
Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Pretty shocked that Era's chill with that Ragnarok score - maybe people have finally calmed down when it comes to reviews that aren't emphatic. I haven't played Ragnarok but interested to read the full writeup when the issue arrives.

There's always like 3 people complaining about the score and dozens responding lol, it's the same thing every time


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
Does anyone wonder if Edge has an unspoken rule to keep up the appearance of the hard to please reviewer because it brings in traffic? Yeah once in a while they give out 10's but everything else seems bland to them lol.

Not that I care, just always wondered how it seems almost every reviewer on their panel seems to all have high standards compared to all the rest of the reviewers in the industry.

They enjoy plenty of games. Its just that, as it should, amazing games can be 8s and 9s to them instead of 10/10 best thing ever


Oct 29, 2017
It is…

Era bubble strikes again.

I really hate this trend that every time theres a minority opinion, it has to be pointed out that its the ErA bUbBLe, as if that somehow makes peoples opinion worth less. It's incredibly silly. Ragnarok is gonna be in the top 3 in the resetera GOTY list pretty much guaranteed, so "era bubble" my ass. Vast majority of the people love the same shit on this forum as the general gaming populace.


Nov 30, 2017
Frontiers seems low even for Edge based on the blurb. Their Saints Row review felt more seething and that got a 4. But all in all i respect Edge's willingness to score a big game with a 5

Derbel McDillet

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 23, 2022
I really hate this trend that every time theres a minority opinion, it has to be pointed out that its the ErA bUbBLe, as if that somehow makes peoples opinion worth less. It's incredibly silly. Ragnarok is gonna be in the top 3 in the resetera GOTY list pretty much guaranteed, so "era bubble" my ass. Vast majority of the people love the same shit on this forum as the general gaming populace.
The "Era bubble" doesn't even make sense as a phrase, every take described that way can also be found on Reddit, Twitter or elsewhere. Just feels like a cheap and easy way to dismiss opinions.


Oct 25, 2017
The "Era bubble" doesn't even make sense as a phrase, every take described that way can also be found on Reddit, Twitter or elsewhere. Just feels like a cheap and easy way to dismiss opinions.
Not in the context it was used, it doesn't. Look at the comment they replied to, saying "you've got your head in the sand a bit there" wasn't wrong.


Oct 26, 2017
Atlanta, GA, USA


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure how to respond to this, I feel like we played two completely different games. I disagree with basically everything you've said.
From a narrative standpoint, the game is full of incoherencies and contrivances, from questionable character motivations including contradictions from scene to scene, to underwhelming payoffs for numerous story threads introduced both in Raganarok and in the 2018 game.

In terms of gameplay, the levels are structured way more like corridor -> big room where you fight 10-20 enemies -> corridor -> big room where you fight 10-20 enemies, etc., with major story cutscenes happening way less frequently in the level compared to 2018, where there was more of a mix between fighting smaller pockets of enemies all throughout the level, which was also interspersed with cutscenes and meaningful story beats, as opposed to in Ragnarok where major story beats basically happen at the beginning of the level, in the middle of the level, and then at the end of the level, and that's pretty much it. And then in terms of secrets, Ragnarok's levels are much less densely packed with secrets this go around, with chests barely even being hidden, and when they are hidden behind an environmental "puzzle" as in the last game, what passes for a "puzzle" is a way less clever and satisyfing use of the game mechanics compared to what was done in 2018's puzzles. And not only are the "puzzles" incredibly basic, but the game removes any even remote chance that you can't solve it by just having the companion character tell you the answer within 15 seconds of being within the vicinity of the puzzle.

But all that also doesn't even matter because chests are basically worthless anyway because they changed character progression in this so that chests almost never contain new gear, and instead almost always just contain crafting resources, except that equipment can only use certain crafting resources to level up depending on what level its currently at, and better crafting materials are locked behind main story progression, which means that once you've leveled up your gear with the crafting materials available in the current area, there's basically nothing to be gained from chests for the next like 2-3 hours until you've gotten to the part of the main story where the next level of crafting materials becomes available.

Ragnarok is a fun game, but its also incoherent, contrived, repetitive, and ultimately an unsatisfying conclusion to the story that was started back in the 2018 game, which still to this day is one of the best games ever made.


Oct 25, 2017
From a narrative standpoint, the game is full of incoherencies and contrivances, from questionable character motivations including contradictions from scene to scene, to underwhelming payoffs for numerous story threads introduced both in Raganarok and in the 2018 game.

In terms of gameplay, the levels are structured way more like corridor -> big room where you fight 10-20 enemies -> corridor -> big room where you fight 10-20 enemies, etc., with major story cutscenes happening way less frequently in the level compared to 2018, where there was more of a mix between fighting smaller pockets of enemies all throughout the level, which was also interspersed with cutscenes and meaningful story beats, as opposed to in Ragnarok where major story beats basically happen at the beginning of the level, in the middle of the level, and then at the end of the level, and that's pretty much it. And then in terms of secrets, Ragnarok's levels are much less densely packed with secrets this go around, with chests barely even being hidden, and when they are hidden behind an environmental "puzzle" as in the last game, what passes for a "puzzle" is a way less clever and satisyfing use of the game mechanics compared to what was done in 2018's puzzles. And not only are the "puzzles" incredibly basic, but the game removes any even remote chance that you can't solve it by just having the companion character tell you the answer within 15 seconds of being within the vicinity of the puzzle.

But all that also doesn't even matter because chests are basically worthless anyway because they changed character progression in this so that chests almost never contain new gear, and instead almost always just contain crafting resources, except that equipment can only use certain crafting resources to level up depending on what level its currently at, and better crafting materials are locked behind main story progression, which means that once you've leveled up your gear with the crafting materials available in the current area, there's basically nothing to be gained from chests for the next like 2-3 hours until you've gotten to the part of the main story where the next level of crafting materials becomes available.

Ragnarok is a fun game, but its also incoherent, contrived, repetitive, and ultimately an unsatisfying conclusion to the story that was started back in the 2018 game, which still to this day is one of the best games ever made.

How do you sleep at night?


Aug 15, 2019
I think 7 is probably fair for Ragnarok. When it sings it feels like an 8 but at times it wanes and feels like a 6. Amazing presentation and technically outstanding but it just a little dull at times. I felt the first game was over designed and whilst I feel it less in this, it it is rather piecemeal, like tab A slots into tab b and each area has this, that and something else. The game hasn't done enough to hide the game design, and I havn't fallen under its illusion. But I am 37 so fewer and fewer games are doing that.

Only 21 hours in and just got past getting to a very famous Norse mythology city, so hoping it starts to kick up a gear or two
Feb 16, 2022
Me, who just popped in the thread to say Gotham Knights deserves better because it's actually a pretty solid game, only to find a bloodbath inside because of God of War and Sonic:



Oct 25, 2017
The user reviews for Pentiment on Steam are 97% positive so the idea that it's even sort of divisive is off the mark. It's widely looked at as a brilliant game.

Doomguy Fieri

Nov 3, 2017
Edge doesn't give the $100 million AAA games the automatic 8 out of 10 minimum like the rest of games journalism, hasn't for its entire existence, and it still drives the people crazy. You can't be surprised by it at this point.


Feb 3, 2019
Weird to read "tHeY oNlY lIkE ceRtaIn GaMEs" while lambasting them solely for not ranking action-adventure games higher than all other genres.

Marvel Snap's an 8.
Dec 2, 2017
Bought the magazine. As usual the text of the reviews is way better than just the score. They argued they're 3/10 for Sonic very well.

Rndom Grenadez

Prophet of Truth
Dec 7, 2017
I really hate this trend that every time theres a minority opinion, it has to be pointed out that its the ErA bUbBLe, as if that somehow makes peoples opinion worth less. It's incredibly silly. Ragnarok is gonna be in the top 3 in the resetera GOTY list pretty much guaranteed, so "era bubble" my ass. Vast majority of the people love the same shit on this forum as the general gaming populace.
How is what I said a slight against the game. I own it. I'm enjoying it.

The era bubble refers to the fact that anyone would think mobile space is smaller in any way to the the other sectors of gaming. So take your bullshit hostility elsewhere.


Oct 25, 2017
New York City
The spicier take is actually the God of War Ragnarok post script where they say

Unlike Ragnarok, God of War 3 offers neither a leisurely post-game experience nor any transferable practical wisdom about real-world devastation and injustice. But it's perhaps more honest, and timely, in its desire to tear everything down.

It's about how God of War 3's narrative and combat are more congruent and cathartic because you're destroying everything in a time where compromise and incremental change feels like it's nowhere near enough. (They feel Ragnarok pushes "incremental negotiation" and the careful undoing of things rather than parallels to wiping the slate clean with sound destruction of the ills and injustices and institutions.)

It touches on AAA action games having narratives and politics that are at odds with the gameplay.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I liked Ragnarok, but it's 100% a game people will look back on in a few years and say, "yeah it wasn't that good"


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Does anyone wonder if Edge has an unspoken rule to keep up the appearance of the hard to please reviewer because it brings in traffic?


I do wonder if any scores - including EDGE's - that don't match the consensus are genuinely considered contrarian/attention seeking, or whether grown-ass adults are so personally invested in their purchasing decisions that they need to undermine arbitrary numbers to feel better about them. Real head scratcher.


Oct 27, 2017
The paragraph about Ragnarok is so succinct and in line with my feelings. Does a great job summing up all the problems of the game without being unfairly harsh.


Sep 2, 2022
I haven't played it myself but having watched a playthrough of a large portion, the constant chatter and babbling would've made me drop the game not too far in.

Yes the voice work is very good, considering the awful audio work gaming has exposed us to, but it doesn't matter how good your actors are if I don't wanna hear it incessantly.

And now I'm beginning to understand why Nolan North was all over Gaf back when Uncharted first dropped.

Was that the start of the *chatter on* gameplay trend?

Mgs I remember had the codecs(hated those too) but it wasn't perpetually on, iirc.

So what is considered a good amount of chatter? Should it be a silent protagonist until only the cutscenes? A lot of story gets told through speaking during the gameplay portions. Otherwise a lot of info would be missing from certain videogame stories. If there's 1 thing I will say GOW:R could have improved was for the allies to not constantly give you hints when trying to solve puzzles every 5 seconds.


May 3, 2022
People attacking Edge because they feel defensive over their game of choice not getting rated well is always deeply funny.

Edge: The Magazine of Edgy Reviews.

Very few of these reviews line up with the general discourse surrounding their respective games on ERA and other hardcore gaming communities.

It's good to point out flaws, but it's extreme at times.

With the mainstream gaming audience, it's even more out of step.

Critics usually aren't big fans of the MCU movies, but fans love them. The critics aren't wrong nor are the fans, they are doing different things. It's always bizarre when people try to deflect criticism by saying it's out of step with the general audience, as if that somehow undermines the criticism.


Nov 4, 2017
But all that also doesn't even matter because chests are basically worthless anyway because they changed character progression in this so that chests almost never contain new gear, and instead almost always just contain crafting resources, except that equipment can only use certain crafting resources to level up depending on what level its currently at, and better crafting materials are locked behind main story progression, which means that once you've leveled up your gear with the crafting materials available in the current area, there's basically nothing to be gained from chests for the next like 2-3 hours until you've gotten to the part of the main story where the next level of crafting materials becomes available.

So I'm still only about halfway through, but something has been bugging me about Ragnarok's progression/gear system - thank you for defining it for me. I thought I was just misremembering the way it was in the first game, but I guess they changed it?

It all feels like I'm not really upgrading or getting new equipment outside of what the game wants me to get. And every chest is just "here's some crafting materials" which I have no context for, since I haven't memorised which materials are needed for which equipment (like great I got some ore or something... what does that do?). The whole things just feels unsatisfying.

Also I'm halfway through and still haven't got a heavy runic attack for either weapon, so I'm not sure if I'm missing something or I'm just are not supposed to have one yet.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
First up, thanks for the elaborate response SunBroDave , it is appreciated.

From a narrative standpoint, the game is full of incoherencies and contrivances, from questionable character motivations including contradictions from scene to scene, to underwhelming payoffs for numerous story threads introduced both in Raganarok and in the 2018 game.

I'm going to need to see a breakdown of these contradictions, because nothing is jumping out at me at the moment. Is there a review or video you can recommend that shows these?
In terms of gameplay, the levels are structured way more like corridor -> big room where you fight 10-20 enemies -> corridor -> big room where you fight 10-20 enemies, etc., with major story cutscenes happening way less frequently in the level compared to 2018, where there was more of a mix between fighting smaller pockets of enemies all throughout the level, which was also interspersed with cutscenes and meaningful story beats, as opposed to in Ragnarok where major story beats basically happen at the beginning of the level, in the middle of the level, and then at the end of the level, and that's pretty much it. And then in terms of secrets, Ragnarok's levels are much less densely packed with secrets this go around, with chests barely even being hidden, and when they are hidden behind an environmental "puzzle" as in the last game, what passes for a "puzzle" is a way less clever and satisyfing use of the game mechanics compared to what was done in 2018's puzzles. And not only are the "puzzles" incredibly basic, but the game removes any even remote chance that you can't solve it by just having the companion character tell you the answer within 15 seconds of being within the vicinity of the puzzle.

I didn't notice much of a difference in the layout of the battles this time around, we seemed to be getting attacked everywhere, even during cutscenes.

I feel like the characters are constantly talking to each other this time around, the story has meaningful beats even while you and you're companion are just climbing a wall. Mimir and Freya's in Svartalfheim and Vanaheim stick out to me in this way.

I don't remember the puzzles in 2018 being all that important or unique to begin with, maybe that's why I didn't notice much of a difference here.

But all that also doesn't even matter because chests are basically worthless anyway because they changed character progression in this so that chests almost never contain new gear, and instead almost always just contain crafting resources, except that equipment can only use certain crafting resources to level up depending on what level its currently at, and better crafting materials are locked behind main story progression, which means that once you've leveled up your gear with the crafting materials available in the current area, there's basically nothing to be gained from chests for the next like 2-3 hours until you've gotten to the part of the main story where the next level of crafting materials becomes available.

Yes, this time around you need to craft things at the smith instead of finding armor pieces, you would find the resources in the chests that let you craft an armor piece, rare pieces of ore for example. But that doesn't mean the resources in the chests are worthless, if you want to level other gear, you'll need those resources to try out different builds. If you are locked into a build you like, I can see that being meaningless to you though.

Ragnarok is a fun game, but its also incoherent, contrived, repetitive, and ultimately an unsatisfying conclusion to the story that was started back in the 2018 game, which still to this day is one of the best games ever made.

Yeah, we're very far apart in our final opinions here, but that's fine. Can't expect everyone to have the same experience as you do.


May 1, 2018
I love it when people that don't live in the UK and have probably never read a single issue of Edge magazine get their score expectations adjusted by the difference in scoring scale and perspective offered by Edge.

It's not about Edge being Edgy it's about almost every other online publication being far too lenient and generous.

When a review is written for print the writer has a looser deadline and more time to pause, think and play the game they're writing about.

The result (in my opinion) is a much more accurate, better review, free from the hot take platitudes and whiplash headlines everyone else aims for. They're not hunting for clicks or views, just quality writing to keep people buying print 'mail order' subscriptions.

And that's what makes Edge the best reviewer for me.


Jun 13, 2022
So what is considered a good amount of chatter? Should it be a silent protagonist until only the cutscenes? A lot of story gets told through speaking during the gameplay portions. Otherwise a lot of info would be missing from certain videogame stories. If there's 1 thing I will say GOW:R could have improved was for the allies to not constantly give you hints when trying to solve puzzles every 5 seconds.

Outside of cutscenes, no chatter for me. Grunts, sighs sure.
Hmmms occasionally.

But I was watching a runaway making their way to a fabled city and man the chatter was just nonstop. Nails on a chalkboard to me.

Allow ambient music to take over, or weighted silences.

But the Woody Allen ramble? Not for me.

Nameless Hero

Oct 25, 2017
Edge: The Magazine of Edgy Reviews.

Very few of these reviews line up with the general discourse surrounding their respective games on ERA and other hardcore gaming communities.

It's good to point out flaws, but it's extreme at times.

With the mainstream gaming audience, it's even more out of step.
There's a site that does exactly what you want, it's called metacritic.


This guy are sick of the unshakeable slayer
Nov 11, 2017
Fun fact: British people have always hated Sonic the Hedgehog and always will.

Evidence: the existence of the Fleetway comics.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
So I'm still only about halfway through, but something has been bugging me about Ragnarok's progression/gear system - thank you for defining it for me. I thought I was just misremembering the way it was in the first game, but I guess they changed it?

It all feels like I'm not really upgrading or getting new equipment outside of what the game wants me to get. And every chest is just "here's some crafting materials" which I have no context for, since I haven't memorised which materials are needed for which equipment (like great I got some ore or something... what does that do?). The whole things just feels unsatisfying.

Also I'm halfway through and still haven't got a heavy runic attack for either weapon, so I'm not sure if I'm missing something or I'm just are not supposed to have one yet.
Yeah that's how gear works in Ragnarok. All chest pieces of level 1 require material X to upgrade to level 2, all chest pieces of level 2 require material Y to upgrade to level 3, etc. etc. Same thing for wrist pieces, waist pieces, etc. And you can't find material X, material Y, material Z, etc. until you've reached a certain location in the main story for each, which means that you basically get completely stopped in terms of progression for hours at a time, because you won't be able to equip better gear until you get further in the main story, regardless of how much you explore.

This was not how it worked in God of War 2018. In 2018, you were finding new gear constantly, which helped make exploration so satisfying, because around every corner could be a chest with a great new piece of gear that's either just better stat-wise than what you were currently wearing, or that has a cool new ability or perk. Runic attacks as well were very frequently found throughout 2018, even though for some reason in Ragnarok they hold off on giving you heavy runic attacks until like halfway through the game.


Oct 25, 2017
The spicier take is actually the God of War Ragnarok post script where they say

It's about how God of War 3's narrative and combat are more congruent and cathartic because you're destroying everything in a time where compromise and incremental change feels like it's nowhere near enough. (They feel Ragnarok pushes "incremental negotiation" and the careful undoing of things rather than parallels to wiping the slate clean with sound destruction of the ills and injustices and institutions.)

It touches on AAA action games having narratives and politics that are at odds with the gameplay.
those are big words and id have to think if i wanted to understand it so ill just look at a number and derive my opinion off that
Oct 28, 2017
Nah, Ragnarok looks and runs way better and has more environmental variety, but that's about it. Its story is extremely messy, and its gameplay is a huge step back from 2018, with worse level design, progression and pacing. And it overall is waaay too obsessed with recreating moments from the 2018 game.

i agree. though i wouldn't call the level design, progression, and pacing "gameplay" I think the gameplay is as good or better. the refinements to the combat are great. the pacing is definitely awful. it's definitely not better in every way. it's better in some ways and not at all in others


Oct 25, 2017
Edge: The Magazine of Edgy Reviews.

Very few of these reviews line up with the general discourse surrounding their respective games on ERA and other hardcore gaming communities.

It's good to point out flaws, but it's extreme at times.

With the mainstream gaming audience, it's even more out of step.
Heaven forbid everyone isn't in lock step.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, we're very far apart in our final opinions here, but that's fine. Can't expect everyone to have the same experience as you do.
Totally, nothing wrong with that. Thanks for having the discussion, and sorry if I came off at all dismissive of your opinion. It's feedback I've gotten before, and I'm working on that. But I enjoy getting into the nitty gritty details behind why we feel the way we do about the game, trying to understand each other's perspective, even if we don't ultimately agree.


Oct 25, 2017

I do wonder if any scores - including EDGE's - that don't match the consensus are genuinely considered contrarian/attention seeking, or whether grown-ass adults are so personally invested in their purchasing decisions that they need to undermine arbitrary numbers to feel better about them. Real head scratcher.
Especially when those folks can't bother to engage with the review by reading it so it really is about caring too much about number wang.



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Totally, nothing wrong with that. Thanks for having the discussion, and sorry if I came off at all dismissive of your opinion. It's feedback I've gotten before, and I'm working on that. But I enjoy getting into the nitty gritty details behind why we feel the way we do about the game, trying to understand each other's perspective, even if we don't ultimately agree.

No worries, it didn't come off that way to me. Cheers!