
Oct 25, 2017
I have to hard disagree that it's apparent it was rushed and "should never have been released in the state it was in". That seems... Extremely harsh. Maybe it's just an internet blind spot but I experienced 0 bugs personally and have seen 1 or 2 random mentions of glitches, tops.
Its perhaps a bit on the harsh side but not entirely without merit. If you go off the beaten path and explore a bit, its insanely easy to either find areas that are not solid, or find invisible walls. And its not as if you are going far out of the way to find this stuff, even just a bit outside of the intended path had me hitting plenty of invisible walls - it shocked me as to how easy it was to find these invisible walls, not like I was trying to break the game or anything.

I did run into a few easily repeatable bugs as well - dialogue playing more than once, music not playing, levels not loading in quickly. All solved by (a very quick) restart to the last checkpoint.

Having played all the R&C games back to back going into Rift, its clearly the least polished of the bunch I've played. That's not to say it was an abysmal experience (far the opposite, it was great fun) but it definitely needed more time to at least iron out the obvious bugs (not much one can do about the invisible walls). Otherwise its a technically accomplished game - one that looks amazing and the performance in RT 60FPS holds up perfectly no matter how much carnage I throw at it.


Oct 25, 2017
In-studio Q&A is just so great. Love the energy. Allies are feeding off each other conversationally so much more than in the Zoom versions.


"This guy are sick"
Mar 24, 2019
Ya I caught up on the Q&A and group Stream last night, just so good in the studio. Such a good flow and vibe


Oct 29, 2017
I think this is probably the opinion most share but there was actually someone in the YouTube comments who said the Q&A is better on Zoom.

Like... what?
Imo it's also better in the studio, but I don't see how it's a weird thing that some people think differently on this.
They have 257000 subscribers on Youtube. It seems more than logical to me that not everyone of those 257000 subscribers think alike on something subjective like this.

It is a different vibe for sure, so I can see how they might like the zoomvibe over the studiovibe. I personally never disliked the zoom stuff as much as lot of other people seemed to, although I am obviously happy they are back in the studio.
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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Q&As started out as being google hangouts, basically zoom calls, so I can see someone being nostalgic for that somehow (personally, it's the reason I didn't watch them lol).


Oct 27, 2017
Ruhrgebiet, Germany
Kinda blowhardy episode of Friend Code overall, going in hard on Nintendo as if the pandemic didn't exist at all, but that comparison to Blizzard at the end was below the plumber belt.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Kinda blowhardy episode of Friend Code overall, going in hard on Nintendo as if the pandemic didn't exist at all, but that comparison to Blizzard at the end was below the plumber belt.

The Huber segments were definitely negative but it's not like most of the complaints weren't valid. The way Nintendo is treating their classic catalog is indefensibly awful, the Switch UI is barebones and boring with absolutely no improvements in over four years and it feels like they're not going as far as they could with content and features in their sports/side games.

Even with a collection that should have been incredible (3D All-Stars), they did the bare minimum because they knew they could.


Oct 27, 2017
Ruhrgebiet, Germany
The Huber segments were definitely negative but it's not like most of the complaints weren't valid. The way Nintendo is treating their classic catalog is indefensibly awful, the Switch UI is barebones and boring with absolutely no improvements in over four years and it feels like they're not going as far as they could with content and features in their sports/side games.

Even with a collection that should have been incredible (3D All-Stars), they did the bare minimum because they knew they could.

When I say that only the Blizzard comment was below the belt, I mean the other shots taken all were fair and legal. The fighting style was just a bit too raging bull for my taste.

Huber stating "Anything below a 10 for Breath of the Wild 2 is a disappointment" to Michael "4.5/5" Damiani was such a wild haymaker it nearly knocked out the ref.


Oct 29, 2017
I believe it takes 5 days or so for Patreon to charge everyone and reflect the correct numbers. There is always a drop at the beginning of each month.


Oct 27, 2017
Ruhrgebiet, Germany
On a totally random tangent: For anyone here who dropped the Easy Allies Podcast during the pandemic era, it might be worth giving one of the newer back-to-studio episodes a chance. I've been surprised by how heavily it turned out having to moderate over Zoom calls cramped Jones' style. His way of hosting benefits so much from being able to make eye contact across a table, the difference in conversational flow and energy levels is immediately obvious.
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Oct 25, 2017
I know it's early in the month and the number will likely go up, if only a little, but I do think they ought to consider setting one-time goals for hitting certain Patreon numbers, if they want to boost the numbers. Like, not a new show per se, but maybe they do a full playthrough of X game as a group, or something like the Puppet Spectacular.... I dunno. Getting rid of goals was a good choice for their sanity, but that's when goals were mostly for new, long-running content. I've seen several Patreons have goals that are a little more ephemeral, but help to push the needle when needed. I think it's something to consider if things get dicey. Or just for funsies.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 31, 2017
Have the allies talked about Hall of Greats in their recent streams? Studio HoG is going to be hype as hell.


Oct 25, 2017
It's been brought up on Cup of Jones way back and Jones shot it down but man do I think removing the Patreon dollar amount would do wonders for general EZA discourse.


Oct 27, 2017
Controversial opinion. Podcast on zoom so much better.
Around a desk feels stuffy and out of date. Q&A on the couch is great though.


Oct 27, 2017
Controversial opinion. Podcast on zoom so much better.
Around a desk feels stuffy and out of date. Q&A on the couch is great though.
Controversial indeed. My brain just completely tunes out of Zoom podcasts. Audio quality, cross talk, etc. it all makes listening/watching a Zoom podcast significantly less engaging for me. It's nice to not hear an air conditioner. Since returning to the studio I've been loving the podcast and I think if they had been able to transition right from Kyle to Jones at the desk it would have been easier for some people to take.

Interesting to hear though, and I'd be curious to see if anyone else agrees with your take on it.


Aug 7, 2019
I can't possibly think of a reason what about a Zoom Podcast could be considered as better.

As PepperedHam already mentioned, it's inferior in every way, lol. The video quality is better, everything is more crisp and the fact that the camera can switch and focus on specific Allies, while arguably not important, adds to the production value. And then there is the audio quality, which, you know, is the main focus of a Podcast, and it's superior in multiple ways. There are no cracks or lags because of someone's internet connection. There are no awkward pauses or cross talking because you are in the same room, and reading someone's body language makes having conversations a lot easier. It's especially funny to say that this feels out of date, when everything here is much more modern and higher produced than pixelated and laggy Zoom Meetings.

Honestly, for me getting rid of cross talking and awkward pauses alone are reason enough to prefer this.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I can't possibly think of a reason what about a Zoom Podcast could be considered as better.

I can, thought it would only matter for friend code. Zoom/Skype/Discord/etc podcast enable you to do a podcast with people around the world easily. An in person podcast physically limits you to people who are physical able to get to the EZA studio and record. I know Allies have talked about having guest on before but only Damiani has done so with FC to my knowledge.


Oct 29, 2017
I can, thought it would only matter for friend code. Zoom/Skype/Discord/etc podcast enable you to do a podcast with people around the world easily. An in person podcast physically limits you to people who are physical able to get to the EZA studio and record. I know Allies have talked about having guest on before but only Damiani has done so with FC to my knowledge.
Isla has guests on regularly with either Easy Update or the Fast And Loose talkshow. They did have Ben Hanson on once (I don't remember on which show, I believe Frame Trap), Maximilian Dood has been a guest on a couple of their Spoilers Modes (the last one I believe). Elyse has been on the Life Is Strange spoilers modes.

Also Mysterious Monsters had quite a few guests on and they had Jessica for quite a few Fiasconauts episodes.
And yes obviously Damiani regularly has guests on FriendCode.

There probably have been more guests, but those are the ones I can remember without looking anything up.

Also, don't forget that some people don't like to watch episodes with guests (I have seen that mentioned before). It all depends on what type of content it is for me, I generally enjoyed it a lot at EZA, but there are youtube channels where I just close the video when I see guests.
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Aug 7, 2019
I know Allies have talked about having guest on before but only Damiani has done so with FC to my knowledge.

Maximillian Dood joined Frame Trap (was actually in the studio and on Spoiler Modes through Zoom, same with Elyse). I guess for those very specific episodes where they have a guest, Zoom Meetings can be more convenient, especially now. That being said, guest episodes are usually not really a plus for me unless it's someone I know and like, like Max. The Friend Code episodes with guests are the ones I skip, although that's obviously more of a me thing.

But yes, you are right in saying that guests in general are easier to have through Zoom Meetings, although it would then still have all the other negative aspects that I mentioned, so I would still much more prefer a studio recording.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Isla has guests on regularly with either Easy Update or the Fast And Loose talkshow. They did have Ben Hanson on once (I don't remember on which show, I believe Frame Trap), Maximilian Dood has been a guest on a couple of their Spoilers Modes (the last one I believe). Elyse has been on the Life Is Strange spoilers modes.

Also Mysterious Monsters had quite a few guests on and they had Jessica for quite a few Fiasconauts episodes.
And yes obviously Damiani regularly has guests on FriendCode.

There probably have been more guests, but those are the ones I can remember without looking anything up.

So you agree with me, they're limited to people who are physically able to get to the studio, which is what I said.


Oct 29, 2017
So you agree with me, they're limited to people who are physically able to get to the studio, which is what I said.
I didn't read your post like that, but sure I agree with that (I just woke up, so that might be me why I misread your comment).

There might be a way for them to have some guests on via Zoom while they are in the studio doing their show.
I don't know how much of a technical nightmare that is or if it makes good content, but it might be a possibility.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I didn't read your post like that, but sure I agree with that (I just woke up, so that might be me why I misread your comment).

There might be a way for them to have some guests on via Zoom while they are in the studio doing their show.
I don't know how much of a technical nightmare that is or if it makes good content, but it might be a possibility.

I do think it would be hard to have just one remote guest alongside 2-3 in person allies though it is possible. It'd be easy on a show like friendcode if Daminai is at the table, Isla (or another ally) is in the booth, and the guest are on the screen talking back to Damiani/the other guest. I recognize as someone who only listens via the audio podcast, the awkwardness of that set up wouldn't impact me like it would a youtube watcher.
Oct 25, 2017
Speaking of guests on podcasts (sorta):

Please. Have. Other. Allies. On. Reaction. Shots.

Of all the podcasts on the EZA Podcast Network, this one needs the biggest shot in the arm. And to me the easiest thing to do would be to have other Allies join in. Why can't Blood go on and talk about his favorite coming-of-age movie? Or have Ben or Brad talk about their experiences with LGBTQ+ cinema? I find that super fascinating, and I can't help but wish that was what we got with each new episode. I truly believe you don't have to be an expert to inspire good conversation and we know the Allies are capable of thoughtful conversation on a variety of topics.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Controversial opinion. Podcast on zoom so much better.
Around a desk feels stuffy and out of date. Q&A on the couch is great though.

Controversial indeed, as it absolutely isn't. If you didn't notice that the conversations flowed more naturally and that there was less talking over each other, I dunno what to say.

And you're basically saying people interacting and having conversations in person is "stuffy and out of date," which is certainly a take.


Oct 27, 2017
4 people sitting around a horseshoe desk talking for 2hrs is both stuffy and looks out of date after 18 months away from it. It feels unnatural and jarring to me.
Q&A is a bunch of friends having a jolly conversation on the couch. Feels cozy.
Podcasts are the opposite for me.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I wouldn't call Travis Strikes Again sad, Jones. :\

It has a sad narrative though...

Podcast on zoom so much better.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeahhh i say good riddance to zoom, much better in person where the conversation flows naturally


Oct 27, 2017
The way a conversation during in person Q&A is better is the same way it's better in person for the podcast. It's no contest.

I do like the variety in guest potential for special episodes like getting Maximilian and the like, but for just the Allies, the energy in the room, no matter what room or desk they're at is better 100% of the time.


Nov 6, 2017
Yeah, I prefer the in-person podcasts and Q&A. The difference between those and the google hangouts/zoom ones is night and day.


May 15, 2018
Speaking of guests on podcasts (sorta):

Please. Have. Other. Allies. On. Reaction. Shots.

Of all the podcasts on the EZA Podcast Network, this one needs the biggest shot in the arm. And to me the easiest thing to do would be to have other Allies join in. Why can't Blood go on and talk about his favorite coming-of-age movie? Or have Ben or Brad talk about their experiences with LGBTQ+ cinema? I find that super fascinating, and I can't help but wish that was what we got with each new episode. I truly believe you don't have to be an expert to inspire good conversation and we know the Allies are capable of thoughtful conversation on a variety of topics.

Never going to happen. I love Reaction Shots and I loved Fiasconauts. But the other Allies just don't want to be a part of it and for RS I imagine Isla doesn't want to have to deal with the monthly scheduling and scrabbling to get a group to actually be on the show like she did for Fiasconauts. I wish they could get Matthew Walden and Tokyo Slim permanently though - they are both fantastic and much better prepared for it than Huber ever is. They really know their stuff.


Nov 3, 2017
FYI Frame Trap is delayed to Wednesday for Patrons because they accidentally talked about an embargoed game.

Monster Hunter Stories 2?


Oct 27, 2017
It doesn't matter for the betting special as it wasn't announced during E3, but I would like a ruling from the allies on whether OLED Model would have counted as stupid name.


Oct 29, 2017
It is 100% a stupid name. So stupid that I didn't even thought about it before I saw the name (and I thought to myself, of course they are doing this).
It's going to be a nightmare again for people not 100% in the know to buy the new model.

I'm also not a fan of it being white since you see dirt on it way more easily (I am looking at you, PS5).
Especially controllers/joycons being white is a dumb idea imo.

Also, when can I order one?


Oct 27, 2017
Ruhrgebiet, Germany
It's stupid because Nintendo was only one letter off from naming the new Nintendo Switch the OLD Nintendo Switch but the silly elephant didn't take it all the way.

For clearly communicating this is just another model of the Switch with zero compatibility issues to games grandma already bought little Timmy naming the device after a commonly known screen type is actually cleverer than most suggestions like Switch Pro which can be confused with a successor or pseudo-generational upgrade.
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Oct 29, 2017
Have to imagine that Damiani is super disappointed by no spec bump for Switch OLED. Seemed like his most hyped thing.