Deleted member 9241

Oct 26, 2017
She could be the first American Indian President! How exciting!

Deleted member 6949

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Warren is awesome, and whether or not she wins her voice is needed in the debates to offset some of the shittier corporate dems.


Nov 7, 2017
The more bulldogs willing to get in the ring, say what they believe, and put up a fight to the Orange Man, the better.


Oct 27, 2017
Her polling has been real rough thus far - which is concerning for someone who has as much name recognition as her.

I just don't see her ever making a dent.


Oct 27, 2017
She is supremely qualified.

She will never win a majority. Her name carries too much baggage and people will recoil even if they don't know why.


Oct 26, 2017
I think Kamala Harris would have a way better shot than Warren.

I agree, but I'm not opposed, since her values are sound.

But she took a DNA test and, "fell for it" like some overly worried people

Little more effort in next time, please.

Don't hurt yourself jumping to conclusions.

I say the same to those jumping to conclusions on Warren.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Warren is great and I like her a lot, but I don't want her to be the candidate for 2020. The Republican oppo folder about her is probably a damn bible at this point.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
Normally I'd be all for her candidacy, but I don't think she's got a shot currently. I also think she'll do better in Congress than she will in the Oval Office. She is a combative voice we need in Congress.


Oct 27, 2017
She'd get eaten alive by Trump and galvanize his base. I say it all the time here but no one believes me, she is remarkably unpopular in Massachusetts considering how easily she won re-election. Many liberals are meh and Massachusetts republicans can't stand her.
I don't think she has that good a shot at the nomination but who gives a shit whether Republicans like her or not? Republicans are not going to like any Democratic nominee.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
She would make a fantastic president. I don't think she will be the nominee, but if she is, I will support her.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think she has that good a shot at the nomination but who gives a shit whether Republicans like her or not? Republicans are not going to like any Democratic nominee.

The issue less comes down to getting Republicans to vote for her and more giving Republican strategists as little mud to sling around as possible.

Trump is seemingly immune to oppo. Democrats don't get that kind of luxury, and Warren has already proven she's not very good at dealing with it when it's thrown at her. The last thing we need is a Presidential candidate who's a walking ball of FUD, because negative press does suppress Democratic votes even though it doesn't seem to do the same thing for Trump.


Oct 27, 2017
The fact that she got baited into doing a DNA test and then decided to publicly announce the <1% results makes me extremely suspect of her judgment. Thanks but no thanks.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
I would much rather her be President then the popular jocks running. Corporate backed charisma will always defeat well-meaning people, boo.

That DNA test was silly. I keep telling these candidates they need to diversify their staff. Any Black folk in Warren's circle woulda told her it was a ridiculous idea. Politicians need a Remy or that raspy voiced dude who gave Carcetti advice on the Wire.

nature boy

Oct 25, 2017
Would love to see as POTUS due to her policies and being a policy wonk, but can't see her lasting in a primary.

Hope she proves me wrong though.


Dec 26, 2018
I would much rather her be President then the popular jocks running. Corporate backed charisma will always defeat well-meaning people, boo.

Corporate backing provides sufficient funding, and organisation - with charisma, either you have it or you don't. All candidates need those attributes to be the nominee since it is a safe route to victory then hedging your bets entirely on small donors. Warren is one of the few progressives who has established a sensible alliance with leadership, so she has that going for her.
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Jul 25, 2018
It's funny to see so many comments here about her DNA test debacle, which it was I agree. However Trump has more scandals on a daily basis than she has had in her career, and yet we probably all agree she can't beat Trump because he's Teflon to scandals for some reason.

It would be a welcome change to have a POTUS who actually cared about the people they represent though.

EDIT: I mentioned scandals on a daily basis, then I checked Twitter. Here is Trump today attacking the military again, and it's still only early morning.


Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Wow TIL Era doesn't like strong, smart women, who work in politics, and supports most of their social and political ideals, to throw their bid in for President.

No no, let's vote for Bernie...again!
She'd lose to Trump. Easily. Winning is you know kind of important.

Warren is smart and I am a huge fan of her but she is a TERRIBLE politician and would be destroyed by Trump. She did worse in MA in 2018 than Hillary did in MA in 2016 for example.


Dec 13, 2018
User Warned: Concern trolling
Misogyny Era strikes again! It's not you're damned place to tell a woman what she should or shouldn't do.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
It's funny to see so many comments here about her DNA test debacle, which it was I agree. However Trump has more scandals on a daily basis than she has had in her career, and yet we probably all agree she can't beat Trump because he's Teflon to scandals for some reason.

It would be a welcome change to have a POTUS who actually cared about the people they represent though.

EDIT: I mentioned scandals on a daily basis, then I checked Twitter. Here is Trump today attacking the military again, and it's still only early morning.

There's a reason for this: it's because Republicans are brainless slugs who don't care who they vote for or what they've done as long as their team wins/as long as liberals are mad about it, whereas Democrats actually have consciences and sometimes don't vote for their own party.

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Misogyny Era strikes again! It's not you're damned place to tell a woman what she should or shouldn't do.
This is absurd to say. Those who don't want her to be the nominee almost entirely are good with Kamala, Gillibrand, Klobuchar, etc

It isn't because Warren is a woman. It is because she is awful at campangining and the non-policy side of politics.


Oct 25, 2017
This the person who got baited into showing her 1% DNA results...


Say what you will about Trump, but he has a knack for causing his opponents to play themselves. I was very supportive of Warren when she ran for Senate and was looking forward to her Presidential run... but not anymore. She could've handled Trump's childish taunts with adult civility. Instead, she did that DNA test which dredges up the racism of bloodline purity and just made her look tone-deaf and insensitive. I worry if Warren received the nomination if she would have the wherewithal to avoid getting baited further by Trump.
Oct 27, 2017
Much like Hillary, all she'd do is ensure another Trump victory...if Mueller doesn't get him first, in which case this would ensure a Pence victory.


Oct 28, 2017
Misogyny Era strikes again! It's not you're damned place to tell a woman what she should or shouldn't do.

That's not why is happening at all. Most of this forum supported Hillary remember? No one is saying she can't run, they just don't think she has what it takes to defeat Trump which is key. I think if it did come down to Trump vs Warren this forum would vote for Warren. Don't be so quick to spin things.

Etrian Oddity

Oct 26, 2017
The misogyny argument flew out the window the moment she got played like a clown by Donald Trump.

I DGAF if you're a woman or man, if you get outsmarted by Donald Trump you're disqualified immediately.


Oct 26, 2017
Misogyny Era strikes again! It's not you're damned place to tell a woman what she should or shouldn't do.

Right? If she was a guy, people would be praising his ability to "boldly identify, confront, and crack down on corruption" and really align with the ideal on social and political issues. She would be a great option...but she's female so she better know her place and stay in the proverbial "senate kitchen."

It's pretty gross...It's no surprise that the reasons people have against her are basically "she won't win" or "please no." Insubstantial trash. Oh well.
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Oct 26, 2017
Beto, Biden, and Kamala can beat Trump. Warren and Bernie would lose.

You can't say that Warren's DNA thing would be an issues when Biden molests women/girls at every photo op he attends, Kamala has a seriously bad history for a progressive candidate (even next to Warren being a moron for listing herself as Native American), whilst Beto comes from immense wealth and refuses to call himself progressive. I don't think any of them ideal in any sense but Warren might do well running on her being a capitalist that's had enough of corporate exploitation and might be better at winning over the white women's vote than Hilary.

John Doe

Jan 24, 2018
I didn't see any other potential candidate make a mistake like that against Trump. Honestly, all the other potentials have handled Trump really well so far, imo. I could be forgetting one somewhere, though.

I don't necessarily mean mistakes against Trump. Bernie has said some absolutely stupid things regarding race relations. Apparently, there is something about Kamala's time as a DA that raises eyebrows. Booker appears to be more beholden to corporate interests

But this DNA thing is just completely damning in some eyes.

I find the whole talk about nominees pretty jarring to be honest, with everyone going this person can't beat Trump or that person can't do it. Then at the same time everyone says Trump is a lock to lose in 2020 because of his tanking approval rates, bigotry and awful record since taking office.

Why if he's nailed on to lose is there so much bickering over the potential nominee? It shouldn't matter who is chosen to run.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I don't mind her running, but I think she will end up at the kids table pretty fast and then be eliminated by math pretty early. Harris, O'Rouke, Tulsi, and Gillibrand are starting from places of strenght and not a self inflicted L

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
You can't say that Warren's DNA thing would be an issues when Biden molests women/girls at every photo op he attends, Kamala has a seriously bad history for a progressive candidate (even next to Warren being a moron for listing herself as Native American), whilst Beto comes from immense wealth and refuses to call himself progressive. I don't think any of them ideal in any sense but Warren might do well running on her being a capitalist that's had enough of corporate exploitation.
Nothing you said about Kamala or Beto would hurt then in a general election.

Warren is dead to the Dem primary base. 100% dead. She has no chance at even breaking single digits nationally.