Oct 27, 2017
In the weak and the wounded
Came expecting all the not all gamers dismissals and deflections.

Sadly exactly as expected.

Wonder what she does to age/dirty the outfits... (coffee grounds? I'm pretty that's the best tlou cosplay I've ever seen.

Risk Breaker

Oct 25, 2017
That is a lot of hate coming from manbabies towards someone putting effort into really good cosplay and who is doing much more for gaming than they ever will. Not only racist but also sexist, somehow feeling entitled to giving their opinions about her appearance as if anybody gives a shit. Terrible.


Attempt to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 25, 2017
American social media hivemind lost its collective shit decrying exactly that, which ended up bringing her more followers and thus allowing her to apply to be verified.

My favorite part about the whole non-scandal was all the reporting and interviews from China where Chinese people were asked about it and essentially kept giving the "wtf are you Americans on about?" response.

It's about Chinese Americans, not Chinese people.

Would you go to Africa and ask Africans about an African American issue?


Oct 25, 2017
She makes an awesome Ellie. Fuck the racist haters. These are fictional character, they can be cosplayed by anyone


Oct 26, 2017
Reminds me of this.

People are crazy.

Considering that this style of qipao dates back to the ancient and venerable historical Chinese period called "the 1920s", with deeper roots appropriated from Manchu culture from the Qing Dynasty's rule over China, the backlash over this girl for "cultural appropriation" was really fucking stupid.


Jan 11, 2018
Lol when I saw that I was wondering where the backlash was for the person cosplaying her for not being white. I obviously meant that as a joke because I think she did a great job and she can dress/cosplay as who ever she wants.

But you're going to have this everywhere. This is nothing new and doesnt represent gamers as a whole. Its just a loud few.


Oct 27, 2017
She looks awesome! We should learn how to pass by those sad comments, just don't give them the time or energy.

Blade Wolf

Oct 27, 2017
I'm Asian and all I want to say is can't you at least try to be nice with your racism? Like I'd rather you just be honest and say ''Not a fan of Asians but hey cool cosplay I guess.'' rather than straight up insults.

I get it that you can't just flip a switch and not be racist but at least try not to hurt someone else, if you have any decency that is.
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Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
People are surprisingly shitty with their names,faces, and personal information attached to everything they say.


Oct 25, 2017
Why do people always do this when gamers racism / sexism / queerphobia is brought up? What are you guys defending? Yes, people are assholes but there is serious correlation issues with gamers being racist / sexist / queerphobic, just look at the existence of GamerGate.

It is because people are trying to equate racism/bigotry with gaming. The problem doesn't stem from games. There isn't any games or communities that introduced this trash. Just bigoted people tracking their nonsense into a hobby. I am a POC and a gamer. I also live in the south in the US. When dealing with bigotry or racism, properly identifying the source and the intensity is important to a person like me and tying it to gaming in general feels like people are trying to push the problem off of problematic individuals, onto a hobby that contains way more people than just these ignorant hateful loud bunch. It helps no one.

If you're getting offended by the comment against "gamers", you're doing nothing but passing the buck. This is the circle we occupy, and every time an issue about sexism or racism or queerphobia or whatever else comes up, we always get a ton of posters who offer nothing more than an attempt to distance this from their culture.

Gamer communities have some serious fucking problems, and if you take issue with that statement, then you should be calling out these people in the community better.

No, it is the opposite. Attaching gaming onto racism is passing the buck. Every time you hear racial slurs at a hockey game, bananas thrown on a soccer field do people lump all the racist with the entire group of fans? No. Because it allows the individuals to get lost in the masses and pretend as if this is "Everyones" problem. It isn't. We have a very sick few that like to parade their hatred in many areas, whether it is games, movies, comics, sports, politics or otherwise. Don't let them hide in a crowd. Call them out. Let them know they cant use a hobby or the masses to hide.

We should. But monitoring this circle and this space is up to the people within it.

If your home is infested with a pest problem, you don't correct people when they call it out by saying "Hey, the neighborhood has a pest problem. FTFY." That doesn't matter. Your home is your responsibility. Nobody else is going to fix that problem for you.

The game community needs to correct its own.

You do realize that is EXACTLY what you are doing, when you put forth the large nebulous undefined term "gamers" and try to put it on them to fix the bigotry. My friends and family and I are all POC and to me this always works more as a deflection instead of going after the racist when you see them. No matter the hobby, no matter the forum, let them know this isn't accepted in society period.
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Nov 13, 2017
How is "trash" racist? I mean, he's being an asshole for sure, but maybe not necessarily a racist asshole. Just saying.

Great post above mine anyway, it's what I've believed since the GamerGate crap blew up, tons of people enthusiastic enough about video games to make it their primary hobby and to be on forums like this just started saying they aren't gamers or whatever out of the blue, like, everyone was then trying to equate the term gamer with being a racist misogynist asshole instead of trying to show there are also people into this stuff who aren't like that and support efforts that try to clean up the trash and promote positivity in this hobby.

Like going "I play games. I'm not a gamer/I don't identify as a gamer!" - um, yes you are, if you play games, you can't dodge being a gamer, it's not the one thing that defines you as a person, you can be tons more things, tons more important things in your personal life, your professional life, your hobbies and interests, but you still are a gamer since all that means is that you play games, which you just said you do! So that alone should be proof enough that gamer != nazi or whatever since you are one of these two alone so stop speaking like they're synonymous words. There are millions upon millions upon millions upon millions of people who play games, of gamers, even if there are many millions of vocal asshat examples, from FGC members to popular youtubers to certain games' toxic communities (in which far from everyone who plays the games participates!) to your average idiot raging on whatever game's voice chat to a sick predator lurking in random MMORPGs looking for a victim, underage or otherwise, that's still a tiny minority of gamers considering the overall volume.
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Oct 25, 2017
That is not what I said, but okay. It's not about ignoring history, because I acknowledged history in my post. Of all of us. Of all our own guilts of the past. It's not about ignoring race and culture, because they don't go hand in hand, but it's the fact that both received utterly racist remarks towards them, both received demeaning remarks, both received ugly sexual remarks.

Looping back around to something you said. You see someone appreciating other cultures and their clothes as fetishization. I don't see it as that way. If you want to live your life like that, burdened by the world's collective ugly history, go right ahead/ And I have no idea? I was fucking molested as a kid. So you get the fuck out of here.

Grow up and realize there is more to what actually makes up this world and all of us than you realize. You are a child.

It seems you are needing to grow up. People calling the girl out is not because of the "Worlds Collective History". She is from the US. And people of color here in the US have a very specific front row seat to bigotry and disrespect which not only happened in the past but continues to this day. For you to grandstand about this, show you have no idea what you are talking about because in the US, there is less appreciation and more fetishization and mockery. I am not going to speak on other countries in the world... I don't live there, so it is appreciated if people who don't live in a country try to imply on those that do, that they are misunderstanding the situation.

Yea.... the appreciation just oozes out of them.

How is "trash" racist? I mean, he's being an asshole for sure, but maybe not necessarily a racist asshole. Just saying.

Great post above mine anyway, it's what I've believed since the GamerGate crap blew up, tons of people enthusiastic enough about video games to make it their primary hobby and to be on forums like this just started saying they aren't gamers or whatever out of the blue, like, everyone was then trying to equate the term gamer with being a racist misogynist asshole instead of trying to show there are also people into this stuff who aren't like that and support efforts that try to clean up the trash and promote positivity in this hobby.

Like going "I play games. I'm not a gamer/I don't identify as a gamer!" - um, yes you are, if you play games, you can't dodge being a gamer, it's not the one thing that defines you as a person, you can be tons more things, tons more important things in your personal life, your professional life, your hobbies and interests, but you still are a gamer since all that means is that you play games, which you just said you do! So that alone should be proof enough that gamer != nazi or whatever since you are one of these two alone so stop speaking like they're synonymous words. There are millions upon millions upon millions upon millions of people who play games, of gamers, even if there are many millions of vocal asshat examples, from FGC members to popular youtubers to certain games' toxic communities (in which far from everyone who plays the games participates!) to your average idiot raging on whatever game's voice chat to a sick predator lurking in random MMORPGs looking for a victim, underage or otherwise, that's still a tiny minority of gamers considering the overall volume.

I clearly remember this. It annoyed me as well.


Nov 6, 2017
If you're getting offended by the comment against "gamers", you're doing nothing but passing the buck. This is the circle we occupy, and every time an issue about sexism or racism or queerphobia or whatever else comes up, we always get a ton of posters who offer nothing more than an attempt to distance this from their culture.

Gamer communities have some serious fucking problems, and if you take issue with that statement, then you should be calling out these people in the community better.

No, I'm not getting offended by someone calling gamers out. What irks me is that people seem to get so focused on the wrong parts (gamers, western culture, etc) that people miss the forest for the trees. People on here exclaiming how bad "gaming" communities are will never solve anything, and will only end up frustrating themselves further no matter how many good actions come out of gaming or w/e your choice demographic. Because bad things will happen again. Even if you think it cleaned up. You know why? Humans are still the gamers.

People are all people. If you think the gaming community or the western culture is so much worse, then it's only because you are ignorant to other areas of the world. All this does is perpetuate more stereotypes and allow the general problem to go along as normal, because "it's not people and how we are, it's gamers).

FYI I'm only using gamers as the example because that is what was brought up. You can insert any demographic based on who you are talking to and where you are. All it does is perpetuate the issue. Singling out demographics doesn't help "bring light" to the issue. All it does is perpetuate generalizations while at the same time ignoring the real issue.

I'm not saying don't call gamers out. Call everyone who makes racist statements out. Not even sure how that is the conclusion you came to with my comment. I'm saying comments like "ya that's how gamers are" miss the forest for the trees. That's how people are, all over. Fixing the gaming community can't be done until we realize people are the problem, not "gamers" specifically. Me saying humans are racist includes gamers. I'm certainly not defending them, lol.


It seems you are needing to grow up. People calling the girl out is not because of the "Worlds Collective History". She is from the US. And people of color here in the US have a very specific front row seat to bigotry and disrespect which not only happened in the past but continues to this day. For you to grandstand about this, show you have no idea what you are talking about because in the US, there is less appreciation and more fetishization and mockery. I am not going to speak on other countries in the world... I don't live there, so it is appreciated if people who don't live in a country try to imply on those that do, that they are misunderstanding the situation.

Yea.... the appreciation just oozes out of them.

I clearly remember this. It annoyed me as well.

Okay. What ever makes you sleep better at night. Grow up and see outside of your narrow views. That's girl also did nothing wrong. Nothing and I'm glad she doesn't regret it. Maybe when you're older you'll see things differently.


Oct 25, 2017
Okay. What ever makes you sleep better at night. Grow up and see outside of your narrow views. That's girl also did nothing wrong. Nothing and I'm glad she doesn't regret it. Maybe when you're older you'll see things differently.

I point out to you that this event happened in a particular country, with a specific history of racism that has occurred for hundreds of years and effects people to this very day and your response is to call my view narrow and to grow up?

Sounds like a typical racist deflection from someone not on the receiving end of nay type of discrimination. You don't outgrow bigotry or mockery of your culture or race. That is again either a childish or ignorant view. If this is done on purpose then it is even worse.

EDIT: And Just to clarify.....

As someone from another culture than most of you guys, I will tell you that it is not and, this not an it's mostly white people or Americans that try to tell me otherwise.

Where are you from?

Is it philly? in the US?

Eh I'm from Philly and that's not true. The biggest mall in the city in the heart of Philly was mostly black youth and brown people like me.

Do you still live in the US?

Too many hot takes in this thread. Malls and centers aren't dying. What's dying is the rampant overgrowth and expansion of malls across the country. It has nothing to do wido with us young people wanting to order online. Most human beings are social creatures and we usually like venturing outside our homes despite what neckbeards on ResetEra like to to think.

The mall and cirty centers in my city are thriving and as busy as ever, but we went down from having three malls to having one mall. And from having a city center every block to just having a few prominent ones spread out at key points.

And most of those places are packed with teens and tweens. It's overexpansion thatbecame a problem. Because at the end of the day, we are social creatures.

In a response to a thread asking "why are the southern states so proud of the confederacy and obsessed about the civil war?"

To which you respond

We are really not. But kudos to you if that pat on the back makes you feel better.

So you are seemingly a person of color from Philly, who is sure that malls aren't dying across the US and have an apparent first person view on the southern US states obsession with the civil war. What culture do you have in which you don't seem to speak up in threads about POC being harmed but seemingly like to jump to defense of white people (women specifically) who seem to be talked about negatively?

I hate to look into post histories but alot of talk in etc (any thread where race is an issue mainly) is showing me we seem to have a very interesting set of posters on this site.
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Oct 26, 2017
Cultural appropriation. Exclusive only to white people.
On the contrary. Literally every culture in the world appropriates other cultures for their own uses. Hell, in China they literally build replicas of European landmarks and city streets for Chinese citizens to experience as exotic settings. It's just that nobody ever complains unless it's a white person doing the appropriating.

In some cases, the cultural appropriation can be a harmful thing, such as if it perpetuates harmful stereotypes against marginalized peoples. I don't see the harm in a high school girl wearing a qipao (which, as mentioned before, is actually fairly cosmopolitan and recent in origin) to prom.

It's like those American born Asian women and their white female allies who protested a Boston museum holding a kimono night. The actual Japanese immigrants loved the idea on the other hand.


Oct 27, 2017
In the weak and the wounded
It's not a deflection, you can disagree with vast sweeping generalisations and still think being a racist piece of shit is bad, they're not mutually exclusive

Uh huh.


That' what' going on.

Guess we should point out those racist sexist book reading fans who started readergaye which led directly into a neo nazi fucking movement.

Oh wait. That was called gamergate.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
On the contrary. Literally every culture in the world appropriates other cultures for their own uses. Hell, in China they literally build replicas of European landmarks and city streets for Chinese citizens to experience as exotic settings. It's just that nobody ever complains unless it's a white person doing the appropriating.

In some cases, the cultural appropriation can be a harmful thing, such as if it perpetuates harmful stereotypes against marginalized peoples. I don't see the harm in a high school girl wearing a qipao (which, as mentioned before, is actually fairly cosmopolitan and recent in origin) to prom.

It's like those American born Asian women and their white female allies who protested a Boston museum holding a kimono night. The actual Japanese immigrants loved the idea on the other hand.

Not American but Singaporean Chinese here and I'm also pretty sure my elders won't bat an eyelid. They would even compliment the girl.

But I understand that things could be different from the perspectives of Chinese Americans. That picture with the posing is also.....

On topic, I really don't know why people behave like this. I'm really glad I don't have a facebook account. Will probably have to block acquaintances and relatives.


Oct 25, 2017
Uh huh.


That' what' going on.

Guess we should point out those racist sexist book reading fans who started readergaye which led directly into a neo nazi fucking movement.

Oh wait. That was called gamergate.

Which is a perfect example of hiding in the masses. Gamergate was defined by the harassment the victims endured but there was no official leaders, spokespeople, or manifest. No specific group you can go after, just individuals how easy was it to get rid of them? Oh that's right.... we didn't.

The ties go on to show that GG helped with the formation of the alt right and that simply means the movement got more powerful, meaner, widened the targets and again had no successful counter until people started going after individuals. Again, allowing people to hide in sweeping generalizations and faceless, leaderless terms and movements, help them get stronger.


Oct 27, 2017
In the weak and the wounded
Which is a perfect example of hiding in the masses. Gamergate was defined by the harassment the victims endured but there was no official leaders, spokespeople, or manifest. No specific group you can go after, just individuals how easy was it to get rid of them? Oh that's right.... we didn't.

The ties go on to show that GG helped with the formation of the alt right and that simply means the movement got more powerful, meaner, widened the targets and again had no successful counter until people started going after individuals. Again, allowing people to hide in sweeping generalizations and faceless, leaderless terms and movements, help them get stronger.

Doesn' change the fact they didn' call themselves Moviegate, bookgate, foodiegate etc.

Stop trying to dismiss the concentrated mass of shit that comes from gamers, by going 'but what about' every time people point out gamers acting like shit.

Everybody knows it's not exclusive fucking gamers, pointing it out is redundent to the point of cringe. It's inherently implied, every body who doesn't have fucking issues has no fucking problem with this basic common knowledge fact.

The fact a certain group of people think they have a point when they jump up, trip over themselves and show their ass to point it out, every fucking time, is idiotic.


Oct 28, 2017
I went to the Naughty Dog post in search of this comment, just wanted to check out the guy's profile, then found this comment:


I guess at least he apologized...

I will never understand why people upload so much personal info and even photos of their kids on Facebook, then go and do something stupid under their real name. Do they feel like there won't be real life consequences, or just don't care?


Oct 25, 2017
Doesn' change the fact they didn' call themselves Moviegate, bookgate, foodiegate etc.

Stop trying to dismiss the concentrated mass of shit that comes from gamers, by going 'but what about' every time people point out gamers acting like shit.

Everybody knows it's not exclusive fucking gamers, pointing it out is redundent to the point of cringe. It's inherently implied, every body who doesn't have fucking issues has no fucking problem with this basic common knowledge fact.

The fact a certain group of people think they have a point when they jump up, trip over themselves and show their ass to point it out, every fucking time, is idiotic.

The point is that it doesn't "Come from gamers" stop with the bullshit argument that games are included in the cause. They called themselves that as a play on words to "Watergate" but under the BS assumption that there was some sort of issue with game journalists integrity. That was just a banner they used to cause trouble but again, it is aimless. It serves to distance the individuals from the acts and serves as a target. This is how Anonymous operates as well.

And no, everyone does NOT know it has nothing to do with all gamers in case you missed the strong backlash against the term gamer, or the articles and people proclaiming they are no longer called "gamers" because gamers are toxic.

I pointed out how trying to hammer the point doesn't help, but made it STRONGER with very serious consequences and your only recourse is to double down with no strong argument other than..... that is what they called themselves? Seriously?

again I put this post out there

It is because people are trying to equate racism/bigotry with gaming. The problem doesn't stem from games. There isn't any games or communities that introduced this trash. Just bigoted people tracking their nonsense into a hobby. I am a POC and a gamer. I also live in the south in the US. When dealing with bigotry or racism, properly identifying the source and the intensity is important to a person like me and tying it to gaming in general feels like people are trying to push the problem off of problematic individuals, onto a hobby that contains way more people than just these ignorant hateful loud bunch. It helps no one.

No, it is the opposite. Attaching gaming onto racism is passing the buck. Every time you hear racial slurs at a hockey game, bananas thrown on a soccer field do people lump all the racist with the entire group of fans? No. Because it allows the individuals to get lost in the masses and pretend as if this is "Everyones" problem. It isn't. We have a very sick few that like to parade their hatred in many areas, whether it is games, movies, comics, sports, politics or otherwise. Don't let them hide in a crowd. Call them out. Let them know they cant use a hobby or the masses to hide.

You do realize that is EXACTLY what you are doing, when you put forth the large nebulous undefined term "gamers" and try to put it on them to fix the bigotry. My friends and family and I are all POC and to me this always works more as a deflection instead of going after the racist when you see them. No matter the hobby, no matter the forum, let them know this isn't accepted in society period.

The situation in OP, and many other incidents were the people were identified, goes along way in shutting this stuff down.
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Dec 26, 2017
Are these people actually racist or are they just trolling? I'm more inclined to believe the latter. A racist is someone who believes that certain races are inherently superior to others. In this day and age, I don't think that belief is very common, especially among gamers. However, people saying stupid shit to make people angry? That's very common among gamers (and internet users in general).

Genuine racism tends to be far more subtle and in many cases, not a conscious choice.


Oct 25, 2017
Are these people actually racist or are they just trolling? I'm more inclined to believe the latter. A racist is someone who believes that certain races are inherently superior to others. In this day and age, I don't think that belief is very common, especially among gamers. However, people saying stupid shit to make people angry? That's very common among gamers (and internet users in general).

Genuine racism tends to be far more subtle and in many cases, not a conscious choice.

Saying racist things to upset people makes one racist.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Are these people actually racist or are they just trolling? I'm more inclined to believe the latter. A racist is someone who believes that certain races are inherently superior to others. In this day and age, I don't think that belief is very common, especially among gamers. However, people saying stupid shit to make people angry? That's very common among gamers (and internet users in general).

Genuine racism tends to be far more subtle and in many cases, not a conscious choice.

Looking at the stats of black people getting killed or arrested for being black in the US tend to suggests the contrary.

The Internet is no longer an enclave like it was in the 90s. A huge part of our social interactions take place online, probably more than in the actual physical world. If I go up, throw insults and say stupid things about strangers in public I would expect something bad to happen to me.
Furthermore these people have their profiles open for all to see.

I think we can call them racists and public nuisances.


Oct 27, 2017
1. Having to be the same race for cosplaying is soooo stupid. By that logic, robots, demons, angels, lizard people, aliens etc. shouldn't be allowed to be cosplayed because you're human!

2. Regarding that dad of two, as a racist he's already a moron, but how in the everloving of fuck do you think posting something like that in a public forum where your entire profile is a click away was a good idea?


Oct 27, 2017
In the weak and the wounded
The point is that it doesn't "Come from gamers" stop with the bullshit argument that games are included in the cause. They called themselves that as a play on words to "Watergate" but under the BS assumption that there was some sort of issue with game journalists integrity. That was just a banner they used to cause trouble but again, it is aimless. It serves to distance the individuals from the acts and serves as a target. This is how Anonymous operates as well.

And no, everyone does NOT know it has nothing to do with all gamers in case you missed the strong backlash against the term gamer, or the articles and people proclaiming they are no longer called "gamers" because gamers are toxic.

I pointed out how trying to hammer the point doesn't help, but made it STRONGER with very serious consequences and your only recourse is to double down with no strong argument other than..... that is what they called themselves? Seriously?

again I put this post out there

The situation in OP, and many other incidents were the people were identified, goes along way in shutting this stuff down.

No, it' not.

It' because people are pointing out gamers who are racist, and a certain handful of people always have to come out with the not all gamers deflection and use arguments straight out of the gamergate handbook.

Gamergate didn't start over 'ethics in game journalism' it started with a rabid frothing need to defend the gaming industry from any manner of criticisms at any cost, in any way.

And yeah, no shit guy. The people who refuse the title gamer (yo) do know it' not all gamers.

Don' fucking care, it' enough.

Stop standing for this shit, and just get over the fact there is a nasty fucking gamer problem.

The alt right didn't rise from any other house.

It came from fucking gamergate. Self identified gamers.

That's the facts jack.

And using gator dismissal tactics while rabidly trying to protect gamingdom from any perceived attack, like, oh shit, racist gamers showing their ass sucks, ain't changing anything, and it sure as fuck aint going to make any of the people who refuse the craptastic title of 'gamer' (we've been doing it since the 90's, it's a fucking cringe marketing buzzword from the period of the worst, cringiest, advertising in history, fuck gamer) want to start using it again. Try the exact opposite.

It just shows the underlying behavior patterns behind gamergate are still alive and well.
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Oct 25, 2017
So stupid, you should be able to dress up and appear as anybody you want, regardless of race or creed.


Dec 15, 2017
Ironic, these people don't make racist comments when they see white cosplayer dressing up as their favorite Japanese anime character.
But when an Asian cosplayed a white character, this happens.

I don't know WTF is going on with the world anymore.


You know what, the China social rating system is starting to look better and better when you are looking at this situation.
People would downvote these racists to hell, affecting their "social" credit.


Oct 25, 2017
There is absolutely nothing normal about the racism on display here. It's baffling.


Oct 25, 2017
No, it' not.

It' because people are pointing out gamers who are racist, and a certain handful of people always have to come out with the not all gamers deflection and use arguments straight out of the gamergate handbook.

Gamergate didn't start over 'ethics in game journalism' it started with a rabid frothing need to defend the gaming industry from any manner of criticisms at any cost, in any way.

And yeah, no shit guy. The people who refuse the title gamer (yo) do know it' not all gamers.

Don' fucking care, it' enough.

Stop standing for this shit, and just get over the fact there is a nasty fucking gamer problem.

The alt right didn't rise from any other house.

It came from fucking gamergate. Self identified gamers.

That's the facts jack.

And using gator dismissal tactics while rabidly trying to protect gamingdom from any perceived attack, like, oh shit, racist gamers showing their ass sucks, ain't changing anything, and it sure as fuck aint going to make any of the people who refuse the fantastic title of 'gamer' want to start using it again. Try the exact opposite.

Did you think about this before you typed this out? Did you read this after you hit the post button to confirm that hopefully this doesn't sound insane.

What is gamingdom?

What stops ANYONE from self identifying as gamers? Every single member of the KKK could self identify as a gamer, would that be the fault of gaming?

Does the the fact that I point out that blanket generalizations and created sources of causes only helps empower them, makes you want to bat so strongly for this idea?

Games and self identified gamers existed before this movement. The hatred did not come from games hence many people of different races, backgrounds, religions, genders and orientation, have referred to themselves as gamers. If this was a problem with gaming as you so put it, I as a black man wouldn't consider myself to be a gamer. But facing racism in real life , on forums, over voice chat, hammers home the point that these people have pulled things from outside the sphere of gaming to track it into this venue. Claiming that the entire history of gaming and people who may be minorities or suffer hatred but still call themselves gamers are playing out of some GG handbook, is quite frankly the dumbest argument I have ever heard. I must ask.... are you a white person?


Dec 26, 2017
Saying racist things to upset people makes one racist.

Well, no, it just makes you a troll. You're only racist if you actually believe the things you're saying. Otherwise, you're just saying whatever you think will offend people the most. It's an important distinction. The term "racist" is thrown around so freely these days that it's lost a lot of its meaning and that's never a good thing.

Looking at the stats of black people getting killed or arrested for being black in the US tend to suggests the contrary.

I seriously doubt cops are the ones making these comments. Again, distinguishing between trolls and actual racists is important. A troll will say racist things online to make people angry. An actual racist will shoot a black man because he thinks black men are inherently violent and much more likely to be hardened criminals. That's a pretty important distinction.