
Oct 25, 2017
Brexit: European Commission publishes Communication on preparing for the UK's withdrawal from the EU
Brussels, 19 July 2018

The European Commission has today adopted a Communication outlining the ongoing work on the preparation for all outcomes of the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union.

On 30 March 2019, the United Kingdom will leave the EU and become a third country. This will have repercussions for citizens, businesses and administrations in both the United Kingdom and the EU. These repercussions range from new controls at the EU's outer border with the UK, to the validity of UK-issued licences, certificates and authorisations and to different rules for data transfers.

Today's text calls on Member States and private parties to step up preparations and follows a request by the European Council (Article 50) last month to intensify preparedness at all levels and for all outcomes.

While the EU is working day and night for a deal ensuring an orderly withdrawal, the UK's withdrawal will undoubtedly cause disruption – for example in business supply chains – whether or not there is a deal. As there is still no certainty that there will be a ratified withdrawal agreement in place on that date, or what it will entail, preparations have been ongoing to try to ensure that the EU institutions, Member States and private parties are prepared for the UK's withdrawal. And in any event, even if an agreement is reached, the UK will no longer be a Member State after withdrawal and will no longer enjoy the same benefits as a member. Therefore, preparing for the UK becoming a third country is of paramount importance, even in the case of a deal between the EU and the UK.

Having said that, preparing for the UK's withdrawal is not only the responsibility of the EU institutions. It is a joint effort at EU, national and regional levels, and also includes in particular economic operators and other private parties – everyone must now step up preparations for all scenarios and take responsibility for their specific situation.

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UK/EU Era should probably prepare for the worst at this point.

Stay strong mates.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
There is a sign of inevitability creeping in. I don't know if it's coming out now to put some sense into people or it's actually going to happen but it seems like people are seeing this mess continuing and by default it will happen.

Maybe they'll come back from their holidays in 2 months and think different.

No deal is still insanity that can't be delivered without a lot of new systems and infrastructure in place, some that aren't even real or feasible!


Oct 30, 2017
There is a sign of inevitability creeping in. I don't know if it's coming out now to put some sense into people or it's actually going to happen but it seems like people are seeing this mess continuing and by default it will happen.

Maybe they'll come back from their holidays in 2 months and think different.

No deal is still insanity that can't be delivered without a lot of new systems and infrastructure in place, some that aren't even real or feasible!

Doesn't the EU Parliament need a workable deal by September if they want it implemented by March? Not much time left.


Oct 26, 2017
UK government is planning on issuing similar warnings. Might be time to stock up before canned food goes up in price too much.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
from the brexit thread:



Oct 27, 2017
Everyone is preparing for it though, even the UK in its half arsed manner.

It seems increasingly likely to me.
UK Parliament just effectively voted to force us to remain in the EEA unless we get concession on the medicines treaty so there's that. I'd like to say that May might come to her senses and tell the hard Brexiteers in cabinet to go fuck themselves but she's far too spineless to do that.

Though it is an absolute disgrace how Northern Ireland has just been sidelined in all of these discussions.

Deleted member 23212

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
I'm mainly wondering what will happen to the Republic of Ireland-Northern Ireland border, that is a touchy topic and we certainly don't want more fighting there.


Oct 30, 2017
I work as a teacher, and we are all coming to the end of this school term tomorrow.

It was interesting (and frustrating) to hear those (mostly old) teachers who were very open, proud and almost boastful about voting out a few years ago change their mind about their stance in the last couple of months, and are now worried about their future beyond retirement.

On one hand, I feel like they deserve it. On the other hand, it is unfortunately a bad trait in this country that once you make your mind up about something, you can never be persuaded to think otherwise. At least they are seeing sense, even if it's too late to do anything about their decision.

I really do believe that we need a second referendum more than ever...


Nov 26, 2017
I work as a teacher, and we are all coming to the end of this school term tomorrow.

It was interesting (and frustrating) to hear those (mostly old) teachers who were very open, proud and almost boastful about voting out a few years ago change their mind about their stance in the last couple of months, and are now worried about their future beyond retirement.

On one hand, I feel like they deserve it. On the other hand, it is unfortunately a bad trait in this country that once you make your mind up about something, you can never be persuaded to think otherwise. At least they are seeing sense, even if it's too late to do anything about their decision.

I really do believe that we need a second referendum more than ever...

Give it ten years and Brexit voters wont even exist. They'll have all gone into hiding.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Ugh. I feel for you, mates. You and us yanks stay steady losing right now. Praying for a miraculous second ref. <3


Dec 10, 2017
I like how literally everything is saying this is such a bad idea no matter how you slice it; but they are like - but what if we just let it happen and see?


Oct 28, 2017
As an American, I really appreciate you guys taking one for the team like this. It makes us look just a little less crazy by comparison.

edit: but still overall we are way more crazy btw..


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
There is no way that the UK government can say "Fuck the popular vote, we are not withdrawing"?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but they could have done that before exercising article 50 but right now it is too late because they have formally asked to leave the Union?

So, even calling a second referendum today, would be too late for anything to come out of it.


Oct 26, 2017
The UK goverment will continue to fuck around, knife each other in the back, further embarrassing itself on the world stage for months to come. At the end, the EU will laugh at the UK's fantasy proposal and last-minute a hailmary deal will be made which will be pretty bad for the UK (the kind of realistic deal that was always threatened from the EU side from the beginning).


Oct 27, 2017
Brexit is an absolute fucking sham.

Literally the will of billionaire tax avoiders.

Notice how people campaigned for 40 odd years to get out of the EU and all it took was EU Tax Directives in 2019 to make it happen.

David Cameron's crimes won't be forgotten.

Deleted member 2809

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Karma gonna hit these right winger fools like a bitch. And I'll be enjoying the show. Sucks for the innocents.

Pyramid Head

Oct 27, 2017
Give it ten years and Brexit voters wont even exist. They'll have all gone into hiding.
Yup. If in 10 years time we had a poll of 'Okay, who voted leave then?', we'd see a much smaller percentage than we saw in the referendum. I bet some of these cunts will even deny it to their own children if ever asked, "Mummy? Daddy? What did you vote in the referendum we learned about in school today?"

Deleted member 3815

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

Deleted member 31133

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
No deal is by far the worst possible outcome. Could see a lot of businesses leaving the UK if that happens.

My town (Swindon) could be fucked if Honda and BMW decide to jump ship. I guess if Honda goes, then TS Tech would also follow suit as they maje the seats for Honda. My town could lose thousands of jobs. But do people care? Do they fuck. Leavers in this town just put their fingers in their ears and spout "project fear", "will of the people", the EU needs us more than we need them".

Brexit is a cult that is going to fuck us up for years.