
Oct 27, 2017
Much love and respect. I absolutely bow down before anyone who finds the strength to walk that extremely difficult path and feel so fortunate I haven't gone down the bottle myself given my own personal struggles in life.


Jan 17, 2018
I know so many people who can't quit drinking or smoking, the sheer amount of willpower it requires to fight addiction is astonishing. Congratulations.

36 Chambers

Oct 27, 2017
User Warned: Inflammatory Commentary
Him and Kid Cudi should go back on the drugs if they care about their musical quality.

36 Chambers

Oct 27, 2017
Oct 27, 2017
I do not like this post.

While I do wish Eminem would actually put more effort into his music today instead of spewing the same stuff over an over, I wouldn't want him to resort back to his pills/drugs/alcohol and reconnect with his demons in order to produce a decent album. He would really be sacrificing himself for his art and that's not fair to his family/people that matter to him. We could have been living in an alternate dimension where Eminem did OD'd on pills back in 2007 so congratulations to him on being 10 years sober.


Oct 27, 2017
Good for him.
I have no problem people using drugs (so alcohol too) in their creative proces however. But it can he devastating for health and relationships.

At some point it will take over your life.


Nov 4, 2017
Cudi been absolutely useless on the mic and on the boards since he quit smoking weed, thats a fact.

Em has nose dived in quality over the years too, less so than Cudi sure.
Em is also 45 years old and has a net worth of $190 million. More importantly, Em should continue to stay sober if he cares about his daughter and quality of life.


Nov 15, 2017
I do agree Eminem on drugs did play a roll in some of his better albums SSLP, MMLP and TES, but another thing was his age. I think he would most likely sound ridiculous in his 40s rapping about his same type of topics. The best thing he can do now is stay healthy and maybe continue to be more political in the music he releases.


Oct 27, 2017
Cudi been absolutely useless on the mic and on the boards since he quit smoking weed, thats a fact.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
Wish he went back to smoking weed, health comes first but you can definitely tell his work benefited from a elevated mind state. Then again that could be said for a lot of artist.


Nov 15, 2017
Him and Kid Cudi should go back on the drugs if they care about their musical quality.

Outside of the obvious issues with this post, Kid Cudi's newest album is one of his best. Eminem was better before yes I'll give you that but come on lol. He'd be dead a long time ago if he didn't stop.


Oct 26, 2017
Good for him.

People who expect a 40 year old rich man to produce the same quality of music as a hungry and poor 20 year old are kidding themselves. Just try to enjoy the music he's made and stop hoping for something that isn't gonna happen.


Dec 29, 2017
Thanks! Biggest problem is the music I'm still listening to, but I can't stop with that. :P

I know the feeling. Had my 6 months yesterday and certain music can be a trigger for me, but I don't want to cut that out of my life yet cause I love it and it also helps me with so many other things.

And for those talking about Em's recent music, there is the possibility that you are correct that substances helped his music (I still don't think I've regained my full tenacity at work yet) but the man has a family and addiction will kill you if you don't get help. Additionally to those criticising him, why don't you get off your ass and make some music you like better instead of waiting on an addict to do it for you.


Oct 26, 2017
I know the feeling. Had my 6 months yesterday and certain music can be a trigger for me, but I don't want to cut that out of my life yet cause I love it and it also helps me with so many other things.
Congratsto you, too!
For what it's worth I'm still listening to that stuff years later and mostly managed to seperate it from my habits back then. Hopefully you'll manage to as well.
Oct 25, 2017
The Cyclone State
Him and Kid Cudi should go back on the drugs if they care about their musical quality.

I think he should probably care about his life and seeing his daughter and her future kids more.

No clue he had struggled with drugs/alcohol. Just thought it was part of his image/character.

He talks about it in a few of his more recent songs, he literally almost OD'd. They found him in the bathroom on the floor and he spent time in the hospital.


Oct 25, 2017
Cudi been absolutely useless on the mic and on the boards since he quit smoking weed, thats a fact.

Em has nose dived in quality over the years too, less so than Cudi sure.

So fucking what? You enjoying their music is not so important it's worth them sacrificing their health and mentality for. It's psychopathic to wish them to slow kill themselves just so you can enjoy their music better.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Good for him, good for the people around him, and people who can be inspired by him too.

Cudi been absolutely useless on the mic and on the boards since he quit smoking weed, thats a fact.

Em has nose dived in quality over the years too, less so than Cudi sure.

1) Don't invoke "Facts," when you have no factual proof that their drug or alcohol use corresponds at all to their music. Correlation is not causation.

2) Almost nobody was arguing the irrelevant point about the quality of their music, but rather, that you're an asshole for prioritizing how much you enjoy their music over their mental and physical health.