
Oct 25, 2017
And this is why I'm glad I never installed the Facebook app on my phone. Facebook has been scummy so long it surprises me stuff like this surprises people.


Dec 21, 2017
This should be bigger news than it is. Are news outlets and channels not covering it cuz Facebook pays their bills?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
Why would anyone quit Facebook because of this?

This is only one of the many reasons people should (and did) quit Facebook. Tens of millions of user's data was sold and used for political gain without consent and you are questioning why anyone would be upset at them for it? Are you arguing in bad faith on purpose or do you have stock to lose?
Oct 28, 2017
And this is why I'm glad I never installed the Facebook app on my phone. Facebook has been scummy so long it surprises me stuff like this surprises people.
It seems pretty clear that they're not actually recording you, but that the bug is related to having the camera open more quickly in the app.

If they were secretly recording your camera, Apple would not allow it and it would bepretty easy to catch.


Product Management
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, news outlets are not reporting on a bug in the Facebook app because Facebook paid them off lol. Damn, you caught 'em, this one must go all the way to the top.
This place gets more ridiculous by the day with their "old man yells at cloud" stance against tech company X, Y or Z who's business and technology they do not understand.


Dec 21, 2017
Yeah, news outlets are not reporting on a bug in the Facebook app because Facebook paid them off lol. Damn, you caught 'em, this one must go all the way to the top.

Well, to give an example.... if something potentially damning is happening at Disney, does anyone expect ABC News to report it?


Oct 27, 2017
Well, to give an example.... if something potentially damning is happening at Disney, does anyone expect ABC News to report it?
Yeah probably, not sure how that's relevant to a bug in the Facebook app on one version of iOS though.

edit: oh, ABC is owned by Disney. Not American so had to look that up. That makes this conspiracy theory you've invented even crazier. Which Facebook owned news channel are you accusing of covering this up?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
Yeah probably, not sure how that's relevant to a bug in the Facebook app on one version of iOS though.

edit: oh, ABC is owned by Disney. Not American so had to look that up. That makes this conspiracy theory you've invented even crazier. Which Facebook owned news channel are you accusing of covering this up?

A few things to note:

Campbell Brown, the head of global news partnerships at Facebook, wrote in a blog post on Wednesday that she believed when "building out a destination for news on Facebook" content "from ideological publishers on both the left and right" should be included.

Facebook unveiled its news section, which has been in the works for months, last Friday. When Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg first announced in April the company was creating a section for news, he said it would be devoted to curating "high quality" information from "trustworthy" sources.
But Facebook said on Friday that the news section would include Breitbart.

In her Wednesday post, Brown did not identify Breitbart by name, but its inclusion in the news tab marketed as a place for "high quality" information from "trustworthy" sources has sparked uproar.

Breitbart, previously headed by former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, has published incendiary commentary. The website also has a long history of publishing brazenly misleading stories about Democrats and critics of President Trump. Brown, however, suggested that despite such a history, Breitbart has met Facebook's "integrity standards for misinformation."

"All the content on Facebook News today meets those standards," Brown wrote. "If a publisher violates our standards by posting misinformation or hate speech on our platform, they will be removed from Facebook News."

"There will invariably be news organizations, ideological or otherwise, who say or write things that I find abhorrent, but I will always stand by their right to express their views," Brown added.

Finding excuses for Breitbart is an issue in itself. Speaking of Campbell Brown...

However, journalist Judd Legum, in his newsletter Popular Information, recently reported that, in addition to this gig, Brown also founded and runs a personal media outlet called The 74 which, in recent months, seems to have dedicated itself to being a hit squad on Senator Professor Warren's presidential campaign.

Beginning this fall, The 74 has harshly criticized presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren. On October 23, The 74 published an article with this headline: "Elizabeth Warren's Education Plan Is Exactly What We Need — If Our Goal Is to Make the Achievement Gap Permanent." The piece described Warren's detailed education plan as "a cut-and-paste genuflect to the public relations departments of America's national teachers unions." It goes on to claim that Warren is not a "straight shooter" and lacks a "moral center." The piece eventually dispenses with education policy altogether and launches into a diatribe of attacks on Warren:

She's a millionaire who raves about socialism. She was Republican before she was a Democrat. She was for school choice before she was against it. She was for charter schools before she was against them. She was for standardized testing before she was against it. She was Native American before she wasn't.

This piece is not an aberration. An October 10 piece described Warren as "the second coming of Karl Marx."

Why would someone who works for one of the richest people on Earth be afraid of Warren? Surely the rich have no bias towards preferred politicians, and we can absolutely believe that they will run factual, fair ads that don't require fact-checking anyways, because they are so obviously true!


About two-thirds of U.S. adults (68%) get news on social media sites, about the same as the portion that did so in 2017 (67%). One-in-five get news there often.

Facebook is still far and away the site Americans most commonly use for news, with little change since 2017. About four-in-ten Americans (43%) get news on Facebook. The next most commonly used site for news is YouTube, with 21% getting news there, followed by Twitter at 12%. Smaller portions of Americans (8% or fewer) get news from other social networks like Instagram, LinkedIn or Snapchat.

A lot of Americans use Facebook for their news. Too many. It's not too difficult to understand why Facebook having any media sway whatsoever is dangerous. Again, this is a company that sold it's user data solely for the purpose of helping right-wing politics gain ground, and now Zuckerburg even boasts about meeting with Tucker Carlson. This is an issue. The fact that anyone still trusts this company is beyond parody.


Oct 27, 2017
A few things to note:

Finding excuses for Breitbart is an issue in itself. Speaking of Campbell Brown...

Why would someone who works for one of the richest people on Earth be afraid of Warren? Surely the rich have no bias towards preferred politicians, and we can absolutely believe that they will run factual, fair ads that don't require fact-checking anyways, because they are so obviously true!


A lot of Americans use Facebook for their news. Too many. It's not too difficult to understand why Facebook having any media sway whatsoever is dangerous. Again, this is a company that sold it's user data solely for the purpose of helping right-wing politics gain ground, and now Zuckerburg even boasts about meeting with Tucker Carlson. This is an issue. The fact that anyone still trusts this company is beyond parody.

I don't disagree with any of this, it's just irrelevant to this thread.


Oct 28, 2017
It's fucking bullshit how you can opt out of personalized ads but they still serve you ads based on "interests"

fucking infuriating


Oct 29, 2017
This is only one of the many reasons people should (and did) quit Facebook. Tens of millions of user's data was sold and used for political gain without consent and you are questioning why anyone would be upset at them for it? Are you arguing in bad faith on purpose or do you have stock to lose?


Sensationalized media stories != reality.

The "user data" is FB profile info that any developer familiar with their API can access. None of it is particularly sensitive. Additionally, it's barely actionable unless they advertise on FB's own ad platform, which gives advertisers aggregated access to the same data for targeting and ad optimization purposes, anyway (you consent to that usage when you sign up).

And if the "tens of millions of user's data" was used in an aggregated way, again, why should any individual user care?