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Oct 25, 2017
May as well rename the game "Epic Dizzy". If you have Dizzy, you win. If you don't, you lose. C'est la vie.


Oct 27, 2017
Dizzy was/is pretty meta-defining. She has a lot of versatility in PVP right down to her artifact choices, and most of my recent units were built specifically to counter her in a variety of situations because she's literally everywhere.

There's something incredibly satisfying in using her in the game (muted) so I'd hate to see her go, but I do agree that she's pretty cancerous.


Oct 25, 2017
What I find funny about Dizzy is with how much people were crying about Baiken and how shitty she was for a limited (and being so so wrong) I'm guessing SG buffed Dizzy or some shit right before releasing her. "Oh wow, people are really mad, let's add Speed Down AND Blind to her S3."


Oct 29, 2017
I'm trying to take advantage of the 2 5 star summon tickets and I just rolled Tamarinne + Violet from tickets and Ken from 1-10 summon. Is that good or should I keep re rolling? I feel farming may be a struggle as Violet and Ken don't really have any AOE attacks.
Also is there a discord I can join?


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
All this Dizzy talk reminds me I really should gear mine better. She's cute and deserves all the love.



Oct 25, 2017
I'm trying to take advantage of the 2 5 star summon tickets and I just rolled Tamarinne + Violet from tickets and Ken from 1-10 summon. Is that good or should I keep re rolling? I feel farming may be a struggle as Violet and Ken don't really have any AOE attacks.
Also is there a discord I can join?

That is a very powerful start, you'll have some PvE and PvP coverage with those units and you'll pick up the rest of what you need along the way. Farming is more important later, you may be tempted to start it now, but focus on clearing the story and getting all the free bookmarks and ML summons before you really dive into that and by then you'll likely have an AoE character (possibly Seaside Bellona if you save up all your new player bookmarks).


Dec 28, 2017
I'm trying to take advantage of the 2 5 star summon tickets and I just rolled Tamarinne + Violet from tickets and Ken from 1-10 summon. Is that good or should I keep re rolling? I feel farming may be a struggle as Violet and Ken don't really have any AOE attacks.
Also is there a discord I can join?

Nah, you got 3 of the best heroes in the game there. Keep it.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm trying to take advantage of the 2 5 star summon tickets and I just rolled Tamarinne + Violet from tickets and Ken from 1-10 summon. Is that good or should I keep re rolling? I feel farming may be a struggle as Violet and Ken don't really have any AOE attacks.
Also is there a discord I can join?

Thats a very good account - to pull an even better one you will likely have to spend alot of hours on rerolls and still might not end up with something better.
That time could be spent in advancing the games and playing the current events and getting those materials before they are gone.

What artifacts did you pull ?


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Not going to lie, I don't really have an issue with Dizzy anymore. It's annoying that everyone has her on their defence teams. Makes the game linear. But I don't really have a problem fighting her. I care more about Guild Wars than arena these days though.

I'm glad Sez got a summer skin. Nice to play a game with more gender equality. That being said if they don't give the rest of the Phantom skins as well it'll be completely wasted potential. This is another way to make money Smilegate!


Oct 28, 2017
London, UK.
If some people put the same amount of effort & energy that they do when it comes to being rude and condescending on the internet into building their Destina's, Violet's, Momo and K. Clarissa's they'd never have a problem with Dizzy. Imagine.

Penetrating the Rueles, Armins, Cartujas built around her might be different story tho o.o


Oct 27, 2017
All this dizzy talking is making me dizzy. EU feels bad guys! I dont even know if i want her to come to europe or not.
You should be happy that she isnt part of that servers Meta.
Though i wonder when and if they are gonna bring past limited units to EU.

We are approaching the first Anniversary soon - i could see them celebrating by bringing at least Diene and/or Luna back for limited time. Dizzy is more problematic because she was part of 3rdParty related event and the banner just ended - wouldnt expect her to come back this year.

Deleted member 23381

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
If some people put the same amount of effort & energy that they do when it comes to being rude and condescending on the internet into building their Destina's, Violet's, Momo and K. Clarissa's they'd never have a problem with Dizzy. Imagine

Are you literally combating what seems to be someone's issue with a legitimate balance problem with a character with 'just put more effort into these characters you may or may not have'?

Gacha attracts the weirdest apologists.


Oct 25, 2017
If some people put the same amount of effort & energy that they do when it comes to being rude and condescending on the internet into building their Destina's, Violet's, Momo and K. Clarissa's they'd never have a problem with Dizzy. Imagine.

Penetrating the Rueles, Armins, Cartujas built around her might be different story tho o.o
I have literally all the counters (except Violet).

She's still absolute bullshit.

What do you expect me to do, bring TWO cleansers to keep up with her? Have someone who can somehow miraculously survive her teammates but also still one-shot her through C. Armin? Lucksack into Dark Corvus? (lol)

I just want you to consider for a moment the scenario where she's too tanky to kill before a second S3. What do you do then? There are zero cleansers who can keep up with her speed. Literally every single one of the "counters" you listed up above gets fucked by her if she manages to get another S3 off. So, let me guess - your solution is to one-shot her before she can ever do that, right? Now what if your "counter", that's supposed to one-shot her, is also completely deleted by someone else who is on her team? What then? What if your Baiken gets ruined by Kayron before she can do her job, or shortly afterwards (so you can't kill the Idol's Cheer Angelica that is almost certainly right next to her)? What kind of bloody team composition are we looking at here?

Either way your point is moot - she's outrageously overpowered next to literally every other character in the game and your blind insistence on saying otherwise is basically acting against reality itself. Not sure what you expect to happen when your argument is literally "she has counters though!", nevermind that said "counters" are very soft counters and don't even do their job properly outside of a very specific scenario that you just assume.


Oct 25, 2017
Thinking about buffing her when I recall my Set.....would love to have a farmer that Excel on all stages. She needs alot of love to really shine from what I've heard.

She's the one getting those 3 gear pieces i just upgraded in guild chat. Jumped up to 72k cp! She is very demanding indeed. Dust devil is good on her but I switched it out for eliya's knife for that extra cleave damage in pvp.

Edit:wait im pretty sure we were in the same guild
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Oct 28, 2017
London, UK.
Are you literally combating what seems to be someone's issue with a legitimate balance problem with a character with 'just put more effort into these characters you may or may not have'?

I have literally all the counters (except Violet).

Gacha attracts the weirdest apologists.

Weird, innit?

What do you expect me to do, bring TWO cleansers to keep up with her? Have someone who can somehow miraculously survive her teammates but also still one-shot her through C. Armin? Lucksack into Dark Corvus? (lol)

I just want you to consider for a moment the scenario where she's too tanky to kill before a second S3. What do you do then? There are zero cleansers who can keep up with her speed. Literally every single one of the "counters" you listed up above gets fucked by her if she manages to get another S3 off. So, let me guess - your solution is to one-shot her before she can ever do that, right? Now what if your "counter", that's supposed to one-shot her, is also completely deleted by someone else who is on her team? What then? What if your Baiken gets ruined by Kayron before she can do her job, or shortly afterwards (so you can't kill the Idol's Cheer Angelica that is almost certainly right next to her)? What kind of bloody team composition are we looking at here?

Either way your point is moot - she's outrageously overpowered next to literally every other character in the game and your blind insistence on saying otherwise is basically acting against reality itself. Not sure what you expect to happen when your argument is literally "she has counters though!", nevermind that said "counters" are very soft counters and don't even do their job properly outside of a very specific scenario that you just assume.

Honestly, your gravely underselling Momo.

An Idol's Cheer Ange to keep pushing Baiken forward (I mention Baiken because you did)? Mags Tome Momo? Let's not ignore that Momo's S3 is AoE on SB.

So I want to 1 shot her by bringing Baiken and now I'm concerned about a Kayron deleting her and the opposing Angelica just so happens to have Idols Cheer.

How can you not see what you're doing here? Do the other two characters in your scenario just happened to be countered by the opposite team as well?

You've literally crafted a scenario where Dizzy is the problem, introduced the possibility that Baiken can 1 shot dizzy, thus solving the problem..... and then created another caveat where Baiken just so happens to be countered by a Kayron and there is a Idols Cheer Ange to boot! Lol

What about the other 2 characters on my team?

Am I not allowed to bring a provoke tank?

Or is the response "they have immunity up"?

What about my own Idols Cheer to keep my damage dealer going forward?

Ultimately arguing with scenarios is pointless. I'm not accusing you of being disingenuine, but all either of us is going to do is create something that really and truly speaks more about how team comps function being more problematic than individual characters.

If someone mentions immunity set, you mention Iela. Someone mentions using Destina, Dizzy is now fast and tanky. A scenario where someone says they manage to take her out with X, now there's a Ruele to revive her.

But somehow everybody elses scenario is "specific" and yours isn't. Right.

I agree Dizzy's kit is overkill but in PvP she (the unit) is actually manageable.
I even made a point in my initial post about getting around the units surrounding her being the bigger problem, so there's no point harping on about C Armin, because there's no disagreement there. But that's how C Armin functions in comps and less about Dizzy.
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Oct 25, 2017
Look, all I'm gonna say is that in an equal setting, if you were facing off against a team with Dizzy and you didn't have Dizzy you'd be losing 100% of the time without fail. The only reason you can even win against her at all is because the game is HEAVILY skewed towards offense (since you can see their team composition beforehand, the AI is easily manipulated, and you have access to soulburn where the defense does not).

On an even playing field, in, say, a live PvP scenario, you would absolutely not be able to do shit against her. You're making excuses because you can win against her now, but you're neglecting to pay attention to the fact that offense ALWAYS wins in this game, unless you make a mistake or are being out-geared. Win rates on defense will quickly converge on 0% after the ML balance pass (thanks in large part to C. Armin no longer doubling the effective HP of everyone else on her team). Fact is, if you're good at offense it would be quite trivial to just handwave any and all balance issues because this game is not actually fair at all. It's designed to give you the illusion of competence, to allow you to keep on grinding those numbers, not to actually present you with a challenge equal to your abilities.

The reason I am incensed at this obnoxiously pernicious notion that a character can't be a huge problem because there are counters is because it's always done from an incredibly limited perspective, completely ignoring where that character sits in context with the rest of the cast and completely ignoring the fact that having a counter doesn't suddenly make something not a problem. At some point people have to acknowledge that simply on hard numbers alone, this particular character is insane. And for many of us that madness is a constant struggle to fight against, something that makes even just the thought of playing the game insufferable (which, y'know, is never a place you want a bloody video game to be). And now, thanks to the constant defense force that keeps on showing up literally every time I criticize this particular piece of buffoonery, I actually hate the community, too. Yay. \o/

Literally my biggest wish for this game is seeing this stupid character nerfed. Not even nerfed into the ground - just brought in line with like... everyone else. But I can't even get that wish granted even when they're talking about nerfing moonlight 5-stars. All hope is lost. No matter what happens, this developer will have failed me and everyone else playing the damn game by continuously neglecting the gigantic elephant in the room. A permanent fixture, to stain all of their future efforts forever and ever. Or at least until the game shuts down.


Dec 2, 2017
Look, all I'm gonna say is that in an equal setting, if you were facing off against a team with Dizzy and you didn't have Dizzy you'd be losing 100% of the time without fail. The only reason you can even win against her at all is because the game is HEAVILY skewed towards offense (since you can see their team composition beforehand, the AI is easily manipulated, and you have access to soulburn where the defense does not).

On an even playing field, in, say, a live PvP scenario, you would absolutely not be able to do shit against her. You're making excuses because you can win against her now, but you're neglecting to pay attention to the fact that offense ALWAYS wins in this game, unless you make a mistake or are being out-geared. Win rates on defense will quickly converge on 0% after the ML balance pass (thanks in large part to C. Armin no longer doubling the effective HP of everyone else on her team). Fact is, if you're good at offense it would be quite trivial to just handwave any and all balance issues because this game is not actually fair at all. It's designed to give you the illusion of competence, to allow you to keep on grinding those numbers, not to actually present you with a challenge equal to your abilities.

The reason I am incensed at this obnoxiously pernicious notion that a character can't be a huge problem because there are counters is because it's always done from an incredibly limited perspective, completely ignoring where that character sits in context with the rest of the cast and completely ignoring the fact that having a counter doesn't suddenly make something not a problem. At some point people have to acknowledge that simply on hard numbers alone, this particular character is insane. And for many of us that madness is a constant struggle to fight against, something that makes even just the thought of playing the game insufferable (which, y'know, is never a place you want a bloody video game to be). And now, thanks to the constant defense force that keeps on showing up literally every time I criticize this particular piece of buffoonery, I actually hate the community, too. Yay. \o/

Literally my biggest wish for this game is seeing this stupid character nerfed. Not even nerfed into the ground - just brought in line with like... everyone else. But I can't even get that wish granted even when they're talking about nerfing moonlight 5-stars. All hope is lost. No matter what happens, this developer will have failed me and everyone else playing the damn game by continuously neglecting the gigantic elephant in the room. A permanent fixture, to stain all of their future efforts forever and ever. Or at least until the game shuts down.

I think we'll see a pass on her happen once these nerfs/buffs come through and she's dominant for a bit. Especially with them saying they'll adjust more frequently.

I agree that she does way too much. Another thing to look at in regards to it is that she's still the only mage in the game with aoe on all her moves. Most mages only have 2 aoe moves. That makes her the best candidate for using mage artifacts like crown and ieala. This wouldn't be an issue if those only worked on single atttack.

I know in the pve sense, they just make content that's debuff adverse, but really how much of that can you make without it affecting other characters, especially those that do dmg through debuffs? Like you could just make the bosses immune to specific defensive debuffs but that kind of feels lazy.

Again, a fair nerf they could do is reduce the debuffs on s3 to 2 random out of the 3 possible ones. Being able to inflict all three of the best defensive debuffs at once in an aoe is too much. And maybe some stat nerfs if possible.


Oct 25, 2017
I think she needs a buff. Her S3 seems to miss often making her susceptible to Violet. Maybe a boost to the accuracy stat. Or maybe they should just nerf Violet's dexterity. I'm torn between the two options. If they boost her accuracy I guess I'd be willing to trade off her 25% chance to stun.


Oct 25, 2017
And for many of us that madness is a constant struggle to fight against, something that makes even just the thought of playing the game insufferable (which, y'know, is never a place you want a bloody video game to be). And now, thanks to the constant defense force that keeps on showing up literally every time I criticize this particular piece of buffoonery, I actually hate the community, too. Yay. \o/

If you're continuing to play a game that by your own admission you feel is "insufferable" and continuing to interact with a community you hate then your suffering is entirely your own doing and I'm confused why you expect anyone to give a shit about it. If its making you miserable stop playing the game, as you say its never a place you want a video game to be.

Moral Panic

Oct 28, 2017
Dizzy over centralised the entire meta. Every PVP team needs to be able to deal with her quickly and effectively otherwise they just straight up lose. Close to 90% of teams I see have her on their defense which is far worse than any ML5.
She needs a nerf. Drop her speed from 115 to around 95 and then you'd actually have a reason to use her artifact on her.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
You should be happy that she isnt part of that servers Meta.
Though i wonder when and if they are gonna bring past limited units to EU.

We are approaching the first Anniversary soon - i could see them celebrating by bringing at least Diene and/or Luna back for limited time. Dizzy is more problematic because she was part of 3rdParty related event and the banner just ended - wouldnt expect her to come back this year.
I think the collab will definitely be going to Europe at some point because the JP server is coming soon. I'll be surprised if they didn't rerun it as Japan is the hub of GG.
I have literally all the counters (except Violet).

She's still absolute bullshit.

What do you expect me to do, bring TWO cleansers to keep up with her? Have someone who can somehow miraculously survive her teammates but also still one-shot her through C. Armin? Lucksack into Dark Corvus? (lol)

I just want you to consider for a moment the scenario where she's too tanky to kill before a second S3. What do you do then? There are zero cleansers who can keep up with her speed. Literally every single one of the "counters" you listed up above gets fucked by her if she manages to get another S3 off. So, let me guess - your solution is to one-shot her before she can ever do that, right? Now what if your "counter", that's supposed to one-shot her, is also completely deleted by someone else who is on her team? What then? What if your Baiken gets ruined by Kayron before she can do her job, or shortly afterwards (so you can't kill the Idol's Cheer Angelica that is almost certainly right next to her)? What kind of bloody team composition are we looking at here?

Either way your point is moot - she's outrageously overpowered next to literally every other character in the game and your blind insistence on saying otherwise is basically acting against reality itself. Not sure what you expect to happen when your argument is literally "she has counters though!", nevermind that said "counters" are very soft counters and don't even do their job properly outside of a very specific scenario that you just assume.
How about you post a pic of the standard team you're fighting and maybe we (the thread) can come up with a suitable team comp to fight it together?
LOL Jrod
Dizzy over centralised the entire meta. Every PVP team needs to be able to deal with her quickly and effectively otherwise they just straight up lose. Close to 90% of teams I see have her on their defense which is far worse than any ML5.
She needs a nerf. Drop her speed from 115 to around 95 and then you'd actually have a reason to use her artifact on her.
This is literally it. Both the reasoning and the nerf are things I've said before. Reducing her speed to 95 means she still does what she does, but she's less oppressive than before. I personally don't have a problem with her anymore but she's on too many teams.


Oct 27, 2017
You are right Alkez - they are probably gonna use the Japanese server as the baseline to bring back those old limited Heroes and Events to other server that havent received them yet.

PS. Bought the Summer Pass.and was able to unlock Karin thanks to the extra Story Points - very nice. Needed a Water dps.


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I think she needs a buff. Her S3 seems to miss often making her susceptible to Violet. Maybe a boost to the accuracy stat. Or maybe they should just nerf Violet's dexterity. I'm torn between the two options. If they boost her accuracy I guess I'd be willing to trade off her 25% chance to stun.
Isnt her S3 guaranteed to miss on everybody?


Oct 25, 2017
All this dizzy talking is making me dizzy. EU feels bad guys! I dont even know if i want her to come to europe or not.
For what it's worth, I really like Dizzy and find her incredibly useful in all content.

I do think she's a bit overused in PvP, but she has enough counters that it's not a terrible issue.


Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (1 Day): Antagonizing Another User, Gendered Language
Dizzy is a free win with Violet, Charles, momo and a bevy of other units. She's only annoying when you're extremely undergeared compared to her or in a 1v1 whyyyyy scenario. Immunity is also an option to dodge her initial s3 and put her down quick.

She requires a cleanser and a solid DPS to put her down. She's annoying but I routinely play against dizzies without my own and do just fine.

Laiza just likes to bitch. There will always be something that makes this the worst game ever as they actively bend over backwards to appease the fans. I guess without people like her, we probably wouldn't have all these changes, so that's a small boon.
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"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Me a month ago: getting gear isn't so bad
Me today: is it fucking too much to ask for some fucking speed set purple abyss drake boots with attack percent up?


Oct 25, 2017
User Warned: Inflammatory Community Generalization
If you're continuing to play a game that by your own admission you feel is "insufferable" and continuing to interact with a community you hate then your suffering is entirely your own doing and I'm confused why you expect anyone to give a shit about it. If its making you miserable stop playing the game, as you say its never a place you want a video game to be.
How about you post a pic of the standard team you're fighting and maybe we (the thread) can come up with a suitable team comp to fight it together?
I quit arena already so it's a moot point. Fuck gacha PvP and fuck these incompetent devs for being unable to even make it halfway decent. Fuck Smilegate *in particular* for having a policy to never nerf limited units no matter how absurdly bullshit broken they are.

If the Korean player base weren't keeping them honest I wouldn't even be around at this point. Thank the ones who don't put up with BS for all the changes coming down the pipe. Too bad this thread and reddit continuously prove that western consumers are all too happy to suck the fat corporate pipe to actually bother fighting for their own livelihoods.
Dizzy over centralised the entire meta. Every PVP team needs to be able to deal with her quickly and effectively otherwise they just straight up lose. Close to 90% of teams I see have her on their defense which is far worse than any ML5.
She needs a nerf. Drop her speed from 115 to around 95 and then you'd actually have a reason to use her artifact on her.
Imagine if she shared Basar's star sign. Just imagine.

Shit would never have gotten as bad as it is now.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I quit arena already so it's a moot point. Fuck gacha PvP and fuck these incompetent devs for being unable to even make it halfway decent. Fuck Smilegate *in particular* for having a policy to never nerf limited units no matter how absurdly bullshit broken they are.

If the Korean player base weren't keeping them honest I wouldn't even be around at this point. Thank the ones who don't put up with BS for all the changes coming down the pipe. Too bad this thread and reddit continuously prove that western consumers are all too happy to suck the fat corporate pipe to actually bother fighting for their own livelihoods.
Imagine if she shared Basar's star sign. Just imagine.

Shit would never have gotten as bad as it is now.

Why are you always yelling at us about this shit? Go say this on the Stove forums or something where the developers might actually see it.
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