Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Oh boy, this issue's gonna put some people 'on edge'.....(pun intended)
yeah, pretty much. anytime a big exclusive gets a low score people come out with ridiculous statements like edge being a joke/irrelevant/edgy/try hard or what not. happened last time with days gone when their review came out. you would think people would be used to edge scoring games lower than the average, but i guess not.


Oct 27, 2017
The writing and tone is a big complaint in the review, as well as characters in the world being a forgettable
This is true.

By all accounts Borderlands 3 is actually very good isn't it? Assuming you can ignore the writing. (This is just what I have heard I have no opinion on the writing as I have not played it yet.)
It is a very good game. At its core shooting shit with awesome weapons is more fun than ever. Lots of QoL improvements etc...

I mean BL3 is just more BL. It's the same game. If you like that fine (I do btw) but I find it funny people have been saying gears needs to reinvent and it's a past gen game, when BL is the same way
This is also true.


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
Sure man, I can't comment as I haven't played it. But maybe read the actual words of the review before worrying about it?

One thing which does annoy me about reviews (and I'm not saying it happened here as I haven't played Gears 5 or read Edge's review of it) is when a game gets penalised for not innovating or changing enough, yet that criticism is not applied across the board.
That depends on wether the writer feels like the series needs to change, though.


Jul 21, 2019
yeah, pretty much. anytime a big exclusive gets a low score people come out with ridiculous statements like edge being a joke/irrelevant/edgy/try hard or what not. happened last time with days gone when their review came out. you would think people would be used to edge scoring games lower than the average, but i guess not.
People keep repeating this but I'm not seeing anyone upset over the score. The problem with Edge is that their strict reviews are only strict for some games. Pokemon Masters is a 2 on the Edge scale, yet...

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
People keep repeating this but I'm not seeing anyone upset over the score. The problem with Edge is that their strict reviews are only strict for some games. Pokemon Masters is a 2 on the Edge scale, yet...
different people review different games. the person who reviewed gears thought 6 was an appropriate score, and that's a subjective opinion like every single other review out there. same with pokemon. there's nothing more to it than that. there's no conspiracy to go hard on certain games or boost other undeserving games.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
this is edge's scoring system:

1 – disastrous
2 – appalling
3 – severely flawed
4 – disappointing
5 – average
6 – competent
7 – distinguished
8 – excellent
9 – astounding
10 – revolutionary

edit: sorry, that was the system

With that said, it shouldn't be any surprise to anybody that Borderlands 3 received a 7. On that scale, I'd rate it a 5, personally. It's an extremely forgettable entry for the franchise with more busywork than ever. "Distinguished" is not what I would call BL3.
Oct 25, 2017
different people review different games. the person who reviewed gears thought 6 was an appropriate score, and that's a subjective opinion like every single other review out there. same with pokemon. there's nothing more to it than that. there's no conspiracy to go hard on certain games or boost other undeserving games.
The fact that this has to be said multiple times in literally every review thread from this site back to Gaf used to be annoying but it's been so long that it's whipped back to being hilarious


Feb 19, 2018
I don't even get how you people can criticize the score without having read the text. As long as the review is able to explain why it gave a certain score, that score is fine.
You only see the number and in the back of your head you compare it with other reviewers or the Meta score, which in itself is already just dumb, even comparing it to other Edge reviewers doesn't make sense.

One would think that people are able to think this through themselves, yet here we are. Guess I'm the dumb one for expecting people to think.


Oct 30, 2017
Mexico City
Gears 5 deserves that score, campaign is amazing, the rest is a piece of shit :

- bugs everywhere
- only 7 maps for MP
- smallest roster ever (mp)
- broken ranking system
- broken matchmaking
- disgusting microtransactions ( 8 dollars for an execution move, 10 dollars for a skin )

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
I'm currently playing Gears 5 (at act 3 ch 2) and so far i can agree with EDGE. Aside from open sections with side objectives (which often are: wait until Jack fix this thing and kill a giant wave of enemies coming at you) the series hardly has evolved during past decade. Act 2 was good until i got to the objective, where you need to escort Jack while he carries chemicals. Playing this on Insane difficulty was extra frustrating. That's when the game turns into mediocrity - shitty encounters, outdated design choices, not great enemy variety (they are copy-pasted from previous Gears games, which is hardly surprising considering how short has been development cycle of fifth game).
It won't win any goty awards imo.

yea I'm still in act 2 on insane as well, and so far feel similarly.

Granted I am enjoying some aspects over Gears 4, largely the environments are more lush and visually striking, the lighting improvements, somewhat improved narrative. I also like the use of a Jack to supplement combat.

Other aspects falter though. The guns lack the same "punch" or feel of Gears 4. It's a nitpick, but swap between the two games and you feel the difference in heft and kickback using the same guns. Not a fan of the change and I noticed immediately playing G4 before this. The lack of enemy variety is disappointing too. Gears 4 tried new things but Little new feels added here. Just more of the same, but less fun to fight.

Gears 4 had a few sections with intense weather and environmental assists I was hoping to see blown out in a sequel. So far nothing dynamic or creative has been introduced beyond the skiff and a barren hub. I am enjoying G5 for what it is though, but I can't help but be let down by what it could be.


Oct 26, 2017
Lake Titicaca
Wait, so that mobile game from Capcom turned out to be good?!

Damn, Capcom are on such a hot streak right now that even their mobile efforts are scoring well.


Oct 25, 2017
6 is pretty low considering how many changes they made to the gameplay.

Maybe they need much harder into player initiated combat, that's the real game changer for Gears.


Feb 28, 2018
As a long time PlayStation fan. Gears 5 getting a 6 is nuts even by Edge standars.s.


Oct 26, 2017
As a long time PlayStation fan. Gears 5 getting a 6 is nuts even by Edge standars.s.
Well back in the day they gave Gunstar Heroes a 6.
Frankly, I don't know how "Edge standards" became a thing in the first place.

(It doesn't help that I can't stand the UK's approach to reviews. I've been writing at a UK-based website for the past three years, and I'm not allowed to use words like "I", "me", and "us".)
Last edited:


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
this is edge's scoring system:

1 – disastrous
2 – appalling
3 – severely flawed
4 – disappointing
5 – average
6 – competent
7 – distinguished
8 – excellent
9 – astounding
10 – revolutionary

edit: sorry, that was the system

What exactly is revolutionary about Halo 3, GTA IV, GTA V, TLOU, Bayonetta, Bayonetta 2, Bloodborne, Super Mario Odyssey, Rock Band 3 and RDR2? All games Edge gave a 10.

Personally I've always found Edge inconsistent and so often misaligned with my own opinions. People say the difference is because they use the full scale, or because they prefer innovation or a particular style of game, but in truth there isn't really a particular trend or pattern. It's a roulette with Edge as to how certain games will or will not score or be recieved.


Feb 12, 2018
Gears 5 as a 6 lol...
And people wonder why less and less are taking reviewers seriously.


Feb 10, 2019
By that logic, no Mario Kart or Smash Bros game should get more than a 5, then. Basic gameplay hasn't changed over the past decade.

Games and genres have their fans, and there's really no need to demand game mechanics must radically change before due credit is given.
Thank you, that argument of change because we say so is so fucking stupid. If the game is literally one of its kind why the hell do you want it to change. Might as well go to smash bros and tell them to take a page from Killer Instincts book and add combo breakers and shit mixed with the two button commands... nobody wants that. Like, idc hoe much your tired of gears, but you can't sit here and tell me the gun play is stale. It never was, never will be, because there's nothing else like it. I'm not saying it deserves 9's and up but what I said should be kept in mind, because I guarantee you these people are going to smoke all of call of duty modern warfares "nostalgia" gameplay mechanics, ripped straight from 2011, and probably praise it as the best shooter. Someone book mark this, I'll put money on that.


Nov 1, 2017
By all accounts Borderlands 3 is actually very good isn't it? Assuming you can ignore the writing. (This is just what I have heard I have no opinion on the writing as I have not played it yet.)
Isn't it sort of strange to basically say "by all accounts BL3 is good if you can ignore something you may not like?"


Feb 10, 2019
yeah, pretty much. anytime a big exclusive gets a low score people come out with ridiculous statements like edge being a joke/irrelevant/edgy/try hard or what not. happened last time with days gone when their review came out. you would think people would be used to edge scoring games lower than the average, but i guess not.
Well days gone was objectively a 6-7 type of game, like when crackdown 3 came out you didn't hear anyone scream media bias, I mean it deserved better than those 2's it got but still... and I actually like cd3 a lot lol.


Oct 26, 2017
Gears 5 as a 6 lol...
And people wonder why less and less are taking reviewers seriously.
Sorry that we don't just slap a no-questions-asked 8 on everything.

I haven't been able to make any time for Gears 5, but judging from the posted excerpts, I'd say the author has at least a half-decent explanation as to why they decided on a 6.

Deleted member 51789

User requested account closure
Jan 9, 2019
Well days gone was objectively a 6-7 type of game, like when crackdown 3 came out you didn't hear anyone scream media bias, I mean it deserved better than those 2's it got but still... and I actually like cd3 a lot lol.
I'm all for different opinions but I cannot help but 🙄 when someone says "objectively" about a games quality or related to review scores...


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like Edge should do away with scores altogether. Every other aspect of the magazine seems to be striving for a level of quality that rises above the reductiveness that review scores bring out.


Nov 21, 2017
What exactly is revolutionary about Halo 3, GTA IV, GTA V, TLOU, Bayonetta, Bayonetta 2, Bloodborne, Super Mario Odyssey, Rock Band 3 and RDR2? All games Edge gave a 10.

Ignore that scoring scale, they dropped that from the magazine years and years ago. As you allude to, practically no new games could qualify as revolutionary in the same way that games were during the switch from 2D to 3D so they were going literally years without giving one out. Now a 10 is just a way of saying they consider something to be outstanding and probably the best in its genre.


Feb 12, 2018
Sorry that we don't just slap a no-questions-asked 8 on everything.
I've played and read my fair share of reviews for the game. I, personally, don't think the game is anything less than a 7 (barring game breaking bugs affecting your play through, of course).
The problem is that the review scale isn't the same across the board. People generally see something like a metacritic score as a school grade. Where 70 is a B, for example. In that scale, a 7 is considered average and a 5 is considered just passing, while anything below is considered a fail.
Looking at someone post Edge's review system, a 6 means competent. I can 100% see how someone can come to that conclusion playing Gears 5, especially if third person shooters aren't their thing. But this just reinforces my personal opinion that scores mean less and less as the industry moves forward (especially for games releasing on Gamepass).

And yeah no, that's not how it works. Even the 8s can still have quite a bit of thought behind them.

Edit: and it turns out that review scale was dropped? Either way, Most (or at least a hell of a lot) of people see the reveiw score as the grading system, not a full scale out of 10. That's also why converting a 5 scale to 10 scale directly doesn't really work. A 3/5 isn't a 6/10.


Oct 27, 2017
Gears 5 being awarded a 6 is one thing; Overland getting 5 is another thing entirely. I need to read that one for sure because FCKN LOOL


Oct 27, 2017
Gears 5 isn't a 6. They might think the formula doesn't quite work anymore but the mix of gameplay, tight controls, graphics and overall production values still translates to at very least, a 7 or 7.5. Nowadays a 6 is borderline a bad game, and in my honest opinion, Gears 5 is way closer to a good one.


Aug 23, 2018
Sorry that we don't just slap a no-questions-asked 8 on everything.

I haven't been able to make any time for Gears 5, but judging from the posted excerpts, I'd say the author has at least a half-decent explanation as to why they decided on a 6.

penalizing a game for having multiple multiplayer modes designed to cater to diverse tastes is the opposite of 'half-decent'.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
yeah, pretty much. anytime a big exclusive gets a low score people come out with ridiculous statements like edge being a joke/irrelevant/edgy/try hard or what not. happened last time with days gone when their review came out. you would think people would be used to edge scoring games lower than the average, but i guess not.

There was barely any backlash to Days Gone getting a 5. The much bigger controversy in that thread was Mortal Kombat 11 getting a 5, and to a much lesser extent, World War Z getting a higher score than Days Gone.

EDGE magazine #333 review scores (Days Gone, Mortal Kombat 11, World War Z and more)


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
I've been writing at a UK-based website for the past three years, and I'm not allowed to use words like "I", "me", and "us".
That's not a UK thing, it's unbiased professional writing. Because the article isn't supposed to be about you or have personal biases. If we just wanted to read your musings then we could just read your forum posts.

Of course you can argue that reviews are purely subjective and only an opinion, but it's clear that the publication you are working for wants you to write an unbiased review that just spells out the facts to allow the consumer to make up their own mind.

Deleted member 51789

User requested account closure
Jan 9, 2019
I've played and read my fair share of reviews for the game. I, personally, don't think the game is anything less than a 7 (barring game breaking bugs affecting your play through, of course).
The problem is that the review scale isn't the same across the board. People generally see something like a metacritic score as a school grade. Where 70 is a B, for example. In that scale, a 7 is considered average and a 5 is considered just passing, while anything below is considered a fail.
Looking at someone post Edge's review system, a 6 means competent. I can 100% see how someone can come to that conclusion playing Gears 5, especially if third person shooters aren't their thing. But this just reinforces my personal opinion that scores mean less and less as the industry moves forward (especially for games releasing on Gamepass).

And yeah no, that's not how it works. Even the 8s can still have quite a bit of thought behind them.

Edit: and it turns out that review scale was dropped? Either way, Most (or at least a hell of a lot) of people see the reveiw score as the grading system, not a full scale out of 10. That's also why converting a 5 scale to 10 scale directly doesn't really work. A 3/5 isn't a 6/10.
The difference probably lies in how different the UK and US outlets treat the scale. UK sites don't tend to follow the US grading system because it's an American system that doesn't really translate over here.


Oct 26, 2017
I've played and read my fair share of reviews for the game. I, personally, don't think the game is anything less than a 7 (barring game breaking bugs affecting your play through, of course).
The problem is that the review scale isn't the same across the board. People generally see something like a metacritic score as a school grade. Where 70 is a B, for example. In that scale, a 7 is considered average and a 5 is considered just passing, while anything below is considered a fail.
Looking at someone post Edge's review system, a 6 means competent. I can 100% see how someone can come to that conclusion playing Gears 5, especially if third person shooters aren't their thing. But this just reinforces my personal opinion that scores mean less and less as the industry moves forward (especially for games releasing on Gamepass).

And yeah no, that's not how it works. Even the 8s can still have quite a bit of thought behind them.
In an ideal world, we wouldn't have scores at all, but the kiddies have to have their numbers.

penalizing a game for having multiple multiplayer modes designed to cater to diverse tastes is the opposite of 'half-decent'.
No, I can see where the author is coming from on that point.
This is where I find myself at odds with Edge's monolithic approach to reviewing. Gears 5 has an overwhelming selection of game modes, and for me that can potentially be a negative. If there are issues with the campaign, then that's all the more reason to wonder why there needed to be so many multiplayer modes.

However, I have to stress that this is entirely due to my own personal tastes. I represent myself, not Edge or any other publication/site. Saying a game has too much content is a hard sell, especially if you're trying to do so "in an objective manner".

That's not a UK thing, it's unbiased professional writing. Because the article isn't supposed to be about you or have personal biases. If we just wanted to read your musings then we could just read your forum posts.

Of course you can argue that reviews are purely subjective and only an opinion, but it's clear that the publication you are working for wants you to write an unbiased review that just spells out the facts to allow the consumer to make up their own mind.
You can dress it up however you like, but all reviews are biased.


Feb 12, 2018
The difference probably lies in how different the UK and US outlets treat the scale. UK sites don't tend to follow the US grading system because it's an American system that doesn't really translate over here.
Aye, gaming being world wide leads to these divides in the scoring system (Canada here though).
I still hate it when a site like Metacritic converts 5 scale to 10 scale though. For example, I really wouldn't have any problem if someone scored Gears 5 a 3/5.

Also, what does this even mean?

"If Gears 5's campaign feels a little all over the place, it's more so in multiplayer, an avalanche of PvE and PvP modes that is as confusing as it is engrossing."
Too much content is a bad thing? The MP modes are also pretty clearly labeled right from the main menu.

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
Thank you, that argument of change because we say so is so fucking stupid. If the game is literally one of its kind why the hell do you want it to change. Might as well go to smash bros and tell them to take a page from Killer Instincts book and add combo breakers and shit mixed with the two button commands... nobody wants that. Like, idc hoe much your tired of gears, but you can't sit here and tell me the gun play is stale. It never was, never will be, because there's nothing else like it. I'm not saying it deserves 9's and up but what I said should be kept in mind, because I guarantee you these people are going to smoke all of call of duty modern warfares "nostalgia" gameplay mechanics, ripped straight from 2011, and probably praise it as the best shooter. Someone book mark this, I'll put money on that.
I think the argument is "change because it's getting stale or outdated". The games that fall into that category are going to change from person to person. Now I haven't read the Gears review so I don't even know if that was their main complaint or not. Just saying, some things do need to change because they're stale.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
There was barely any backlash to Days Gone getting a 5. The much bigger controversy in that thread was Mortal Kombat 11 getting a 5, and to a much lesser extent, World War Z getting a higher score than Days Gone.
not sure if we read the same thread. doesn't really matter tho, i'm just saying it always happens when exclusives get low scores. even when a big exclusive got the excellent score of 8 people lost their shit and the thread had to be locked cuz they demanded a 9 or 10.

What exactly is revolutionary about Halo 3, GTA IV, GTA V, TLOU, Bayonetta, Bayonetta 2, Bloodborne, Super Mario Odyssey, Rock Band 3 and RDR2? All games Edge gave a 10.
read my edit. they haven't been using that system for YEARS, so they're not really claiming those games are revolutionary. not saying they aren't, because many of those are excellent games that had big impacts on the industry. it's just that a 10 by edge doesn't necessarily mean revolutionary anymore.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
"If Gears 5's campaign feels a little all over the place, it's more so in multiplayer, an avalanche of PvE and PvP modes that is as confusing as it is engrossing."

Too much content is a bad thing? The MP modes are also pretty clearly labeled right from the main menu.

On a side note, isn't that paragraph grammatically incorrect? Shouldn't it read "an avalanche of PvE and PvP modes that are as confusing as they are engrossing"?

Either way, it's not a very well written or formed paragraph.


Oct 27, 2017
User Warned: Avatar shaming
Gears 5 as a 6 lol...
And people wonder why less and less are taking reviewers seriously.


Feb 4, 2018
Wait, so that mobile game from Capcom turned out to be good?!

Damn, Capcom are on such a hot streak right now that even their mobile efforts are scoring well.

Yeah it's great and flying under the radar everywhere. Very original Metroidvania. The sound design is fantastic.

Knowing Capcom it'll get ported to every platform under the sun in a year and hopefully get more hype then.


Oct 29, 2017
WA, australia

did you like sayonara? i didn't see you in the OT 👀
Omg I have been too flat out with uni to post in any OT's lately or even play much games, so I haven't finished it yet 😭 but I'll have heaps of time in a few days to finish it and post in the OT!!

I've played enough to know this is in my top 3 easily for the year though :)
Oct 25, 2017
Don't really agree with a 6 for Gears 5, but Grindstone and Sayonara Wild Hearts ♥

Also, i reallyyyyyyy want to read the article on Outer Wilds.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Omg I have been too flat out with uni to post in any OT's lately or even play much games, so I haven't finished it yet 😭 but I'll have heaps of time in a few days to finish it and post in the OT!!

I've played enough to know this is in my top 3 easily for the year though :)
PERCHED for your impressions after you beat the game. the ending is 10/10.

Deleted member 21858

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Gears 5 score seems about right. I am playing with a friend on Act 3 now and it´s just... really fucking average. The open world sections are a pain in the ass too and seem to be there just because they wanted something different to the series. Also, a loooot of bugs.