
Oct 25, 2017
This makes me want to support the game Day 1 on Steam.
Didn't the same thing happen to Assault Android Cactus too?

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
It left out the Kickstarter part which, meh, I'm not gonna headbutt OP in the face for

This just tells me the dev has a good head on their shoulders and also SKATEBIRD
I expected Epic trying to get SkateBird dev to not put their game on Steam because they see how awesome the game is and want it for themselves. But it sounds more like EGS is maybe understaffed on vetting games for being on their store, a position like Sony's Third Party Relations group that get games on PS4 (Adam Boyes old job, I forgot the MS person). Maybe the game will be on their radar now so they can look into, or focus on it more, due to this news and buzz around the game if that's the case. I'm only going on what I saw in the tweet in the OP. There may be more soon.


Oct 26, 2017
Seems petty. I guess they are trying to sell high visibility and little competition to their partners as reasons to take the moneyhat, but yeah, not sure that will help people stick around.


Nov 14, 2017
A straight refusal is a bit strange. You'd think they would just refer her to whatever their curation system is, even if it's only to give an impression that EGS is open to indie devs.


Feb 21, 2018
Please explain why it's petty and unhealthy to focus attention on the market leader.

Its pretty damn unhealthy to forcefully disrupt an ecosystem negatively and introducing trends in it that cause the customers in it to use other avenue's in order to acquire the game that might not beneficial to that ecosystem. PC gaming has become successful and a lot more profitable again because Steam introduced the right trends and focused on a better experience for the consumers. It paid dividends in the long run and they keep sticking to the same formula more or less what epic is doing is the opposite.. claiming to help the developers but underneath their thinking is screaming that they only want to forcefully through any scummy means take over the market leader. Exclusivity, bad consumer experience won't bring any profit to themselves or to the ecosystem they're trying to supposedly compete in.

The consumers see this and don't want it to happen because right now PC gaming is in its golden age and steps taken by epic clearly undermine in it and threaten it to end.

  • Buying out competition and forcing only one or two choices on the consumer of third party titles
  • Push out a shitty, barebones launcher/storefront that doesn't even offer half the features the market leader is offering
  • Thanks to them buying out kickstarted titles, they've largely hampered the 'kickstarter concept' because one of the main pillers of it is trust. Due to epic's intervention and ill intent, it has clearly caused a huge deal of distrust in the consumers who might want to back/kickstart projects in the future.
I personally do not mind any new platform taking on steam because i really want some competition for steam.. i really do and thats what i had hoped when EGS was first announced but their way of doing business is disgusting, vile and abysmal. If they're gonna keep doing what they're doing then they're not welcomed by most of the PC consumers doing the business they way they're doing in this ecosystem.. in short. GET. THE. HELL. OUTTA. HERE.

Yeah times change if WE LET THEM CHANGE. Which we won't. Neither when it was GFWL, neither when it was Ubisoft's always online DRM and neither will times change for the worse this time. PC gaming doesn't NEED timed third party exclusives that take away the choice from the consumer and neither does PC gaming need Paid subs that give out stuff for a cost which services like Steam, GOG give out for FREE and have been doing so for years.

Deleted member 35618

Dec 7, 2017
I'm not interested in a launcher where the CEO decides what I can buy based on his grudges.

Grudges? Lol. OK then. I love how the dev is pretty nonplussed about it and understands that business is business, but people here overreact as usual.

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
If it says they're focusing on exclusives, then that is a direct response to an inquiry about being on the storefront. Epic Grants is a no-strings-attached, separate program that is actually super wonderful and a part of Epic that I think is an overall good for the dev scene. They do not tie Grants to exclusivity for eligibility, as the teams handling them are separate and have their own defined criteria.

Megan is good people, she's been outspoken against many of Steam's shortcomings as well as been positive towards EGS in the past. Frustratingly, she's been shown directly by Epic that they aren't exactly interested in helping the actual small developer through the EGS nearly as much as they say they are. She's taking it well though, and SkateBIRD is looking to do decently! So, I'm glad that she won't be negatively affected by Epic's refusal to even allow the game on their store.

Something I did find interesting about this was their point on refusing due to promises of Steam keys in the Kickstarter. That hasn't stopped them in the past, and Sweeney sounded pretty adamant that they would continue that approach for the foreseeable future. Has that policy changed? Was it just a convenient way to tell her off because they don't think SkateBIRD passes their bar for curation?
Thanks for the info. That gif looks amazing, they really shouldn't have blocked it from being on the store, either delayed if they have release plans, or whatever. Not a good look.


Oct 30, 2017
This is Epic stupidity .

The whole point of the excusives is it get you into the store and if it works out the EGS takes Steams place as the first place you think of going when a new game come out.

By refusing to sell games on the EGS if are not excusive, is to kick the customer out EGS and sendng them right back to Steam after they have spent, by now what must be hundreds of millions of dollars to get customers in the store.
Oct 25, 2017
Where were all of the people claiming they never heard about this game or that this is for free marketing during E3, SkateBird blew the fuck up.

Because if it wasn't crappy, it'd still be denied? It's irrelevant, what did you think the crux of the topic was?
Yeah, that is my point. Epic keeps throwing excuses to reject games at the same time they say the only purpose of their store is to help devs. None of the excuses actually make sense or are consistent. In this case, it flies in the face of their past Kickstarted exclusives. Unless those were saw as valuable enough for them to buy the exclusivity, and this one is not seen as a valuable. What also would show their actual ""pro dev"" stance.
Or maybe they just were being kind and didn't want to say to Megan's face her game is crappy. (Which is arguably considering the demo is pretty fun imo)

As I said, who knows really

Yeah, I've looking at it for over a month now.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Grudges? Lol. OK then. I love how the dev is pretty nonplussed about it and understands that business is business, but people here overreact as usual.

Yes. Look at his twitter, he reacts to every Steam move like a stalker

Imagine if Phil Spencer was like "PS sucks" everyday, would be weird right?


Oct 26, 2017
They only want exclusives... Most of which are timed. They do realise that in a years time most of the store will be games that are also available on STEAM?

I think this is a bad move. They should try and get as many games as possible if they want their store to be the "go to".


Oct 27, 2017
Epic probably wants to avoid too many games releasing simultaneously on both platforms because they know the numbers won't be favorable to them if they have to compete directly with Steam.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
So as long it's capitalism, people shouldn't react against it?

Knowing the history and leanings of the poster in question it's closer to asking why the gamers don't take a stronger tack against capitalism in general considering that this is the sort of outcome it's designed to lead to. Not that this isn't necessarily an issue to complain against, but that the complaining is short-sighted, especially considering how the company running it makes so much of their money from those lootboxes and is working the development staff of its biggest earner to death.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
What is there even to react to? They are continuing what they've been doing, and people like the top post of this page are going fucking nuts.

They're doing what they're doing, and people are reacting like they do?

I guess you don't care that much about the subject, or the arguments being made in the discussions about it?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm just chanting bird over and over in my head now lmao
This scientific chart proves that Birb should be the correct term.


Nov 6, 2017
Its weird how this forum tends to be critical of capitalism but when these epic threads get posted the capitalism is good posters come in.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
Given that Epic has talked in the past about a bottleneck in the process of adding games to the store, it sounds less like petty retribution and more like prioritizing devs who are willing to go exclusive for extremely limited store slots. Which, don't get me wrong, still feels like an indictment of EGS, but I don't know if this is indicative of a long-term strategy as opposed to short-term maximization of available resources.

In any case, Skatebird looks hella cute! Also, get a load of this description:

You're a lonely lil' bird, and your Big Friend has hung up their board for good. Their job sucks, and lately, they're barely ever home to play with you. You're gonna fix all that with the power of being a chill little skateboarding bird. You may be tiny, but the more you skate, the more following you get, the more the world of bird skating will open up. Birds will come check out your park, help you find more parks, and together you'll (somehow) fix Big Friend's life! Above all else, skate birds try their best.



Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
The real headline is a kickstarter that honors their words and is giving backers steam keys even when EGS comes calling


It's something that the united gaming press have declared to be a non-issue, but devs actually honoring promises being made before taking people's money long before release, is actually something important.


Oct 25, 2017
Understandable, don't quote me again
Why do you always tell people not to quote you? The way you come into a thread and tell people not to quote you makes you seem incredibly fragile to any kind of discussion....on a discussion forum. If you don't want to have what you post responded to, then I suggest you don't post.

On topic, did EGS decline to sell the game at all or just decline to offer the money without the exclusivity? They are selling a couple of games that aren't exclusive so it would odd for them to reject the game completely without exclusivity.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean this is nothing new. For them right now they want only exclusives, we already see that.
Yeah Nintendo pretty much did the same thing early on with devs being ignored unless they were offering exclusives/exclusive content.

Nindie 1 is yet to get in the door with Switch, and argues that the eShop team - formally called the Publisher & Developer Relations department - in North America doesn't necessarily have the experience to perform the curation / gating role it has. They make the point, partly substantiated by another source later in the article, that the team is also using a curation remit to "try and force developers to create exclusive game modes or commit to some time-based exclusivity just for the right to release games on their system". The word "arrogant" is used when referencing the drive by Nintendo to gain some forms of exclusivity while offering little in return, a conflating of publication approval with "strongarm" demands for unique content.

Darryl M R

The Spectacular PlayStation-Man
Oct 25, 2017
My response is at the pettyness of epic towards one store specifically. Their obsession with steam is quite unhealthy
Lol I actually spat out my drink reading this. A business obsession with its market leader is unhealthy? C'mon breh let's do some critical thinking and reasoning.

They are focused on rapid growth through exclusives and will either succeed to be #1 or will not and be shown that buying up exclusives is not a winnable strategy for PC gaming.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, but wouldn't you think part of the battle would not be giving Steam exclusives? They should want it simply because it's on the other store.
Should they really? Let's look at that scenario. A game that's on both Steam and EGS is unlikely to sell a significant number of copies on EGS so it probably make Epic a whole lot of money and it won't lock too many people into using their launcher to play the game in question. However, it will take up space on their storefront which could be used to promote the games of developers Epic has signed exclusivity deals with. I do believe that the EGS still having a relatively tightly curated, small library is part of what makes their current strategy work. Sure, devs get big bags of many for making their games EGS exclusive but, presumably, they also still want their games to sell on the EGS. The more other games it has to compete with for storefront space, the harder that will become. So I can imagine that, to Epic, it may actually make more sense to try and make sure EGS exclusives get as much of the spotlight as possible (as this may help them sign more exclusive deals) than to try and get as many games onto their store as possible, regardless of whether they're exclusive or not. Now, whether you think that that strategy is consumer-friendly or not, dev-friendly or not or just generally ethical or not is another question but from Epic's perspective, I do think that it makes sense.


Jul 7, 2019
Maybe, just maybe, the game isn't any good and Epic didn't want it on their store. Possibly dev was rejected in the nicest way by whoever curates the store. Instead, of, "your game doesn't meet our minimum standards because it sucks", the dev was given the "we only have room for exclusives" response.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
They're doing what they're doing, and people are reacting like they do?

I guess you don't care that much about the subject, or the arguments being made in the discussions about it?

Do you think it's normal for someone to react to this thread by calling someone a cunt, like the person I referenced?


Nov 14, 2017
Maybe, just maybe, the game isn't any good and Epic didn't want it on their store. Possibly dev was rejected in the nicest way by whoever curates the store. Instead, of, "your game doesn't meet our minimum standards because it sucks", the dev was given the "we only have room for exclusives" response.
Or maybe Epic just wants exclusives and said as much. I seriously doubt they've got some curator who played this game extensively and reported back "nah, sucks".


Oct 25, 2017
My hot take: there's more to this story, they shouldn't share private business details like this, and they're using this to drum up some news to help support for the title.