Oct 25, 2017
As ive said before, if this was any other CEO people would not defend them. If this was Apple this board would be losing its shit


Oct 27, 2017
The difference between this and fan-art is the power dynamic. Even still if a company wants fan-art shut down they can usually do it.


Oct 25, 2017
Tesla couldn't afford to throw this dude a bone? He might have even let them use it for free if they had only asked.

Looking forward to KHarvey16's hot take.


Oct 26, 2017
If you side with Musk you side against copyright law. What makes you think what he did is OK?

It's an MS paint version of a picture on a mug he liked that he included as an Easter egg... And the guy who drew it liked it being part of it before.

The only thing the person wants is to get paid because he thinks he has that opportunity.

I'm pretty sure anyone can sell something with Sanic on it


Oct 25, 2017
Chesire, UK
If you side with Musk you side against copyright law. What makes you think what he did is OK?
Oh no! Not siding against copyright law! Whoever would do that!

The law is an ass, and it sucks that only people like Musk are truly above it, but nobody should be in favour of the way IP law currently exists apart from the people who exploit it.


Oct 25, 2017
Rich and entitled entrepreneur being a total dickhead. Surprising. Bet he honestly believes the shit he's saying too.


Oct 27, 2017
This reminds me of the intro to The Social Network, where Mark says he will bring his girlfriend to places that she wouldn't normally get to. The entitlement is through the roof here. Nobody is above the law, even for ms paint mugs.

The scene in question:

On another note, David Fincher should make the Elon Musk movie.

Deleted member 20284

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
To be honest, does this even matter. Like, if you like a piece of art, and then you decide you want to replicate it in a commercial environment, do you ask "hey is this trademarked at all? maybe we can just use it if the moron didn't file anything!" or do you contact the source where you first encountered the art and work something out? It's basic human courtesy.

Musk can fight this legally, win on a technicality, and STILL be seen as a total asshole.

For me personally, no it does not, I would approach the artist first. For an engagement like this where it's a parody or derivative work not sold for profit I sort of want to know the legal side before really making a judgement one way or another TBH.

Copyright law and trademark law aren't the same thing. The artist's work is already protected under the former.

They are intrinsic, as even state by the USA copyright office:


How do I copyright a name, title, slogan, or logo?
Copyright does not protect names, titles, slogans, or short phrases. In some cases, these things may be protected as trademarks. Contact the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, Circular 33, for further information. However, copyright protection may be available for logo artwork that contains sufficient authorship. In some circumstances, an artistic logo may also be protected as a trademark.

How do I protect my idea?
Copyright does not protect ideas, concepts, systems, or methods of doing something. You may express your ideas in writing or drawings and claim copyright in your description, but be aware that copyright will not protect the idea itself as revealed in your written or artistic work.

It's a little bit of a gray area for copyrights and trademarks unless you actually do it up front as the artist or commercial venture such as selling a drawing on mugs and going after a joke hand drawn parody/easter egg etc.

Just look at IMGUR and the EU laws around memes at the moment, I find it interesting many hate the laws around repurposing/edits of memes but are happy to sidestep with a hand drawn version. It's an interesting parallel as neither are for profit, one could argue exposure or non-direct profit, branding etc but I think they're similar enough that it highlights an opposite polarisation and hypocrisy of such an issue.

For the record I'd personally prefer things like this are cleared with an artist first, hell I made an OT or two back in GAF and cleared it with citing Deviant Art artists.
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Oct 28, 2017


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
I love what he's doing and everything, but as a person I really fucking hate his guts. Fucking terrible human being.

Cosmonaut X

Oct 26, 2017

There's a lot of context missing in the OP.

For example, on Musk's Twitter feed - because this is the world we live in, folks - you can see that Musk has offered to pay the original artist.

Offering to pay *after* it's been flagged up (and after a lawyer's letter was sent to Tesla, apparently) is the least I'd expect. Musk's crappy response raising the tired old "exposure" line and the re-use of the image without anyone involved thinking to offer something to the artist remains pathetic.

Also: good to see the fantastic Jamie Smart in the replies to that tweet pointing out the "exposure" issue. He's right - it cheapens everyone involved. The choice to offer work for free lies with the artist, not with the person appropriating their art.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
This is the kind of crap that justifies Musk's hate of the media.

Someone made a sketch based on the mug and he tweeted it. Who cares? Musk is right, he drove way more sales of that ugly mug than would have ever happened otherwise.

A multi billion dollar company is building cars out of a tent and their paint shop catches on fire every few days. Also when their cars crash sometimes the battery fire self-reignites the next day. Those things are news, this isn't.

Edit: nvm missed that it's in the OS even though it's in the title of the thread... Musk should have licensed it. Still not news

The Musk knights never fail to amuse me.

Super rich guy's company steal artists work, CEO says "you should be happy about the exposure", but apparently it's all the media's fault?


Oct 26, 2017
This is the kind of crap that justifies Musk's hate of the media.

Someone made a sketch based on the mug and he tweeted it. Who cares? Musk is right, he drove way more sales of that ugly mug than would have ever happened otherwise.

A multi billion dollar company is building cars out of a tent and their paint shop catches on fire every few days. Also when their cars crash sometimes the battery fire self-reignites the next day. Those things are news, this isn't.

Edit: nvm missed that it's in the OS even though it's in the title of the thread... Musk should have licensed it. Still not news

*attacks the media, realises they've completely misrepresented the story, still doubles down*

Musk would be proud.


Oct 25, 2017
It is clear copyright violation of an artistic work. Trademark is irrelevant in this instance.
Note, copyright infringement does not actually have to generate a commercial gain, it only needs to be used for the purpose of commercial gain.
In use as a promotional tool for a company or as an element of a part of a product sold, it meets that requirement.
It would not fall under fair use.

People bringing up nonsensical analogies about what they do with fanart for fun, for one thing you are not a $58.5 billion company, and for another there is no commercial intent.
This situation is no different from if a company decides to use an indie band's song on a website, or a photographer's work in a brochure.
Oct 28, 2017
Entitled rich brat. Is he even rich now? I wouldn't be surprised if he's neck deep in debts.

Probablty doesn't matter guys like him always get gold parachutes when the business goes belly up
Oct 25, 2017
It's an MS paint version of a picture on a mug he liked that he included as an Easter egg... And the guy who drew it liked it being part of it before.

The only thing the person wants is to get paid because he thinks he has that opportunity.

I'm pretty sure anyone can sell something with Sanic on it

So it's ok for Musk to be opportunistic but not for the artist?

And again, if Tim Cook did this y'all would be losing your minds

Deleted member 20284

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
It is clear copyright violation of an artistic work. Trademark is irrelevant in this instance.

I was merely arguing that if the artist was so concerned about infringements they would copyright/trademark their work or at least apply for a trademark. To me it appears the artist is now going after a joke drawing done in a fun spirit that happened to lead to more sales etc. It's like the simpsons going after an adult making Bart Simpson cupcakes for a charity drive.

I'd never do what Musk did personally but I'd also like to clarify if the artist in fact actually gives a shit or only now gives a shit that it's Musk that took an interest. If I was selling mugs with drawings for what I do for a living I'd sure as shit apply for trademark on my hero image that appears on my merchandise.

To note there is little difference between the two:

Trademark: Any name, symbol, figure, letter, word, or mark adopted and used by any entity that sells goods or services to distinguish its products or services from the ones manufactured or sold by other third parties. For example, "Nike" and "Just Do It" are trademarks of Nike, Inc. in that they identify the source of the goods Nike sells in commerce.

Copyright: Exclusive ownership of and the right to make use of, for a limited period of time, artistic works that are fixed in a tangible medium. For example, J.K. Rowling owns the copyright in her Harry Potter books as author of the series.


Oct 25, 2017
Is it? An image was distributed digitally in cars. The image was drawn as a reference to an image drawn by Musk which was a reference to the image on the mug.

You cannot copyright the idea of a farting unicorn.
Yes, you cannot copyright an idea.
Except this is not the reproduction of the "idea of a farting unicorn", it is a substantially similar, if terribly executed reproduction of a not very good artistic work.
And pretending it's the former, not the latter is disingenuous.

I was merely arguing that if the artist was so concerned about infringements they would trademark their work or at least apply for a trademark.
Trademarks are not typically used for single artistic works. This is not a logo. They are used to protect for words, phrases, designs and representations that are associated with a brand.

An artist does not trademark a painting or sculpture because they do not have to trademark a painting or sculpture.
To note there is little difference between the two
This is not an accurate read.
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Oct 28, 2017
I was merely arguing that if the artist was so concerned about infringements they would copyright/trademark their work or at least apply for a trademark. To me it appears the artist is now going after a joke drawing done in a fun spirit that happened to lead to more sales etc. It's like the simpsons going after an adult making Bart Simpson cupcakes for a charity drive.
Didn't know Tesla was a charity.


Oct 28, 2017
London, UK.
So much "holier than thou" attitudes ITT

He's human, after offering a solution only to continue being pestered, you're probably going to be a bit annoyed and respond a bit rude too.

You're using his annoyed response and not the alleged copyright issue (which it isn't) to call him an asshole. Ignore the fact the first thing he offered to do was take it down. Get over yourselves.


Nov 2, 2017
I just think it's very hard for any human to become insanely rich without utterly losing touch with reality.


Oct 28, 2017
So much "holier than thou" attitudes ITT

He's human, after offering a solution only to continue being pestered, you're probably going to be a bit annoyed and respond a bit rude too.

You're using his annoyed response and not the alleged copyright issue (which it isn't) to call him an asshole. Ignore the fact the first thing he offered to do was take it down. Get over yourselves.
The solution is companies stealing artwork in the first place. Not offering to remove stuff when they get caught.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Musk paying artists with "exposure" is one of the most unsurprising things I've heard all week. The artist is in the right and if this were to go to court, it won't since the lawyers will cost the artist more than he'll it back, but if it does the artist will win easily. The sketch is clearly a derivative work and not licensing it with its original creator is theft

Cosmonaut X

Oct 26, 2017
Yes, you cannot copyright an idea.
Except this is not the reproduction of the "idea of a farting unicorn", it is a substantially similar, if terribly executed reproduction of a not very good artistic work.
And pretending it's the former, not the latter is disingenuous.

Indeed. I could go out tomorrow and start selling prints of my bad drawing of an anthropomorphic mouse in a pair of shorts, but if I started trying to sell bad drawings of a very specific anthropomorphic mouse in shorts I'd quickly be in legal trouble. The image in question is pretty clearly a poor copy of a specific piece of art (whether the original art is any good is neither here nor there) and not just "a farting unicorn".

Deleted member 20284

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Didn't know Tesla was a charity.

Disclaimer: It's an analogy and may not be 100% but it's enough to express an idea to the nth degree.

He wasn't profiting off his drawing of an idea from a mug, pretty similar to a charity selling something but not profiting directly from it. Anyhow take away what you will, just wanting to discuss some aspects. Apparently everything is black and white these days.


Oct 25, 2017
London, United Kingdom
Yes, you cannot copyright an idea.
Except this is not the reproduction of the "idea of a farting unicorn", it is a substantially similar, if terribly executed reproduction of a not very good artistic work.
And pretending it's the former, not the latter is disingenuous.

It'd be up to a judge to decide if the two works were similar enough for the latter to be more than a reference, rather than a storm of shouting on Twitter.

The issue I think is the dislike of a wealthy person's comment on Twitter rather than the image itself.


Oct 28, 2017
Disclaimer: It's an analogy and may not be 100% but it's enough to express an idea to the nth degree.

He wasn't profiting off his drawing of an idea from a mug, pretty similar to a charity selling something but not profiting directly from it. Anyhow take away what you will, just wanting to discuss some aspects. Apparently everything is black and white these days.
Your analogy isn't good enough to be blunt. Putting a design in your product which you then sell is literally profiting of it.


Oct 25, 2017
"It's part of their branding now," Edwards said in an interview.

That seems like a stretch, I don't think anyone is going to associate Tesla with that picture and vice versa.

Also, what I get from the article is that the picture is actually an Easter egg rather than something that's prominently and widely used in the OS. It should be easy enough to just remove it from the OS, which, ironically enough, will hurt the artist more as it really is free publicity.

Lady Murasaki

Scary Shiny Glasses
Oct 25, 2017
What is this guy complaining about? Musk promoted his work! Does he want MONEY? But everybody knows artists are paid in E X P O S U R E! *sarcasm*


Oct 25, 2017
It'd be up to a judge to decide if the two works were similar enough for the latter to be more than a reference, rather than a storm of shouting on Twitter.
I'm not sure what you mean by using as "more than a reference". Do you think that if I draw bad pictures of Superman, using an image of Superman as a reference, that clearly replicates the image of Superman, and then incorporate it into a commercial endeavour, this is somehow not copyright infringement?


Oct 27, 2017
I'm having a hard time understanding why people would defend this billionaire for copying someone else's art and being a smug asshole on Twitter when the artist requests payment
This reminds me of the intro to The Social Network, where Mark says he will bring his girlfriend to places that she wouldn't normally get to. The entitlement is through the roof here. Nobody is above the law, even for ms paint mugs.

The scene in question:

On another note, David Fincher should make the Elon Musk movie.

It's no secret that a lot of entrepreneurs are complete sociopaths.

X1 Two

Oct 26, 2017

The full extent of his actions are not yet clear, but what he has admitted to so far is pretty bad.


Don't want to blow your mind, but rumor has it that those companies are sometimes not super nice.


Most of the time, when there is theft of goods, leaking of confidential information, dereliction of duty or outright sabotage, the reason really is something simple like wanting to get back at someone within the company or at the company as a whole. Occasionally, it is much more serious.