
Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, we're gonna keep discussing semantics about climate change until it's too fucking late. That's our destiny.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
That's an embarrassing exercise in semantics.

Fact checkers do themselves a great disservice when semantics is the crux, taking away the context of the issue.


Nov 14, 2017
Most of the traditional media gotchas on Bernie are like this unfortunately.

"Bernie states that the median wealth for American families is only about $200. But that includes families that have negative wealth due to mountains of unpayable debt. Excluding these non-persons gives us much more realistic numbers."


Oct 25, 2017
Skynet is not an existential threat because some people survive to fight the Terminators.

John Dunbar

Oct 25, 2017
did he say it was an existential threat to all humanity or just an existentialist threat in general? because if the latter, he would be correct even if you want to get all technical: it might be an existential threat to the united states as a country, and to many other things.

Deleted member 2426

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Fact checkers only arised as a way for the liberal consensus to try to regain their ideological hegemony (and failing at doing so). So not suprised at this development.


Oct 25, 2017
I am very glad we have so many different fact checker organizations to keep candidates in line. Honestly, if we did not have them, we might elect a president who lies.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 31, 2018
I didn't realize Vic's lawyers had a side hustle.
Edit: dang, beaten.
Nov 2, 2017
Most of the traditional media gotchas on Bernie are like this unfortunately.

"Bernie states that the median wealth for American families is only about $200. But that includes families that have negative wealth due to mountains of unpayable debt. Excluding these non-persons gives us much more realistic numbers."

It's all like this.

"Yes, when you look at the numbers what he said was true, but if you take away part of the numbers that we don't want to include, suddenly he's wrong! 6/5 Pinocchios"


Sep 5, 2019
At the very least, millions of people will die before their time and the world will grow progressively worse for millenia. This doesn't warrant the description of an existential threat in my humble opinion.

Deleted member 721

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
this made me remember what happened here in the past, i've seen some of those fact checks nitpicking the left in the past brazilian presidential campaign, while bolsonaro made his campaign based in massive distribution of fake news, they had to factcheck minor details on what the leftist candidate said, so that the fact checking website had the appearance of political "neutral", but that was clearly a bullshit both sides treatment that in the end helped bolsonaro since it was immensely disproportional, the type and the amount of lies made by bolsonaro.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm genuinely baffled why people who aren't part of massive oil companies and mega corporations are so resistant to the evidence in front of their eyes. Do these people not give a fuck about their grandchildren?


Oct 25, 2017
What a stupid ass "gotcha". Hasnt the AP been shilling for conservatives for a while now anyways?


Nov 14, 2017
It's all like this.

"Yes, when you look at the numbers what he said was true, but if you take away part of the numbers that we don't want to include, suddenly he's wrong! 6/5 Pinocchios"

I was paraphrasing but this actually happened. By FactCheck.org no less.

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders says that the American people "understand that something is profoundly wrong when the 20 richest people in our country own more wealth than the bottom half of the American population — 150 million people." That statistic is correct, according to an analysis from a left-leaning think tank.

However, that analysis also found that the bottom 40 percent of Americans have a combined negative net worth. That means that one doesn't have to be among the top 20 in terms of wealth to have more net worth than millions of Americans.

The report, by the think tank's Chuck Collins and Josh Hoxie, a former Sanders staffer, bases its numbers for the general population on the Federal Reserve's 2013 Survey of Consumer Finance. "Wealth" or "net worth" is not a measure of income, but instead the difference between assets and liabilities, or debts, owed. Their figure of 152 million people is extrapolated from the total number of households. The report explains: "The total number of households (115,610,216) multiplied by average persons per household (2.63) divided in half is 152 million people."

In the end notes, the report says that the bottom 40 percent of Americans actually have a combined negative net worth, due to a high negative net worth of only the bottom 12 percent. As the report says, this skews that total net worth of the 40 percent — and consequently, the bottom 50 percent, too.


Oct 25, 2017
As long as something shiny and chrome is left I will count it as an absolute win.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
A lot of this fact-checking is complete idiocy like this. Mostly because they want to seem 'balanced' but that's hard to do when some candidates lie all the time and others rarely ever lie.


Nov 13, 2017
Fact checking is important but in this case it's a bit of a quirky thing. Sure, Bernie's claim that global warming is an existential threat is a hypothesis. It's not a fact. Bernie could have said, "evidence suggests this is going to end very badly." The bottom line is he's just trying to call attention to a very serious issue, not trying to be misleading.


Losing is fun
Oct 28, 2017
I'd call the potential collapse of civilization and death of billions an existential threat, but that may not be sufficiently pedantic for factcheck.org.

Deleted member 51646

User requested account closure
Jan 5, 2019
If you're interested in media "fact checking" of last night's debate, I think Washington Post's does a decent job of highlighting claims that warrant more examination of the context without delving into meaningless gotchas and still calling out claims like Steyer's "no raise in 40 years" that are flat out false.

The AP fact check appears to focus on only things they could conclude were wrong, which probably biases the thinking of the authors a fair bit.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
Yep, I tried to post a video of Extinction Rebellion on Facebook and it was tagged as fake news with little coverage. The reason is that "we can't know for sure how many people will die".

A few minutes later, I see an ad for a local Alt-Right group lol
Oct 30, 2017
This is what happens when non policy makers get hung up on the minutia without any regard for the broader context or implications of their discussion.


Oct 25, 2017
"I didnt think that the disaster that would wipe out most of human life would wipe out my life!"


Oct 27, 2017
The same fact check included this:
WARREN: "Mueller had shown to a fare-thee-well that this president obstructed justice."

THE FACTS: That's not exactly what special counsel Robert Mueller showed.

It's true that prosecutors examined more than 10 episodes for evidence of obstruction of justice, and that they did illustrate efforts by President Donald Trump to stymie the Russia investigation or take control of it.

But ultimately, Mueller did not reach a conclusion as to whether the president obstructed justice or broke any other law. He cited Justice Department policy against the indictment of a sitting president, and said that since he could not bring charges against Trump, it was unfair to accuse him of a crime. There was no definitive finding that he obstructed justice.
Which also doesn't stand up to scrutiny imo. I understand and appreciate when they call out blatant lies or correct numbers, but these "fact checks" can get very subjective.