
Oct 25, 2017
What's his studio history? He keeps saying that retention is low and not enough seniors but does he have experience from other studios of similar size and quality? Or is it actually that retention time is low across the industry?

He has worked for a ton of big studios.
He also says part of the problem is that their crunch culture is so bad that no experienced game animator wants to work for them.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad more people in the games industry are talking about how badly employees are treated. Decorum doesn't make change.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Whilst budget and support is of course important, a more senior team with a bigger budget and dev team size wouldn't necessarily equal more success, see games like Anthem, Fallout 76, Mass Effect Andromeda etc. Were that true, big budget games by more established studios would be of the quality and acclaim of ND titles, but they aren't.

Doesn't Bioware have notorious issues retaining senior talent? Most of the people responsible for their success are gone, and Andromeda was built by a new team, so they are weird examples to use.

Deleted member 17184

User-requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I did, I was more or less summarizing what you said.
I think I quoted you by mistake - sorry!
i was responding to the one point he made here

the rest i agree with and articulated as such in another post if you bothered reading further instead of cherry picking a billion quotes

Sure, but saying he has an agenda is too much. His whole thread and his bio explain things properly. Unless you mean agenda in the positive way: that he's exposing that to call them out and hopefully improve things - then yes, I'd agree he has an agenda, and one worth pursuing.
Oct 26, 2017
What's his studio history? He keeps saying that retention is low and not enough seniors but does he have experience from other studios of similar size and quality? Or is it actually that retention time is low across the industry?

He worked at BioWare during Mass Effect peak, he went to Ubisoft and worked on AC3 animations and 5 years at Naughty Dog.

He knows his shit


Oct 25, 2017
Lmao, people really going through his twitter history to find the tiniest things to use as counter-ammo.
Fanboys really do be weird...


Alt Account
Sep 26, 2019
Jason said the same thing. they had to hire new devs and load up on junior talent and contractor that required months of training.

senior devs seem to have left the company leaving naugthy dog with an inexperienced team. thats what he means by senior team wouldve gotten it done a year ago.

ive seen it happen at my company. all the senior leads left and i had to waste years training new engineers straight out of college because we couldnt find anyone with experience to come work with us. this delayed us even more.
I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with him in relation to how it works in video game animation since that's not my remit. All I'm saying is that he did call into question the skill level of ND employees, people are blindly trying to refute that and say he didn't. If you want to have the discussion on the basis or was he right or wrong to do that then fine, but we need to at least acknowledge that he did in fact do it.

It terms of my area of expertise as a software developer I've got no problem working and training inexperienced employees as long as they're eager to learn and show they have talent. To me it's not a waste. I've worked with people with supposed experience that have at times required more time and help than juniors.


Oct 25, 2017
This thread is really delivering lol.

"It was all good just a week ago. "
A week ago Sony fans were blissfully unaware that their world would come crashing down around them.....a lot can happen in a week.

But jokes aside this is such a weak sauce argument to bring up. They gave him everything he needed in order to produce the work that allowed him to win the award and in return ND got a critically acclaimed game thanks in part to his and his team's work. As of that time when he was still employed with ND, it was a mutually beneficial arrangement that suited them both and he had no reason to risk that over internal matters.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles
I love threads like these so I can block the people who defend horrific crunch and strong arming someone's paycheck out of fear that they'll talk about said horrific crunch


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
Lol you should have opened with the tweets talking about ND being toxic af not the ones that make him seem really petty
The crunch tweets were being discussed on the Jason thread, I even said in the OP the rest of the tweets were about his experience at ND and crunch. Still, now the other important tweets are in the OP.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
To be fair when I worked jobs I hated I still had to act happy about being given awards or acknowledgments on social. Only a fool openly talks shit about a place they currently work at
Pretty much, I don't get why someone would go through their tweet history and post that one as a "Gotcha!".
Oct 26, 2017
No he questioned hiring juniors and film animators and said their skill level wasn't up to what he deemed "the best". Whether you agree or not he did directly question the skill levels of employees, not sure why people are trying to state otherwise.
But he isn't doing that. He literally says repeatedly that both of those groups are fantastic. What he is saying is that there is a skill gap. Which yes, there is between Senior and Junior staff. He points out how it is a big problem since ND had to hire so much Junior staff the Senior staff was occupied with training them instead of working on the game. He isn't shitting on the people, he shits on the management for creating a bad company culture where the balance between new and experienced people is completely out of whack


Oct 27, 2017
I hope this will be the downfall of Naughty Dog, so they can build themselves back up again, and those of you seen me post know I'm a big Sony fan.


Jan 11, 2018
I would keep that stuff private l mean don't bite the hands that fed you. I dunno.

That's not how this shit works. He doesn't work there anymore. He's fully within his right to reveal what truly goes on there and it's a good thing he did. This shit is unacceptable and it's damning that the gaming industry has come to see this shit as normal.
Oct 27, 2017
I wonder if it's a similar case at SSM. I don't think fans would mind a year or two sans a ND game, if it meant they could correct course... would they? I know Sony wouldn't be pleased but then they'd save money, so it isn't a complete loss for them.


Oct 30, 2017
And yeah to respond the topic of this thread, outside crunch and ND's mismanagement, fortunately Sony give time to its developers to deliver better products



Jun 3, 2019
Why is everyone taking this as if it was a proven fact, tho? I mean, it's the word of an ex employee who seemed to be pretty happy with his job a year ago and now seems pretty bitter about leaving...


Oct 25, 2017
I hope this will be the downfall of Naughty Dog, so they can build themselves back up again, and those of you seen me post know I'm a big Sony fan.

what is more likely to happen is that TLoU2 will sell 15 million copies, win some GotY awards and we'll be back doing this same song and dance a month or two before the next big AAA game launches.


Oct 29, 2017


Prophet of Regret
Oct 30, 2017
That's very damning. It's quite easy to see why an employee which didn't initially have an issue can turn quickly against it. Been in a similar situation before where management issues was incredibly apparent given my position being closely working and eventually you'll see burn out of employees, staff being trained replacing experienced who have left in huge numbers slows down the production significantly while not fixing the core issues which is the management itself with the demands and expectations with extremely poor planning. While some may be initially comfortable with the work these changes and seeing others being burned out will change perspectives.

There needs to be a dramatic cultural change enforced because at the rate they're going with all this news out now, they're going to have an even harder time with retention of employees and finding skilled workers unless they come out in the open and state otherwise.
But he isn't doing that. He literally says repeatedly that both of those groups are fantastic. What he is saying is that there is a skill gap. Which yes, there is between Senior and Junior staff. He points out how it is a big problem since ND had to hire so much Junior staff the Senior staff was occupied with training them instead of working on the game. He isn't shitting on the people, he shits on the management for creating a bad company culture where the balance between new and experienced people is completely out of whack
Yeah this.


Oct 25, 2017
No he questioned hiring juniors and film animators and said their skill level wasn't up to what he deemed "the best". Whether you agree or not he did directly question the skill levels of employees, not sure why people are trying to state otherwise.

I read the entire twitter comment chain, did you lot? Seems like you didn't since if you had then you'd see he pretty obviously calling into question the skill level of ND employees due to them being junior and from the film industry.

I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with what he said. I don't work in game animation. All I'm saying is that he is questioning the skill levels of ND employees, people are trying to argue that he's not which is baffling. The grounds you're having the discussion on are perfectly valid. It's others that aren't.

The point he's making is:

1. The culture at ND is so bad they can't retain senior talent...
2. Word has gotten around that it sucks to work there, and thus no senior level games people want the job, so...
3. They've hired a ton of people at junior level from outside the industry, making the game take longer to come out because so many talented people are playing catch up because they don't have experience with this specific job.

His entire point is about management treating employees like garbage and not a dig at his coworkers at all.


Feb 12, 2018
And yeah to respond the topic of this thread, outside crunch and ND's mismanagement, fortunately Sony give time to its developers to deliver better products

Thing is, delaying games leads to even more crunch, at least according to Jason.
This needs to be solved at a culture/management level in studios.


Alt Account
Sep 26, 2019
He's not calling into question their skill as a criticism of them, he's calling into question the hiring practices and culture that necessitated hiring film animators with no game experience in the first place. It's extremely clear he's not blaming the juniors and many people are acting like he is.
I never said he was "blaming" them, just that he implied their lack of skill was delaying games and also leading to ND no longer being "the best". So he clearly is questioning their skill levels. Is he right or wrong to do that? I don't know. I don't work in video game animation. I look at TLoU2 and animation wise it looks incredible so these juniors and film animators must be doing something right from my perspective. But again that's just my perspective which doesn't matter a whole lot.
Oct 25, 2017
That's not how this shit works. He doesn't work there anymore. He's fully within his right to reveal what truly goes on there and it's a good thing he did. This shit is unacceptable and it's damning that the gaming industry has come to see this shit as normal.

You complain about your ex-employee like that don't expect a phone call inviting you back for work in future.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Why is everyone taking this as if it was a proven fact, tho? I mean, it's the word of an ex employee who seemed to be pretty happy with his job a year ago and now seems pretty bitter about leaving...

Because this is the same day an expose by one of the best gaming journalists with a proven track of insider sources and knowledge dropped about the same issues at the studio?


Oct 31, 2017
While the guy is brave for speaking out like this, the tweets come across as little salty no matter the industry, especially for a guy who should understand the nature of large scale production.

I totally get the sentiment, I have worked for very large companies and have felt on the talent retention side of things but the thing is the bigger the scale the messier it gets and you just cannot avoid it. You have a spectrum of personalities, skillsets, motivations even - among trainees and seniors but even among managers if the set up is so large it requires a team of those as well.

What I am saying is that it is super easy to accuse someone to mismanage but there are a lot of nuances to take into consideration especially in creative fields. I do not have experience in video game production and I am not going to speak for any of that but the larger the company the less productive each worker is and it is imo a systematic problem. Just to be very clear, I am not being apologetic for crunch culture in any way.

This is another insight how video games industry sit uncomfortably in the workforce paradigm - the nature of the product can be likened to a huge film production (which is usually highly mobile) but it needs a solid set up in a fixed place in a way, say, fashion manufacturing requires (there's specific machinery needed; a lot of creative decisions do happen in board rooms, etc.). Either way I think game industry needs to unionise in America or video game companies need to account for the in-between production periods and work like a corporate entity at this scale.

Gold Arsene

Oct 27, 2017
Why is everyone taking this as if it was a proven fact, tho? I mean, it's the word of an ex employee who seemed to be pretty happy with his job a year ago and now seems pretty bitter about leaving...
Pretty sure we've had a few articles at this point showing it's not all sunshine and rainbows at ND.

Where there's smoke.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
Why is everyone taking this as if it was a proven fact, tho? I mean, it's the word of an ex employee who seemed to be pretty happy with his job a year ago and now seems pretty bitter about leaving...
Why are you trying to downplay damaging business practices that cost the health of employees? Why are you insinuating that a long term industry veteran would be lying? Why are you ignoring a history of similar reports?