What say you?

  • Yes, I’m overly sensitive

    Votes: 32 12.1%
  • No, I’m tough as nails

    Votes: 96 36.2%
  • I’m in between

    Votes: 43 16.2%
  • What a silly thread

    Votes: 94 35.5%

  • Total voters


May 31, 2019
I'm an American university student, and earlier today I made a tweet (personal account) criticizing my school and other honors students. Well, I understandably got several quote tweets from upperclassmen and recently graduated people calling me a dick and pointing out (correctly) how flawed my perspective was. I was pretty shaken, so what did I do?

I deactivated my Twitter account. I mean, I pissed off the music fraternity, I can't have that, right? Plus I made a fool of myself and pissed people off, and I felt really bad about it. Plus, I didn't really have much useful to say on Twitter as myself, although I recently set up a "Raccoon" Twitter account (mostly as a plan B in case anything happens here).

So, transcending from the anecdote now, I ask you, Era: are you overly sensitive online? Are you as impulsive in your reactions as I am? I know on Era I've tended to be pretty hot-headed and over-emotional, which I've tried to work on. But I don't think being sensitive online is necessarily a bad thing in other people, so I'm curious to hear what everyone has to say on the topic.

edit1: made more clear that my "second account" is a Raccoon account for Twitter
edit2: removed embarrassing and confusing misuse of the word "reactionary"
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May 31, 2019
I've got dibs on Disclaimer and Fiction tbh
I'm excited for the spread out secret era twitter society that's gonna exist in 15 years ngl

This sounds more like anxiety than sensitivity
Jah, was going to say this. I'm had fairly bad anxiety my whole life and I've done similar things after getting anxiously flustered by a response to something I've done or said.
oh man these posts explain so much about my era behavior

Dongs Macabre

Oct 26, 2017
I'm overly sensitive to people using "reactionary" to mean anything but the opposite of "radical" or "progressive".

Subpar Scrub

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I'm more sensitive than usual in the sense that I try to consider what people are going through and empathise, but equally I call out people when their post is just virtue signalling and trying to establish some sort of moral superiority by degrading others unfairly.

I don't react very well to offensive messages sometimes. Depends on context. Some random on reddit sending me messages hoping I get cancer or commit suicide hurts me much more than someone getting mad in Call Of Duty in lobby voice chat, for example. I laugh at the call of duty, but disabled my reddit because I just felt tired and sad from the constant messages when someone disagreed with your post.

Even on Era I've been called a pedo, a racist etc from randoms and it sometimes hurts a bit, because I try my best to be a good person but if you're not on the same "progressive level" as others, you're clearly a nazi sex offender. Makes it hard to identify as leftist, so I generally don't anymore. I share many of the leftist ideals, but don't want to don the burden of that image. Kinda the same experience I had with feminism.


Oct 25, 2017
I dunno, some times probably. My temper is on a hair trigger for people defending austerity and Tories.


Oct 25, 2017
the internet has made me less sensitive online. ERA specifically, no one here can say anything that would ever offend me.

I know people hail this place as a "safe haven" but tbh it's really not that much different from the rest of the net. Wearing your heart on your sleeve in front of a group of anonymous people is a dangerous game, on the internet or off.


Oct 25, 2017
the internet has made me less sensitive online. ERA specifically, no one here can say anything that would ever offend me.

I know people hail this place as a "safe haven" but tbh it's really not that much different from the rest of the net. Wearing your heart on your sleeve in front of a group of anonymous people is a dangerous game, on the internet or off.
The one key difference is that you don't get called an sjw or npc here.


Oct 26, 2017
I used to be. I used to have a chronic case of "someone is wrong on the internet!!!". I have consciously made an effort to let more stuff just wash over me in recent years. Particularly on platforms like forums and twitter where my content isn't even associated with my real name.

It's quite liberating when you just accept that 95 percent of people who are discussing issues online have zero interest in a good faith debate and have no desire to actually critically challenge their own preconceived ideas. Learning to walk away and leave people to fester in their ignorance and toxicity is a challenge, but essential for your own mental health.

Deleted member 60582

User requested account closure
Oct 12, 2019
I couldn't care less what people I'll never meet have to say about me, but I also try not to say anything too outrageous or inflammatory because I don't want to inadvertently hurt someone's feelings if I flippantly say something I don't realize may be hurtful or ignorant. Taking an extra 5 or so seconds to think over what I'm saying isn't going to kill me.


Oct 27, 2017
I think it depends on where I am and what my involvement is. I was suuuper sensitive last night here. But there are other times where I just shrug and move on.

Overall, I'm willing to say I come out as sensitive online, yeah.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
the only thing i worry about is if my foot falling asleep is just that or a sign im about to have a stroke


The Fallen
Oct 5, 2018
Online, easily the most sensitive people are trump supporters. On this website specifically, people are most sensitive about Marvel then StarWars then Disney. Not judging that, we all have our things. I do however judge the sensitivity in any "Dating with big age gap" threads lol. People act like they are ready to die defending the good name of a 60 year old dating an 18 year old and that's gross. sorry not sorry.


Feb 20, 2019
I think it depends on where I am and what my involvement is. I was suuuper sensitive last night here. But there are other times where I just shrug and move on.

Overall, I'm willing to say I come out as sensitive online, yeah.
For what it's worth I appreciated your posts in that thread, as well as Nooblet's. It's easy to come off abrasive when it comes to subjects you care deeply about, even when it's not intended.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
I don't know if I'm overly sensitive or people talking politics on facebook are crazy, but I had to delete it.


Oct 30, 2017
It's whatever. I see people here arguing about the same stuff day in, day out. Nobody is changing anyone's opinion. All the happens is everyone just doubles down on whatever it is and seeks out more confirmation bias information to fit their views.

So I'm not really invested with anything online.


Oct 27, 2017
For what it's worth I appreciated your posts in that thread, as well as Nooblet's. It's easy to come off abrasive when it comes to subjects you care deeply about, even when it's not intended.

Thanks. It messed with me after, and it's still kind of messing with me now, but hopefully I can rinse that down with other thoughts. I've been known to go crazy in some threads. Early 2019 was a particularly bad time in that respect.

4 Get!

Alt Account
Apr 8, 2019
I'm not, but from lurking I know of a few good tests to know if people are.

Mention one of these things and you might find an overly sensitive reaction:

Kanye West
Dave Chappelle
Hideo Kojima
No Man's Sky
The Last Jedi
American Politics
Not wanting to be involved in American Politics
Controversial Anime
Youtubers that might have slipped up once
Actors that might have slipped up once
DC Comics
Our former website
Game of Thrones
Gender Double standards
Racial Double standards
Music taste

There are more but these are pretty big ones on this forum.

iSnack 2.0

Oct 29, 2017
User banned (permanent) troll account
Mod edit: content removed (promoting hate site)
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Mar 16, 2019
Here, There, and Everywhere
I'm not, but from lurking I know of a few good tests to know if people are.

Mention one of these things and you might find an overly sensitive reaction:

Kanye West
Dave Chappelle
Hideo Kojima
No Man's Sky
The Last Jedi
American Politics
Not wanting to be involved in American Politics
Controversial Anime
Youtubers that might have slipped up once
Actors that might have slipped up once
DC Comics
Our former website
Game of Thrones
Gender Double standards
Racial Double standards
Music taste

There are more but these are pretty big ones on this forum.

forgot to mention Video Games in general lmao


Oct 25, 2017
always fight back, always go for the throat, always bite as hard as you can, always breathe through the nose and not the mouth.

Deleted member 23850

Oct 28, 2017

I'm only annoyed by people who pointlessly trash things they don't like, inserting themselves into conversations about said thing when the conservation about said thing wasn't even between them originally. This is a rule I also try to abide by.


Oct 25, 2017
lol no way. pretty much zero. i am more sensitive in real life, but not overly sensitive. the internet is such a void of emotion/feeling, just can't find being sensitive of anything.

i have never got passionate in a discussion online, but plenty among friends, acquaintances, and complete strangers about any topic in real life.

and being overly sensitive is not healthy, being sensitive to certain stimuli is fine, but if you are overly sensitive to a lot of stimuli, this is tied to anxiety and depression.

and also if you quickly change/be a push over due to this sensitivity, that can lead to even worse situations for yourself.
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Oct 25, 2017
Sure, sometimes. I don't think anyone is pure "tough as nails". We're all human

Deleted member 46489

User requested account closure
Aug 7, 2018
I don't get bothered at all, though years ago I was pretty sensitive. Now, I remain emotionally stable whatever someone might say about me online. I think it mostly has to do with self-love and self-acceptance (and self-forgiveness, which is a consequence of the first two). I don't crave societal acceptance or praise anymore. As long as I know that I'm a good person, who apologizes for and works on his mistakes and fuck ups, I'm fine.