How long will Linda Yaccarino last as the new CEO of Twitter/đť•Ź?

  • She will not make it to her desk

    Votes: 176 13.1%
  • She will be out within a month

    Votes: 100 7.4%
  • She will be out before 9/11

    Votes: 201 14.9%
  • She will not last to "đť•Ź"-mess - you get it right? 🤣

    Votes: 344 25.5%
  • She will be there for less than a year

    Votes: 312 23.1%
  • She will be there till the end of: The Dark World

    Votes: 215 15.9%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
The reports of employees having to sleep at their offices/days off being cancelled shows Musk is guilty of pretty gross labor practices. Hoping people abandon the platform en masse soon. I don't know maybe we can get a hipster no social media trend going because the only alternatives seem to be Co Host or Tumblr maybe? Seems like the only reason people are sticking around Twitter is because of business/networking reasons.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't even know why this was ever a question. Of course he's dumping out the actual verification process in favor of a mere subscription service. Why would he preserve an authentication system for something that he openly believes is just a clout symbol?

I'm just in absolute shock that his removal of the lords and peasants system is, basically, one of those "buy a lordship online" scams. It just seems crazy short-sighted to completely shoot your platform's biggest advantage in the foot, and the changes he's making are being done in a way that even if people wanted to throw money at him to preserve their Twitter experience at the level it was pre-Elon, they literally can't. Setting aside people, this is going to be an absolute shotshow for any brand that wants a presence on the platform.

I know he has fanboys but he can't seriously think there's enough of them to make this make financial sense.

Uzumaki Goku

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I've on the verge of leaving after I make other arrangements, but it has been amusing to watch him fail


Oct 27, 2017
I'm just in absolute shock that his removal of the lords and peasants system is, basically, one of those "buy a lordship online" scams. It just seems crazy short-sighted to completely shoot your platform's biggest advantage in the foot, and the changes he's making are being done in a way that even if people wanted to throw money at him to preserve their Twitter experience at the level it was pre-Elon, they literally can't. Setting aside people, this is going to be an absolute shotshow for any brand that wants a presence on the platform.

I know he has fanboys but he can't seriously think there's enough of them to make this make financial sense.
He's Louis XVI except the debt he has to pay off is for a much dumber reason.


Oct 25, 2017
Did Elon borrow money from some loan-sharks that will break his legs if he doesn't pay them by Sunday? It's just so chaotic. Like what would paying people a few weeks to at least make sure you know all the passwords hurt?

Even if bought by "accident", there should have been some kind of plan to make things smooth if making money is that big of a concern right away.


Oct 27, 2017
Who doesn't want to pay to watch videos with Twitter's terrible compression?
It baffles me that Twitter's video compression is so bad no matter your connection. It's like watching YouTube at 240p through a steamed up window.
Did Elon borrow money from some loan-sharks that will break his legs if he doesn't pay them by Sunday? It's just so chaotic. Like what would paying people a few weeks to at least make sure you know all the passwords hurt?

Even if bought by "accident", there should have been some kind of plan to make things smooth if making money is that big of a concern right away.
Twitter owes $1 billion a year just in interest payments now apparently.


Oct 25, 2017
lol. Hopefully from it's ashes something better comes along. Usually that's how this works.
I honestly don't think that's going to happen this time. Twitter has barely struggled to keep going as is despite being so popular. That isn't really going to inspire companies to create their own, unless they have an ulterior motive.


Oct 25, 2017
But who escorts out the security they're going to lay off?

Ice cold.

I been through layoff scenarios in my IT career. I survived them all. It does leave a bad taste in your mouth about the company. I wouldn't be surprised if there is an exodus that happens because of this.

I honestly don't think that's going to happen this time. Twitter has barely struggled to keep going as is despite being so popular. That isn't really going to inspire companies to create their own, unless they have an ulterior motive.

Perhaps. Given Twitters business model doesn't leave much for growth. It literally solves one problem really well.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Folks pulling an all nighter right now, only to find out they are gone tomorrow. Cruelty is the point


Oct 25, 2017
It baffles me that Twitter's video compression is so bad no matter your connection. It's like watching YouTube at 240p through a steamed up window.

Twitter owes $1 billion a year just in interest payments now apparently.

I get that and two weeks interest is like $45 million, but he's got to have some cash on hand to not totally tank the company in the first week trying to implement massive changes. He had nobody that said just wait and don't scare your customers? No making sure you're firing the "right" people? Bad ideas with desperate implementation is the best he can do.


Oct 25, 2017
What an absolute idiot. Check marks lend credibility to the site. Once it turns into imposter chaos, Twitter will implode.

Hyun Sai

Oct 27, 2017
Subscribers would not need their identities authenticated to get the check mark, the documents suggested.

Oct 25, 2017
Some amazing new ideas from Musk have surfaced including charging folks to send direct messages to each other and charging people to watch videos:

Elon Musk, Under Financial Pressure, Pushes to Make Money From Twitter

The billionaire and his advisers have discussed adding paid direct messages, fees to watch videos and other features to the service.
Oh god yes

Please implement every idea here. Please.

Ooo how about a 3-tier package. You get to view 5 tweets a day on the ad-supported package, the Bronze tier allows 10, Silver allows 25 and 5 replies, and Gold is up to 100 tweets and responses. Platinum gets you unlimited for $30 a month. Platinum package + plus verified check mark for just another $5! You'd be stupid NOT to subscribe.
Oct 25, 2017
That whole thread, yeesh.

When the layoffs are so bad you have to close the office temporarily because you can't actually manage the logistics of escorting the layoffees out.

I'll be curious to see how long they give people to quit due to the WFH change, etc, that they don't have to pay severance for before they suck it up and go for another layoff round.

Such leadership.


Unfurling New Wings
On Break
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
He's been backed into a corner by not being allowed to back out of the deal. Chickens coming home to roost and all that.

Is he really this stupid? I mean I don't hold him in high regard, but his changes are what a highschooler would do. Not something that a person in the tech field for decades would think up.
He had some crazy ideas that people told him wouldn't work, that did work.

So now there's basically no one who can tell him his ideas are bad.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
in Cali you need to give an employee 60 days' notice before letting them go

seems like most companies let them go immediately and just pay them over the course of 60 days

i feel like thats prob whats gonna happen here, as what would essentially be 3,700~ lawsuits from probably decently well-paid positions in the tech industry would not go over well, ESPECAILLY not in Cali


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Thank you for continuing to adhere to Twitter policies that prohibit you from discussing confidential company information on social media, with the press or elsewhere.
That is what DMs to blue checked reporters are for


Oct 25, 2017
He's been backed into a corner by not being allowed to back out of the deal. Chickens coming home to roost and all that.

He had some crazy ideas that people told him wouldn't work, that did work.

So now there's basically no one who can tell him his ideas are bad.
I'll just never understand having this much unearned self confidence. It's insane to me.
Oct 25, 2017
Really amazing how dumb the new checkmark policy is. Trying to cash in on the cache the check marks brought a user immediately devalues them. People are going to get clowned on for having one. It's basically just going to be a Musk Fanboy Badge after a month or so.


Nov 9, 2017
Ice cold.

I been through layoff scenarios in my IT career. I survived them all. It does leave a bad taste in your mouth about the company. I wouldn't be surprised if there is an exodus that happens because of this.

Perhaps. Given Twitters business model doesn't leave much for growth. It literally solves one problem really well.
Considering what they're forcing people to work now I'd be shocked if they didn't leave en masse. I got laid off during COVID and i know exactly what you mean. I wouldn't go back to them even if they asked.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
Tomorrow looks rough. I hope all the folks land on their feet. Resume saying you worked at Twitter should def boost.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
Considering what they're forcing people to work now I'd be shocked if they didn't leave en masse. I got laid off during COVID and i know exactly what you mean. I wouldn't go back to them even if they asked.
People probably waiting for year end bonuses or their RSU to vest if it's around the corner. Hope they get it.
Oct 25, 2017
The coward signed the emails as "Twitter". At least say it with your chest your piece of shit.


I have a pit in my stomach for these folks.

Hahaha Jesus Christ--so laid off people are likely going to initially find out because their work e-mail just stops functioning? Then have to go to their personal e-mail and look for what sure sounds like a form letter. And if it's not there, then e-mail Twitter.

I guess it's slightly less asinine than firing people via Twitter DM, but I cannot imagine how tanked morale is going to be for everyone who remains.


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
The coward signed the emails as "Twitter". At least say it with your chest your piece of shit.


I have a pit in my stomach for these folks.

They're in for a massive restructure after this. This seems kind of quick. Usually it takes at minimum a month to determine who does what and which teams are valuable. I'm morbidly curious to see which positions will see the most reduction. Marketing, product (probably this. Twitter hasnt changed really.), support(Easy targets.), or engineering?

Of course, thoughts and prayers.. losing your job sucks.


Oct 27, 2017
Been through a massive restructuring layoff like this before. It's extremely rough and morale really doesn't recover. Best case you stave off brain drain, worst case people just keep walking out the door and retention tanks.