

Oct 25, 2017
Ive seen lots of suggestions for Alabastron.

Since she gets two turns like Cilias and is more of an enabling unit like Cilias I could see Nostalgic Music Box getting play with her too, give her allies lots of love. Alabastron would make sense to give her that extra push on eff and speed, but since she doesn't disable anyone with her S2 I'm not sure she needs a lot of eff. She's not going to be sleeping/silencing/stunning dedicated cleansers so middling effectiveness is probably fine to land the unbuffable and restrict on DPS/Bruisers. That being said you can try high eff and try and stun dedicated cleansers with her S1 but that's high risk given its not 100%.

RnL could be the gamblers arti of choice to get the extra S1 after her S3 and try and stun a unit. Or people will try and go S2 -> S1 -> S1. War Horn will also be popular so she can cycle and stun.

We just fought a Cilias with Temperance which I thought was cool too (gives a shield to lowest health ally).


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I think I'm just going to give Peira proof or something to help her not get blown up by Violet.


Oct 25, 2017
I made a few dozen pulls, but didn't get her. I'm running short on skystones so I think I'll just stop and save for now.


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
Got her in ~60 pulls which is an improvement as I had to pity like the last 3 units and had to skip Zahhak.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I need so many reforge mats so planning to farm hard this weekend. Hopefully I can get SIseria and Watcher to a place I'm happy with, and if I'm lucky Peira as well.

I want to build Vildred too but I only have one dupe, and I'm not sure that I want to commit slates to him. If they were more frequent I would.


Oct 28, 2017
Worth it or not ? I currently have a W13 team that is working quite well ; Sigret/SSB/Furious/Angelica. But it's taking 2-4 minutes per run.
I saw some comps with SSB/Sigret/Muwi/Rose and it's more aggressive but also way faster ! Do you think this is worth it ?

Edit : Oh god, Abyss 105 done yes !!
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Dandy Crocodile

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Worth it or not ? I currently have a W13 team that is working quite well ; Sigret/SSB/Furious/Angelica. But it's taking 2-4 minutes per run.
I saw some comps with SSB/Sigret/Muwi/Rose and it's more aggressive but also way faster ! Do you think this is worth it ?

Edit : Oh god, Abyss 105 done yes !!
If you don't have General Purrgis that will probably be faster than your current team, yeah


Oct 27, 2017
I need to take a bit of a breather from active E7'ing, I think. Been a bit since I took my last one.

Feel free to give my GW spot to someone willing, and I can be kicked out of the guild in the interim if necessary.


Oct 25, 2017
I need to take a bit of a breather from active E7'ing, I think. Been a bit since I took my last one.

Feel free to give my GW spot to someone willing, and I can be kicked out of the guild in the interim if necessary.

No worries, if Ancient Inheritance is any good we'll drag you back in :)

Always fun playing with you and you'll always have a spot if you want it.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
It's the off season now anyways right? So we can all chill for a bit.


Jan 9, 2018
I need to take a bit of a breather from active E7'ing, I think. Been a bit since I took my last one.

Feel free to give my GW spot to someone willing, and I can be kicked out of the guild in the interim if necessary.
We'll miss you but everyone needs a break once in a while. Like rar said we'll always have a spot if you want back in!


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Those buffs seem quite nice. Love Celine's! I just got her as well. I'm not exactly sure why Lilibet needed to be buffed, she does what she's supposed to do, but those buffs seem great as well.


Oct 25, 2017
Happy Buff Preview day!

These buffs are pretty exciting to me overall but I thought I would do a deep dive about my thoughts.

Solitaria of the Snow - This one is a doozy. Her S1 can now activate the AoE on Counter and Dual Attacks which basically makes her the Light version of Archdemon in a lot of ways and adds another unit that pairs well with Counter Set and FTene artifact. With Stealth and Barrier combo adding to her survivability she will be more useable overall and safer into the units she was designed to shut down (SSB. Riolet, etc.) The negative impact being she is hard countered now by ML Cermia and Roana. Most players ran her on Speed with some DPS chops (her S3 can hit decently hard) so you can somewhat limit the amount of extra attacks you are throwing out but not by much. Overall it's a solid buff that adds another Archdemon Tier menace to the pool.

Designer Lilibet - This one is more modest but definitely gives her some of the things she needed. Self Defense buff really helps her damage. The team CR Push and the Faster building of Fighting Spirit means she will self cleanse and cycle the team more often and be generally harder to manipulate/debuff. With the right build she will be much better at her intended jobs for sure.

Chloe - This one I am more torn on. She will definitely cycle faster which is great for Wyvern. The damage reduction is so unnecessary as a balance consideration. With units like Muwi, Alexa, and Taranor Guard not many people were burning molas to use Chloe in Wyvern anyways and she isn't used for one-shot teams either (though she could replace Karin as a more reliable option potentially?). Losing the Extra Turn EE basically kills the meme builds and the attack buff that replaces it is ultimately useless as any normal wyvern team will bring a buffer. Overall this is probably the worst and most forgettable one unless you somehow already have a maxxed out Chloe and use her for wyvern.

Celine - Oh baby now this is a good one! The moved the self cleanse on Intuition which makes her similar to her ML counterpart. It secures her ability to do her job and the CR push means she will likely guaranteed she gets S2/S3 off everytime she is used. They even threw a barrier on top of Evasion for the S3 meaning she will stick around longer than usual to harass the enemy. That said her S1 damage blows and she doesn't have anything special there like ML Celine. What she needs now is either increased damage or a way to reset her S2 sooner. Still this is a nice step in the right direction and full DPS Celine's are very valuable right now with the flood of Non-Attack skills everywhere

Lilibet - Don't sleep on this one. Lilibet got something special here.... Kind of. The one red flag that sticks out to me is the 55% without the word EACH. See if it only rolls once for the triple bleed that seriously hinders her reliability for the combo. I suppose that is intentional in a sense. Maybe she would be too crazy otherwise? She is still guaranteed the 50% CR regardless on S2 but if she lands bleed? Basically an Extra Turn to combo into S3 making her Extinction capabilities more reliable. Cooldown reduction on Kill for S3 makes her even more scary. You leave a Lilibet alive long enough and she will start shredding your team apart in the right circumstances. Worth noting they updated one of her EE's to give her a 2 debuff cleanse so I suppose she can function as an anti-cleave option?

Sinful Angelica - So simple a buff but SOOO AWESOME. AoE Cleanse on S3. I think someone in the guild was harping about how clever it was to give her Doctors Bag and I agree! IF you are like me you build Sinful with High Eff Res on Candlestick and having her effing Cleanse on S3 is HUGE. She is like a Budget ML Kawerik now! Now it is only a single debuff cleanse but makes her so useful in those situations where your team gets disrupted. Cannot gush enough how great this is.

Ainos - Probably one of the most underrated Soul Weavers we have. Team CR push, Attack buffs and Defense breaks? This buff fixes her largest weakness with the cooldown reduction. The 100% defense break on the soul burn is icing on the cake making Ainos an absolutely amazing unit for PvE an newer players. Hell I think even a few end game players bust her out from time to time. Here is hoping a Specialty change is in her future!

Lucy - They mention caides which... sure but where I personally use Lucy is my Banshee one-shot. She is super reliable there and what is even better is that even if she misses the restrict she can keep the team alive to still score the win after the fact. She has been wonderful for farming banshee and I can't recommend her there enough. This buff just makes her that much better in that fallback role allowing her to heal instead of just putting up barriers. and reducing the cooldown on her restrict AoE probably helps a lot in other PVE content. Small update but helps her out a lot.

Adin - This just seems like a very small correction and a welcome one. She does apply this to the team so I can see her being used in Hall of Trials somewhere? I dunno.. Adin is still just a benchwarmer for me until her future mechanics are set up. Whatever they may be.

Cradle of Life - This one is really good. Adding Burn and making the debuffs 2 turns could bring this one out into the open. I am not sure what warriors can make the best use of this but as for me... I'll probably slap this on a Wyvern unit to help make one-shots easier. I could see this being slapped on a Counter Warrior with a shit ton of attack on defense. Land that burn and watch those numbers fly. Pretty niche but defense is all about harassing your opponent and having these debuffs pop up at 2 turns makes this very disruptive.

Little Queen's Huge Crown - Much needed change here. Straight damage and then doubled if target has a barrier? This will be fantastic on General purpose DPS warriors and tank busters. Zahak comes to mind immediately as this could allow him to punch through and injure HP Bruisers more reliably with the bonus damage on top of his already insane mods but I would love to hear what other options you guys think are out there!

El's Fist - Another modest but useful general purpose change. We still don't have a warrior that has Immortality mechanics but I always think about having one combined with El's Fist and a Revenge set being an absolute terror on the battlefield. Still a wonderful general purpose Artifact now especially for any warrior that is tanky enough and needs attack.

Whew! That was a lot but these are my thoughts!
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Solitaria of the Snow - This one is a doozy. Her S1 can now activate the AoE on Counter and Dual Attacks which basically makes her the Light version of Archdemon in a lot of ways and adds another unit that pairs well with Counter Set and FTene artifact. With Stealth and Barrier combo adding to her survivability she will be more useable overall and safer into the units she was designed to shut down (SSB. Riolet, etc.) The negative impact being she is hard countered now by ML Cermia and Roana. Most players ran her on Speed with some DPS chops (her S3 can hit decently hard) so you can somewhat limit the amount of extra attacks you are throwing out but not by much. Overall it's a solid buff that adds another Archdemon Tier menace to the pool.

Making her AoE an extra attack is really great. Still has hard counters in Roana/Lionheart. But the problem with counter Soli is that she should be behind stealth with a shield a lot of the match. So hoping for counters is probably a poor use of a set given she can probably be an effective damage dealer now. Very interesting buff for sure, the extra attack makes her a great user of Fairytale and she can be built as a bulky speed DPS and the barrier should keep her in stealth for quite a bit. Her S3 still wants to be an opener but I think that ship has sailed since they won't give her ignore ER.

It isn't what CC players wanted (SB ignore ER or FS block) but I'm guessing it can make her relevant in other ways.

I'll bite my tongue on Delibet. There are already some Emporer players that use her so she wasn't unusable to begin with and the buff does make her a lot better. Just think she has the same pitfalls as she had before against immunity and her S3 cooldown being too long. I'll move her to a speed set for sure and see if I can get something out of her.

Lilibet - Don't sleep on this one. Lilibet got something special here.... Kind of. The one red flag that sticks out to me is the 55% without the word EACH. See if it only rolls once for the triple bleed that seriously hinders her reliability for the combo. I suppose that is intentional in a sense. Maybe she would be too crazy otherwise? She is still guaranteed the 50% CR regardless on S2 but if she lands bleed? Basically an Extra Turn to combo into S3 making her Extinction capabilities more reliable. Cooldown reduction on Kill for S3 makes her even more scary. You leave a Lilibet alive long enough and she will start shredding your team apart in the right circumstances. Worth noting they updated one of her EE's to give her a 2 buff strip on her S2 meaning she doesn't even need a supporting unit to do her job. Extremely scary unit!

Lilibet is pretty exciting, it does say 55% chance each. So it's three chances at bleeding. She should be able to make quick work of Violets without imm but she might struggle against Rem still since she doesn't dispel, would need a buff stripper to go first. She has plenty of other uses but with Rem being one of my biggest problems I'm always looking for more all-in-one solutions to her.


Oct 25, 2017
What are they thinking with that change to Chloe's artifact? I guess I know what arti I need to be saving powder for now.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Happy Buff Preview day!

These buffs are pretty exciting to me overall but I thought I would do a deep dive about my thoughts.

Solitaria of the Snow - This one is a doozy. Her S1 can now activate the AoE on Counter and Dual Attacks which basically makes her the Light version of Archdemon in a lot of ways and adds another unit that pairs well with Counter Set and FTene artifact. With Stealth and Barrier combo adding to her survivability she will be more useable overall and safer into the units she was designed to shut down (SSB. Riolet, etc.) The negative impact being she is hard countered now by ML Cermia and Roana. Most players ran her on Speed with some DPS chops (her S3 can hit decently hard) so you can somewhat limit the amount of extra attacks you are throwing out but not by much. Overall it's a solid buff that adds another Archdemon Tier menace to the pool.

Designer Lilibet - This one is more modest but definitely gives her some of the things she needed. Self Defense buff really helps her damage. The team CR Push and the Faster building of Fighting Spirit means she will self cleanse and cycle the team more often and be generally harder to manipulate/debuff. With the right build she will be much better at her intended jobs for sure.

Chloe - This one I am more torn on. She will definitely cycle faster which is great for Wyvern. The damage reduction is so unnecessary as a balance consideration. With units like Muwi, Alexa, and Taranor Guard not many people were burning molas to use Chloe in Wyvern anyways and she isn't used for one-shot teams either (though she could replace Karin as a more reliable option potentially?). Losing the Extra Turn EE basically kills the meme builds and the attack buff that replaces it is ultimately useless as any normal wyvern team will bring a buffer. Overall this is probably the worst and most forgettable one unless you somehow already have a maxxed out Chloe and use her for wyvern.

Celine - Oh baby now this is a good one! The moved the self cleanse on Intuition which makes her similar to her ML counterpart. It secures her ability to do her job and the CR push means she will likely guaranteed she gets S2/S3 off everytime she is used. They even threw a barrier on top of Evasion for the S3 meaning she will stick around longer than usual to harass the enemy. That said her S1 damage blows and she doesn't have anything special there like ML Celine. What she needs now is either increased damage or a way to reset her S2 sooner. Still this is a nice step in the right direction and full DPS Celine's are very valuable right now with the flood of Non-Attack skills everywhere

Lilibet - Don't sleep on this one. Lilibet got something special here.... Kind of. The one red flag that sticks out to me is the 55% without the word EACH. See if it only rolls once for the triple bleed that seriously hinders her reliability for the combo. I suppose that is intentional in a sense. Maybe she would be too crazy otherwise? She is still guaranteed the 50% CR regardless on S2 but if she lands bleed? Basically an Extra Turn to combo into S3 making her Extinction capabilities more reliable. Cooldown reduction on Kill for S3 makes her even more scary. You leave a Lilibet alive long enough and she will start shredding your team apart in the right circumstances. Worth noting they updated one of her EE's to give her a 2 debuff cleanse so I suppose she can function as an anti-cleave option?

Sinful Angelica - So simple a buff but SOOO AWESOME. AoE Cleanse on S3. I think someone in the guild was harping about how clever it was to give her Doctors Bag and I agree! IF you are like me you build Sinful with High Eff Res on Candlestick and having her effing Cleanse on S3 is HUGE. She is like a Budget ML Kawerik now! Now it is only a single debuff cleanse but makes her so useful in those situations where your team gets disrupted. Cannot gush enough how great this is.

Ainos - Probably one of the most underrated Soul Weavers we have. Team CR push, Attack buffs and Defense breaks? This buff fixes her largest weakness with the cooldown reduction. The 100% defense break on the soul burn is icing on the cake making Ainos an absolutely amazing unit for PvE an newer players. Hell I think even a few end game players bust her out from time to time. Here is hoping a Specialty change is in her future!

Lucy - They mention caides which... sure but where I personally use Lucy is my Banshee one-shot. She is super reliable there and what is even better is that even if she misses the restrict she can keep the team alive to still score the win after the fact. She has been wonderful for farming banshee and I can't recommend her there enough. This buff just makes her that much better in that fallback role allowing her to heal instead of just putting up barriers. and reducing the cooldown on her restrict AoE probably helps a lot in other PVE content. Small update but helps her out a lot.

Adin - This just seems like a very small correction and a welcome one. She does apply this to the team so I can see her being used in Hall of Trials somewhere? I dunno.. Adin is still just a benchwarmer for me until her future mechanics are set up. Whatever they may be.

Cradle of Life - This one is really good. Adding Burn and making the debuffs 2 turns could bring this one out into the open. I am not sure what warriors can make the best use of this but as for me... I'll probably slap this on a Wyvern unit to help make one-shots easier. I could see this being slapped on a Counter Warrior with a shit ton of attack on defense. Land that burn and watch those numbers fly. Pretty niche but defense is all about harassing your opponent and having these debuffs pop up at 2 turns makes this very disruptive.

Little Queen's Huge Crown - Much needed change here. Straight damage and then doubled if target has a barrier? This will be fantastic on General purpose DPS warriors and tank busters. Zahak comes to mind immediately as this could allow him to punch through and injure HP Bruisers more reliably with the bonus damage on top of his already insane mods but I would love to hear what other options you guys think are out there!

El's Fist - Another modest but useful general purpose change. We still don't have a warrior that has Immortality mechanics but I always think about having one combined with El's Fist and a Revenge set being an absolute terror on the battlefield. Still a wonderful general purpose Artifact now especially for any warrior that is tanky enough and needs attack.

Whew! That was a lot but these are my thoughts!
Appreciate the write up. I always like reading through posts like this. We talk a lot in the discord but it's not the same as reading someone's thoughts written out like this.


Oct 25, 2017
Adin - This just seems like a very small correction and a welcome one. She does apply this to the team so I can see her being used in Hall of Trials somewhere? I dunno.. Adin is still just a benchwarmer for me until her future mechanics are set up. Whatever they may be.
With Straze you get easy no RNG banshee 1 shots with her. The buff doesn't change that but whatever. She's also just a pretty solid PVE unit in general.


Oct 25, 2017
Celine buff seems welcome. It'll probably make her better as a deterrent for non-attack skills, but the same weakness where you can just bait her S2 into Seaseria or Arby still stands. I think it makes her better against "protect the specten" comps, though.

I agree that it's a step in the right direction, but I don't know if it's enough to affect her use rate much.


Oct 25, 2017
I use Chloe on my W13 team. I really didn't think she needed this buff and most of her damage is coming from the DDJ artifact. It's just bizarre and is IMO a waste of a buff slot when there's actual units who are unusable right now (looking at you Ervalen) that they continue to ignore.

Celine seems strong. Solitaria seems overbuffed into the toxic zone, but that's what I feared they would do.

Cradle of Life got a really nice buff, although it's worth noting that they removed Poison from its debuff list, which will probably impact some PVE usage.

I use El's Fist on LQC, so I'm really happy to get some base attack boosting from it.

What are they thinking with that change to Chloe's artifact? I guess I know what arti I need to be saving powder for now.

Considering the timing, I suspect this is being thought of by SG as a soft counter to Peira, but either way it makes the artifact actually usable now.


Oct 25, 2017
It really is a shame that she's a green unit for this very reason. It would be nice to have more options vs Seaside.
Yeah, she's supposed to be a good deterrent for cleave setups, but stuff like this is why her use is so limited. It's probably also why Politis is far better as a deterrent.

It just occurred to me that you can also bait it into BBK for an easy low hp S3.


Oct 25, 2017
Considering the timing, I suspect this is being thought of by SG as a soft counter to Peira, but either way it makes the artifact actually usable now.
How is this a counter to Peira when she gets stealthed and LQHC only works on st attacks lol. If anything Clilias giving a fat barrier would be more of a consideration.


Jan 9, 2018
Yeah, she's supposed to be a good deterrent for cleave setups, but stuff like this is why her use is so limited. It's probably also why Politis is far better as a deterrent.

It just occurred to me that you can also bait it into BBK for an easy low hp S3.
I think I'm gonna build her and use her stealth EE. With her artifact she's getting a huge cr push and stealth, evade, and shield should give her protection to attack again. Against ran/siseria you should push past siseria and cleanse the bomb with s3 so maybe not as one sided as before.


Oct 25, 2017
I think I'm gonna build her and use her stealth EE. With her artifact she's getting a huge cr push and stealth, evade, and shield should give her protection to attack again. Against ran/siseria you should push past siseria and cleanse the bomb with s3 so maybe not as one sided as before.
Cleanse isn't on s3 anymore but might still work. You can probably kill siseria with 2 attacks, only 25% chance to miss both.


Jan 9, 2018
Cleanse isn't on s3 anymore but might still work. You can probably kill siseria with 2 attacks, only 25% chance to miss both.
Ah right. Would the detonate knock her out of stealth? I still think having a self cleanse and stealth on 2 turn cooldown is strong (see tsurin) though I admit I have no idea what her damage output will look like.


Oct 25, 2017
So Just a little theory Crafting here

Every analysis video I have seen are kind of brushing Chloe to the and sure... for the most part that makes sense

However... Chloe gets a really powerful 1-2 punch combo with that Magic Nail + 50% CR. On rage set that's a guaranteed 30% and with the EE change that's a self attack buff. I am not sure what artifact works best but I am very curious what her single target Damage chops are with all that setup. I imagine just use a damage stacking artifact and see just how hard she can dunk something. This is mostly curiosity. I may look at her for making a more consistent one shot team as she can probably do a slightly better job than Karin? I suppose it really depends. Karin can stack more debuffs but Chloe can't be resisted (though its just a single debuff).

Sad that they are lowering her S3 mod. What a stupid choice but I imagine the nerf is pretty modest. Maybe it won't matter as much.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Are the galaxy bookmarks worth getting from the ripoff shop?


Oct 25, 2017
The rate on the mystery boxes is pretty good as well. Though you specifically have too many liefs anyway so maybe not. Mola are also definitely worth the rate, and I would say that they're probably better than the arti charms.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
No way

1200 skystones is WAY too steep. Only things worth grabbing are mystics, artifact charms and maybe the cheap leifs. Its a hard pass for any player that isn't swimming in disposable skystones for sure
The rate on the mystery boxes is pretty good as well. Though you specifically have too many liefs anyway so maybe not. Mola are also definitely worth the rate, and I would say that they're probably better than the arti charms.
Yeah I was going to say the molas are always worth picking up. You can never have too many.

What can you get from the mystery box?


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I was going to say the molas are always worth picking up. You can never have too many.

What can you get from the mystery box?


Here are the rates of what you COULD get.

I would say the worst value resides in the Powder, 4 Star unit, and catalysts. Charms are about a medium value for the skystones but also pretty bad. Meaning you have almost a 50% chance to get something that doesn't really take advantage of the value of those skystones. Still its only 500 total so if you are feeling lucky you could walk away with a few goodies.

Most comments I have read paint them as not worth it so it's really a judgement call.


Oct 25, 2017

Huge Stream with tons to talk about

Here are the cliffs notes though

- Villianess Vivian is an Epic Pass Skin!
Huge visual upgrade for the character in my opinion!

- YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

- New Side Story "Game of Princes!

Comes packed with 88 Pen Set gear and two new limited artifacts that stack together bonus attack and defense stats when used together!

- Ancient Inheritance

The New Guild mode is finally here and looks amazing!

- YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

- Dark Monarch Arbiter Vildred Epic Skin for RTA reward

- YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

- New Hero Hwayoung releasing February 24th

- New Hero Black Cat Armin releasing

February 24th as the Mystic 4 star

This release also comes bundled with the new 4 star mystic pity changes.

- Custom Summon banner!

Ok this one is pretty crazy. You will be able to create your own banner with 3 units of your choosing. This DOES include limited units and the powder shop also adds their artifacts as well. I don't know how often you will be able to edit this banner but this is a huge QOL change allowing you you target key characters and artifacts for imprints/MLBs and comes with selective pity as well (similar to previous triple banners in function).


Last but not least.... We are getting a TON of Freebies. 7 days of 10 summons, Mystic summon login events, and more!
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Oct 25, 2017
obscenely disappointed that Vivian isnt a limited and is just a skin

I like the idea of creating banners with multiple characters I want imprints for

Really cool of SG to get a black voice actress for Hwayoung, and not have her try to "whiten" her voice or anything. She sounds great.


Oct 25, 2017
Hwayoung looks good and voice actress sounds great. I think I might be willing to pity at least twice for the hell of it.

I bet Bad Kitty uses fur for her cloths, easy skip.
I will pity for her

Ancient inheritance looks cool, I hope our guild will be up for it.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I was really hoping that character wasn't Armin. I didn't want the Angie situation to be common place, but I guess they were running out of 4*s to ML. I was transmitting my dupe 4*s once I SSS'd both versions, but I started keeping them after Angie released. Regretting the ones I sacrificed now. I would have definitely been able to SSS Light Rose and Light Lots whenever they release.


Oct 25, 2017
So about those newbies


Really cool kit! Love that she can be used in so many situations from Tank busting to evasion unit sniping and adds yet another rep to the Lilias Cleave composition roster! She also has pronounced weaknesses being both a fire unit and being susceptible to being controlled. She won't be outspeeding any of our fast ice openers and many of them are rocking unbuffable which is scary. She does self cleanse so barring something like AoL landing a silence or whatever sleep/stun openers we have she can cleanse and go back on offense. Counter/Immunity seems what will work best. I suppose and she can make use of tons of artifacts. Uberius Tooth being one that sticks out to me the most. El's Fist also seems fun given her tankiness and barriers. Sigurd Scythe I am torn on? She can put up big numbers with her S3 and it cycles fast especially if you soul burn it. Could be a cleansing Nuker that goes right back to full health and even if you only have low health targets left you can just lean into her S1 to clean up. Very versatile unit and the kind that I love to see added to the meta! Oh and she is gorgeous with amazing animations too.

Black Cat Armin

I personally find this one less exciting but I can see her being a staple on defense teams from here on out. Being able to have passive 40% counter trigger from the frontline unit makes going into Tanky bruiser defense teams with her sitting there annoying and scary. The rest of her kit isn't anything too scary but the will depend a lot on how much damage she is able to put out. Hard to say but her stats don't look that crazy either. Seems like easy food for units like Landy and OpSig. The AoE injuries on her S1 are weaker than most of the injury cast but I imagine it can stack with Injury Set making her similar but less effective than Belian. 115 base speed is reasonably fast for a warrior but I can't see her cycling a whole lot. Not even sure what Artifact works best for a support warrior like this. Probably anything that gives bulk and eff res? Let me know what you guys think.


Oct 25, 2017
Black Cat Armin looks like basically a reverse TCrozet. You could probably put someone with a good S1 in front and watch them kill everything. Someone like red Ravi might be good for it, or maybe a bruisery Luna or something. Or use the counters to supplement someone who self heals, like Violet/ARavi/TSurin/BBK/Seline.

The uniqueness of her kit probably means she's a desirable pull, though being a 4* ML she'll be nearly impossible to get.

Hwayoung sounds like an incredible bruisery unit that may make a lot of other bruisers obsolete thanks to her stacked kit. Another unit who has an entire team's worth of support abilities in her pocket. Like, what the heck is with that kit? Self barrier, self cleanse, immunity, penetration, self CR push, self Adamant shield, and an Uberius Tooth all built right in.

Pretty disappointed that Vivian's costume is just a skin. I'll probably get it, but I barely ever use Vivian anyway.
Last edited:


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017

Huge Stream with tons to talk about

Here are the cliffs notes though

- Villianess Vivian is an Epic Pass Skin!
Huge visual upgrade for the character in my opinion!

- YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

- New Side Story "Game of Princes!

Comes packed with 88 Pen Set gear and two new limited artifacts that stack together bonus attack and defense stats when used together!

- Ancient Inheritance

The New Guild mode is finally here and looks amazing!

- YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

- Dark Monarch Arbiter Vildred Epic Skin for RTA reward

- YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

- New Hero Hwayoung releasing February 24th

- New Hero Black Cat Armin releasing

February 24th as the Mystic 4 star

This release also comes bundled with the new 4 star mystic pity changes.

- Custom Summon banner!

Ok this one is pretty crazy. You will be able to create your own banner with 3 units of your choosing. This DOES include limited units and the powder shop also adds their artifacts as well. I don't know how often you will be able to edit this banner but this is a huge QOL change allowing you you target key characters and artifacts for imprints/MLBs and comes with selective pity as well (similar to previous triple banners in function).


Last but not least.... We are getting a TON of Freebies. 7 days of 10 summons, Mystic summon login events, and more!

Thanks for the wrap-up. I missed the stream so this saved me a lot of time.

Hwayoung isn't limited right? I think I'm going to skip her. She seems really good but I don't think I need her specifically rn. And I'm not sure why but her design just isn't resonating with me.


Oct 25, 2017
Hwayoung isn't limited right? I think I'm going to skip her. She seems really good but I don't think I need her specifically rn. And I'm not sure why but her design just isn't resonating with me.
She's not limited. She looks so cool though! And her s1 is chun-li legs! We're probably getting the new guilty gear unit in march-april + the other reruns for artis/imprints so you should keep that in mind.


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for the wrap-up. I missed the stream so this saved me a lot of time.

Hwayoung isn't limited right? I think I'm going to skip her. She seems really good but I don't think I need her specifically rn. And I'm not sure why but her design just isn't resonating with me.

This write up didn't have the Guilty Gear Collab!


Oh man what a misstep

We get another shot at the old units alongside one New one that is going to come from Strive

As for Hwayoung? I am torn. Need to save bookmarks for GG and since I don't have Elphelt or Baiken I think I will need at least a triple Pity worth of bookmarks to ensure I get them all.


Oct 25, 2017
As for Hwayoung? I am torn. Need to save bookmarks for GG and since I don't have Elphelt or Baiken I think I will need at least a triple Pity worth of bookmarks to ensure I get them all.
We'll see if Baiken or Elphelt (again) get buffed, but Hwayoung looks stronger to me than both. RIght now Baiken is really only used for banshee oneshot, but there are better options there as well.


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty much all the GG characters need a buff at this point. With the number of units with super stacked kits these days, the GG characters currently have very little reason to exist.