
Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Amazing amount of content and no pressure to do anything. Almost as good as Star Wars Galaxy. Plus I can play the game my way, if you want to be a heavy armor great sword swinging nerconmancer, go for it. Not only won't the game penalize you for it, but it will open up new skills for advancement depending on how you play. Like a passive ability for incressed defence for wearing heavy armor.

Amazing game with crazy amount of content and almost always on sell.


Apr 26, 2019
I asked in another thread but got no reply might as well ask here instead of making a new thread

Anyone here play ESO? i had it in my backlog for a while and might start it next week but i hear the next expansion will add new stuff like companions, so should i start it or wait? or it won't make a difference for the base game?


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I asked in another thread but got no reply might as well ask here instead of making a new thread
I would go ahead and play, if only to get to know the ins and outs. Every new addition has a new starting point so you can start a new character when it drops


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Real Talk Zenimax has made a more competent and enjoyable Elder scrolls game than BGS proper.
Oct 27, 2017
Is everything instanced? Worth playing if you plan to skip all story content and just want a MMO treadmill?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm looking at this or Fallout 76 on Gamepass, both are pretty good MMO-like games these days? Trying to figure out which to play but can't decide lol.


Apr 26, 2019
I would go ahead and play, if only to get to know the ins and outs. Every new addition has a new starting point so you can start a new character when it drops

so the new dlc won't change much from the base game? nice

also i have base game and i think summerset + morrowind + elseweyr so it will be a while before i even think of the new dlc lol


Dec 3, 2018
Puerto Rico
I've recently started playing ESO while waiting for more FFXIV stuff to come out (don't really care about the 5.45 content) and have surprisingly been getting into it more than I expected. Usually not a fan of other Elder Scrolls games and get bored playing them in a handful of hours.


Unlimited Capacity
Oct 26, 2017
I try and try but the world scaling just breaks the game for me. I always get to like lvl 30 and get bored.

His Majesty

Oct 25, 2017
so the new dlc won't change much from the base game? nice

also i have base game and i think summerset + morrowind + elseweyr so it will be a while before i even think of the new dlc lol
Every year the game features a new story arc and they are mostly standalone. Just be sure to play content within the same arc in the intended order.

1. The Planemeld (Base)
2. The Daedric Wars (Morrowind, Clockwork City, Summerset)
3. Season of the Dragon (Elsweyr, Dragonhold)
4. Dark Heart of Skyrim (Greymoor, Markarth)
5. Gates of Oblivion (Blackwood, ?)

Is everything instanced? Worth playing if you plan to skip all story content and just want a MMO treadmill?

No, ESO is very story focused.


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
i tried it like four times since its on gp but i always bounce off pretty quickly. feels kinda souless and boring to me

which is a pain because the game is 100gb+ and i need to install and reinstall every time


terminus est
Aug 12, 2018
ESO is a very nice comfort game. I am not good at it, I don't have high end gear or builds, but I do think it features some of the best writing (and performances) of any Elder Scrolls game. It is a perfect decompression game because it feels very much like its own little thing and it isn't super difficult so just going through it to absorb some lore is always a good time.


Chicken Chaser
Nov 5, 2017
Really fun solo game. The Companions coming with the Blackwood expansion in June will make it even more-so.

The One Tamriel update a few years back made it really feel like there was no penalty for using any weapon with any class with any passives chosen. Letting the player craft their own gear or just using what they find is great, too. Leveling is easy to track.

Four-player dungeons are nice.

PvP is fine, but not the game's strong suit, in my opinion. At least there is stuff to do there for solo players, so even if you don't join a group, it can still have a sort of PvPvE aspect to it. Lots of people looking for Groups, though, so finding people to run around with is not hard. And right now there is a PvP event going on with fun bonuses.

Enjoyable chill game, by yourself, with newbie friends, or with an experienced team doing end-game content (like Trials). Absolutely.

For players that own all the expansions, an upcoming update will allow them to choose where they want to start their new character, which is nice.


Oct 27, 2017
I remember getting it way back in the day for the PS4 and never got around to play it, now I can't because I don't have PS+ lol.

That said, how solo friendly is this game? Don't feel like bothering veterans or seasoned players.


Dec 19, 2017
Yeah, I just picked this up the other week for like $11 for all the current content.

Don't know what class I'm going to end up as, but I wanna be casting magic while using a sword and shield, and then swapping to a giant two-hander when I feel like it.


Oct 27, 2017
The early days of the pandemic ESO and Animal Crossing were great companions to me. I still like to turn it on every now and than but I largely treat it as a singleplayer game now. It's the MMO I play when I want to see people running around the world but don't want to interact with them like the loner I am.

Deleted member 22750

Oct 28, 2017
I like elder scrolls a lot but don't like mmo all that much
I also wanted to give fallout 76 another go now that years passed and its supposed to be way better
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Does the Gamepass version have all the updates or is it just the base game?

I see it's jus the base game and Morrowind, but that's probably a lot of content?


Chicken Chaser
Nov 5, 2017
It's the MMO I play when I want to see people running around the world but don't want to interact with them like the loner I am.
That is a fantastic way to put it.

I play this game solo 95% of the time. Just me, doing my thing. I have a Guild, I contribute funds and sell things - and maybe run around in PvP with guildmates from time-to-time....but really, this game is just me being by myself.

I like the idea of people being in this world - of it feeling alive, of a random player coming along to help me slay a delve boss, of seeing the different outfits of people in cities, of everyone getting together to take down dolmens - but I want to actually play the game by myself. To experience its story and content and not be bothered.

I want to interact with others when I want to, and where. On my terms. And basically I get that with this game. That's why I think its an MMO that is so 'Solo-friendly.'
(Choose first-person view or third-person view, no subscription fee. Good stuff.)


Apr 26, 2019
Every year the game features a new story arc and they are mostly standalone. Just be sure to play content within the same arc in the intended order.

1. The Planemeld (Base)
2. The Daedric Wars (Morrowind, Clockwork City, Summerset)
3. Season of the Dragon (Elsweyr, Dragonhold)
4. Dark Heart of Skyrim (Greymoor, Markarth)
5. Gates of Oblivion (Blackwood, ?)

No, ESO is very story focused.

thanks will check before playing, also is there any benefit for subing? i hear there are dungeons and other content you can only access if you sub?

and is there an era guild i can join when i start playing the game? i have it on pc


Oct 26, 2017
Real Talk Zenimax has made a more competent and enjoyable Elder scrolls game than BGS proper.
Well, I certainly wouldn't go that far, but I do enjoy ESO for the most part. It has some fantastic questing, full voice acting, and amazing additions to TES lore. But it's also very hit and miss.

Systems-wise, the build diversity is fantastic, and they never raise the level cap. That means your gear is never made redundant after an expansion, and devs are challenged to make new gear appealing through new set piece effects which further bolster build diversity options. On the other hand, combat is fucking atrocious, and most of us who are used to the game have just become numb to how bad it is. It makes Skyrim's combat feel weighty and impactful by comparison, and they even had to full-on embrace an animation-cancelling glitch because they couldn't fix the underlying issue - you can cancel an attack animation before your character has even begun to raise their weapon to swing it, and the damage from the attack will still instantly be dealt, allowing you to transition immediately into a second attack. That's laughably bad, but is now embraced as a "feature".

Environment-wise, you get some zones like Elsweyr which are handled spectacularly well, with amazing attention to lore about various Khajiit breeds, and with the zones being focused on one or two cities per DLC/Chapter so that the scale is large and the cities have time to be developed properly with unique architecture. And then you also have zones like Summerset, which butchered existing lore entirely, and had a pathetic scale where they tried to create the entire island in a standard zone size, meaning all the Altmer cities are comically close together and all share identical architecture, so there's no sense of unique history and personality to any of them, even Alinor.

And finally, I'd put a massive disclaimer out to everyone and say THIS GAME HAS PERFORMANCE ISSUES. They called 2020 the year of performance and dedicated monthly news articles to explaining the steps they were taking to improve performance and reduce the embarrassingly bad server latency. 12 months later, very little has changed for performance, and they're once again promising 2021 will be a year of performance focus. It's definitely a "buyer beware" situation, especially if you live somewhere like Australia which doesn't have a dedicated server, so you'll be dealing with 300+ ping in a combat system that requires timed blocks and dodge rolls.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
I'll never forget the Werewolf racket in that game. People charging money for bites and then you get to the island were all these people are selling bites....only for someone to jump in front of you and get bit instead, wasting your gold. Good times.

That's when I said fuck it and just paid $10 real cash for the curse.


Oct 28, 2017
The class system was weird to me when I tried it a couple years back. Everything felt like the same class.

His Majesty

Oct 25, 2017
thanks will check before playing, also is there any benefit for subing? i hear there are dungeons and other content you can only access if you sub?
Subbing grants you access to all of the DLC, you get a crafting bag which makes inventory and bank management easier and you receive a monthly stipend of crowns (ESO's premium currency). All of this is definitely not necessary for a new player.


Oct 25, 2017
The extremely floaty and spammy combat system couldn't hold my attention. The game also does an extremely poor job to funnel player into a decent experience. The game dropped me near the start and I had like 30+ quests to complete from all the content. Not for me at all, especially the daily grind to train your mount. All in all I dropped the game about 30 levels into it and after seeing how dungeons were ran.

The graphics looked quite nice that's about all I can give the game.

His Majesty

Oct 25, 2017
Well, I certainly wouldn't go that far, but I do enjoy ESO for the most part. It has some fantastic questing, full voice acting, and amazing additions to TES lore. But it's also very hit and miss.

Systems-wise, the build diversity is fantastic, and they never raise the level cap. That means your gear is never made redundant after an expansion, and devs are challenged to make new gear appealing through new set piece effects which further bolster build diversity options. On the other hand, combat is fucking atrocious, and most of us who are used to the game have just become numb to how bad it is. It makes Skyrim's combat feel weighty and impactful by comparison, and they even had to full-on embrace an animation-cancelling glitch because they couldn't fix the underlying issue - you can cancel an attack animation before your character has even begun to raise their weapon to swing it, and the damage from the attack will still instantly be dealt, allowing you to transition immediately into a second attack. That's laughably bad, but is now embraced as a "feature".
A feature the endgame community has fully embraced sadly. Yeah the combat is very poor and the One Tamriel update, which effectively removed any semblance of a challenge from the overworld content, hasn't helped either.


Oct 29, 2017
Night City
I've been really tempted to get into ESO but always worried about the MMO quest grind where you just load up on stuff in a quest hub, do a circle, turn everything in, rinse repeat until you quit the game. How much are you actually allowed to just explore the world and actually discover things?


Apr 19, 2019
I tried this game a couple of times, mainly during free weekends.
Never clicked.
Bought the 23€ pack when it was on sale a few weeks ago, because I needed something to scratch that itch and thought why not give it another try.
50 levels and 111 CP later, I think i can say it finally clicked!

I think it was a good thing I started in Greymoor and did Markath afterwards. Those zones don't have that mmo feel like the base zones, which I appreciated.


Oct 27, 2017
I tried, but for some reason that is specific to ESO I can't get past how the game looks on consoles. I don't e
when is the next gen patch dropping?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm looking at this or Fallout 76 on Gamepass, both are pretty good MMO-like games these days? Trying to figure out which to play but can't decide lol.
Fallout 76 is Fallout 4 online w/ a much bigger/better map.

It's more like a Destiny style online game than an MMO.

ESO... I tried it once.. it is nothing like Skyrim/Oblivion so I dropped it quickly.

Bethesda's engine > whatever that uses.


Dec 16, 2019
I bounced off this game a few times before, but fired it up last weekend and totally enamored with it now. The story is great, and once you get out of the starting areas really opens up. The "quests", unlike other MMOs, actually feel like stories/games events within themselves. There are echoes of the wider story throughout too, and it just stitches together really nice. All the voice acting, which is top notch, makes it really easy to play along.

The combat can be a little meh, but nothing worse than typical Elder Scrolls fair - in my opinion - and the mix/match of skills is something to behold. Really fun game, and now level 15!

Haven't got any of the DLC (playing via GamePass) yet, but next sell I will.

His Majesty

Oct 25, 2017
I've been really tempted to get into ESO but always worried about the MMO quest grind where you just load up on stuff in a quest hub, do a circle, turn everything in, rinse repeat until you quit the game. How much are you actually allowed to just explore the world and actually discover things?
It's very much a themepark MMO where the gameplay loop mostly involves you moving from one icon on the map to the next. That said, the quests are generally well done for an MMO.


Vault-Tec Seal of Approval
Oct 25, 2017
I'm waiting for the next gen enhancements for this and FO76..mainly due to the horrible loading times


Chicken Chaser
Nov 5, 2017
How much are you actually allowed to just explore the world and actually discover things?
There are quests all throughout each region. One of the loading screens says "Every once in a while, just pick a direction and run. Quests are everywhere, and exploration can reveal unexpected surprises, valuable treasures, and other rewards." This is very true. There can be a true sense of exploration and stories to find.

That said - like an MMO - you will come to find that each zone (region) has six delves, six world/group bosses, six striking locales, three unique crafting set locations (shared between factions), one major city, etc. So you simultaneously feel like you are exploring, and can see any kind of story unfold....but will also see the coloring book-like framework of it all as you shade in the lines.