Select Game Mode

  • Easy- I want to have a relaxing time/ Just want to enjoy the Story

    Votes: 170 13.0%
  • Normal- Perfectly Balanced, as all things should be.

    Votes: 804 61.4%
  • Hard- I want a challenge/I want to REALLY learn the mechanics

    Votes: 258 19.7%
  • Nightmare/Death/Why/Insane- ...That platinum trophy ain't going to get itself...

    Votes: 77 5.9%

  • Total voters


Oct 29, 2017
I usually do Normal or Hard depending on the game.

If it's a game I know I'm only playing for story I'll stick to normal but if it's something I'm doing for gameplay I'll go hard. But never the Nightmare ultra difficulties.
Nov 18, 2018
I start on normal then drop it down to easy if I find it too hard (which I usually do). I don't really have the patience to learn combat properly.


May 10, 2018
The thing I like about Hard is that it can force you as a player to take a better look at all the mechanics the game presents to you and figure out both why it exist in the game, but also get creative with how to use it in not just scenarios that you have been taught by the game to use them in but also in instances where you've been pushed to the edge and had to come up with brilliant solutions on the fly from your knowledge of the mechanics that you might not be pressured enough on Normal difficulty to think about.

Depending on how difficulty is implemented it can also sometimes help with immersion, by making the game a bit more fair for, well, the game. Like, perhaps I shouldn't be allowed to walk through 5 fireballs before I die? If that skeletons that's hitting me actually managed to overcome the ultra loaded murder kit that has been provided to me as a player and broke through X amount of layers of defenses from decked out gear, perhaps it's OK to give me the player a whole bunch of damage that I should be wary of allowing to happen again, since this is clearly one badass skeleton and should be treated as such :)


Jun 16, 2018
I play on hard mode on my first playthrough if one or more of the following criteria apply.

A) The game is in a franchise that I enjoy.

B) I am good at this genre of game or this particular gameplay system in said franchise from point A and need more challenge.

C) The game is from a franchise that is considered very easy.

D) In certain games where higher difficulty actually changes enemy layouts and other game mechanics Eg. Ninja Gaiden Black.

My default playthrough is always normal if none of the above apply. If I like a game enough, I will play on harder difficulties in subsequent playthroughs


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Normal or Hard, but it depends on the genre and some other factors. Like I usually won't play an RPG or something on hard, but action games I will.

FPS are hit or miss, a lot of hard difficulties just expose flaws in the game, but some genuinely make a game more enjoyable.


Oct 27, 2017
Osaka, Japan
I always start on Normal, because that's what the devs meant the game to be.
If I like it enough and it's not too hard on Normal, I'll play again on higher difficulties to get Trophies/Achievements.

Deleted member 1777

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Generally Normal, I'm not particularly precious about difficulty these days. I'll drop down to easy if it leads me to enjoying the game more. Some games I'll at least start on hard like Ninja Gaiden.


Oct 27, 2017
United States
Almost always Normal, unless I'm really struggling with the game and don't like it quite enough to push through, then I'll put it on Easy.

Anything beyond that I'll only attempt if it unlocks something I really want.


Oct 27, 2017
Feels like the poll descriptions are pretty off, considering "Hard" is what "Normal" was before 2005. Essentially all of the difficulties dropped a complete tier, yet kept their names despite that.

I feel like for most games hard = normal these days and normal is the new easy.

This is how it's been for over a decade now.
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Dec 30, 2017
Hard. I want to learn how to play well and the mechanics themselves, and improve. The art of the game if you will.


Nov 5, 2017
I hate hard, because hard usually means bullet-sponge enemies. I don't have time for this shit
Dark Souls difficulty on the other hand, is perfect. Enemies aren't too tough, they die after several hits, but they're challenging. Same with bosses, hp goes down fast if you know what you're doing.
But most other games go the easy route and give lots of hp to their enemies, because that's easier I suppose.


Oct 25, 2017
It can vary, but in general I go with normal. I assume they know what they're doing in making a game one can reasonably beat with a healthy challenge, but every so often either the game doesn't have enough bite or excels with more bite so I go for Hard, or inversely is just too much of a dumb pain in the ass (or just kind of tedious) if on Normal, so I play on Easy.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Depends on the game / genre. Generally hard first time for most games. If it's an already purposely challenging game then normal. I like a challenge but not to be overly frustrated.


The Fallen
Nov 19, 2017
Usually normal.

If it is a long game with unchangeable (mid game) difficulty levels that I think there is a decent chance I will get stuck and have to grind a few hours then easy.

Also easy if I am trying to catch up on a series quickly.


Oct 27, 2017
Is the Halo example because Master Chief is a walking battle tank and should destroy most covenants easily so the lore matches the Easy difficulty setting?

No, it's because if I remember correctly, the game says something like "Heroic is the way the game was designed" or some bullshit. So I play it on that.


Googled and found this:

"Formidable opposition will test your resolve. Skilled, tactical play required. Recommended for veteran Halo players."— Description from Halo 5: Guardians

Basically if the game tries to explain to me what difficulty I should pick based on pased games I've played or experience in a genre, then I will listen to them. But otherwise I will pick the normal or whatever it defaults to, because that is most likely the one that the devs built and balanced the game around initially.
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Oct 27, 2017
I have not enough time as before, so Normal is my choice nowadays... because I need to not stress too much and I still like to play many different games, so "Hard" could need more time needed to finish a game.
Sometimes if I don't like the gameplay enough I even change to Easy just to enjoy everything else the game has to offer.

(it still happens that I play a game on hard sometimes, but not really often as when I was younger)


User requested ban
Nov 15, 2018
Until 2014 I was always choosing the harder difficulty level as I enjoyed a challenge.

Nowadays I only play casual titles on my Switch like Smash, Mario Kart or Mario Party. But should I choose to play a title with several difficulty options, I´d go with the default difficulty. So normal it is.

Herb Alpert

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Paris, France
Normal for first playthrough. Then I adjust.
Recently I switched travis strikes again to easy cause I didn't want to take time to finish it. The game became ridiculously easy but it's nice sometimes to not having one's hands too sweaty.


Nov 12, 2017
Normal for a first playthrough. I have no qualms about dropping to Easy if I have trouble, though post-PS2 it's almost never been necessary, and it was already rare enough post-NES. It's all about enjoying the first ride at a smooth pace.

If I like the game enough for subsequent playthroughts I'll start experimenting with higher difficulties but this is a very rare occurrence.

Mr Moot

May 10, 2018
Annecy, France
Hard all day, except when I don't want to spend too much time in a game, or when it's a genre I'n not used to (like rpg) or when I suck, like, really suck.

Nightmare? No thanks, don't wanna throw my controller through TV. I sometimes play on hardest difficulty in shooter tho.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
Always normal. I figure that's the best balance the developers could come up with. If there are rewards for playing hard, then I'll do that for a second playthrough.

Black Mantis

Oct 30, 2017
Normal for most games. Harder for the likes of Forza Horizon, Halo, FIFA and PES. I use easy when I just want to blast through a game in my backlog.


Oct 25, 2017
San Diego County
Normal first time. Hard and above if I want to redo it for a greater challenge/trophy, or if my normal playthrough is too easy. Easy if I'm rushing through for collectibles, in-game challenges, and whathaveyou.


Oct 28, 2017
Stockholm, Sweden
Hard is often the new Normal. I have regretted playing on hard a few times when e.g. gunplay is not fun and hard just means enemies take longer time to kill or are more numerous. If I were to play e.g. another Uncharted-game I'd play it on easiest difficulty, while in e.g. REmake2 hard difficulty feels like a must if it is the only mode that enforce ink ribbon saving.


Oct 27, 2017
Depends on the type of game. For long games I like to choose easy, just because I don't have so much time for gaming anymore.
Usually I try to play on normal. Very rarely on hard.

Deleted member 20852

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
I usually start with normal and adjust if required and possible. Hard if it's a sequel in a series I know I'm good at.


Self-requested ban.
Oct 28, 2017
I play most games on Hard, because normal doesn't offer a decent challenge anymore. When I replay a game later, I may crank up the difficulty even more. I like a good challenge, as long as it's fair.

Dan Thunder

Nov 2, 2017
Normal for me. Generally if I go back and play a game after I've completed it I'll switch it to easy as at that point I just like to poke around the game rather than be challenged.

At most I'll usually get about an hour a night to myself so I really can't be bothered going through a game on hard as it'll take me forever to finish it!
Oct 25, 2017
Hardest difficulty unless it's BS unfair.

Games that do this well are the best, like KH2:FM.

Action games and JRPGs benefit a lot from harder difficulties, I don't know if I'd consider DQXI such an amazing game if it wasn't for Draconian mode.
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Oct 27, 2017
It really depends on the game, but typically the hardest option available unless it's a 'special' mode where you die in one hit.
I hate it when games lock out higher (standard) difficulties and require you to beat the game first.

While I can't think of any specific examples, there have been games that I dropped to the easiest difficulty simply because the higher difficulties did not actually add any more challenge to the game, it just made them take longer to finish by giving the enemies significantly more health etc.


Oct 26, 2017
Normal, unless there's a special case such as XCOM2 where Normal mode was ridiculously hard. I just don't have time for 'insane' difficulty modes and I can't say they appealed to me when I did.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Always normal on my first play, then higher difficulties only if they are tied to achievements or desired unlockables.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Normal, then adjust to Easy if needed. I have a full-time job, I can't commit fully to the "git gud" for every game I play.