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Oct 25, 2017
I'm currently leaning towards G. Purrgis or Kitty. While I think G. Purrgis is really cool and useful in a lot of areas I also know I prefer more offensive teams and having Kitty to handle debuffs and strip while still proving some damage through her loveliness + ally combo seems to run well with me. In terms of CDom I'm entertained by the prospect of having a bunch of regular doms to speed boost the rank promotion process as well but in terms of single target dps I have quite a few. I guess another factor is who I can reasonably gear well enough and I'm not sure I can gear another DPS at the moment, especially when I want to upgrade my current ones a bit more. I'm also a little wary of CDom's crit buff. I don't want to be reliant on her for obtaining crit in case I have situations I don't want to bring her and then I'm stuck with fiddling gear for certain heroes to get that crit rate back. 🤔
That's fair. It is hard to find a balance between building for units that have around 50% crit to rely entirely on CDom's buff, or moving to around 75+ so that they aren't useless when you don't run them with her. I have that problem with SBell right now. She does also have a lot of overlap with other single target DPS, and is why I haven't built units like Yufine at the moment.

One thing to note about Kitty is that her s2 gets in the way of autoing a little. I built mine in a tank build, so her s2 is useless unless it's specifically done to strip buffs, so it's fairly situational. But because the AI spams it as much as possible, that's a lot of loveliness S1s that I'm missing out on when I'm autoing with her. It's not a deal breaker by any means, but it is a hindrance.


I'll think about it
Oct 25, 2017
Morizora's Forest
That's fair. It is hard to find a balance between building for units that have around 50% crit to rely entirely on CDom's buff, or moving to around 75+ so that they aren't useless when you don't run them with her. I have that problem with SBell right now. She does also have a lot of overlap with other single target DPS, and is why I haven't built units like Yufine at the moment.

One thing to note about Kitty is that her s2 gets in the way of autoing a little. I built mine in a tank build, so her s2 is useless unless it's specifically done to strip buffs, so it's fairly situational. But because the AI spams it as much as possible, that's a lot of loveliness S1s that I'm missing out on when I'm autoing with her. It's not a deal breaker by any means, but it is a hindrance.

I'm also considering this from a mola perspective and how to make the most of the heroes. >_>
If I wanted CDom to do damage on top of her utility that is pretty much asking for +15 into her skills or close to it which is a huge investment. I can probably get away with Kitty S3 and most of S2 at a bit over 10 mola. G Purrgis is perhaps going low effort S3 effect and cooldown will be 6 mola. I really wish the mola changes would come sooner so I have more to work with.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
well, that stuff contributed, but the weekly PVP chores really wore me down and when they added that tower mode it was too much. I was spending so much time every week on something that just stressed me out, whereas powercreep was more like the straw that broke the camel's back. The exact moment I gave up on the game was when an enemy Surtr soloed 4 red armorslayer+ and triangle adept units in AA. Sure, they weren't my A-listers, but I had already given up on AA to the point where I was 4v1 autobattling it and seeing that was just a 'fuck this' moment.

E7 at least I can be lazy as hell with PVP other than guild wars - I get my currency from NPCs and the timed missions. GW is kinda fun still since even when we accidentally sneak into the top 150 or so, the people we fight aren't usually Legend level so I can handle them. Also no lightning cheese on their side so the feeling of complete unfairness isn't there. It can't be understated how frustrating that shit is.
Ah yeah got ya, completely agree with all of this (both FEH and E7 stuff). That's what really put me off FEH. I was like "Why am I working to play this game that provides me more stress than work". It was too time consuming for the lack of enjoyment and stress it was causing. Sometimes I miss it when I think of the early days, but then I see what's going on and I'm like yeah I'm good lol.

Guild wars is definitely my favourite thing in E7. I think the 3v3 format works a lot better and as you say, no lightning so very few stall teams. Also the guild aspects make it great.
Lol AA was both the best and worst part of FEH. I used to have a lot of fun designing my base and figuring out how to crack enemy bases, but I tired of it because the meta moved to "let's make my base as annoying as possible" pretty much instantly. It was tolerable for a few meta shifts, but it just got worse and worse. I think I fell off the game shortly after the whole Surtr thing too. I made a Surtr dedicated counter, but it wasn't fun having to shoehorn her into every base defense.
Was AA not Arena Assault? The one where you have to win 7 in a row? Either way I absolutely hated that base mode. I pretty much never played it.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm also considering this from a mola perspective and how to make the most of the heroes. >_>
If I wanted CDom to do damage on top of her utility that is pretty much asking for +15 into her skills or close to it which is a huge investment. I can probably get away with Kitty S3 and most of S2 at a bit over 10 mola. G Purrgis is perhaps going low effort S3 effect and cooldown will be 6 mola. I really wish the mola changes would come sooner so I have more to work with.
Yeah, molas suck.

Imo you can get away with just molaing CDom's S1. S2 and s3 molas are just nice to have, but not that big a deal.

I think I only have Kitty's s3 molaed, but then I haven't used her much outside arena, and she's not fully built. I don't feel like I need to give her more molas right now, though.

I agree that g.Purrgis is good too. That guy hard counters my Celeste setup.


Oct 25, 2017
Ah yeah got ya, completely agree with all of this (both FEH and E7 stuff). That's what really put me off FEH. I was like "Why am I working to play this game that provides me more stress than work". It was too time consuming for the lack of enjoyment and stress it was causing. Sometimes I miss it when I think of the early days, but then I see what's going on and I'm like yeah I'm good lol.

Guild wars is definitely my favourite thing in E7. I think the 3v3 format works a lot better and as you say, no lightning so very few stall teams. Also the guild aspects make it great.
Was AA not Arena Assault? The one where you have to win 7 in a row? Either way I absolutely hated that base mode. I pretty much never played it.
Oh, sorry. I think I meant Aether Raids, not Arena Assault. Agree that AA sucked.
Oct 25, 2017

Done re-downloading Epic7 and I want to know if there's any new updates about it.

I decided to start it all over again and I will pull for Vildred or Sez (especially Bellona!). I hope i get them this time.
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Oct 25, 2017

At this point I'm just sick of the counter/stall meta and wish they'd do something to change things up. It's funny how many of these team compositions are just completely ruined by especially geared out cleave comps, but that's a privilege reserved for those players who farm hunts basically all day every day. Everyone else gets to slog through slow-arse fights involving whittling down a brick wall every bloody time.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I thought you hated the speed cleave meta though and liked a more 2nd turn bruiserteam? Which meta do you actually like?


I'll think about it
Oct 25, 2017
Morizora's Forest
Hazel, Momo, Kluri, and Requiemroar will get built out for me like immediately.

Will start on Lorina after that, but shes not 6* yet

I have a huge list. I probably won't max every one of them but I'll certainly give them a good look over.

All my SC heroes so far
Axe God
Hazel (finally getting to max them heals)

Some others I'm interested in

Kluri and then Momo will be +15 for sure.

Hopefully we also get Helga SC by then too cause I'll +15 her.
Helga SC would be great. I'm not sure if I want to get Butcher and super dog yet.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought you hated the speed cleave meta though and liked a more 2nd turn bruiserteam? Which meta do you actually like?
I want medium-length matches (like 3 minutes or so) where there is strategy and counterplay involved. Right now we have a severely distorted meta caused by a combination of defense teams being stupid and brainless and having this dumb lightning crap on their side and offense teams being able to do whatever the hell they want because they know what the enemy is packing and have carte blanche to delete them off the face of the Earth if their numbers are high enough.

My ideal scenario is having defense teams be able to change up their AI and have a dedicated soul burner while reducing all damage, heals, and barriers by 50% to significantly curtail the 1-turn kill team nonsense, in addition to removing lightning as a factor (cause that shit be lame, yo). Oh, and nerf the fuck out of Dizzy and SS Bellona you absolute cowards. Sigh.

Ain't happenin', of course. Whatever they're gonna do, it's gonna be underwhelming and fail to address the core of the issue. Oh, well. C'est la vie.


Oct 28, 2017
London, UK.
I can't even do arena anymore. I still hang on to Champion because people keep dying on my defense - I make it look cleave-able but you need streamer whale gear to do that to me. But offense matches take 20+ minutes. Every time. I don't have the Tama/Iseria or Aux Lots magic bullet and even if I did I'd lose the speed race to their Dizzy (or whatever). I did maybe 2 matches against humans last week and it still didn't drop me out of champion V, I have no idea why since I was under 5000 points.

Literally everyone seems to have traded in their ML Ara/Baal for things that are far, far worse to fight or defend against. It's funny that they said they wanted to take a long time to analyze the situation and play it safe with the nerfs...but they waited so long that those heroes fell out of the meta before the nerfs even got here.

I think the entire concept of periodic damage for the attacker is a joke at this point since it makes everyone put absolute garbage on their defense team to prevent any chance of fun happening. I mean, some of the most dangerous characters aren't a problem because of their damage. It's because they are resistant to debuffs and give themselves extra turns or combat readiness. Red Corvus and Montmorancy spam turns so hard it pushes up the counter to the point that you're taking 3000 ticks of damage before you know it. How the fuck is that fun to fight against? And even they aren't as bad as Dizzy+S.Bellona who punish you for doing literally anything and overwhelm your silly 'counters' with insane amounts of debuff spam. Yeah I think I was a lot happier with ML Ara+Baal everywhere. It wouldn't even matter if I dropped because people show me what Challenger tier looks like and it's the same shit.

Gacha PVP is a bad idea from the start so it should be quick and painless, not a huge chore. That's what made me quit Fire Emblem Heroes. They've got a lot of work to do to extricate themselves from this mess and I really don't think real time arena is the solution. In fact I don't want that feature AT ALL. But it seems to be what they're focusing on.

Agreed with everything here tbh. Especially about Corvus & Momo cycling the turn counter.

Yo @Grim you looked like you were about to say something to me in the guild chat, but you just said my name and nothing else lol.

Was just checking if you swapped around the Tenebria and SS Bell for me to reassign them for you.


Oct 25, 2017
I want judge kise. I need 129 summons. I need to spend 37.000.000 gold on the shop for the pity.
I have 28k skystones so I have enough for energy refresh. (650 SS per day on refreshes for 50 w11 runs, not considering base stamina or my 40 liefs or events)

I have 15 days left.
I can farm around maybe 50 w11 per day, but I need to test it yet, I can probably do more, even if I take 5min each run, thats only 2.5h so I'm guessing I can farm more per day.
But let's go with 50 runs , that gives me around 1.500.000 gold per day.
This gives me around 23.000.000 gold in the last day.

So I either use skystones to buy gold in the last few days or I am not even close for it, but I would like to maintain the skystones for the stamina refresh and shop refresh only.
Not to mention that I would like to NOT skip covenant bookmarks so the actual 37kk gold would be much more, but I could risk and skip all the covenant Bms.

This is of course not 100% calculations cause I can also sell gear, sell penguins, the incoming events and rewards might benefit me, but it's also random how many skystones I would use to find all the 129 mystic bookmarks.
I can also try to increase the number of w11 runs by running a 4man team instead of 3man team.

In short, I'm probably a bit crazy for even considering this, main issue is gold, I would have to be consistant in these 2 weeks.
But I believe that my arena PVP cleave would benefit alot.
I will try to farm as much as I can until I can decide if this is the right call.

I might be going overboard with this...
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I'll think about it
Oct 25, 2017
Morizora's Forest
I want judge kise. I need 129 summons. I need to spend 37.000.000 gold on the shop for the pity.
I have 28k skystones so I have enough for energy refresh. (650 SS per day on refreshes for 50 w11 runs, not considering base stamina or my 40 liefs or events)

I have 15 days left.
I can farm around maybe 50 w11 per day, but I need to test it yet, I can probably do more, even if I take 5min each run, thats only 2.5h so I'm guessing I can farm more per day.
But let's go with 50 runs , that gives me around 1.500.000 gold per day.
This gives me around 23.000.000 gold in the last day.

So I either use skystones to buy gold in the last few days or I am not even close for it, but I would like to maintain the skystones for the stamina refresh and shop refresh only.
Not to mention that I would like to NOT skip covenant bookmarks so the actual 37kk gold would be much more, but I could risk and skip all the covenant Bms.

This is of course not 100% calculations cause I can also sell gear, sell penguins, the incoming events and rewards might benefit me, but it's also random how many skystones I would use to find all the 129 mystic bookmarks.
I can also try to increase the number of w11 runs by running a 4man team instead of 3man team.

In short, I'm probably a bit crazy for even considering this, main issue is gold, I would have to be consistant in these 2 weeks.
But I believe that my arena PVP cleave would benefit alot.
I will try to farm as much as I can until I can decide if this is the right call.

I might be going overboard with this...

I tanked my gold and mystics collection pulling for Krau 😿 . Good luck with Judge.


Oct 28, 2017
London, UK.
Everyone who said PvP was going to be even worse since the selector was just right. Now it's an insufferable mess.

160% eff Res isn't even enough to resist some of Dizzys debuffs and breaking through C. Armin + ML CeCe takes a decade.

How do you even fix that without just restricting roles? That's 3 different forms of of mitigation on one team along with a character who lands hit+attack down irrespective of element. Damage dealers can't even survive lightning + a +15 ML CeCe + SS Bell poking away at them.

Yes the team is beatable. Enjoyable? Not in the slightest.
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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
I honestly don't know what you guys are doing in arena where your fights take so long. Build nukers and fight the right teams. Right now I am going with two different teams. One based around Luna and SSB and two SW and the other based around Lilibet, W Schuri and A Lots to farm all the bad A Vildred teams. Lilibet killing A Vildred is one of my fav e7 arena moments. Just so satisfying. Lilibet is just so good nowadays. The damage she can do is pretty crazy, and mine isn't even that well geared yet.


Oct 27, 2017
Gonna limit my playtime now a bit with the upcoming Switch games im playing and having reached my main goal of getting Tammy.
Still gonna login every day and do my dailys - but dont think ill be able to add too much to our Guild War performance right now - just not interested in farming that PvP gear as of now.

So yeah thats it - dont kick me (unless necessary lol).


Oct 25, 2017
Hunh. Free summon today was Martial Artist Ken. That's a win!

Still moving through the game and learning the ropes. God it takes a while to farm units for 5-->6 star promotion. Almost got my first one done, between that and the Yuna event that I'm farming. Still having a good time though


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
It's funny that last week we were saying offence is too strong, and this week we're saying defence is too strong lol.

Pelicano did warn us about these selectors though. Our guild war yesterday was rough. The whole top fortress had ML Kens, and the whole bottom fortress had Rueles and Chloes (it was cute how they made them a theme). I don't usually have an issue with ML Kens most of the time so I took on the top fortress and got my Ws, but having a whole fortress completely unavailable to me made my options limited. Will need to ramp up my dog farming to get more 6*s ready for these tough matches.
Agreed with everything here tbh. Especially about Corvus & Momo cycling the turn counter.

Was just checking if you swapped around the Tenebria and SS Bell for me to reassign them for you.
Ah ok. So I checked, I have Ten in the left slot, Bellona in the bottom slot, and Ruele in the right (lead) slot. Is that correct? It's weird because they have the lead on the right hand side, but when someone is fighting them that lead would be on the left hand side.


Nov 4, 2017
Well so far they've only nerfed units that were strong on defence, so we'll see how things are going forward. I don't expect a Tam Iseria Aux Lots nerf any time soon.

Well Sez was indirectly nerfed in a cowardly way via Windrider..... but SG just replaced him with Judge Kise really so in the grand scheme of things nothing really changed.... if you had Judge Kise.

I honestly don't know what you guys are doing in arena where your fights take so long. Build nukers and fight the right teams. Right now I am going with two different teams. One based around Luna and SSB and two SW and the other based around Lilibet, W Schuri and A Lots to farm all the bad A Vildred teams. Lilibet killing A Vildred is one of my fav e7 arena moments. Just so satisfying. Lilibet is just so good nowadays. The damage she can do is pretty crazy, and mine isn't even that well geared yet.

Yeah seriously.... you have to fuck up (or rng'd) to get drawn into a slugfest imo unless that's your intent with your team selection. "Oh no it's ML Ken, maybe I'll slot in my anti crit Gunther and duke it out wi.. nah fuck that Watcher Schuri one shot this punk."

Wish I had pulled Lilibet when she was on banner, missed her but it wasn't for lack of trying... damn dupe Destina.

Alas, all their talk of balance is little more than empty lip service and we get to be beholden to a meta where both are in more than half of all defense teams at all levels of play. Joys.

*looks at arena defense meta image posted above*

It's amazing how Dizzy went from more than half of all defense teams to only 21% at the highest levels in less than a week, you can keep crying about how she's a cancer all you want but it looks like it's in remission to me.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think defense is too strong at all. Like commish said I have a few different comps I bring along and am capable of cleaving anyone in Challenger. Maybe changes in Champion but basically I roll the dice on the speed race, win 85% of the time and move on with life. I burn 5 flags in about 10 minutes.

Even if I didn't have J Kise I could pick a different cleaver now that I know Vivian is a power house atk buffer.

Been having fun with my Basar, still working on more gear for him so he's not done, would like to get the effectiveness up higher so I don't have to use Cursed Compass. Need some green epic runes to do the final awakening which gets him more effectiveness.

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Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Get your fire Runes ready since a Carrot SC is incoming.


I've always loved Carrot's design. Hopefully she is even better.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I still need to level/gear a true cleaver. Right now my cleave team is Roozid, Bellona, Dizzy(Tagahels), and a misc single target damage to remove the more dangerous elements; then ideally cleaning up the remaining slowed/pushed back people. Since I recently got another c.Armin I had traded mine for a bbk; so I have c.Merc, Vivian, or BBK that I could level. I want to level c.Merc(I also already have her at 5* with gear) but BBK's extra turn mechanic gives me another way to deal with Vildred so I should probably prioritize her.

Oooh, Carrot SC! I wonder what her tree/s3 will get. Her s3 is currently a straightforward burn and her s2 was always somewhat awkward. Hopefully she's good. Cermia is my favorite char atm, so I'd love a good reason to level her sister.


Oct 25, 2017
Carrot SC has the potential to be broken. Mage tanks are an interesting concept, and implemented correctly could be a major pain in PVP.


Oct 25, 2017
Woo, cleared Automation Tower! Floor 95 was definitely the hardest but ML Rin was definitely the MVP in that fight.

ML summon was a Lorina, of course


Oct 25, 2017
I honestly don't know what you guys are doing in arena where your fights take so long. Build nukers and fight the right teams. Right now I am going with two different teams. One bsed around Luna and SSB and two SW and the other based around Lilibet, W Schuri and A Lots to farm all the bad A Vildred teams. Lilibet killing A Vildred is one of my fav e7 arena moments. Just so satisfying. Lilibet is just so good nowadays. The damage she can do is pretty crazy, and mine isn't even that well geared yet.

I don't have A.Lots or Iseria and even if I did the level of speed and damage gear needed is far beyond me. What 'right teams' though? Teams in champion that aren't mega-tank are so rare I screenshot them as strange anachronistic curiosities. The judith/ml ara/ml baal team I saw yesterday was like seeing a coelacanth.


Oct 27, 2017
Hunh. Free summon today was Martial Artist Ken. That's a win!

Still moving through the game and learning the ropes. God it takes a while to farm units for 5-->6 star promotion. Almost got my first one done, between that and the Yuna event that I'm farming. Still having a good time though
Wow - thats a crazy ass pull - congrats.
Took me over a year to get my first 5* Ml and it was a subpar unit with ML Ravi...and you come in and pull ML Ken jsut like that lol.


Oct 25, 2017
It's amazing how Dizzy went from more than half of all defense teams to only 21% at the highest levels in less than a week, you can keep crying about how she's a cancer all you want but it looks like it's in remission to me.
First off, that image is limited exclusively to Legend level players. She remains ubiquitous in other brackets. Secondly, everyone is experimenting with their defense teams post-nerfs. Thirdly, people not recognizing that her bullshit hasn't changed doesn't suddenly make her not OP as shit.


Oct 25, 2017
Dizzy is pretty whatever now. The only scary dizzies are basically 250+ spd / high eff / crown dizzies. Literally needs to have all three checked off, otherwise she gets obliterated by a variety of units (Charles, Violet, Momo, Destina, Fatcat+DPS on immunity, etc).

Alkez guild war is a complete shit show for us nowadays. Just endless ML5 ridden main towers and normie towers. ML Vildreds, Cecis, Corvus, ML Kens and Rueles on every tower. It's a highly unfun joke. At least everyone has a fun ML5 to play with now.
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Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I kind of wish they would change the daily missions so you only had to do 1 arena run a day. Even doing 5 NPC's is becoming tiresome now. Just don't really care about arena, but I don't want to miss out on the daily skystones.


Oct 25, 2017
I kind of wish they would change the daily missions so you only had to do 1 arena run a day. Even doing 5 NPC's is becoming tiresome now. Just don't really care about arena, but I don't want to miss out on the daily skystones.
I just Vivian cleave. Don't even need a CR booster. One tap and done.


Oct 25, 2017
My problem with NPC arena is that it is static.

If every week hey gave us 5 unique fights 1 for everyday of the week and an extra difficulty mode it would be better than the auto click i do every day. Also kinda disappointing when limited units are out they don't have a special NPC arena fight with the limited unit.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm drowning in Carrots
I kind of wish they would change the daily missions so you only had to do 1 arena run a day. Even doing 5 NPC's is becoming tiresome now. Just don't really care about arena, but I don't want to miss out on the daily skystones.
I'm just tired of skipping the dialogue lines every time lol.
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