
Oct 26, 2017
This is where I strongly disagree with you. Buying store exclusivity isn't turning Epic's store in a better storefront than Steam. Offering better features, policies and prices for consumers is.

And so far, Epic isn't doing any of this, nor have they communicated any plans to do so. Only thing we know is that they'll play catch up with some of Steam's basic features. But meanwhile they are taking away our choice where to buy and play certain 3rd party games. Is it so unreasonable to dislike this?

Considering that choice didn't exist in the first place and in reality most PC games released today are only playable on Steam (see my Monster Hunter example) I do think it's unreasonable, yeah. Now if this is all about being able to BUY the games somewhere else to then having to play them exclusively on one platform, then yes, then I understand the disappointment.

I also agree with you that exclusivty doesn't make the Epic Store a better storefront - my point is that exclusivity is pretty much the only way any Store could have any chance to ever actually compete with Steam to any significant degree. No Storefront feature will ever make a significant portion of Steam's (and, with it, the PC industry's) user base abandon Steam and instead shop and register somewhere else. To even be able to gain a foothold such measures are absolutely necessary. Now, would I have liked the Epic Store to have more features when released? Sure! I personally don't care for Chat, Forums or anything like that but sure, that would have been way better. But, truthfully, I don't think that would have changed the reaction it got because either way, exclusives would have been necessary. Just as many PC Games have been Steam Exclusive for years now.

I'm probably not the only one who is continously reminded of the Steam launch by this situation. Steam was absolutely despised for years because it did exactly what Epic is accused of now - it splintered the PC market and made you register at one specific program, binding games to that account while, previously, you could have done with them whatever you wanted. Valve pushed through and, over the years, turned a completely miserable experience into what Steam eventually became...and then they grew, and grew and grew and fundamentally changed from a heavily curated storefront to a almost completely unsupervised collection of thousands and thousands of games with almost zero discoverability that developers grew more and more unsatisfied with. Epic wants to tap into that market again, delivering that smaller, heavily curated Storefront. It's going to be interesting to see if their growing pains will lead to a similiar growth as it did with Steam and if anyone even remembers these first months of the Epic Store's life in 4 or 5 years.
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Oct 28, 2017
Argentina does appear to be a significant outlier in benefitting from local Steam prices compared to other regions.


Yeah, I can understand folks from Argentina and a few other places like Russia or Turkey not being impressed with Epic's offering yet.

I don't get it. Do they really think that Argentina is poorer than Peru? What they call crisis is our normal state of things.


Self-requested ban.
Oct 28, 2017
It is though. Ubisoft and Telltale's stuff aside, even the games from bigger independent studios that have become exclusive to Epic Games Store run the risk of not being visible on Steam's store with the way it works right now. It makes sense for them to take Epic's deals when there's a pretty big chance of them not selling well enough on Steam to be financially secure in the future.

Honest question: do you actually think that games like Hades, Ashen and the new SMB are going to sell better on Epic's store than they would sell on Steam?

And have you considered the option to release these games both on Steam and Epic's store, thereby increasing the amount of potential customers instead of alienating your existing fanbase on Steam?

Again: this is not about devs selling their game on Epic's store. It's about these devs pulling their games from Steam.


Oct 25, 2017
ally OK as long as you can buy the codes for the platform you have to use somewhere else, too? But, ignoring that:

This picture is so endlessly frustrating because it's clearly made and posted by people who wilfully ignore the actual arguments and discussions taking place. When talking about Epic Store being good for competition, people are not talking about singular games but the industry as a whole Another Store that actually has a chance in rivaling Steam is good for competition between video game stores, as Steam will be forced to reevaluate many of their decisions in light of a legit competitor driving down their numbers, in turn benefiting both customers and developers. Because even though Steam is not a Monopoly, it still doesn't have any noteworthy competition on the market that would force them to reevaluate their business practices or, well...compete with anyone. If Epic manages to turn into that legit competitor thanks to deals like this, then yes, it is indeed good for the competition and breaking up the absolute indescribable and undeniable power a single company holds over all of the PC gaming industry.

The fact that Epic Store is a worse experience with less features from the get go compared to a platf
The only thing that Epic is doing is buying exclusivity and that's not a good thing. They don't deserve the benefit of the doubt and should be continously called out at every opportunity.


Jan 16, 2018
adding local currency support basically means winning Mexico over. It's why Steam will always be #1 in Mexico, everywhere else is just crazy expensive in comparison... although GMG added MXN $ recently, and that's how I got DQXI for cheap


Oct 26, 2017
The only thing that Epic is doing is buying exclusivity and that's not a good thing. They don't deserve the benefit of the doubt and should be continously called out at every opportunity.
Except they literally did more than just buying exclusivity in this case and listened to complaints. And are giving away some good games for free like Subnautica.


Oct 29, 2017
So I just checked and I'm pretty sure every single store displayed in that Pic simply sells you a Steam Key. Which isn't suprising because I'm pretty sure Monster Hunter World is a Steam Exclusive on PC? Soooo...platform exclusivity is actually OK as long as you can buy the codes for the platform you have to use somewhere else, too? But, ignoring that:

This picture is so endlessly frustrating because it's clearly made and posted by people who wilfully ignore the actual arguments and discussions taking place. When talking about Epic Store being good for competition, people are not talking about singular games but the industry as a whole Another Store that actually has a chance in rivaling Steam is good for competition between video game stores, as Steam will be forced to reevaluate many of their decisions in light of a legit competitor driving down their numbers, in turn benefiting both customers and developers. Because even though Steam is not a Monopoly, it still doesn't have any noteworthy competition on the market that would force them to reevaluate their business practices or, well...compete with anyone. If Epic manages to turn into that legit competitor thanks to deals like this, then yes, it is indeed good for the competition and breaking up the absolute indescribable and undeniable power a single company holds over all of the PC gaming industry.

The fact that Epic Store is a worse experience with less features from the get go compared to a platform like Steam that has been operating and been expanding for over a decade is as undeniable as it is inevitable. We already knew from Epic that many of those features were already planned and promised to be coming soon. It's good to see they seem to be holding these promises.

Not only do I like this post, I like the Gorillaz too. Quality all around right here.
Jan 15, 2018
I'm from Argentina, a country that's currently going through pretty hard economic times. I can tell you that I don't feel "saved" by Epic's changes (which are very minor in comparison to what I've been enjoying on Steam for more than a year now). But who cares, we all know most of the people applauding Epic on this don't have a horse in this race and just want more ammo for their Steam vs Epic console war-style bullcrap.

La macrisis pega duro, no?

Argentina does appear to be a significant outlier in benefitting from local Steam prices compared to other regions.


Yeah, I can understand folks from Argentina and a few other places like Russia or Turkey not being impressed with Epic's offering yet.

Honestly without regional pricing and local currency, buying games would be almost impossible for me.


Self-requested ban.
Oct 28, 2017
Considering that choice didn't exist in the first place and in reality most PC games released today are only playable on Steam (see my Monster Hunter example) I do think it's unreasonable, yeah.

This may be true for monster hunter, but not for Ubisofts games and the indie games that are on GoG as well. Despite being on uplay, millions of people chose to buy Ubisofts games on Steam. This is not because Steam has a monopoly. It's because these people actually prefer Steam. Free choice is gold, but yet that's what Epic is taking away with their moneyhats.

I also agree with you that exclusivty doesn't make the Epic Store a better storefront - my point is that exclusivity is pretty much the only way any Store could have any chance to ever actually compete with Steam to any significant degree.

Why exactly do you think that? Exclusives didn't convince pc gamers to buy multi-storefront games (new term by me ;)) on uplay, origin or the windows store.

Also, Epic's free games have the same effect, but without pissing people off and creating a negative mindshare around their store.

Deleted member 5864

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Not everything is about you/the consumer.
Competition can also be good for creators.

But, yes, in the end it'll be good for everyone
"In the end"... when and how exactly is that gonna happen? Can you see the future from where you are standing?

I kinda feel companies selling me things and saying it's better for me kinda is about me the consumer. Like those "competition is good" drivebys are making the case that the consumer benefits from locked away exclusives in a less robust client slowly playing catch up, so I'm pretty sure that means the consumer.

So how again is that better for me exactly?


Oct 26, 2017
They haven't done anything substantial to improve their store giving away free games doesn't change any of it.
You're in the thread about them changing their refund policy and starting to add local pricing after a relatively short amount of time, and you're saying they haven't done anything substantial yet?


Kurt Russell

Oct 25, 2017
La macrisis pega duro, no?

Honestly without regional pricing and local currency, buying games would be almost impossible for me.

Se, y seguro que se viene una peor después de que termine el período de campaña.

And yup, I wouldn't be able to buy games without regional pricing, ended up selling my PS4 since I couldn't afford to pay the crazy numbers they ask for physical games.


Oct 25, 2017
So I just checked and I'm pretty sure every single store displayed in that Pic simply sells you a Steam Key. Which isn't suprising because I'm pretty sure Monster Hunter World is a Steam Exclusive on PC? Soooo...platform exclusivity is actually OK as long as you can buy the codes for the platform you have to use somewhere else, too? But, ignoring that:

This picture is so endlessly frustrating because it's clearly made and posted by people who wilfully ignore the actual arguments and discussions taking place. When talking about Epic Store being good for competition, people are not talking about singular games but the industry as a whole Another Store that actually has a chance in rivaling Steam is good for competition between video game stores, as Steam will be forced to reevaluate many of their decisions in light of a legit competitor driving down their numbers, in turn benefiting both customers and developers. Because even though Steam is not a Monopoly, it still doesn't have any noteworthy competition on the market that would force them to reevaluate their business practices or, well...compete with anyone. If Epic manages to turn into that legit competitor thanks to deals like this, then yes, it is indeed good for the competition and breaking up the absolute indescribable and undeniable power a single company holds over all of the PC gaming industry.

The fact that Epic Store is a worse experience with less features from the get go compared to a platform like Steam that has been operating and been expanding for over a decade is as undeniable as it is inevitable. We already knew from Epic that many of those features were already planned and promised to be coming soon. It's good to see they seem to be holding these promises.

In fact, this image explains the situation pretty well.

It's not about a singular game but about the whole competition thing and the store cut which allows that price competition. Yes, it's a Steam key. And it's precisely why this competition is taking place, because Valve allows free key generation that developpers can resell at full percentage or the one discussed with the store. Which is the perfect competition taking place here for customers: Price competition while retaining all the features you can expect.

On the other hand, despite Epic being the small guy here, they act like a monopoly: No 3rd party store, one price, one place that you come to because they're the only ones selling the game and offering worse features and policy.

What you're saying, that Valve has no competitor is false. In fact, there are a lot of competitors. Big ones that want to compete on their ground and do as little as possible, which is bad competition. Smaller ones which are the store that exist in an healthy competition because Valve is playing fair.


Oct 25, 2017
You're in the thread about them changing their refund policy and starting to add local pricing after a relatively short amount of time, and you're saying they haven't done anything substantial yet?

I am and again I don't have any faith in Epic to come through with their promises. Yes they changed their refund policy but I stand by what I said. they will not come through with improving the store and they have had years to do it.

Not to mention giving away Subnautica, Super Meat Boy, and Edith Finch...
Pretty much every store has given free games. that's not anything unusual.


Nov 12, 2017
Came in expecting people still trying to pretend that Epic isn't good competition and that this is still bad for the business and that exclusivity is no kind of competition at all and that there's no way Epic shouldn't have a Steam-scoped application in place already... and was not disappointed.


Oct 25, 2017
Not everything is about you/the consumer.
Competition can also be good for creators.

But, yes, in the end it'll be good for everyone

Sorry, it is. It's nice to talk about video games as piece of art or anything. But they're products first and foremost. This is no charity nor art. This is people selling products to customers. What happened to "the customer is king" ?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm from Argentina, a country that's currently going through pretty hard economic times. I can tell you that I don't feel "saved" by Epic's changes (which are very minor in comparison to what I've been enjoying on Steam for more than a year now). But who cares, we all know most of the people applauding Epic on this don't have a horse in this race and just want more ammo for their Steam vs Epic console war-style bullcrap.

And you're most likely not only one:



Oct 29, 2017
I am and again I don't have any faith in Epic to come through with their promises. Yes they changed their refund policy but I stand by what I said. they will not come through with improving the store and they have had years to do it.

Pretty much every store has given free games. that's not anything unusual.

Sure. Every store gives away games as recent and well-received as Subnautica and Edith Finch. Happens all the time...

Deleted member 3294

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Also a review system that developers cannot opt out off, and a proper forum system so people can actually get some support and fixes, instead of having to go to the steam forums to get that instead. That Subnautica and Ashen owners had to use the steam forums to ask for fixes and support shows how pathetic it is to not have community boards.
While those forums can be great for support, they can also be a big source of harassment and abuse towards developers. Steam's community has some really big problems with not only that, but with the shit they allow on there in general. When a developer says something or puts something in their game those certain groups don't like, they're sure to have to deal with a ton of users slinging abuse their way in abuse and forum posts. It's totally fair for Epic Games to not have stuff like forums when they're not in a position to properly moderate it, something Valve isn't doing.

Honest question: do you actually think that games like Hades, Ashen and the new SMB are going to sell better on Epic's store than they would sell on Steam?

And have you considered the option to release these games both on Steam and Epic's store, thereby increasing the amount of potential customers instead of alienating your existing fanbase on Steam?

Again: this is not about devs selling their game on Epic's store. It's about these devs pulling their games from Steam.
I don't know if they'll sell better on Epic's store, but I imagine that even if they don't that whatever deal they made with Epic might make up for that. And at the very least on Epic's store, they're guaranteed to have a big top spot on the store page at release. Rather than on Steam where maybe it'll pop up in some list of "popular new releases" that hardly catches visitor's eyes.

And while it's possible for those games to release on both Steam and Epic's store, the result of that would be that people would just buy in on Steam regardless of if Epic actually had better features, cause that's where people on PC already are.

To be honest, I don't see that much of a problem with the store pages being pulled as long as they didn't start taking pre-orders, for which so far Walking Dead has been the only exception but they're still delivering the pre-orders that were made on Steam anyway so no harm there.

Besides, if Epic Games wants third party exclusives on their store, then they'd be hard pressed to find developers who don't already have Steam pages for their upcoming games. Unless they were involved with a game before it was even announced, any exclusive they pick up would very likely result in a Steam page being removed or the date on it being changed.


Aug 23, 2018
"All the customer needs to do is spend a few minutes installing a new launcher"


Please, you're not a user. You're not affected. So don't come telling us how it is.

I love how in a thread announcing regional pricing - and where you've had multiple users say the price of Ashen has dropped in their region - you're still uploading comparison charts showing Ashen having a single global price.



Oct 26, 2017
Honest question: do you actually think that games like Hades, Ashen and the new SMB are going to sell better on Epic's store than they would sell on Steam?

It's impossible to say but certainly possible. With the Epic Store, Hades and Ashen have been getting the best possible placement for weeks now, ever since release. Everyone who opened the Epic Store since those games released has seen those two games at some point, including Millions of People who were only one click away after opening the Epic Launcher to play the biggest game in the World with Fortnite. And, due to the exclusivity of other games, more people actually had to check out the Epic Store in the first place.

If both games were released on both Steam and the Epic Store, the release on the Epic Store would have been fundamentally meaningless as no user on Steam would have had much reason to visit the Epic Store in the first place. Meanwhile, on Steam, those games wouldn't have gotten close to the same attention they got on the Epic Store. So, worst case, both games could have disappeared from Steam after their first day (or few hours) after release until they were 50% off on the next sale or, in Hades' case, the official release, with their prime placement on the Epic Store being pretty much useless because no one had any actual reason to go there.

No epic's had it around for at least 3 years if not longer.

You are talking about the Launcher, not the Store. The Launcher didn't have a Store before...well, the Epic Store.


Oct 27, 2017
Would you say everyone should follow suit across the board? Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony, Apple, Google, etc?

Console makers have to invest way more in creating, promoting and maintaining the platform and do a way better job justifying the split. Even Google and Apple are charged with maintaining and entire OS ecosystem. Valve's investment in Steam is miniscule by comparison.


Oct 27, 2017
What's ASTONISHING for me is people who actually think that to compete with a 15 old and well established service is perfectly fine to match its features when it started (and then EVENTUALLY improve things) rather than offering something that is genuinely better and makes the new thing feel like the more appealing option.

Probably a bit beyond unrealistic to expect anyone to come out of the gate swinging on day one and exceed a platform with 15+ years of best in class continuous development. I get your point though but they gotta start somewhere and there's no better time than the present to put things out like this.


Oct 25, 2017
"In the end"... when and how exactly is that gonna happen? Can you see the future from where you are standing?

I kinda feel companies selling me things and saying it's better for me kinda is about me the consumer. Like those "competition is good" drivebys are making the case that the consumer benefits from locked away exclusives in a less robust client slowly playing catch up, so I'm pretty sure that means the consumer.

So how again is that better for me exactly?

Remember when fragmentation and money hatted exclusive were good for the costumer in the long run? Yeah me neither.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I love how in a thread announcing regional pricing - and where you've had multiple users say the price of Ashen has dropped in their region - you're still uploading comparison charts showing Ashen having a single global price.


That picture isn't about regional pricing, it's about comparing prices on different storefronts.


Oct 25, 2017
I love how in a thread announcing regional pricing - and where you've had multiple users say the price of Ashen has dropped in their region - you're still uploading comparison charts showing Ashen having a single global price.


Because I'm buying from a European country ? This chart isn't about region pricing. The point I'm making here is how store compete with each others with lowering prices. As you can see, the price for Monster Hunter is also the European price.


Oct 27, 2017
I hope both parties continue to push each other to be better. People were too quick to dismiss the Epic Store for not having this stuff when it's taken 15 years for Steam to get here.


Oct 29, 2017
I love how in a thread announcing regional pricing - and where you've had multiple users say the price of Ashen has dropped in their region - you're still uploading comparison charts showing Ashen having a single global price.


The reason why is that there are a few members on this board who will blindly take up Steam's side without even looking at what they are posting is no longer factually correct or just hilarious to begin with (e.g. OMG Epic Store got an F from the BBB...while Steam also has an F). You can go through every thread even remotely having something to do with the Epic Store and see the same people posting the same thing.


Aug 23, 2018
What about offering better prices, services and features to consumers than Steam does ? So far they aren't doing any of this.

You expected them to hit feature parity with Steam day 1?
Your second line is wierd. How do you know they aren't working on improving their store? Especially when you're in a thread showing improvements being rolled out.

Perhaps you should PM the mods to verify you as an insider if you're truly making the definitive claim that no moves to improve the store are ongoing.

On the contrary, it is thanks to Steam that Epic improved their refunds.

Yes, this is what competition is all about. Steam has forced Epic to improve their refund policy, for the good of the consumer.
Can you now see why many hope competition from Epic will force Valve to embrace a lower cut, giving more to developers?


Oct 25, 2017
The reason why is that there are a few members on this board who will blindly take up Steam's side without even looking at what they are posting is no longer factually correct or just hilarious to begin with (e.g. OMG Epic Store got an F from the BBB...while Steam also has an F). You can go through every thread even remotely having something to do with the Epic Store and see the same people posting the same thing.

Nah I think you're being unfair to me here. What I'm posting here is still factually correct because it's not about regional pricing. I'm a European, I pay in Euro. I'm comparing prices in Euro. This chart doesn't compare prices between regions but prices in ONE region.


Oct 18, 2018
If you think Epic gives a single shit about harassment or abuse you should check what Tim Sweeney's stance on Alex Jones being banned from Twitter was.

Imagine Gaben tweeting the shit Sweeney has been tweeting over the years. Lots of 50-100 page threads I reckon. Alas fuck ERA's principles because fuck Valve.

Not everything is about you/the consumer.
Competition can also be good for creators.

Weird how some of those creators can't handle having competition themselves on the Steam store though and want to get protected from other games and apparently even customers.

Console makers have to invest way more in creating, promoting and maintaining the platform and do a way better job justifying the split. Even Google and Apple are charged with maintaining and entire OS ecosystem. Valve's investment in Steam is miniscule by comparison.

The weirdest argument of them all. Console makers have other revenue streams even if we ignore all the other stuff Sony and MS earn money with. Like, uh, selling console hardware. Which they won't do with a loss these days, you think the PS4 hardware alone isn't printing money? Or take paid online gaming, what's the justification there?
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Deleted member 1849

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Not everything good for developers trickles down to consumers.

I love how in a thread announcing regional pricing - and where you've had multiple users say the price of Ashen has dropped in their region - you're still uploading comparison charts showing Ashen having a single global price.

That's a massive misinterpretation of the picture.

What you are looking at is how one game has many prices in the same market, while the other has only 1 (the exclusive one).

Regional pricing is about the pricing of videogames in entirely different markets.

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
Console makers have to invest way more in creating, promoting and maintaining the platform and do a way better job justifying the split. Even Google and Apple are charged with maintaining and entire OS ecosystem. Valve's investment in Steam is miniscule by comparison.
I can't say I agree really. The console makers are still making a cut from each retail sale, and of course, from the sale of the hardware and peripherals. Valve doesn't really have that.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope both parties continue to push each other to be better. People were too quick to dismiss the Epic Store for not having this stuff when it's taken 15 years for Steam to get here.

Hey im building this new console here with hardware from 10 years ago please pay me 400€ for it. What do you mean with i should use current gen hardware?
Im just starting out so cut me some slack and buy it.


Oct 26, 2017
Remember when fragmentation and money hatted exclusive were good for the costumer in the long run? Yeah me neither.

Xbox wants to have a talk with you :P A big reason the console market is so healthy right now is the continous competition between Microsoft and Sony, which was only possible thanks to fragmentation and money hatted exclusives way back when Microsoft first got Xbox started. There would have been no reason for Sony to backtrack on their insanely overpriced PS3 launch without the Xbox 360, which in turn allowed them to stomp the Xbox One with their PS4 announcement, which in turn forced Xbox to fundamentally change their approach and get better and so on and so forth...that's how competition benefits the customer even though at first it may make you miss Halo because it's now a console exclusive FPS instead of a PC shooter.

Kurt Russell

Oct 25, 2017
And you're most likely not only one:


Yup, when they added the Peso to the store and adjusted the prices accordingly, I got a ton of my friends who would only pirate games to buy them. That's why I'm so concerned about the Epic Store, Bethesda's launcher, etc. We had good things for a year and now it seems all the big boys are ready to turn everything back to normal, because we don't matter. Then the same big boys will complain about piracy, circle repeats itself.


Oct 25, 2017
If your answer is no, then Epic Games Store IS currently doing something better than the other storefronts.
No it's not doing things better, giving away games is all fine and dandy but I can point to tons of games I've gotten free on other store fronts that are just as good.

The reason why is that there are a few members on this board who will blindly take up Steam's side without even looking at what they are posting is no longer factually correct or just hilarious to begin with (e.g. OMG Epic Store got an F from the BBB...while Steam also has an F). You can go through every thread even remotely having something to do with the Epic Store and see the same people posting the same thing.
Just like you can see the same people blindly defending everything epic has doing as a good thing and omg they are finally "competition" when all the main thing they are doing is taking games away from other platforms by buying exclusivity.