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Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I currently only have one 6* (SS Bellona) but enough to evolve another two 5*. Who should I choose?


There's also the option of a few 4*, such as Montmorancy or Angelica...

I'm kind of leaning towards Tamarinne and Vildred at the moment, but any input would be appreciated!


Oct 25, 2017
what are your current goals? If I remember correctly you are strictly pve right? have you cleared Wyvern11?


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, pretty much PVE. I minaly stick to the NPC arena fights for daily quests (as well as Conquest currency), though I do fight the occasional PVP match. I haven't cleared W11 just yet, still on W10. I was thinking maybe evolving Luna to 6* as well as Tamarinne could help that, but I still need a decent tank for it.


Oct 25, 2017
I beat W11 the first time with Angelica as my tank/healer with Idol cheer, Tama as my healer/atk buff/cr push, SSB for her s2/s1, and Karin as the DPS.

You could build a similar team, with Luna instead of Karin.

Tama and SSB also is a staple on my raid team, with momo as a secondary healer/cleanser (recently replaced Momo with DJ Basar), and C.Lorina as my dps. In your case you could use Luna/vildred/Lillias as your dps.


Oct 25, 2017
You can say almost every character in the game except Basar is stuffed hard by immunity. You just don't use debuff heavy units vs heavy immunity/resistance units.

Curse deals 40% of damage dealt to the inflicted target. It doesn't need to be any stronger. That's more than SSB's passive and we all know how that can ruin any unit standing in front of her, although it won't go higher than 40%. There are loads of applications for that.

Her S3 & S2 chain, effectively a 2.7 multiplier on top of having the second highest base attack in the game.
Problem is that Melissa is DOUBLE-stuffed by immunity. Other units can just happily go HAM on anyone Iseria buff strips. Melissa's entire gimmick, on the other hand, is completely wasted if she does that. How do you setup for her S3 when you can't actually take advantage of it without buff stripping first?

I just can't figure out a combo that would actually work with her. Anything you can do with Basar/Hurado and her, you can do easier with an actual cleave team rather than relying on Melissa. Like, what kind of team composition would Melissa do better against than a BBK or Judge Kise? Especially if you're using the Basar/Tywin setup. I just can't figure it out. It's really baffling to me.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I beat W11 the first time with Angelica as my tank/healer with Idol cheer, Tama as my healer/atk buff/cr push, SSB for her s2/s1, and Karin as the DPS.

You could build a similar team, with Luna instead of Karin.

Tama and SSB also is a staple on my raid team, with momo as a secondary healer/cleanser (recently replaced Momo with DJ Basar), and C.Lorina as my dps. In your case you could use Luna/vildred/Lillias as your dps.
Thanks, I'll probably go Tamarinne + Luna then! It helps that I really love them as characters, always a plus.


Oct 25, 2017
Gah, they moved maintenance up, I need to pay more attention. Not getting GW attacks in and had a full stamina bar :/


Oct 25, 2017
How long is the maintenance? I'm missing one attack too.

6 hours, so I'm toast for the night, but I'd bet it gets extended with it being the launch of the Japan servers. I think reset is at 5 AM now on the east coast? Unless the kids wake me up I won't be attacking.

Not sure why they keep changing the start time.


Oct 25, 2017
6 hours, so I'm toast for the night, but I'd bet it gets extended with it being the launch of the Japan servers. I think reset is at 5 AM now on the east coast? Unless the kids wake me up I won't be attacking.

Not sure why they keep changing the start time.
Ah, thanks. I guess that means I'm hosed, too.

The only consolation is that it didn't look like we were gonna win this one anyway.

Speaking of which, what the hell was up with that one guy? Four ML5s in one gw defense.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
I have him on defense with Charles, so he doesn't die to Yufine (since he's not running immunity) and currently SSB. I haven't been attacked yet, but alternatively considering switching out SSB for Yuna with greater attack unique weapon. Also maybe ruele if it's a hard carry Charles comp.

on offense, he enables squishy hard carry dps, it protects the ruele that will Rez your hard carry dps. He's actually insane.

Sounds very promising. I like using off meta characters so I want to feature him, so I'm glad you are finding him good. I already have a def in mind for him.

in other news, really wish I did my gvg fights today. Oh well. Sorry, guild.


Oct 25, 2017
Ah, thanks. I guess that means I'm hosed, too.

The only consolation is that it didn't look like we were gonna win this one anyway.

Speaking of which, what the hell was up with that one guy? Four ML5s in one gw defense.

I'm so used to that comp in Arena now and have been practicing a ton with Spez and it paid off. F.Ceci/Ruele/A Vildred doesn't scare me too much.

I tripped up on his second team because I was so focused on killing Violet and Montmo I didn't think that A. Ravi would win a 1v3 lol. I predictably wiped Montmo with Baiken and Violet with Cermia and I figured with Lilias' S1 I could tickle Ravi to death but turns out dual attacks just give Ravi more opportunity to counter and heal and Lilias part of the S1 wasn't hitting hard enough to warrant the double attacks. A Ravi targeted Cermia with her S3 and then she missed her unhealable and got counterattacked and from there it was all over.

I don't consider those comps all that great, an F Maya handles both those teams well, nothing to tricky about them. We're just entering Guild War territory where gear is more of a factor than before and you can't always win by just playing the Rock/Paper/Scissors game. My Adventurer Destruction set on Cermia packs a punch but she dies when sneezed on. Running into 220 speed F Cecis with piles of health becomes a problem.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
I'm so used to that comp in Arena now and have been practicing a ton with Spez and it paid off. F.Ceci/Ruele/A Vildred doesn't scare me too much.

I tripped up on his second team because I was so focused on killing Violet and Montmo I didn't think that A. Ravi would win a 1v3 lol. I predictably wiped Montmo with Baiken and Violet with Cermia and I figured with Lilias' S1 I could tickle Ravi to death but turns out dual attacks just give Ravi more opportunity to counter and heal and Lilias part of the S1 wasn't hitting hard enough to warrant the double attacks. A Ravi targeted Cermia with her S3 and then she missed her unhealable and got counterattacked and from there it was all over.

I don't consider those comps all that great, an F Maya handles both those teams well, nothing to tricky about them. We're just entering Guild War territory where gear is more of a factor than before and you can't always win by just playing the Rock/Paper/Scissors game. My Adventurer Destruction set on Cermia packs a punch but she dies when sneezed on. Running into 220 speed F Cecis with piles of health becomes a problem.

you can't tickle Ravi down. Her heal is kinda nuts.


Oct 25, 2017
you can't tickle Ravi down. Her heal is kinda nuts.

Yeah, usually my Baiken can blast through one but I used the S3 on the Montmo and got counterattacked to death before it recharged due to Lilias S1 triggering Baiken which triggered extra counters. I'll never bring Lilias against an A Ravi again.

It's kinda odd A Ravi is scarier in GW because there's less units on the other side to stall and get your S3s back up on. Eventually you end up 1v3 and I'd you aren't doing enough damage you are just healing her lol.

btw I put A Ravi into my GW defense and 2 for 2 so far.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm so used to that comp in Arena now and have been practicing a ton with Spez and it paid off. F.Ceci/Ruele/A Vildred doesn't scare me too much.

I tripped up on his second team because I was so focused on killing Violet and Montmo I didn't think that A. Ravi would win a 1v3 lol. I predictably wiped Montmo with Baiken and Violet with Cermia and I figured with Lilias' S1 I could tickle Ravi to death but turns out dual attacks just give Ravi more opportunity to counter and heal and Lilias part of the S1 wasn't hitting hard enough to warrant the double attacks. A Ravi targeted Cermia with her S3 and then she missed her unhealable and got counterattacked and from there it was all over.

I don't consider those comps all that great, an F Maya handles both those teams well, nothing to tricky about them. We're just entering Guild War territory where gear is more of a factor than before and you can't always win by just playing the Rock/Paper/Scissors game. My Adventurer Destruction set on Cermia packs a punch but she dies when sneezed on. Running into 220 speed F Cecis with piles of health becomes a problem.
Yeah, that first team was super rough because it had great gear, and enough ways to trip up my traditional GW offenses. If I didn't go tanky, I was pretty sure AVild would smoke me. If I didn't go damage, I wouldn't be able to cut down Ruele and AVild before they did too much damage. I feel like I have no good answer to such a comp.

I went SSB + Carmin + Momo against it in the end, and it just couldn't cut it because I didn't have the damage to take down Ruele before she shielded or healed herself back to full. Her resisting nearly status effect from SSB meant I couldn't take her down before either she shielded herself, or before FCeci threw another S3. I survived until after AVild did his S3 without reviving, but afterwards that team got a good sequence of turns in on my Carmin and took her down.

Second team wasn't so bad. I decided to go big damage against it with Yufine + Kitty + Fluri and it worked out well. Fluri is surprisingly good as a pseudo healer against these low damage, high sustain teams. I retooled Yufine to be slower but with a higher crit rate after the discussion with Grim last night, and I'm way happier with her now.

you can't tickle Ravi down. Her heal is kinda nuts.
Yeah, I've lost in arena against solo ARavis before with 3+ units just because I saved her for last and then couldn't punch through her self heals.


Oct 25, 2017
I gotta build up a Yufine. I went pity on her, got her to 50 and haven't done anything since.

I guess I have a lot of tools to deal with A Vildred so those are teams I target now. Either Lilibet, Spez, or J Kise S2 to S3 are all options for me now. I brought Basar because I wanted to peel off F Ceci's shield and G Purrgis to CR push Spez further if F Ceci was fast (which she was). Killed A Vildred the first turn and then just duked it out until G. Purrgis has his S3 up and Spez was in a good spot on the speed bar to pop it. Basar just kept anti-buff up so F Ceci couldnt generate shields.

To be fair I have no idea how I'd approach A Vildred without an Extinction character. I guess some other two turn character but I don't have any built besides Baiken (and J Kise who isn't easy to get) and her S3 isn't going to take down a Proof or Aurius A Vildred.


Oct 27, 2017
Thanks, I'll probably go Tamarinne + Luna then! It helps that I really love them as characters, always a plus.
I wouldn't rush a 6* Tammy yet when you have a single 6* so far. She is an amazing unit but you really don't need her at 6* for most of her kit to shine....that's somethinh you do when some more important roles are set.

You should 6* a unit that can tank W11 for you as well down line like Angelica. Having Angelica as a tank/healer, Tammy(5*) as a healer and Luna/SSBellona will help you farm W11 without too many issues.

You could also go for A.Mont even though she needs a bit more investment and better gear to be as good as a tank.

That Tammy + Angelica/A
Mont combo is quite amazing for Raids as well.

So yeah personally I would 6* Angelica or A.Mont and Luna before going for a 6* Tammy.

Vildred, Lilias and Vivian are also great units but if Arena or PvP in general aren't a focus you can afford to wait a bit with then. Though Vildred is still a Too Tier farmer against every non-fire stage/map so he will always be worth it in PvE and PvP.


Oct 25, 2017
I really like Yufine. With her S1 damage EE, she occasionally hits 5 digit damage with her S1 with a def break, and I'm not even done molaing her. Which is why Kitty works so well with her. In my current build, her status effects are just sort of a bonus on top of her nuking abilities.

My Luna is kind of like your Yufine right now. I pulled her, then promptly benched her because I don't know what I'd do with another ice ST DPS anyway.

My current answer to AVild is to take out maybe one other threat first, then kill him when I'm fully healed and preferably shielded. That takes a ton of sustain and tankiness, because I have to stand there and eat his AoE crap for a while. His nerf that took away his self attack buff on revive did wonders for people like me - usually everyone at 13k+ hp and an Aurius can survive his post-res cleave now, but of course you want some wiggle room in case someone else on that team gets a hit on you before your healer moves next. And if AVild gets an Alexa's basket proc, I just think "hold on to your butts!" every time I kill him and watch his S3 animation lol.

Of course, this "tank and slowly kill him" strat doesn't work so well when AVild has Ruele with him.
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Oct 25, 2017
Problem is that Melissa is DOUBLE-stuffed by immunity. Other units can just happily go HAM on anyone Iseria buff strips. Melissa's entire gimmick, on the other hand, is completely wasted if she does that. How do you setup for her S3 when you can't actually take advantage of it without buff stripping first?

I just can't figure out a combo that would actually work with her. Anything you can do with Basar/Hurado and her, you can do easier with an actual cleave team rather than relying on Melissa. Like, what kind of team composition would Melissa do better against than a BBK or Judge Kise? Especially if you're using the Basar/Tywin setup. I just can't figure it out. It's really baffling to me.
Just don't bring her into teams with immunity. This seems like a Lilibet style specialist unit. Good vs. ML Corvus ML Ken defenses that you can hit once, to setup the curse, but can't afford to keep hitting. She is super niche though and not a defense unit.


Oct 25, 2017
Nice Charles showcase ;)

I'm still building up my Crozet so I'm eager to see where I can fit him in. He seems pretty good on the right comp but not sure he's good on defense, which is what matters more tbh. Winning on offense is already easy.

This is the actual video I meant to post on my last post. Look at how much damage the enemy Charles is doing... and how much damage my Charles takes.

imagine fighting a comp like that where the third was either ruele, SSB, or Yuna w/ greater attack buff. That Charles is gonna kill some units even if he loses.
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Oct 16, 2018
Don't sleep on Melissa.
She's going to be a great unit, probably even in defense with the correct setup (need speed for that).

Curse is going to be a great unnecessary bonus. She doesn't require it to function well.

Also note that S1 has a quite high multiplier as well. This character will always deal good/great damage, and the self invulnerability is going to be very, very nasty.

Just don't bring her into teams with immunity. This seems like a Lilibet style specialist unit. Good vs. ML Corvus ML Ken defenses that you can hit once, to setup the curse, but can't afford to keep hitting. She is super niche though and not a defense unit.

I originally though of her as a specialized/niche strong attack unit, but I'm starting to consider her on defense as well.

I doubt she's going to be a top defense unit, but the way her S3 works and the subsequent S2 invulnerability can make her into a very annoying unit to deal with, that forces you into bringing dispel/dizzy/etc in an uncomfortable battle.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I wouldn't rush a 6* Tammy yet when you have a single 6* so far. She is an amazing unit but you really don't need her at 6* for most of her kit to shine....that's somethinh you do when some more important roles are set.

You should 6* a unit that can tank W11 for you as well down line like Angelica. Having Angelica as a tank/healer, Tammy(5*) as a healer and Luna/SSBellona will help you farm W11 without too many issues.

You could also go for A.Mont even though she needs a bit more investment and better gear to be as good as a tank.

That Tammy + Angelica/A
Mont combo is quite amazing for Raids as well.

So yeah personally I would 6* Angelica or A.Mont and Luna before going for a 6* Tammy.

Vildred, Lilias and Vivian are also great units but if Arena or PvP in general aren't a focus you can afford to wait a bit with then. Though Vildred is still a Too Tier farmer against every non-fire stage/map so he will always be worth it in PvE and PvP.
Thanks man, appreciate the advice! I'll fast-track Luna and Angelica then, and work on Tamarinne/Vildred afterwards. Nice to have a goal now anyway!


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
To be clear, the reason I haven't quit yet is because the game does some things (namely, the animation and some of the character design) better than basically every other game on the market. It's just that my enthusiasm for the game is severely hamstrung by the developers' seeming incompetence (or forced negligence, in the case of executive meddling).

In terms of gameplay I don't consider any gacha game to be top tier, but I can't think of many games that are as blatantly broken as this one. If all you think about is whether or not you can progress, maybe it's not so bad, but given that it's a game with a significant emphasis on PvP and constantly has to resort to some really obscene restriction mechanics in PvE it's extremely obvious to me that they should have fixed a lot of this stuff a long time ago.

It's less "I fucking hate this game" (though I certainly will vocalize as much when I'm playing arena or GW) and more "this is weirdly disappointing". So many problems and they just won't address them. It's even more bizarre when you consider the things they did fix, yet for some reason fundamental issues like poison breaking the game and being countered with absurd restriction mechanics continue onward. I just don't understand it, man.

I just find her mechanics strangely deaf to the current state of the meta. To really work, curse should be stronger, she shouldn't be stuffed so hard by immunity, OR she should have extinction somewhere on her kit. As it is, against 90% of arena defense teams in champion she's entirely useless and in GW she's easily replaced by other units that are easier to gear up (since she needs effectiveness to do her job).

I don't know who's in charge of balance at this point but I am not liking the things they are doing.
Tbf I think all fire dps units are going to be redundant against 90% of arena comps just because they're fire. I don't think there's much SG can do about that at this point. But purely as a DPS I think she's ok when a fire unit can be used. Ignoring the type difference you could give the same argument against Baiken with her needing bleeds. But her S2 into S3 still hits like a truck even if they have immunity. Unless Melissa has low attack I feel it should work in a similar way here. The cooldown on the S3 is long though for what it does.

I think in terms of balance, SG now wants to go the route of making units underpowered and buffing them later, as opposed to making them op, nerfing them, then having to refund the community. I don't actually mind it tbh, I prefer this route over powercreep. Most long term players don't overly need anything now, so they're pulling for characters and niche roles.
Gah, they moved maintenance up, I need to pay more attention. Not getting GW attacks in and had a full stamina bar :/
They really need to move maintenance to Tuesday. The fact this game has been out a year and they're still taking up some of our potential guild war time is ridiculous.


Oct 25, 2017
Got her and the artifact in something between 15 to 20 summons, finally some luck again, was getting used to pity break / almost pity break everything since SSB lol


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I just synthesize a pet with S rank for double crafting material drop and equipment drop for hunts. Got really lucky on the first pet I summoned today which had the S rank double crafting drop skill on it.



Oct 25, 2017
I got my first S rank pet summon today, lobby pet with great success enhancement chance increased. I'll take it. I still don't really get how people are making any progress on this system without blowing insane amounts of gold and skystones...and doing that seems very counterproductive. Anyways, I want to synthesize it with my current lobby pet but not sure if doing so will reset my daily pickup bonus. Have around 100 pet snacks and planning to burn them all during the buffs this weekend.

Anyways, rolled on Melissa. Barely even know what she does, and she certainly doesn't fill a role I need. My plan was to roll until I finished off a ML summon - I had 3 gold transmits and was a little bit into the 4th. Rolled her pretty close to the 6th and kept going to finish it, where I got 2 of her artifact in a row. ML was 3* crap.

Still have over 9000 skystones left so I'll be fine for a Diene rerun or whatever they do next. There's still the collaboration they are supposedly working on, and they couldn't possibly be planning to rerun last year's Christmas event without anything new, right...?


Oct 25, 2017
I was pulling for the artifact and got her at 30 pulls. They need to implement some kind of artifact pity as well. I really want it but not at the cost of more Melissas. I'll continue to stock up skystones I guess (at 19k) or use them this week during buff event.

Reached another ML summon, another 3*, out of that pool I haven't had a 4* or higher since the refund. Wah wah.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
I was pulling for the artifact and got her at 30 pulls. They need to implement some kind of artifact pity as well. I really want it but not at the cost of more Melissas. I'll continue to stock up skystones I guess (at 19k) or use them this week during buff event.

Reached another ML summon, another 3*, out of that pool I haven't had a 4* or higher since the refund. Wah wah.

would love a pity artifact counter. 90 Luna rolls no plate. No Luna either.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
85 pulls got me Melissa, her artifact, border coin, and 5 Lenas. Hopefully I can get some gear this weekend.


Oct 25, 2017
Did maybe 20 pulls and didn't get her. I think I'll pass and save up.

Gonna go hit auto tower now that the gold buff is up.


Oct 25, 2017
Did maybe 20 pulls and didn't get her. I think I'll pass and save up.

Gonna go hit auto tower now that the gold buff is up.

On average hunts are more worth it than clearing the entire tower during the Gold Buff event. The ideal scenario is to run the AT up to floor like 75 or so before the buffs and then run floors 75-100 with the gold buff because at that point the stamina/gold ratio is better than hunts. The earlier floors stamina/gold ratio is poorer than hunts and if you averaged the entirety of the towers stamina/gold ratio it is worse than just doing hunts. So blasting through all 100 floors isn't the most effective right now (although it might be the speediest way to spend stamina).
Oct 25, 2017
On average hunts are more worth it than clearing the entire tower during the Gold Buff event. The ideal scenario is to run the AT up to floor like 75 or so before the buffs and then run floors 75-100 with the gold buff because at that point the stamina/gold ratio is better than hunts. The earlier floors stamina/gold ratio is poorer than hunts and if you averaged the entirety of the towers stamina/gold ratio it is worse than just doing hunts. So blasting through all 100 floors isn't the most effective right now (although it might be the speediest way to spend stamina).
but tower is something you are going to do anyway, so might as well do it during buffs.

Dandy Crocodile

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Had to pity for Melissa. I won't even use her for the foreseeable future but I like her design.
Got some good stuff along the way, though. Two of the new artifact, lots of 4* artifacts and heroes, and the gold transmit stones i made along the way earned me my first Watcher Schuri.


Turnip King
Oct 27, 2017
New York
Oh great, I glitched out of AT due to the bug. Now I can't get back into it. I wanted to complete AT today due to the gold buff. D:


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Did 13 rolls. Got the Artifact. I have too many units in the pipeline and she isnt limited so I'm gonna stop.

Grats to everyone that didnt need to pity!


Oct 25, 2017
but tower is something you are going to do anyway, so might as well do it during buffs.

Yup. You're going to do it, and it's time-limited, so you might as well get it done now.

That's not how that works.

Say I offered you two lump sum payments. One was worth $1000 and one was worth $700. I then tell you that you can apply a 30% bonus to one of them and a 10% bonus to the other. What are you going to do to maximize your payout? You take $1000 * .3 + $700 * .1 = $370 bonus versus $700 *.3 + $1000 * .1 =$ 310 bonus.

Same holds true here. It's worth it to run hunts instead of AT during the buff event and then run AT during regular down-time throughout the month.

Ideally you run AT up to floor 75-ish during down-time on 10% buff and then run AT 75-100 during 30% buff.


Oct 25, 2017
That's not how that works.

Say I offered you two lump sum payments. One was worth $1000 and one was worth $700. I then tell you that you can apply a 30% bonus to one of them and a 10% bonus to the other. What are you going to do to maximize your payout? You take $1000 * .3 + $700 * .1 = $370 bonus versus $700 *.3 + $1000 * .1 =$ 310 bonus.

Same holds true here. It's worth it to run hunts instead of AT during the buff event and then run AT during regular down-time throughout the month.

Ideally you run AT up to floor 75-ish during down-time on 10% buff and then run AT 75-100 during 30% buff.
Thanks. I guess I'll go pet auto hunts then.

How come I can only auto four times anyway? I can't control that repeat slider.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Thanks. I guess I'll go pet auto hunts then.

How come I can only auto four times anyway? I can't control that repeat slider.
It's weird, but it's per pet. So you can slide it up from pet's settings from one of the team menus.

Might not be per pet, but I was able to edit it from the team section -> select a pet -> settings. Not really sure why it won't allow during battle.
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