
Oct 25, 2017
But that's not what his response was so what are you even talking about? He straight up says the church isn't anti-LGBTQ.
If you're ignorant about the church how can you claim it was a "good response" if what he said was a lie?
maybe he believes that? There's others that have said the same. Maybe he hasn't witnessed that side of the church?


Oct 27, 2017
Got a question:

Is believing that the actual ACT of homosexual intercourse/penetration is sinful homophobic? If so, I don't see how it's possible to be sincerely Christian and not homophobic.

Yes, it is.

It's not for any Christian or religious community to impose their ideas of sexuality on others. It's extremely condescending and harmful to categorize someone as sinful, specially when they're not even part of your religion. History can attest to that.

Believing that homosexual intercourse is wrong means you're homophobic. It doesn't matter where the idea stems from.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Sexual ethic is the right way to talk about all sexual activity. From celibacy calls for many religious orders, to the reclaiming of language with slut walks. All of that is sexual ethic. I don't see a better way to describe the decisions people make around sex.
Wtf does any of this have to do being gay?


Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (3 days): inflammatory generalisations
Hillsong is trash.

The Christian sexual ethic has been remarkably consistent over two thousand years of church history across all major denominations, that being that sexual activity was created for marriage between a man and a woman and should only be exercised within such a marriage. Obviously that's not, uh, popular in the current social climate. My expectation, based on how the culture has shifted in the last five years and where it's headed, anyone who holds to the Christian sexual ethic is probably going to be barred from any sort of public position or even celebrity within the next twenty years. That's why you see a lot of theologically liberal churches looking for anything whatsoever they can hold on to in order to change the plain meaning of the NT scriptural text and two thousand years of understanding of what that text means. In fact, probably even saying that one holds to the Christian sexual ethic might be enough to get banned from this forum.


Oct 28, 2017
And yet, you have not listed them all and called them all out. By your own logic, that is quite curious.

i dont understand what is happening here but ook??

the kardashians, haile stenfield, justin bieber, selena gomez, vanessa hudgens, chris pratt, hayley baldwin, nick jonas, should reconsider their choice


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Hillsong is trash.

The Christian sexual ethic has been remarkably consistent over two thousand years of church history across all major denominations, that being that sexual activity was created for marriage between a man and a woman and should only be exercised within such a marriage. Obviously that's not, uh, popular in the current social climate. My expectation, based on how the culture has shifted in the last five years and where it's headed, anyone who holds to the Christian sexual ethic is probably going to be barred from any sort of public position or even celebrity within the next twenty years. That's why you see a lot of theologically liberal churches looking for anything whatsoever they can hold on to in order to change the plain meaning of the NT scriptural text and two thousand years of understanding of what that text means. In fact, probably even saying that one holds to the Christian sexual ethic might be enough to get banned from this forum.

Plenty of LGBT friendly churches
But there's that sexual ethic phrase again
Oct 29, 2017

Well said. This is a good response.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
i dont understand what is happening here but ook??

the kardashians, haile stenfield, justin bieber, selena gomez, vanessa hudgens, chris pratt, hayley baldwin, nick jonas, should reconsider their choice

What's happening is you literally accused another poster of being okay with the other members because they weren't talking about them right that second. I was trying to show that you were being ridiculous with that post. We all obviously don't want anyone supporting that trash. That doesn't mean we can't discuss a specific prolific person.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Pratt is even more dumb af considering he works on an artistic industry with lots of lgbtq artists behind every aspect of film-making.


Jul 24, 2018
Lets just sum up the defense force for this guy:

"I'm ignorant as fuck and don't have the slightest idea what I'm talking about, but I've decided that this forum unjustly hates Chris Pratt because I like him. What's that, Ellen Page has the receipts? Never heard of her."


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know why you're missing it but the greatest commandment doesn't say "love thy neighbor (as long as they're Christian) as you would yourself". It just says neighbor.

So if you are a Christian, and you follow the greatest commandment from Christ, then you should treat all people the way you'd like to be treated. It's simple. There were no silly rules besides that.

To be a Christian is to accept Jesus into your heart as your saviour. It's a relationship between you and him. Because he's in your heart, to be a Christian is to be Christ-like; it's breaking away from tradition. So if Jesus loved all and considered all his children, why can't all Christians do the same? When Jesus was walking around healing people, He didn't stop to ask who you were sleeping with before he healed you.

So again, why is it that a lot of them don't do this? The answer is... A lot of those who claim to be Christian use it as a crutch to hold up their fucked up moral system. They use the Bible when it's convenient, justifying their political, racist, and homophobic beliefs. It's the inherent problem with organized religion, it can be weaponized.

Just stepping outside of the question of homosexuality a bit - Jesus summarises the law in two commandments - l
Plenty of LGBT friendly churches
But there's that sexual ethic phrase again

Sure, there's also an entire 'Christian' denomination in Canada that has no problems with an atheist being a minister in their church: https://globalnews.ca/news/4648180/atheist-minister-toronto-congregation/

Liberal theology long ago gave up any pretense of any strong sense of conviction or dogma. As such you can find self-proclaimed Christian churches that will literally believe anything as long as it fits the culture, like an atheist being a minister. So you'll always be able to point to a collection of self-identifying Christian churches who hold to progressive politics. It still doesn't change the meaning of the text or two thousand years of church history saying something different.


Jul 24, 2018
pardon my ignorance, but why isn't a good response? Did you want something more forceful about condemning the church itself? If so, he'd need to be prepared to leave that church.

He called Ellen Page a liar. He could have said the church works great for him without baselessly refuting her message. She actually has facts to back it up, he has nothing besides an irrelevant personal anecdote.


Oct 25, 2017
Fiddler's Green
I'm not sure why anyone expected Pratt to repudiate either his church's behavior or his own beliefs. Christianity is not LGBT friendly, generally speaking. You can find some Christian churches that are more accepting of it than others, but unless they're actually run by gay people, most of them are "love the sinner hate the sin" groups. Christianity is packed full of bad, ridiculous beliefs, and the people who follow it are likely to have bad, ridiculous beliefs, so there's nothing shocking when one of its adherents not only has bad, ridiculous beliefs, but refuses to accept that his particular branch would never do anything hurtful.


Oct 28, 2017
also chris, man, just because it has worked FOR YOU, doesn't mean everyone else has been treated the same


Oct 27, 2017
Hillsong actively campaigned against marriage equality in Australia during 2017.

So Chris you can take your lip service somewhere else.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Sure, there's also an entire 'Christian' denomination in Canada that has no problems with an atheist being a minister in their church: https://globalnews.ca/news/4648180/atheist-minister-toronto-congregation/

Liberal theology long ago gave up any pretense of any strong sense of conviction or dogma. As such you can find self-proclaimed Christian churches that will literally believe anything as long as it fits the culture, like an atheist being a minister. So you'll always be able to point to a collection of self-identifying Christian churches who hold to progressive politics. It still doesn't change the meaning of the text or two thousand years of church history saying something different

Hey if you want pro LGBT people to be only "Christians" and bigots the real Christians that's your call.

Also keep up that persecution complex

Lol at no Christian will be allowed to be famous or serve office in the near future


The Fallen
Jul 28, 2018
Tried to tell y'all he wouldn't have the stones to respond verbally. Can't piss off that alt-right base.

And LOL @ people thinking this "response" was good. Weird Facebook meme shit, like something the uncle you try to ignore would post in response to an argument.


Oct 25, 2017
Before I continue this back and fourth, do you think the church is anti-LGBTQ like Ellen Page says it is?
I'm not sure how this church differs from any other church/ mosque etc honestly. But I know that they don't represent every attendees beliefs. The man can only defend his beliefs and the churches from his own experience.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure how this church differs from any other church/ mosque etc honestly. But I know that they don't represent every attendees beliefs. The man can only defend his beliefs and the churches from his own experience.
Nice attempt at dancing around my question. But getting back to Pratt, do you think he didn't read about the church or know anything about what they have done?
I doubt he was as ignorant about the church as you claim to be before he joined it. So your little "maybe he didn't witness it" nonsense means nothing.
He said the church isn't anti-LGBTQ, so either he's lying or he doesn't think their obvious anti-LGBTQ activities are anti-LGBTQ. Which do you think makes him a bigger asshole?


Jul 24, 2018
I'm not sure how this church differs from any other church/ mosque etc honestly. But I know that they don't represent every attendees beliefs. The man can only defend his beliefs and the churches from his own experience.

Did you miss the part where he said what Ellen Page said isn't true? He didn't qualify it, he just said its straight up untrue. Even with facts out there like their opposition to marriage equality in Australia and other places, he still said its not true. The motherfucker is a liar and you're dancing around whats in front of your face.


Oct 25, 2017
His response is lazy.

Some of your post go missing? lol

I did mention the two commandments last page. I think it was received as being condensending.

Whoops, didn't know I hit post.

Anyway, what I was going to say was that what you're essentially arguing for is antinomianism. How do we love God (the greatest commandment which is above loving our neighbour)? Jesus says, "If you love Me, keep My commandments." Now of course there's disagreement over what is a 'commandment', which is why I'm trying to take it out of the realm of homosexuality which is controversial. But it's very difficult (theologically speaking) of arguing a position of there being no ethically standard in the life of a Christian. If you want to argue about what fits in that ethical standard, then yeah there's going to be more to discuss. And I would happily stand beside you and argue that the ethical standard for American evangelical Christianity is flawed in many, many ways. To bring it back to the topic of the thread, even within the generally accepted sexual ethic of American evangelicals there is huge hypocrisy, where homosexuality is seen as a mortal sin but no one would ever dare preach against divorce and will happily look the other way when it comes to pre-marital sex.

Also of course I'm not arguing salvation by works. As Luther said, "We are saved by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone."


Nov 17, 2017
User Warned: Off-Topic Derail and Inflammatory Generalizations
Wtf does any of this have to do being gay?
It's about how we live in a pluralistic society, and what we expect from others we disagree with. Do you think every Mosque out there should shut down? Because they are 99.9% anti LGTBQ+. Or refugees coming in from homophobic countries who carry with them fear about gay people?

Who is more persecuted? Who do we cut out? What do we expect from those who we fundamentally disagree with?


Oct 25, 2017
They are a part of the community, yes. Both are minorities that have to endure a lot of horrible shit. I usually write it as LGBT+ because honestly, its impossible to fit everyone without making the acronym a mess.
Yes of course they were part of the community. I guess I'm like you, but in use Q for the umbrella term instead of +.

Sweeney Swift

User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
His response sucks but I'm not gonna act like I expected anything different from that trash. Ellen Page stays 1) correct, and 2) the best Ellen there is in the industry
Oct 30, 2017
His response is as cookie cutter as any response Cruise would give about Scientology. They are spokesman for a religious conglomerate. He is respected within his church because he's fucking loaded. I don't hate the dude but he is really handwaving this whole thing.
Oct 29, 2017
"This church cannot possibly be homophobic because I, a straight male, was helped by the church in a matter entirely unrelated to the topic of LGBT"

Well if this isn't an airtight argument I don't know what is!


Oct 25, 2017
The combination of the picture choice, the quote used, the response written and the couple of emojis on the top seems a little befuddled. Its like a kidnappers letter of demands made of cut out letters version of an apology.

This is exactly why celebrities have publicists-to NOT release crap like this.


Jul 24, 2018
The combination of the picture choice, the quote used, the response written and the couple of emojis on the top seems a little befuddled. Its like a kidnappers letter of demands made of cut out letters version of an apology.

Take out the emojis and he still comes off like a completely ignorant idiot, but that's just the icing on the cake.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
I am a touch confused- Why can't someone just find proofs as examples for substantiating Ellen Page's claim and refuting Chris Pratt's (to move forward the discussion given Pratt essentially refuted Ellen Page's by implying she is either mistaken/or a liar by way of personal anecdote)?


Nov 26, 2017
He should clarify. If he believes that people should be able to love who they want without judgement from their fellow man, why would he attend an institution that holds prejudices he disagrees with. I'm certain that there are other moral authorities that would be welcoming to him and his family regardless of his previous martial history that don't hold such outdated and prejudiced beliefs.