
Oct 27, 2017
Detroit is up for pre-order and it's 10 bucks thanks to this sale (on my country, at least). Amazing deal.


Oct 25, 2017

And fixed.
£13.94 now in the UK. Minimum price for the discount is £13.99


Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
God help me if some of these other "Coming Soon" games launch into pre-pruchase territory.

Here's what I'm eyeing:

Borderlands 3
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2
John Wick Hex
Phoenix Point

Subnautica Below Zero

So far only gone through with Borderlands 3, Satisfactory, and Hades.


Nov 16, 2017
Lol this is getting sad. You already made a damn account, ain't no stand being made by you deleting it lol

Seeing Epic start doing sales is a step in the right direction, if they can start adding features to the damn store than it will start making their product alot more palatable.

I hope they do frequent sales and I really hope they start allowing 3rd party key resellers


Nov 22, 2017
Picked up subnautica below zero - does anyone know how far along it is? Should I wait for a major update coming soon? Don't want to burn out early


Oct 28, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): Repeated history of trolling, multiple previous infractions, account still in junior phase
It's amazing how fast some people will sell their souls for 10 bucks

Deleted member 18944

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
That's what I think about the EGS and their mega sale.
Yes, it is a free account, with a couple of free games that I added before the Metro Exodus fiasco started.
But that's what they want, people making accounts and getting used to their store.
I'm willing to use the EGS once they stop taking games hostage.


Absolute mental gymnastics. Dear lord lmao.


Oct 25, 2017
Lol this is getting sad. You already made a damn account, ain't no stand being made by you deleting it lol made one for UE4, or for (way back in the day) Shadow Complex when it was free for the 'relaunch' for people who had bought it previously on 360, before the 'Epic Store' started at all.

Or had one for Fortnite at some point prior.

edit: Should have refreshed (didn't see the staff post til right after), but I'll leave it.

does anyone know how far along it is? Should I wait for a major update coming soon? Don't want to burn out early

From looking at the Steam forums it seems it's still pretty early along.


Feb 12, 2018
Dang, hades is at a great price. Will probably be the first game I play on the EGS.

Some of the regional pricing is sorta insane. Borderlands 3 is 20 USD in Brazil.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
Epic PR person 1: "pc gamers are pissed at us for bribing developers"
Epic PR person 2: "let's bribe pc gamers as well"

Well done Epic. Here's my response:


That's what I think about the EGS and their mega sale.
Yes, it is a free account, with a couple of free games that I added before the Metro Exodus fiasco started.
But that's what they want, people making accounts and getting used to their store.
I'm willing to use the EGS once they stop taking games hostage.


I'm at a loss for words to describe how embarrassing this is. Please by all means make a sale that, for once, benefits both customers and developers, the offense and hill you're willing to very publicly die in; I'm sure this is garnering you so much respect.

This thread sure is exposing a lot of those people claiming they'd happily support Epic store when they started making pro-consumer choices.


Nov 13, 2017
Damn, a lot of good games at €5-10, Will pick some of them up. Wish that Metro was lower, will wait for that one.


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
some of the smaller games have a good price but the only ones i'm interested in are either for preorder or in early access so i won't bite


Oct 29, 2017
Only thing I wanted from there is Hades and it's not included for the UK it seems.



Oct 26, 2017
Edit: I posted this before the MOD post. If it's not OK let me know and I'll edit it out.

Unfortunate timing and the part where he literally said his response to the sale was him deleting his account

If you go for the dunk and you miss the rim that's your own damn fault

It's strange that you prefer to target a specific poster for missing the rim to the point of him requesting a ban to avoid the dogpiling and you don't think that Epic is the one missing the rim despite dismissing the value of sales just a few months ago.

Yeah just goes to shows how few people really care. We'll look back in a few year and all laugh about it!

Quite the opposite. Epic doing a complete 180 on the topic of sales and deep discounts is proof that many people do in fact care.

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
The empty account shows that this user didn't buy any epic exclusives that he was looking forward to and he also didn't redeem any of the free games that Epic has been offering. He refused to get free stuff based on principle. That is remarkable conviction.
I have a empty account for Gmail, youtube, and Steam, they are free to make. It's pointless, like free Fortnite or Apex accounts that smurf or hack. That picture is pointless is what I'm saying. A person burning 10 or so limited edition PSX PS4's would suck for sony. Consoles that won't be buying games to make up for the loss or small profit from selling the consoles, and people that wanted those consoles will be upset.


Dec 20, 2018
Their servers are probably hammered because more than 10 people are trying to make a purchase at once on their storefront.

It's going to take a lot more than sales to get me to give Sweeney money out of my pocket or even install the EGS; I hope all you have made purchases during this sale enjoy empowering Epic's crusade against the PC platform.
See, I'm not really supportive of EGS either, but I don't understand comments like this.

By participating in this sale (and by getting the free games) you are causing EGS to spend money. They lose money if you participate whereas they are revenue neutral if you do not participate. I have no problem having Epic spend money on games that I'm liking never going to play so I get all the free games I can. You can stick with the format where Epic has more money though if that's what you want.


Oct 25, 2017
Some of you take that shit way too seriously.

On topic. Incredible sale. I'll probably get John Wick and Afterparty.


Jul 25, 2018
Only thing I wanted from there is Hades and it's not included for the UK it seems.

Check again soon? From reading this thread, it seems a couple of games had discounts which put them under the threshold for the Epic $10 discount, and so Epic has been contacting them to put the price back over that threshold.


Oct 26, 2017
I have a empty account for Gmail, youtube, and Steam, they are free to make. It's pointless, like free Fortnite or Apex accounts that smurf or hack. That picture is pointless is what I'm saying. A person burning 10 or so limited edition PSX PS4's would suck for sony. Consoles that won't be buying games to make up for the loss or small profit from selling the consoles, and people that wanted those consoles will be upset.

I can't answer here due to the mod post, if you want to talk about it send me a PM. Thanks!

Virtua Saturn

Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, the only thing holding me back from Borderlands 3 is that I think the majority of the people I know are waiting for a Steam release and I am not sure if there is cross launcher play.
Oct 25, 2017
I was just thinking about the cool sales steam used to have and how much people used to love them. I figured someone could easily come and steal that hype. Epic really pulling out all the stops to get established here.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
Why is a sale the big catalyst for making people delete their accounts

Because they've realized they can no longer use "anti-consumer" narrative so they feel compelled to take extreme measures to prove their ideological purity.

In other words, they've decided Epic is inherently evil, so anything they do must also be evil (this is nothing new: Epic giving away monthly games for free was, too, proof that they're evil). If something, like this, is clearly and unambiguously good beyond any reasonable discussion, they need to try extra hard to prove that, too, is evil. Deleting their accounts over it is the way to prove it.

It's so embarrassing I'm blushing on their behalf.

Deleted member 896

User Requested Account Deletion
Oct 25, 2017
It's amazing how fast some people will sell their souls for 10 bucks

The only EGS exclusive I care about right now is Anno and a 17% discount isn't really enough to push me over the edge so I haven't pulled the trigger yet. But having said that my biggest issue above all other complaints about EGS right now is price for the consumers. Steam features also play a role, but far and away the thing I detest the most about EGS is lack of 3rd party retailer participation with competitive pricing. A good enough deal on something I want to play would definitely get me to reluctantly purchase something from this store.


Nov 13, 2017
I'm at a loss for words to describe how embarrassing this is. Please by all means make a sale that, for once, benefits both customers and developers, the offense and hill you're willing to very publicly die in; I'm sure this is garnering you so much respect.

This thread sure is exposing a lot of those people claiming they'd happily support Epic store when they started making pro-consumer choices.
Yeah the f**k is up with these reactions...


Oct 25, 2017
I completely caved in and as such, disqalify myself from any bitching in any future EGS threads...

But I am too broke to ignore this. I ended up getting premium edition of VtMB2 for 13.7 dollars.


Oct 29, 2017
Check again soon? From reading this thread, it seems a couple of games had discounts which put them under the threshold for the Epic $10 discount, and so Epic has been contacting them to put the price back over that threshold.

Ah cool thanks - havent caught up on the last 20 pages, just assumed it was all steam vs egs nonsense.

I'll check again later indeed.

True Prophecy

Oct 28, 2017
Good for EGS starting to make the right decisions but personally I'm still not a fan of the practices of exclusivity deals they are making so I won't be buying anything even if METRO is a decent price in AUD. I do feel this is what they should be doing and not buying off publishers. This is what makes a store more attractive for a consumer.