Dec 2, 2017
The prime minister has announced a series of measures easing the lockdown in England.

  • From 4 July the 2m distancing rule will be reduced, and people should stay "one-metre plus"
  • Two households of any size will be able to meet in any setting inside or out. This does not have to be the same set of households - but the government does not not recommend meetings of multiple households indoors because of the risk of infection
  • Outdoors, people can meet in groups of up to six - but two households can meet regardless of size
  • Restaurants and pubs, cinemas, can reopen. All hospitality indoors will be limited to table service and with minimal staff and customer contact. Customers will also have to give contact details when they enter
  • From 4 July people will be free to stay overnight in self-contained accommodation away from home, such as hotels and B&B's as long as shared facilities are kept clean
  • More outdoor spaces will open if they can do so safely, including outdoor gyms and playgrounds

Covid: What is the guidance across the UK now?

Almost all of the UK's Covid rules have ended, two years after they were introduced.

It's a hell of a toboggan ride, etc.


Oct 25, 2017
Not going to lie, looking forward to the pub - and getting a haircut.

Still very very cautious about numbers.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Customers will also have to give contact details when they enter

Average UK customer "Go fuck yourself" or "10 umm McDonalds Street...UK...L1 TUW"


Oct 25, 2017
I am still not going anywhere that will endanger myself or my family.

We're fucked. How can we relax when we're still at over 1000 cases a day. Fuck sake.


Oct 26, 2017
Pubs seems like a terrible idea. I could see it turn into Saturday night every night since a lot of people aren't going into the office.

Cosmonaut X

Oct 26, 2017
4th of July? Really, you absolute arseholes? I can't see the significance of that particular day/date (it's a Saturday, IIRC) beyond silly pandering to Independence Day, which doesn't even bloody apply here. I don't think there's any public health/business reason why it shouldn't have been Friday 3rd or Monday 6th, and it's yet another example of the current Tory party's obsession with government by slogans and imagery, rather than substance.

Fucking muppets.


Oct 30, 2017
God the pubs are going to be grim those first few weeks. I'm very keen for a pint but you won't catch me down there for a good while yet

show me your skeleton

#1 Bugsnax Fan
Oct 28, 2017
skeleton land
4th of July? Really, you absolute arseholes? I can't see the significance of that particular day/date (it's a Saturday, IIRC) beyond silly pandering to Independence Day, which doesn't even bloody apply here. I don't think there's any public health/business reason why it shouldn't have been Friday 3rd or Monday 6th, and it's yet another example of the current Tory party's obsession with government by slogans and imagery, rather than substance.

Fucking muppets.
remember when we lost a war? yayyyyyyyyyY!


Oct 25, 2017
wonder if this will put pressure on Sturgeon or if she'll wait till this explodes all over Johnsons face, can't see it ending well either way


Dec 12, 2018
I'd like to go out to a restaurant again, but I'll give it a few weeks. Going to be pretty busy at the start I bet.


Oct 27, 2017
On one hand, I really want to go do fun stuff again and be with people, but on the other hand there's a dangerous virus still about and the daily infections still give me cause for concern.

By the end of July the numbers of infections continue to go down and not go back up then I'll happily celebrate, but not gonna take any needless risks.

Memento Mori

Oct 26, 2017
Herd immunity- it's always been their plan. I'm going to foresake my Odeon Limitless card and remain in lockdown as long as I can. My office isn't having anyone back in until September at the earliest.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 28, 2017
I'm going to continue to avoid shops and such places as i have been. Reducing the safe distance to 1m is gonna suck.


Oct 27, 2017
Customers will also have to give contact details when they enter

Average UK customer "Go fuck yourself" or "10 umm McDonalds Street...UK...L1 TUW"
Yeah to hell with this. Unless numbers drop off to single very very low numbers I'm fine with the current levels and even then people are taking the piss (It's business as usual in most shops with a tiny bit of distancing, 50% of the time). Saw a guy with a mask refuse to leave via the correct exit when asked to by a security guard yesterday; if you're worried enough to use a mask, move 5 foot to the right and use the correct door.

Croc Man

Oct 27, 2017
Can't believe bloody amusement arcades are opening. The whole business is built around people touching machines and money.


Editor-in-chief at
Oct 28, 2017
Didn't we have something near 1000 deaths last week? Great job, Bojo. Great job.


Oct 29, 2017
Looking forwards to having the pub gardens back but it's definitely going to be nightmare busy the first couple of weekends.

Cosmonaut X

Oct 26, 2017
I believe their reasoning is that pubs have outdoor spacing and can have social distancing, whilst nightclubs are close contact venues.

That wouldn't apply to any of our local pubs - only one has outdoor seating, and it's limited to 3 or 4 tables, so for the rest you have a single entrance point, crowded interiors and you'll be in close contact with however many patrons come in, unless they implement strict headcounts. It's slightly better than nightclubs, perhaps, but not much. Be interested to see what the Scottish guidelines are at the moment, and what they're updated to - haven't checked in a week or so...
It’s Time To Go
Dec 2, 2017
That's a very silly and arbitrary line, there are a large amount of cases that are vice versa
That wouldn't apply to any of our local pubs - only one has outdoor seating, and it's limited to 3 or 4 tables, so for the rest you have a single entrance point, crowded interiors and you'll be in close contact with however many patrons come in, unless they implement strict headcounts. It's slightly better than nightclubs, perhaps, but not much. Be interested to see what the Scottish guidelines are at the moment, and what they're updated to - haven't checked in a week or so...
I'm sure boris has been advised by 'top advisers'


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
oh great. Sure lets drag this virus out as long as possible. Can't blame brexit on it if theres not enough cases


Oct 27, 2017
Indoor pubs? That's wild. Outdoor I can understand but indoor and without limiting the capacity will be a nightmare for you guys. As you're seeing in some of the dumbass states in the US, indoor dining/bars has led to an increase in cases the past few weeks. Stay safe UK friends

Deleted member 44129

User requested account closure
May 29, 2018
If my employer switches to 1 metre, I'm definitely going to get sick. At the moment it's 2, and it works well. Now all the fuckheads that I keep yelling "TWO METRES!" at are going to just chase the rest of us around like fucking wasps.


Oct 25, 2017
Go Boris!



Alt Account
Apr 16, 2020
The transition from "STAY HOME STAY SAFE" to "EVERYTHING IS FINE NOW" seems to have gone and continues to go at an alarming place..


Oct 25, 2017
For all intents and purpose lockdown has already finished, almost no one is following these rules. I chuckled at social distancing is 1m the virus lost its ability to jump as far as it did in March.

You can't go from oh it was 2m before but now it's 1m, you could meet 3 people before and now you can meet 6. That's not how humans think or act.


Oct 27, 2017
I think it's interesting to look at recent opinion polls like this:

Where nearly a majority of people think we are 'coming out of lockdown too quickly'. I think the government move is to keep things vague (guidance, 1 metre plus etc...) so that most people broadly think that what they are doing is the acceptable limit, and then blame 'selfish idiots' for anything else.

It's like how drivers thing anyone going slower than them is a plodding OAP, and anyone faster a dangerous maniac.

So each person will have their own view on what is safe/reasonable to do, and them blame anyone doing more than that for any negative consequences. Keeping any real heat off the government, as they continue to talk about 'common sense' - which is a terrible way to control a pandemic.

I'm not immune to this. I will probably personally partake in some activities now being opened up (potentially a pub on a weekday if not too busy, potentially a cinema) - whilst still thinking this is terrible guidance (particularly in the communication) from the government. I will judge people who go further, people will judge me for my actions, all turning individuals on each other, forgetting it is all because of terrible government comms (terrible for public health, not for their purposes, for their goals it is actually fairly clever).