
Mar 5, 2018
Remember that 1997 horror movie by Paul W.S. Anderson starring Sam Neill and Laurence Fishburne? Well it's getting a series directed by Adam Windard, to be released on Amazon Prime.

I'm excited for this because I love that movie but the cut that was released was cut down from 2 hours and 30 minutes to just 1 hour and 37 minutes and since it wasn't a success and it was before the time DVDs were a thing they didn't bother to keep the cut material, so a director's cut will never happen. This new series could be awesome though!
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Deleted member 8583

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
On one hand this could be amazing and I am really glad they are doing it. On the other, this looks like prime material for getting cancelled after one season.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Uhhhh holy shit

Adam Wingard is an instant hype-deflater though, unfortunately.


Oct 27, 2017

I really like You're Next, The Guest and his segments in V/H/S/ but.... Death Note and Blair Witch were "eh".

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Funny because I always loved the premise but was a bit underwhelmed by the movie itself, so this could be right up my alley.
Dec 6, 2017
Love that movie so I'm all in.

Admittedly, I always thought it came up short on its own premise despite being great in its own right and reading the 2h 30min original cut in the OP makes me understand why it feels that way. What a crying shame the additional footage is lost :/


Fight Sephiroth or end video games
Oct 28, 2017
Amazon gearing up for that 40K series once they cut their big budget teeth on LOTR


Oct 27, 2017
I do wonder how they'd keep up the tension for a full series. I love the movie as well and I hope they nail the tension and WTF nature for this.

"We're leaving."

Bobcat Fancy

Jul 21, 2019
Event Horizon is good, including its mercifully short running time. I liked Adam Wingard's You're Next. No expectations for this.

Paul WS Anderson executive produced and directed the first two episodes of the youtube series Origin which were also spaceship horror. The series is good and about hot queer people in space. Included a child who liked old classics such as Resident Evil: The Final Chapter. (the least of the Resident Evils Anderson directed, but still a lot of fun)


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
Things like this don't need to be a continually running series, they just need 8-10 episodes to expand the lore, deliver horror, and conclude. If this is more than one season, it's not going to be good, it's going to be okay, at best, IMO.

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
On one hand, I'm down for Event Horizon becoming a TV Series.
On the other, I can't see this series taking off and getting more than one season, maybe two if Amazon is feeling charitable.
And then I also think it might work better as a contained mini-series rather than a series wanting to keep going, but then series so rarely are that.

And also, Andrew Wingard has a mixed at best history with what he's released, he's released some decent stuff but also some truly terrible stuff, and his name doesn't exactly get me excited to see attached to this.
But then Paul W. S. Anderson I also could say the exact same thing about, so who fucking knows I guess?

I'm curious, at the very least.


Nov 13, 2017
You're Next is amazing, The Guest and Blair Witch are both really good. I still have faith in him, but I know a lot of people didn't like Blair Witch and hated Death Note. Interested to see what he can do with a season long arc.


Nov 30, 2017
He's a mixed director but I'm looking for some good horror sci-fi and Event Horizon could be a lot of fun to expand on. Looking forward to it!


Mar 5, 2018
they just need 8-10 episodes
I would be absolutely fine with that. If this is a single season that concludes the story, why not. It's better than getting cancelled after 2 seasons without a proper ending.
What a crying shame the additional footage is lost :/
well some of it was found and you can see it in the bonus features of the blu-ray/dvd releases. The problem is only a fraction that had been filmed was found and it's not in good enough quality so it could be inserted back into the movie. Both Paramount and Paul WS Anderson said they would be up for a director's cut but since it has been over 10 years it won't happen.


Mar 16, 2018
Nothing sells me like seeing from the director of Death Note

what wingard did with blair witch was also sad, he gets the opportunity to create something slow burn and spooky in the spirit of the first movie and he made a adhd jumpscare fest out of it. i still enjoy some parts of that movie because i'm a blair witch nerd, but man it was still do disappointing. i don't trust wingard to make something good out of it at all

Deleted member 11985

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
This movie was one of those movies that scared the crap out of me when I was little. I was way too young to be watching it.

The series looks interesting, though.

Deleted member 42472

User requested account closure
Apr 21, 2018
I think this could be a downright amazing miniseries/single season. Spend a lot more time on the investigation aspects and really build to the horror.

That being said: I have absolutely zero interest to watch this with modern CGI and makeup. I already am still a bit screwed up from the "gore porn" that the original was, and I know that was more corny than not. Can't imagine how painful it would be to look at with today's studios.

so it is Event Horizon basically we open a portal to the chaos Realm?

it is a space ship with gothic sensibilities that travels through space and time by cutting through a hell dimension. Bad stuff follows them out because they don't have adequate protection

So yes.


Oct 26, 2017
Sci Fi space horror. I loved the movie but Im not a big horror fan. I was able to handle the movie. But man... I really wonder about what this will be like.

Glad it exists though.


Oct 27, 2017
I've never understood the love this movie gets. But the premise is interesting, so I guess it could be worth keeping my eyes on.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
I hope he plans to work with Paul Anderson to recreate as much of his original version as possible. While it was still great, and basically Hellraiser in space, the fact that one of my favorite horror films had so much footage missing always bothered me.