this games faults are because Bethesda messed up which means they might actually try to fix them and they will have motivation to fix them. Not because they are done on purpose to make more money therefore good fucking luck getting them to change what is working for them (hell, I wouldn't put it past rockstar that they purposely went overboard on RDR2's economy just to look like they got "reasonable" when they put it where they actually want it). Yes, the custom stuff you buy with atoms can be timed exclusives but I much prefer they use that to pressure you to buy cause at least they won't design the game into pressuring you to buy, they just use the timed part to pressure you to buy.

And in the end, 76 ahs what I like about Bethesda games. Lots of exploration and things to find and little stories to find. Honestly, that's where I like Bethesda's writing, in finding all the little notes about what happened in the past. That's a lot more interesting story from them than their main line stories anyways. And 76 is chock full of them. Bonus, is that Bethesda actually made all the stories work together to paint a bigger picture (which in my opinion is improved on what they do well with their writing).
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Thanked By SGM
Oct 25, 2017
Been hearing alot about these Handmade weapon plans. Going to try to get them one I can reach those 2 vendors. How much are the plans usually if im buying from the vendor in game?

Also, anyone know of a good site that has compiled a good set of builds for the game? Just hit level 16 and im worried im going to screw myself in the late game.

Wasn't there a Discord for this Game? Just asking because maybe it's time to play with some people.
I would also like to join the Discord if there is one! Getting tired of having to server hop because there are other players at much higher levels than I am in each area I need to go to lol.

This explains so much. I was at the top of the world tower and there were Level 60 Super Mutants and I was like when did this happen I was just here last week and they were level 15.
Yea I get why they did it I guess, but man has it been frustrating. I still see people around my level from time to time, but the majority have all been level 30+. So now whenever I get to a new area I look to see if anyone else is there and if they are I will just server hop. Im tired of getting tons of weapons and items that are way above my level and cant use because all the mobs are all scaled up to some other player who isnt even in the zone anymore lol.

Torpedo Vegas

Oct 27, 2017
Parts Unknown.
I defend the fact that this is the game I wanted. It needs patches, of course, and will grow over time, but fundamentally this is a great game.

The major takeaway here is the game should have been released as early access. That would have cut off most of the hyperbole, most of the vitriol, and most of the outrage.

So yeah, I'll defend this a great game that needs more work all day(except when I'm playing).

I agree with this.

When it was announced at E3 I thought "Oh wow a game like Ark or Conan Exile, but Fallout." and that is what I got. In fact I wish Ark and Conan were this much fun when I bought into them.

You release 76 for $30 and call it early access and I don't think you have near as many complaints. It has a good foundation to build off of. I look forward to seeing where this is a year or 18 months from now if Bethesda keeps supporting it.


Oct 25, 2017
Ive heard rumors that it is ~lv44, but I dont think that matters much tbh.

No matter what level you are, the easiest way to get the plans is to do the patrol duty event. The reason for this is because it guarantees a weapon plan drop. I got mine on my 3rd or 4th run. Others can vouch for it as well.

The handmade rifle is one of the most powerful, fully modable rifles in the game. Couple that with its superb recoil compensation, solid fire rate, and overall range and you have possibly one of the best weapons in the game. It's performance is too good to ignore.

This is why the handmade plans (handmade rifle aka the AK-47) are so sought after.

What do you mean cutoff? Like the plans won't drop anymore?

I have had a couple handmades drop and it is great, the plan will allow you to make one that is scaled to your level for damage or do they all have the same base damage and I am good with the ones I have?


Thanked By SGM
Oct 25, 2017
I agree with this.

When it was announced at E3 I thought "Oh wow a game like Ark or Conan Exile, but Fallout." and that is what I got. In fact I wish Ark and Conan were this much fun when I bought into them.

You release 76 for $30 and call it early access and I don't think you have near as many complaints. It has a good foundation to build off of. I look forward to seeing where this is a year or 18 months from now if Bethesda keeps supporting it.

I totally agree, but I also feel like if they did release it at $30 and called it early access they wouldn't have gotten nearly as many people buying it at launch. It's a double edged sword though because they also wouldn't have gotten so much negative feedback if they had lol.

The biggest problem with this game overall is how Bethesda presented it. Most thought it was just another Fallout but with multiplayer. They did a horrible job explaining what the game was before it came out. I don't recall them ever once saying it was more like Rust or Ark, than Fallout.

It's exactly what I thought it would be, but I know tons of people who thought it would be another Fallout. There are guys in my Marketing class (at WVU) who don't play games that much, but bought it because they thought it was Fallout in West Virginia lol.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't fathom how some people can defend this game , speaking from what I've seen only, it does look like a hot mess.

I'm genuinely having a good time with Fallout 76. I've put about 50 hours into it thus far and I've only encountered one disconnect. That's it. So, if my enjoyment of this game constitutes defense of it, so be it.


Force of Habit
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
Also, anyone know of a good site that has compiled a good set of builds for the game? Just hit level 16 and im worried im going to screw myself in the late game.

I would also like to join the Discord if there is one! Getting tired of having to server hop because there are other players at much higher levels than I am in each area I need to go to lol.

Yea I get why they did it I guess, but man has it been frustrating. I still see people around my level from time to time, but the majority have all been level 30+. So now whenever I get to a new area I look to see if anyone else is there and if they are I will just server hop. Im tired of getting tons of weapons and items that are way above my level and cant use because all the mobs are all scaled up to some other player who isnt even in the zone anymore lol.

I've been feeling bad about this. I go back and do quests I skipped as a lvl 73 and I'll walk in on a group of lvl 20 players and they get mobbed by a bunch of 60 something supermutant overlords and primus. What I've started doing is getting on the mike, running around to draw the fire and telling the people there to tag them with some damage. Once I see a mob with some lost health I'll bop their snout so the locals get a big dose of xp. I'll often drop some loot as well. I've had to rez some guys I've walked in on.

Also, the only strong build I currently know if is melee as its a bit OP.

Would also like to find a discord. I've got a couple of buddies I regularly team up with but would like to find larger groups for real raids and camp fun. Love sharing my atom store brickwork base with others.

I agree with this.

When it was announced at E3 I thought "Oh wow a game like Ark or Conan Exile, but Fallout." and that is what I got. In fact I wish Ark and Conan were this much fun when I bought into them.

You release 76 for $30 and call it early access and I don't think you have near as many complaints. It has a good foundation to build off of. I look forward to seeing where this is a year or 18 months from now if Bethesda keeps supporting it.
I totally agree, but I also feel like if they did release it at $30 and called it early access they wouldn't have gotten nearly as many people buying it at launch. It's a double edged sword though because they also wouldn't have gotten so much negative feedback if they had lol.

The biggest problem with this game overall is how Bethesda presented it. Most thought it was just another Fallout but with multiplayer. They did a horrible job explaining what the game was before it came out. I don't recall them ever once saying it was more like Rust or Ark, than Fallout.

It's exactly what I thought it would be, but I know tons of people who thought it would be another Fallout. There are guys in my Marketing class (at WVU) who don't play games that much, but bought it because they thought it was Fallout in West Virginia lol.

This is where I am as well. This feels like soooo many early access games I've played. If it had launched with that title in tow and $30 instead of the $60 I dropped, I wouldn't feel so bad. Then I could at least tell myself "It's ok, it's early access. I knew what I was signing up for" to keep my disappointment at bay. When 7 days to die robs me, I don't blame the game, it's just the nature of the beast.

I do wish my under armor wasn't glitching with my power armor so I could get that 2 more strength instead of it going negative...

Side note, if anyone wants to do PA hunting, I know the routes for t-45/60/51 levels 35 through 50 for all sets and am happy to join. Even have the motion assist servos (+2 strength torso) and nuka cola paint plans for T-51 if you want to be stylish and strong.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't put this game down despite beating it three times. I'm starting another character...again. The early game is so much more fun than the endgame.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, honestly, for all the issues with the game (and there are many, don't get me wrong), I find that I've been getting a lot of the Fallout experience I was hoping for out of the game. If I had a complaint about the fundamentals of the game, it's that I'm still uncertain that the changes to the game design to accommodate multiple players were all for the best. Workshops tend to glue you somewhat to a specific area because you need to clear out the resource collectors every so often and defend it from attack occasionally, and I think that's at odds with the exploration-heavy gameplay.

People, when you do run into them, generally just do the awkward "hi hello I'm not here to kill you" dance, occasionally accompanied by "but you're blocking the way to the vendor bot could you please move." The only times I've ever had meaningful interactions with others have been a) early in the beta, when someone died in front of me and I could've revived them (but didn't know how so they died anyways, oops), and b) when I met up with a bunch of strangers to explore a blast zone. Oh, and once someone took a workshop from me, and it wasn't worth taking back from them because whatever. Besides that, you just get the occasional burst of high-level enemies if you happen to cross paths with someone way higher level than you, which is an unfortunate byproduct that I'm not sure how to fix.

Taken from the perspective of "Fallout, but a survival loot game" and compared to stuff like Subnautica or No Man's Sky, I find it hits a sweet spot. It offers the exploration and crafting from those other games, but provides a great deal more story and mission design. And though there are elements I wish it did better, and a lot of stability issues Bethesda really needs to sort out, I think there's a solid game waiting to happen here. Should you pay full price for it, or jump in now? That's going to be up to the individual, and as it stands it's not an unqualified recommendation. You need to go in understanding exactly what you're getting, and if it's not worth the price to you then you're perfectly in the right to stay away for now (or forever, if that's your choice).

I get that people don't like Fallout 76 for many reasons, only some of which have to do with a No Man's Sky-style maelstrom of accusation and hate. There are legitimate reasons to dislike this game for sure, even if you set aside the bugs and issues that will likely get fixed in the coming months. But I think there are also plenty of legitimate reasons to like the game, and that people who do like it aren't suddenly to blame for the decline and fall of good games everywhere by letting Bethesda off the hook, or whatever half-baked conspiracy theory people want to throw out today.


QA Tester
Oct 25, 2017
building stone people
My first house, next to a lake... building is far more difficult than I would have thought. Also why is there no method to repair walls? Really interesting.



Oct 27, 2017
I can't put this game down despite beating it three times. I'm starting another character...again. The early game is so much more fun than the endgame.

Yup. I remember running into those mole people for the first time. That was pure Fallout bliss.

The BETA was really fun because everyone was the same level. We were all following the same paths, you know? Now it's like, you're level 80 at Whitesprings and run into a poor little Level 15 barely surviving your Level 80 spawns.


Oct 25, 2017

The latest in this game's farce. People are logging in and finding their characters gone and someone else's character(s) there instead. This is even on their own account, so it isn't like they somehow got into someone else's account and then a simple re-log on fixed it.

This guy lost his high level chracter and is now currently stuck with this random low level character from someone else's account.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017

The latest in this game's farce. People are logging in and finding their characters gone and someone else's character(s) there instead. This is even on their own account, so it isn't like they somehow got into someone else's account and then a simple re-log on fixed it.

This guy lost his high level chracter and is now currently stuck with this random low level character from someone else's account.

Okay, that's legit terrifying.

EDIT: though apparently that user got their old character back, and now has a random new one with a ton of lead pipes in inventory? So I guess we don't really know what's going on yet.


<<Tag Here>>
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, tempted to get this on PC.

Is there much to do with friends?

EDIT: Actually, I'll wait for a deeper sale.
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Oct 25, 2017
Ugh, doing a quest where you have to track down a brotherhood of steel member and it doesn't save. I was on my way to the final location when the game crashed and when I started it back up my quest marker was back on the first location. Killed my first Mothman today, and then lost all my junk when I accidentally fell into a fissure fighting a Scorchbeast.


Oct 25, 2017
What do you mean cutoff? Like the plans won't drop anymore?

I have had a couple handmades drop and it is great, the plan will allow you to make one that is scaled to your level for damage or do they all have the same base damage and I am good with the ones I have?
For the cutoff, I have heard that they stop selling them at ~lv44 at the two rail road stations that have them sometimes. As far as them dropping from patrol duty, it doesnt matter. They always drop.

And yes, once you get the plans, it will automatically scale to your level when you craft them. You just need a bit more materials when you pick a higher level version. And yes, higher base damage.
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Nov 5, 2017
Ugh, doing a quest where you have to track down a brotherhood of steel member and it doesn't save. I was on my way to the final location when the game crashed and when I started it back up my quest marker was back on the first location. Killed my first Mothman today, and then lost all my junk when I accidentally fell into a fissure fighting a Scorchbeast.

I know the quest you refer to and I had it crash twice in the exact same spot, near the end. Third time I just bum rushed past everything to finish it.

Gamer @ Heart

Oct 26, 2017
I hit an addictive Grove that I'm basically not even touching smash Bros. Just did the mistress of mystery questline which was totally unexpected. I really hope there are a few more like that because I've gone through quite a bit of the map and not encountered the amount of real quests I would have hoped.

Also, power armor taking fuck all damage made not worrying about repairs a dream come true. I just wish I didn't hate having to almost always be in one.

That all said, I was finally in a server when a nuke went off. Now I know why there are stupid high level people. At level 38, I could only contribute a little so my focus was entirely on tagging as many things before they died as possible which got me almost 3 levels. 10 people fought that stupid Queen and I couldn't believe the absolute shit rewards that dropped. All those stims/ammo/weapon repairs required and it was a non legendary weapon, a cooking mat and a fucking wing. Of course in the madness off all the adds, I'm sure I completely neglected however many legendaries dropped something when they turn to red puddles in a red grass under a red lit haze making them impossible to find.

That was a mess.

The stash limit makes it so you can't save much of anything, meaning you need to lock in an specialize or your making your life harder having to personally go through and micromanage every scrap and item to fit it. I would love to pull out a Fatman for those few in a playthrough moments of when it would come in handy, but I can't afford too. I have these key weapons I love, but I can't customize them because weapon skins don't exist in my 50 hours. I can't seem to unlock any rare mods that make anything stronger than when I found them. I can't personalize them in any way meanwhile unique weapons which were the highlight of fallout 3/NV/4 exploration have to be sold because they become outclassed and totally obsolete.

It's just so crazy how addicted I can get to their gameplay loop and progression, even through all these horrible design decisions.
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Oct 25, 2017
if something doesn't give you a repair option you can simply go into "build" mode, pick it up, and then replace it. I do this with my semi-damaged turrets all the time. The best part is that if you do this, the repair is "free".


Oct 27, 2017
Limbus Patrum
That's not accurate. You can fix broken walls one by one. I've done it. You have to put your cursor on the edge of the broken wall and the repair option will appear.
That's news to me, I've never been able to repair partially damaged walls 1 by 1 unless I used the camp. I have been able to repair fully broken walls that disappeared by clicking on the floor where it was instead of the camp. Is that what you mean?
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Nov 21, 2018
I'm genuinely having a good time with Fallout 76. I've put about 50 hours into it thus far and I've only encountered one disconnect. That's it. So, if my enjoyment of this game constitutes defense of it, so be it.

Can you tell me the pros and cons of the game?

I have heard A LOT of negativity surrounding the game. But I have lately been playing through Skyrim on PS4 (and loving it!) and plan to try to get through Fallout 4 (I dropped off in the past). So I am kinda on a Bethesda high right now (even tho the collectors edition controversy makes me ill towards Bethesda). But I am genuinely interested in 76 to purchase it down the road.


Oct 27, 2017
Can you tell me the pros and cons of the game?

I have heard A LOT of negativity surrounding the game. But I have lately been playing through Skyrim on PS4 (and loving it!) and plan to try to get through Fallout 4 (I dropped off in the past). So I am kinda on a Bethesda high right now (even tho the collectors edition controversy makes me ill towards Bethesda). But I am genuinely interested in 76 to purchase it down the road.

i think the main difference between this and other bethesda games is it just drops you into the world and that's that. no real overarching narrative or goals aside from what you decide to do. so for some that's no big deal and there's more than enough to be occupied with, others need a more curated experience beyond listening to a bunch of audio logs

really depends on what you want out of these games.


Nov 21, 2018
i think the main difference between this and other bethesda games is it just drops you into the world and that's that. no real overarching narrative or goals aside from what you decide to do. so for some that's no big deal and there's more than enough to be occupied with, others need a more curated experience beyond listening to a bunch of audio logs

really depends on what you want out of these games.

i see. thank you for the reply!

another question: is VATS fun to use? from what i saw of gameplay, it is more of an auto-targeting system in real-time than a time-freeze mechanic. is it fun to use or would you rather just shoot normally?


Oct 27, 2017
i see. thank you for the reply!

another question: is VATS fun to use? from what i saw of gameplay, it is more of an auto-targeting system in real-time than a time-freeze mechanic. is it fun to use or would you rather just shoot normally?

i dunno about "fun" but it does serve a purpose, it isn't just shoehorned into the game for the sake of it (which i thought would be the case). you'll naturally find yourself using it in some situations even if you are gung ho on shooting "manually"

a side note but i don't know how intuitive it is selecting between limbs with a controller. no prob with a mouse scrollwheel but i would think i'd hate to do it any other way in the heat of the moment
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Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
That's news to me, I've never been able to repair partially damaged walls 1 by 1 unless I used the camp. I have been able to repair fully broken walls that disappeared by clicking on the floor where it was instead of the camp. Is that what you mean?

Yeah, sorry, I was talking about broken walls.

a side note but i don't know how intuitive it is selecting between limbs with a controller. no prob with a mouse scrollwheel but i would think i'd hate to do it any other way in the heat of the moment

It works great on a controller. You flick the right stick left or right to select limbs. Headshot is one flick to the right. It's easy.


Apr 23, 2018
My only gripes with this game are the chugging framerate on base ps4 when it gets hectic and that I don't know anyone else playing so I'm soloing it. Otherwise, I'm loving the lore and don't care about the lack of human npcs. Just got to level 30 last night! Slowly slowly.


Oct 28, 2017
The patch looks meatier than the one released last week. 5GB on consoles releasing on the 13th and 3Gb on PC

Here are a few of the major changes coming with today's patch. Further below, you'll find more details about each:
  • C.A.M.P. Construction Improvements: Small obstructions will now be automatically removed when you place objects on top of them, allowing you to more easily build when and where you want.
  • C.A.M.P. Placement Improvements: You will now be notified when you log into a world and your current C.A.M.P. location is occupied by another player. If you stay in that world, you can place your C.A.M.P. back down for free. If you decide not to place your C.A.M.P. and join a new world where your space is unoccupied, it will be automatically placed in its original spot.
  • SPECIAL Re-speccing: Upon reaching level 51, and every level thereafter, you'll be able to choose whether you want to unlock a new Perk Card or reallocate one SPECIAL point.
  • Push-to-Talk: We've implemented a push-to-talk hotkey for Voice Chat on PC so that you can decide when to speak up and when to remain silent.
  • New PC Settings: We've added Field of View and Depth of Field sliders so that you can further customize your view in-game.
  • 21:9 Resolution Support: On PC, you can catch an even wider view from those gorgeous Appalachian vistas, because Fallout 76 now supports monitors that use 21:9 aspect ratios.
  • Performance: Several improvements have been made to in-game performance.
  • Stability: The Fallout 76 game client and servers have received additional stability improvements.
  • Lighting: Exposure values have been adjusted for exterior environments, allowing them to appear brighter in dark conditions.
  • Loot: .308 Ammo dropped by creatures has been reduced. Players will now receive .308 Ammo in stacks of 1 – 5, rather than up to 12 for a single kill.
  • Loot: Super Mutants will now drop Gunpowder half as often, and the chance for additional loot has been reduced. Caps are guaranteed loot on Super Mutants until level 16.
  • Scorchbeast Queen: Will now land on the ground more often.
  • Workshops: Players no longer gain XP when crafting at a public Workshop.
NEW – Automatically remove obstructions in C.A.M.P.s:
  • Rocks, small trees, and other small objects no longer prevent players from building items in those locations.
  • These obstructions are now automatically removed upon constructing objects and structures in C.A.M.P., such as Foundations.
  • Placing an object to remove an obstruction and then removing that object, will cause that obstruction to reappear after some time or upon logging back in.
NEW – C.A.M.P. placement improvements:
  • A notification will now be displayed to players upon logging into a world if their current C.A.M.P. location is occupied by someone else.
  • If they to choose remain in that world, they will be able to place their C.A.M.P. in a new location for free.
  • Alternatively, if the player decides not to place their C.A.M.P. in a new location, and instead joins a new world, their C.A.M.P. will be automatically placed back in its original location—provdided that spot is unoccupied.
Additional C.A.M.P., Crafting, and Workshop updates:
  • C.A.M.P.: The percentage of a C.A.M.P.'s Budget that is being taken up by stored items and Blueprints will now appear in the Budget bar.
  • C.A.M.P.: While in build mode, players can now toggle the left joystick on controllers, or press "Q" on PC, to switch view between objects that can be built and those that cannot.
  • Windmill: The power produced by the Windmill has been increased from 3 to 12.
  • Workshops: Players can now purchase Atomic Shop items directly from the Workshop menu.
NEW – SPECIAL Re-speccing:
  • Every time a player levels-up after level 50, they can now choose whether to unlock a new Perk Card or transfer one previously allocated SPECIAL point from one category to another.
    • This change is not retroactive for characters that have already progressed beyond level 50 but will apply to every level-up they achieve going forward.
    • If a player chooses to reallocate a SPECIAL point on leveling-up, they will be unable to select a new Perk Card for that level, and vice-versa.
    • Re-speccing details have also been added to the "Perks" section of the in-game Help menu.
  • Event Quests: A 15-minute cooldown timer has been added at the end of each Enclave Event Quest.
  • Event Quests: XP reward amounts have been reduced for the following Event Quests:
    • Fertile Soil, Collision Course, Tea Time, Guided Meditation, Distinguished Guests, Battle Bots, Line in the Sand, Protest March, Grafton Day, Patrol Duty, Jailbreak, Back on the Beat, and Feed the People.
    • Additionally, the cooldown timer that begins after starting each of these Events has been increased from 48 minutes to 1 hour and 12 minutes.
NEW – Push-to-Talk Setting (PC):
  • A Push-to-Talk setting has been added for Voice Chat, and is set to the Caps Lock key by default.
    • The "Toggle Always Run" hotkey, which used to be set on Caps Lock, has been moved to the "/" key by default.
    • Both the Caps Lock and "/" hotkeys can be rebound in the Controls Menu.
NEW – Depth of Field Setting (PC):
  • A Depth of Field slider has been added and can be adjusted in the game's display settings menu.
NEW – Field of View Setting (PC):
  • A Field of View slider has been added and can be adjusted in the game's display settings menu.
  • The Field of View slider can be adjusted in increments of 5, to a maximum of 120, and a minimum of 70.
  • Note: Field of View will be automatically set to 70 while modifying a character's appearance but can otherwise be set between the values mentioned above.
NEW – 21:9 Resolution Support (PC):
  • The game client will now automatically detect and apply the correct display resolution for monitors that use 21:9 resolutions.
  • Additionally, various 21:9 resolutions can be selected in the game's display settings menu.
Additional User Interface Updates:
  • AFK Timer: The timer that disconnects players after a period of inactivity in-game has been increased from 10 to 30 minutes, and the warning prompt will now display 3 minutes, rather than 1 minute, prior to being disconnected.
  • Atomic Shop: Items that have recently been added to the Atomic Shop now display a "New" icon, and new items will now sort to the front of their associated subsections.
  • Atomic Shop: Item subtitles in the Atomic Shop have been moved to the top of item images.
  • Compass: Maximums have been implemented for each type of marker that can appear in the compass, and up to 60 markers in total can be visible at once:
    • Up to 10 markers each for quests, locations, hostile players, and enemies.
    • Up to 8 markers each for neutral players and targeted enemies.
    • Up to 4 markers for teammates.
    • Players can still use their Pip-Boys to toggle tracking off for individual quests if they'd prefer to reduce them amount of quest markers in the compass, and on-screen.
  • Performance: Fixed an issue that could cause the player to encounter an infinite loading screen when Fast Traveling.
  • Performance: Addressed hitching that could occur during combat in Nuke Silos.
  • Performance: Addressed an issue that could cause reduced performance and displayed a red-text error when viewing the Map, Map Menu, Perk Screen, or a Note.
  • Performance: Addressed an issue that could cause hitching on the Perk Menu when sharing a Perk Card or unequipping a shared Perk Card.
  • Performance: Addressed a performance issue on Xbox that could occur while traveling in The Mire.
  • Performance: Addressed an issue that could cause reduced performance after a Wendigo screams.
  • Stability: Addressed a crash that could occur when accessing the transfer menu after picking up a Power Armor Chassis.
  • Stability: Addressed a crash that could occur if a Team Invite was automatically declined after not being accepted or rejected.
  • Achievements: Winning the Monster Mash event by collecting the most candy now correctly awards the associated Achievement/Trophy for console players.
  • Achievements: Killing the Scorchbeast Queen during the Scorched Earth event now correctly awards the associated Achievement/Trophy for console players.
  • Achievements: Completing the Breach and Clear event now correctly awards the associated Achievement/Trophy for console players.
  • Animations: Ghouls in the Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center's basement no longer hitch while playing their movement animations.
  • Animations: Super Mutants inside the Eastern Regional Penitentiary no longer hitch or stall while playing their movement animations.
  • Animations: Fixed several issues causing Vertibots and other cargo bots to exhibit odd movement behavior when landing.
  • C.A.M.P.: On consoles, objects built by the player will no longer temporarily appear completely black upon joining a world.
  • Character Models: Other players' character models will no longer display visual issues when a loading screen completes after exiting a building.
  • Graphics: Fixed a visual issue that could cause wooden objects and structures to display blurry graphic effects.
  • Graphics: On PS4, flames and fire effects now render correctly, and no longer only display smoke and embers.
  • Graphics: Fixed an issue on PS4 that could cause objects within building interiors to appear very dark.
  • Graphics: Fixed an issue that could cause shadows and lighting to flicker in some environments and inside certain buildings.
  • Graphics: Flamethrower Traps no longer display dark hexagonal objects while firing.
  • Graphics: Corrected a visual issue affecting smoke produced by the Cooling Towers at the Thunder Mountain Power Plant.
  • Paints: Modding Combat Armor after applying Paint no longer prevents the Paint from appearing.
  • Power Armor: On Xbox One, visual artifacts will no longer appear in the upper corners of the screen while wearing Power Armor in the rain.
  • Weather: Objects in the world will no longer appear to flicker while it is raining.
  • Weapons: The Minigun's barrel no longer appears partially transparent while previewing it in the Inspect menu.
  • Weapons: Being attacked while using a Chainsaw no longer causes a "tunnel vision"-like graphic effect to appear on-screen.
  • Weapons: The Pitchfork Flamer mod no longer displays a blocky green texture when previewing it at a Weapons Workbench.
  • Weapons: An extra bolt no longer appears when previewing Crossbows in the Inspect, Trade, or Transfer Menus.
  • Weapons: Fire, Heated, and Electric visual effects now appear correctly when previewing weapons in the Modify and Inspect menus.
  • Blueprints: Fixed an issue that could prevent a Blueprint from being placed and cause a "Cannot place item: Selected item is floating." error to display, even if the placement preview showed the intended location was valid.
  • Blueprints: Fixed an issue that could prevent a Blueprint from being placed without displaying an error message, even if the placement preview showed the intended location as valid.
  • Blueprints: The placement preview for a Blueprint that contains floating objects will no longer occasionally display a green outline despite being unplaceable.
  • Blueprints: Attempting to place a Blueprint by snapping it to an existing structure will no longer appear acceptable, or allow placement, if it would cause objects to overlap.
  • Blueprints: Fixed an issue that could allow creation of a Blueprint that exceeded the Blueprint Budget.
  • Containers: Fixed an exploit that could enable unlimited item storage.
  • Doorways: Can now be correctly snapped to floors that are attached to Stairs.
  • Recent: The Recent tab in the Build Menu will now correctly display objects that have recently been built.
  • Scrapping: Fixed an issue that could allow a player to unintentionally scrap their Pip-Boy.
  • Stairs: Can no longer be placed in a way that causes them to clip through Roof objects.
  • Stored: Addressed an exploit that could cause items in the Stored tab to become duplicated.
  • Stored: Storing a variant of an object that the player has not yet learned how to build will now cause that item to be converted to a variant the player can build. If no variants have been learned, the stored item will be converted to its base version.
  • Wind Chimes: Can now correctly be attached to Walls in C.A.M.P.s.
  • Workbenches: The list of available crafting materials at the Power Armor Station now updates correctly upon modifying a suit of Power Armor.
  • Workshops: After Powering up a Power Plant, Power Boxes at the plant now correctly produce 400 Power, and Power Boxes at surrounding Workshops produce 100 Power.
  • Workshops: Car models no longer reappear after being removed by building an object on top of them.
  • General: Fixed an issue that could cause enemies to remain stationary while they were out of combat.
  • Bee Swarms: Are no longer invisible.
  • Honeybeast: No longer drop more Adhesive than intended, and now instead drop a stack of 1 – 2 Adhesive on death.
  • Mirelurk Queen: The Mirelurk Queen's acid attack no longer deals more damage than intended.
  • Scorchbeast: The Scorchbeast in the Glassed Cavern can no longer fly through walls.
  • Aid: Fixed an issue causing Bobbleheads and Magazines to spawn at a lower rate than intended. These items should now appear 16% more often.
  • Apparel: Buying Apparel from a Vendor will now correctly add that item to the player's Inventory.
  • Armor: Fixed an exploit affecting certain armor types that could allow players to gain unlimited carry capacity during that play session.
  • Caps: Addressed several exploits that could allow players to gain Caps more quickly than intended.
  • Power Armor: Fixed an issue that could allow two players to simultaneously activate the same suit of unowned Power Armor.
  • Power Armor: It is no longer possible to transfer more than one Fusion Core into a suit of Power Armor.
  • Serums: Now correctly apply Mutations when consumed, and Mutations applied in this way now correctly appear in the Pip-Boy's Effects tab.
  • Vendors: Items that do not have a Cap value can no longer be sold to Vendors.
  • Weapons: Applying a Precise Stock mod to the Pipe Bolt-Action Pistol no longer increases its rate of fire.
  • Weapons: Attacking another player with a Cryolator no longer drains their Action Points outside of mutual PVP.
  • Weapons: Fixed an issue that could prevent Plasma Pistols from dealing damage.
  • Weapons: Projectile weapons no longer fire at the player's feet when aiming at a downward angle.
  • Personal Matters: Fixed several issues that could prevent Evan from spawning correctly.
  • An Ounce of Prevention: The T-Type Fuse quest marker now correctly appears above the container that contains the fuse. Additionally, an optional new objective has ben added to help players find a way into Greg's Mine Supply.
  • Chow Line: This Daily Quest can no longer be repeated multiple times per day.
  • Dropped Connection: Loot that is left behind by other players after completing this event is now correctly cleared when the event restarts.
  • Events: Players can now correctly join Event Quests after Fast Traveling to a nearby location and walking into an active Event area.
  • Feed the People: Fixed an issue in which completing the Feed the People Event Quest granted Canned Meat Stew to all players on the server, rather than only the quest's participants.
  • The Missing Link: Collecting the Uplink now correctly clears the Retrieve the Uplink quest step.
  • Line in the Sand: Waves of Scorched no longer walk into the walls of Fort Defiance when attempting to reach the Sonic Generator.
  • Scorched Earth: Fixed an issue that could cause this event to be completed immediately after it began.
  • Scorched Earth: Players who damage the Scorchbeast Queen will now correctly receive 2 Military Commendations when she is killed, even if they did not land the killing blow.
  • Critical Savvy: No longer allows the player to use a Critical Strike if the Critical Meter is not completely filled.
  • Fix it Good: Bonus durability added to armor is no longer suddenly lost after being hit a few times.
  • Green Thumb: The double harvest benefit of this Perk no longer incorrectly applies to Mothman Eggs.
  • Heavy Gunner: No longer incorrectly benefits the Auto Grenade Launcher.
  • Shotgun Perks: No longer incorrectly benefit the M79 Grenade Launcher.
  • Strange in Numbers: Now correctly increases positive Mutation effects by 25%, rather than 50%, when on a team with a player who has Mutations that grant bonuses to SPECIAL stats.
  • Weapon Artisan: Bonus durability added to a weapon is no longer suddenly lost after using the weapon a few times.
  • Weapon Damage: Addressed an issue that could prevent high-level weapons from dealing damage during PVP.
  • Team PVP: When attacked by a player who is on a team, the target will now correctly enter mutual PVP with the entire team upon returning fire to any of the aggressor's teammates. If the target was also on a team, returning fire will begin mutual PVP between both teams.
  • Turrets: Will no longer fire on another player who is attacked by the owner of those Turrets outside of mutual PVP combat.
  • Friends: Friends who have been Blocked now remain visible in the Friends List. This should help players unblock a friend who they may have blocked accidentally.
  • Friends: Friends who have been Blocked or Ignored will now display a "(Blocked)" or "(Ignored)" tag next to their account name in Friends List.
  • Friends: Friend status in the Social Menu will now correctly update to Online, Offline, or Main Menu.
  • Social Menu: Players in the Social Menu are now correctly sorted first by those who are Online in the same world, Online in another world, at the Main Menu, Offline, Ignored, Blocked, and finally, by alphabetical order.
  • Social Menu: Players on PC who use controllers can now correctly access the search field found at the bottom of the Social Menu.
  • Social Menu: Players in the Recent Players list no longer display an Online, Offline, or Main Menu status.
  • Teams: Players will no longer be placed into a team alone if the player they previously invited disconnects from the game.
  • Teams: Attempting to accept a team invite after the team's leader has left the team will no longer cause an error message to display.
  • Teams: Team members who exit the game will be removed from the team after logging back in. If the team leader disconnected in this way, another team member will become the leader.
  • Teams: Fixed an issue that could prevent Team Invites from being displayed to the player.
  • Game Volume: On Xbox, the game's audio volume will no longer fluctuate when looking through a weapon's scope.
  • Holotapes: Choosing "Play" upon finding a Holotape in the world while using the "Quick-Boy" version of the Pip-Boy no longer prevents its voiceover from playing.
  • Sound Effects: On PS4, wind sound effects at high altitudes now fade out rather than ending abruptly.
  • Radio: Playing a Holotape while listening to Appalachia Radio no longer causes a delay when the radio transitions to the next song.
  • Atomic Shop: On PC, clicking the "Back" button while viewing an item's detailed description no longer causes that item's details overlay to persist on-screen.
  • Atomic Shop: The clickable area on item buttons in the leftmost column in the Atomic Shop now correctly matches the size of the buttons.
  • Atomic Shop: Addressed an issue that could prevent items in the Atomic Shop from loading correctly for players on console.
  • Atomic Shop: Fixed an issue that could prevent fanfare from playing, or cause it to end early, after making a purchase.
  • Atomic Shop: Clicks will no longer fail to register along the bottom edge of the screen when attempting to purchase Atoms while running the game on PC with a 16:10 monitor resolution.
  • Challenges: The "Level Up" Daily Challenge no longer remains completed when Challenges reset on a new day.
  • Containers: Weight values no longer shift slightly to the left when viewing a container's inventory.
  • Graphic Settings: Addressed an issue that could cause Graphic Settings to automatically default to Low for some graphics cards, despite being able to support higher settings.
  • Hotkeys: Rebinding Jump to a mouse button now correctly causes the "Search" and "Modify/Repair" prompts to display the updated hotkey.
  • Keypads: Attempting to access a keypad being used by another player will now correctly display an error message stating that the keypad is in use.
  • Localization: Carry weight and current Cap totals no longer appear truncated in the bottom-right corner of the Map in the Chinese game client.
  • Localization: Password characters are no longer missing from the note in the storage room in Camp Venture in the Polish version of the game client.
  • Localization: Fixed an issue that could cause text to disappear or appear misaligned in hackable Terminals in the Korean version of the game client.
  • Localization: Wall and Floor Décor section titles in the C.A.M.P.'s Build Menu no longer appear truncated in the Traditional Chinese game client.
  • Power Armor: Fast Traveling with Power Armor that was purchased in the Atomic Shop no longer removes the Atomic Shop logo.
  • Power Armor: While wearing Power Armor and playing in 21:9 aspect ratios on PC, raindrops and other visual effects now correctly extend to the edges of the screen.
  • Quest Tracker: Fixed an issue that could cause placeholder text to display to teammates in the quest tracker as the team leader progressed through a quest.
  • Respawn: Choosing to respawn at the nearest Map Marker no longer occasionally causes the player to encounter an infinite loading screen, a black screen, or an error message.
  • Settings: Fixed an issue on PC that could allow the game client's visible area to extend beyond the bounds of the monitor.
  • VATS: Melee attacks will now correctly increase the Critical Meter.
  • Workshops: The notification that appears when a player is prompted to retake a previously owned Workshop no longer displays placeholder text.

Deleted member 27751

User-requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
After modding the crap out of the game I can definitely agree that this is where it can be as a building block. It has a skeleton that just needs flesh to be a real Fallout Online, and I'm hopeful Bethesda will continue to do just that like Sea of Thieves or any other GaaS game. Though it is hilarious that their microtransactions are proving useless because PC mods have custom skins now. I absolutely love playing around in some of the skins so far, really well done to boot.

I keep coming back to it so the game works at least in the sense of what I've previously discussed which is environmental exploration. Just sucks that anything past the actual landmark aesthetics is straight up trash fire and empty as a ghost in a sheet.


Nov 1, 2017
Wait did they even fix the extra carrying capacity and armor stat problems introduced in the last patch?

And seriously another nerf to workshops by removing xp gains at them? They really don't want ppl using workshops, when they should be promoting the play of them.


Thanked By SGM
Oct 25, 2017
Cant wait to see the CAMP changes. Been waiting to do a more official CAMP until these changes.

Any idea when it goes back up? I know last time it was down for quite awhile.

EDIT: The servers are apparently back up lol!
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
This patch is hefty as hell. It looks like they finally got it to the level it should have launched at. At least in terms of bug fixes.
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