
Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
San Francisco
I regret never going to Hawaii or Las Vegas. I've always wanted to go and I kept thinking "next year..." Maybe I could still technically go right now, but then I'd have to quarantine afterwards and I'd still risk catching the 'rona.

I also regret never finding a group of friends to do tabletop gaming with. I always love seeing pictures/ads/videos of people playing tabletop games or D&D, but could never quite find a good group to play with. And now it's even harder unless you do it over zoom which just sounds... worse.


Oct 25, 2017
We were going to go to Disney World for our 10th Anniversary starting next week. That's obviously not happening...

Android Sophia

The Absolute Sword
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Original plan was to go to the FFXIV Fan Festival with my boyfrined.

That's not happening anymore with it being cancelled and all...


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
I had a dream vacation to France with my girlfriend booked for the last week in March - just one week after major crackdowns were implemented.

I haven't had a vacation in three years so this was supposed to be my grand year of travel. My PTO accrual at work is literally about to cap out in December.


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone

Same, there are things I am sad I had to cancel, life changes I wish hadn't happened in this time, but nothing I regret.

Edit: perhaps I'm being too pedantic here, so I'll say, I had some travel plans I had to cancel - Vancouver, Canada with my daughter, southern California. And I realized I'm gay during the lockdown which has been a wee bit frustrating ha ha.
Oct 29, 2017
I regret not not touching my face so much earlier. And not washing my hands much more thoroughly earlier, and also not wearing a mask earlier.

I've worked pretty hard to stay as socially distant as I can, wearing a mask anytime I leave the house, and making sure not to touch my face at all. Usually I have at least 1-2 sinus infections per year but so far in 2020 I have not, and I think trying to avoid catching Covid has really helped with that. I'm much, MUCH more aware of what I am touching out and about now (as I'm sure most people are).

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
Not much - managed to time a house purchase perfectly (before all of NYC left for the burbs and raised prices even further), traveled the world, partied for years.

Maybe I should have seen Hamilton. Also, I left some board games in my office at work and I should have brought them home 😅


Mambo Number PS5
Oct 27, 2017
I regret us not visiting more parks near us. We've lived here near 20 years and always went to the same few places. But there are so many more in close range.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
My girlfriend and I taking a trip to a few theme parks out of state. We had been talking about doing for a bit, and definitely could have done it last year, but decided to finally pull the trigger on it this year. Now we probably won't get to do it for a few more years because in the interim both of us got laid off and we have to eat into our savings.
Oct 27, 2017
I regret never going to Hawaii or Las Vegas. I've always wanted to go and I kept thinking "next year..." Maybe I could still technically go right now, but then I'd have to quarantine afterwards and I'd still risk catching the 'rona.

I also regret never finding a group of friends to do tabletop gaming with. I always love seeing pictures/ads/videos of people playing tabletop games or D&D, but could never quite find a good group to play with. And now it's even harder unless you do it over zoom which just sounds... worse.

Nothing...We got our trip to Disney at the end of Feburary (About two weeks before everything started to shut down a bit). Sort of glad that we did, since who knows when the next time we will head back and how it would all work. The Crazy thing is we like to head to Disney in the first couple of weeks of March, before Spring Break season starts, BUT there was a massive convention taking place the week wanted to go and all the hotel rooms were booked. So we decided to go a week earlier, and that was likely one of the best decisions we've ever made.

We missed out on trips to Las Vegas and San Diego..but really, Disney was the big one and we are thankful that we got that in.

Deleted member 49611

Nov 14, 2018
i really wanted to go travelling but kept putting it off because i was too much of a shit bag. instead, last year, i spent ~£1,300 upgrading my PC and buying a Switch thinking "i can just book a holiday next year..."

as soon as this whole thing blows over then i'm definitely gonna go somewhere. fuck you anxiety you won't hold me back.


Oct 25, 2017
Heh... luckily for me the one thing I would have regretted not doing I managed to do right when it first was known it came to the US (yes, I realize they think it was there a lot earlier but at the time we didn't know). And that is visit my parents. In fact I was visiting them when the first known case in Seattle happened.

On the bad side, I had a cold when I went and I thought it was just a cold (and my husband at the same time had a flu. Neither of us were tested for cold or flu but since we didn't think corona was in the US we just assumed it was what the symptoms looked like). So far all I know, I was a spreader of it to Georgia (Georgia had its first known case when we left Georgia). But, it also could have just been a cold too (and I was mostly getting over it).

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
Nothing? We've been under quarantine for like six months now. We'll be on the other side of this soon enough and I can get back to having fun.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Nothing. I dread the spring and summer months anyway, and we still went on a vacation to an isolated area.


Oct 27, 2017
Being in a relationship, the first six months alone were rough. My ex and I decided to try things again, it's amazing how much better having someone to talk to and see on a regular basis makes staying safe.


Senior Games Artist
Dec 10, 2018
Los Angeles
Buying Zoom stock.

Also I was sooo close to getting a job in Amsterdam. Was right at the point to flying out there for an formal meeting... then... yea. I wish I sped that process up.


Oct 25, 2017
I regret not going on a road trip. We were thinking about doing a small one for months, and now there's no telling if we can do one safely in the near future.
Oct 27, 2017
Not spending more time with my uncle.

He was high risk (heart condition) and I'm a key worker in transport and that exposes me to contact with a lot of people, so during the pandemic/lockdown I was extremely reluctant to go to see him out of fear of me being asymptomatic and passing anything on to him. Sadly he passed away regardless as a result of his condition.

I would have spent more time with him before the lockdown etc if I'd known things were gonna turn out like this.


The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
Buying a hot tub. I bought this shit in July and I still don't have it because of the pandemic. Now they're saying January? Geddafukouttahere

Deleted member 11985

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Finding a new job. I'm depressed as fuck at my current one, but all this stupid coronavirus shit has been making me reluctant to switch. I'm finally now looking for a new job even though I'm still a little uneasy with the current coronavirus situation, simply because I just can't take my current job anymore.


Oct 27, 2017
Finding a new job. I'm depressed as fuck at my current one, but all this stupid coronavirus shit has been making me reluctant to switch. I'm finally now looking for a new job even though I'm still a little uneasy with the current coronavirus situation, simply because I just can't take my current job anymore.

This is me, however I was trying before Covid. Nothing panned out. I'm trying desperately to make a move.

Mr Spasiba

Oct 26, 2017
Not getting a new job sooner after leaving my last one. Original plan was to get another after a trip to Mexico in February, but the week I got back was basically the week it became evident the US was fucked and we went into lockdown so no more jobs (that I'd want at least)


Oct 30, 2017
My wife and I had a planned vacation to visit her relatives whom she hasn't seen in years after our child was born.

We're making another attempt later this month, but it's not ideal.


One Winged Slayer
Jun 17, 2019
Nothing within my power. Hopefully when I've become financially stable, it will be safer to travel.


Oct 25, 2017
Like many people, we had travel plans we canceled. My only concern now is that I won't get to see my grandmother before she passes.


Oct 27, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
We did our first big/overseas vacation in over 10 years, November of 2019.
I'm so grateful we got that in before all this shit.

But we had many other trips planned that have been cancelled this year.

NCR Ranger

Oct 25, 2017
Mostly trying some of the local restaurants people raved about now that I have the money to do that stuff. If I am lucky they will still be there after this has calmed down.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
I probably should have gone to a few more concerts and festivals over the last 4 years.


Oct 27, 2017
Annapolis, Maryland
I need new glasses, and I really regret putting off getting an eye exam. My prescription is a few years old now, and I really need a new one. Probably gonna use my n95 while I get it done so I feel a bit safer.


Oct 28, 2017
Traveling to Japan, especially because they've closed that One Piece's tower in Tokyo a month ago; it was the place that I wanted to visit the most when I go there.. ahh and I just ended up wasting double what I'd have probably spent on the whole trip while just sitting depressing at home *sigh*

Doc Kelso

Oct 25, 2017
The plan for 2020 was to pick martial arts back up and start getting my social life in order after being in a really toxic friendship for 4 years that kept me penniless and isolated.

Thankfully I did find a cool D&D group online that I've gotten really close to but still!