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The Million Post Man
Oct 25, 2017
Hey, they used my Recruit Me! awesome

first time I've ever gotten something on the EZA Podcast lol


Oct 25, 2017
Surprised the allies are so down on Discord launching a store when I'm pretty sure most indie devs are thrilled at the idea of another hugely successful platform where they can sell their game. For them to be so against it simply because it's not what Discord is right now is a bit strange.


Oct 27, 2017
Did the allies cover the plagiarism incident on the podcast after all? I know Jones said it wouldn't be discussed on Cup, but a lot has developed in that story since then. Pretty wild ride.
Oct 25, 2017
Did the allies cover the plagiarism incident on the podcast after all? I know Jones said it wouldn't be discussed on Cup, but a lot has developed in that story since then. Pretty wild ride.
No they don't. And I get why: there's nothing really to discuss (like Jones said). The best discussions deal in gray areas with no right answers and this is fairly black and white. And I think Kyle knows this. Maybe there are some avenues to discuss about journalism as a whole or what have you, but who really wants to chomp on that nugget? I think if we begin to see a pattern with other YouTubers who have done similar things or something like it, then maybe. Like if perhaps he wasn't the only one at IGN doing this, then that's a story. But a lone wolf being an idiot seems fairly "eh." I think it's only become a story because it was IGN and because so much has come out since about his past.

I dunno. I'm glad we got that awesome L&R Pokedex game instead of a pretty boilerplate discussion about why this was wrong.


Oct 27, 2017
No they don't. And I get why: there's nothing really to discuss (like Jones said). The best discussions deal in gray areas with no right answers and this is fairly black and white. And I think Kyle knows this. Maybe there are some avenues to discuss about journalism as a whole or what have you, but who really wants to chomp on that nugget? I think if we begin to see a pattern with other YouTubers who have done similar things or something like it, then maybe. Like if perhaps he wasn't the only one at IGN doing this, then that's a story. But a lone wolf being an idiot seems fairly "eh." I think it's only become a story because it was IGN and because so much has come out since about his past.

I dunno. I'm glad we got that awesome L&R Pokedex game instead of a pretty boilerplate discussion about why this was wrong.
Thanks. I'm excited to hear the episode. Perhaps if warranted it could come up during a hottake or future Cup. As you say, it may not be needed. I am probably most curious to hear from Blood given his experience as an editor and writer extraordinaire.
Nov 5, 2017
No they don't. And I get why: there's nothing really to discuss (like Jones said). The best discussions deal in gray areas with no right answers and this is fairly black and white. And I think Kyle knows this. Maybe there are some avenues to discuss about journalism as a whole or what have you, but who really wants to chomp on that nugget? I think if we begin to see a pattern with other YouTubers who have done similar things or something like it, then maybe. Like if perhaps he wasn't the only one at IGN doing this, then that's a story. But a lone wolf being an idiot seems fairly "eh." I think it's only become a story because it was IGN and because so much has come out since about his past.

I dunno. I'm glad we got that awesome L&R Pokedex game instead of a pretty boilerplate discussion about why this was wrong.

Could someone refresh me on what this Pokedex game is about? I guess I must've missed that discussed on the last episode of the EZA podcast.



Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
Could someone refresh me on what this Pokedex game is about? I guess I must've missed that discussed on the last episode of the EZA podcast.


It's a L&R game they played a month or two ago, and again on this week's podcast (only out for early access patrons). Kyle reads a description and the panel has to guess if he's describing a real animal or a pokemon. It's surprisingly difficult.


Oct 27, 2017
Did Kyle ever stream Donald Duck in Maui Mallard?
I know it was on the schedule for a while but then don't remember seeing it.

Would have been curious to hear his impressions


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Imo, Discord shop is another competitor on the market, which is good. In that way the discussion on the podcast was slightly disappointing for me personally.


Oct 29, 2017
Imo, Discord shop is another competitor on the market, which is good. In that way the discussion on the podcast was slightly disappointing for me personally.
I don't mind it being there, but imo it's as futile as EA's Origin and Ubisofts UPlay. It will be there and some people will use it, but it won't come close to Steam or GOG.
I wish them all the luck in the world (even though I don't really use Discord), but I don't see what they can bring to the table that one of the others doesn't (except that they have a large userbase already), which means it's probably doomed to die (not Discord, but the games service).

I hope for them I am wrong, but the content provider space on PC looks already crowded (because of how big Steam is and because there are some other competitors already and most of them seem to fail to get a lot of traction).

Imo they need something to set them apart from the competitors to be able to do well and from what I have heard/read that's not really the case (yet?).

I am not sure what else they could have said about it, to be honest.
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Oct 25, 2017
Imo, Discord shop is another competitor on the market, which is good. In that way the discussion on the podcast was slightly disappointing for me personally.

I relistened to it after I thought it was surprising initially, and I tend to agree with you in it being disappointing. Ben goes out of his way to just say he doesn't care for such personal anecdotal reasons. Yes Ben, we are people that know what games are coming out so we don't need a tidy storefront to put stuff out there. A lot of people do though, and Steam sure as hell doesn't do the best job at displaying that, especially indies. It's not as if it's another EA Origin or Uplay, a publisher driven store with a very specific subset of games. It's just another Humble or Itch or whatever. To shit on that for the main reason being 'I don't need it' goes so against the bigger picture of competition in the PC space, the competition among indie devs looking for curation, and possibly a challenge Valve to do better.


Oct 29, 2017
Do you know who really cares about having a usable storefront, the game devs. They are the people being truly hurt by overcrowded marketplaces. It's easy to assume that the cream will rise to the top but its hard to say how many great games get ignored because they fail to get noticed between all of the asset flips and other shit getting pushed on to steam every week.

Steam is failing game devs and its users as well. It will eventually lead to steam no longer being the biggest storefront imo. Bigger monoliths have fallen.


May 15, 2018
Wow, Huber's series of interviews with the Allies have been some of my favourite stuff they have ever done. The immense respect I have for each of them is massively deserved, but this week's interview with Bloodworth is an eye-opener. What a man - you're the best, Blood!


Oct 26, 2017
I don't mind it being there, but imo it's as futile as EA's Origin and Ubisofts UPlay. It will be there and some people will use it, but it won't come close to Steam or GOG.
I wish them all the luck in the world (even though I don't really use Discord), but I don't see what they can bring to the table that one of the others doesn't (except that they have a large userbase already), which means it's probably doomed to die (not Discord, but the games service).

I hope for them I am wrong, but the content provider space on PC looks already crowded (because of how big Steam is and because there are some other competitors already and most of them seem to fail to get a lot of traction).

Imo they need something to set them apart from the competitors to be able to do well and from what I have heard/read that's not really the case (yet?).

I am not sure what else they could have said about it, to be honest.
I strongly disagree. The problem with services like Origin and Uplay is most people approach those clients as basically just launchers to play whatever games that require them. They're never going to even compete with Steam, which offers a much larger range of games and a lot of features to keep users engaged and actively using it.

Discord doesn't need something to set themselves apart from their competitors, they already have it: An extremely popular gaming chat service with tens of millions of users, and like Steam, it keeps its users engaged and actively using it. Personally, I think Discord is the best chance we've got at a real Steam competitor. Sure we have GOG but a) They don't get most AAA games (something I think Discord's large userbase could attract) and b) They've been so incredibly slow to act (how long did it take them to finally make a client?!) that I think they've missed their chance.

My only real concern is that this store might turn the Discord client into a slow unwieldy mess.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I thought Discord was going to unite all my launchers and play games from there, but it doesn't detect anything unless the launcher is active and the game has been played before, so kinda pointless. And that's the problem, I don't see another storefront as competition as I never use Steam as a store outside of sales anyway. I buy all my games elsewhere and redeem the keys on Steam, so I don't need competition for what is essentially just a launcher. What I need is all my games in one place and nobody can work this out yet.

At this point, if everyone is going to have their own launcher anyway, I'd rather they all just fucked off and I'll use my Start Menu as a launcher without having it have to boot Steam/Origin/UPlay/Epic/ or even a combination of a couple before I actually get into a fucking game.


Oct 29, 2017
I strongly disagree. The problem with services like Origin and Uplay is most people approach those clients as basically just launchers to play whatever games that require them. They're never going to even compete with Steam, which offers a much larger range of games and a lot of features to keep users engaged and actively using it.

Discord doesn't need something to set themselves apart from their competitors, they already have it: An extremely popular gaming chat service with tens of millions of users, and like Steam, it keeps its users engaged and actively using it. Personally, I think Discord is the best chance we've got at a real Steam competitor. Sure we have GOG but a) They don't get most AAA games (something I think Discord's large userbase could attract) and b) They've been so incredibly slow to act (how long did it take them to finally make a client?!) that I think they've missed their chance.

My only real concern is that this store might turn the Discord client into a slow unwieldy mess.
Sure, I can see that. If they can get good games on there (especially AAA), they can possibly get a piece of the pie. I don't think they will fail immediately as a lot of people use the service, so a subset of those people will probably buy games on there as well.

I do believe GOG is getting better at being a competitor and I do own quite some games on there (but mostly old ones and the ones I got for free because I already owned them on steam by coupling my account, I regularly check this page: I don't really know how much AAA games are on there, I suspect it's not that many because most AAA devs don't believe in DRM free games. I honestly did buy games on there before there was a client, but I agree that it probably took somewhat too long for them to release one.

I will personally not move from Steam because most of my stuff is there and I don't want 5 clients to play all my stuff (like Hasney said). That said, I usually don't play on PC anyway (even though I have an insane amount of Steam games because of sales and sites like HumbleBundle and I can't help myself), I am certainly not the demographic. I personally don't mind having to open one client (even though they are probably stealing my data, which I usually am careful about) and I suspect a lot of people have Discord opened anyway.

It seems there are some interested people in this thread for the Discord gaming store, so it's possible they will prove me wrong.
I agree that they do have the users to be able to become second place in this market (I don't see them surpassing Steam). I am not convinced they will be able to get the games, but who knows.

If I would use Discord I would be worried about a bloated client as well.
Almost all of these types of clients I have opened are most of the time big/bloated pieces of software (or buggy, I have used Steam in Beta apparently almost 15 years ago because I needed it to play the CS 1.4 Beta and it was one of the worst pieces of software I have ever used with constant crashes and bugs (granted, it was a Beta). I hated Steam because of that for years.). Let's hope they can make it work.
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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I hope Kyle does a "Guess what game is at what spot" with the PSVR Top 10 that released on next week's podcast.

Ben Moore

Nov 30, 2017
I relistened to it after I thought it was surprising initially, and I tend to agree with you in it being disappointing. Ben goes out of his way to just say he doesn't care for such personal anecdotal reasons. Yes Ben, we are people that know what games are coming out so we don't need a tidy storefront to put stuff out there. A lot of people do though, and Steam sure as hell doesn't do the best job at displaying that, especially indies. It's not as if it's another EA Origin or Uplay, a publisher driven store with a very specific subset of games. It's just another Humble or Itch or whatever. To shit on that for the main reason being 'I don't need it' goes so against the bigger picture of competition in the PC space, the competition among indie devs looking for curation, and possibly a challenge Valve to do better.

You're really not presenting the full argument, which is disappointing to me. My argument wasn't "I don't need it so whatever." The argument was "I think consumers don't rely on storefronts for curation, they rely on content creators like YouTubers, websites, etc. for curation" which is true. Many, many outlets have gone out of their way to curate Steam. There are even groups you can follow on Steam to see what they've specifically chosen to highlight. Therefore the argument wasn't that it's a non-problem for me, it's that the problem is being solved by outside sources. The frustration comes from this assumption that good things are constantly buried, which denies the numerous resources available and the good work that people are doing.

It's fine if you disagree, but there was more to the conversation than what you're saying. Plus, highlighting things like Dead Cells and Hollow Knight is not particularly valuable. These things are already considerably high profile and successful, which doesn't at all address the issue you bring up and was another point of contention during the podcast.
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Nov 5, 2017
Easy living is 23.5 hours away!!

I just realized that EZ Livin' begins at the same time as when the EZA Podcast usually becomes available for us plebs on the public channel! That will be something! Listening to EZA Podcast while watching EZ Livin'! What more could you ask for? Gonna be a great weekend!

Come Monday: Nvidia announces RTX/GTX 2080 Hype!


bork bork
Oct 25, 2017
Sophie update (h/t Shady)

Also, some Tabletop Escapades reactions and a thought:
Really glad everyone's back together! And it seems like the story is picking up again, though it'll have to wait until after they beat this super strong demon. Haven't seen them all working together in a while so I'm looking forward to the shenanigans.

Also, the tree creature with scary eyes and talks by burping out bubbles that create sounds when they pop is horrifying and creative. I love it.

Thought: there was another joke where Palvin is mistaken for a little girl, and it throws me out the moment every time I hear it. Palvin is presented in the story as being weak (understandable given that he's a gag NPC), but considering all the cultural baggage over the issue, my mind immediately makes the connection of weakness and being a girl. I'm sure this isn't the intention, but that's how it comes across to me and I really wish another joke could be used instead (maybe being mistaken for a child perhaps?).
Also, people have talked about switching things up in TTE, so just throwing out a suggestion: maybe after this season, they could considering trying out another tabletop game (Cyberpunk board game perhaps?).

Or more continuation with the same characters, even if it Cyberpunk.

Yes please.
Woah, I'd be down for this haha.
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One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Or more continuation with the same characters, even if it Cyberpunk.

Yes please.


Oct 25, 2017
The Allies biggest hurdle to produce new content/streams is time. With TTE, they have carved out an available timeslot that manages to work to film with 5 of 9 Allies. One avenue I think is worth exploring (but would assuredly be met with heavy resistance) is to move TTE to a seasonal show. Make it explicitly 12 episodes. It would serve three purposes: to free up a timeslot to allow any combo of Ben/Huber/Ian/Kyle/Brad to stream together or film a new show. Secondly, serve to be a bridge between Patreon exclusive shows, in seasonal format - but it would remain available publicly, of course. And lastly, by breaking it up into smaller arcs, it would allow for new viewers of the Allies to catch up more easily, and build anticipation around the return of the show the following season. Given all the content they produce now, they're fast approaching a critical mass given their current bandwidth and other responsibilities.


Oct 29, 2017
The Allies biggest hurdle to produce new content/streams is time. With TTE, they have carved out an available timeslot that manages to work to film with 5 of 9 Allies. One avenue I think is worth exploring (but would assuredly be met with heavy resistance) is to move TTE to a seasonal show. Make it explicitly 12 episodes. It would serve three purposes: to free up a timeslot to allow any combo of Ben/Huber/Ian/Kyle/Brad to stream together or film a new show. Secondly, serve to be a bridge between Patreon exclusive shows, in seasonal format - but it would remain available publicly, of course. And lastly, by breaking it up into smaller arcs, it would allow for new viewers of the Allies to catch up more easily, and build anticipation around the return of the show the following season. Given all the content they produce now, they're fast approaching a critical mass given their current bandwidth and other responsibilities.

There is a patreon tier to play d&d with ben. The story ties into the main campaign of tabletop escapades. Making the show seasonal would mean getting rid of that patreon tier, or altering it greatly.


Oct 25, 2017
There is a patreon tier to play d&d with ben. The story ties into the main campaign of tabletop escapades. Making the show seasonal would mean getting rid of that patreon tier, or altering it greatly.

Yes, that is definitely one of the largest hurdles. I think the Patreon D&D could still function all year, but the tie-ins would change. They could still exist within the same world, and during the active seasons they would be more heavily integrated together. TTE is awesome, I am just trying to find a way to make it more accessible when new people stumble across the Allies. You could do two seasons each year, for a total of 24 episodes, which essentially frees up half a year for other projects.


Oct 26, 2017
I'll have to start watching during work, but after 3 or 4 hours I'm home free. Can't wait!


Oct 25, 2017
My only problem is I have never played MGS1 and would like to play it myself... guess I could cram it tonight, lol


Oct 25, 2017
I'm happy to finally have a MGS1 full playthrough. It's never been done at GT nor EZA up to this point. Which is pretty crazy considering how beloved it is by everyone and it's not super long.

Glad it's getting the full group treatment


Oct 27, 2017
The Allies biggest hurdle to produce new content/streams is time. With TTE, they have carved out an available timeslot that manages to work to film with 5 of 9 Allies. One avenue I think is worth exploring (but would assuredly be met with heavy resistance) is to move TTE to a seasonal show. Make it explicitly 12 episodes. It would serve three purposes: to free up a timeslot to allow any combo of Ben/Huber/Ian/Kyle/Brad to stream together or film a new show. Secondly, serve to be a bridge between Patreon exclusive shows, in seasonal format - but it would remain available publicly, of course. And lastly, by breaking it up into smaller arcs, it would allow for new viewers of the Allies to catch up more easily, and build anticipation around the return of the show the following season. Given all the content they produce now, they're fast approaching a critical mass given their current bandwidth and other responsibilities.

Do not listen to this evil demon.


Oct 25, 2017
He had a Thursday jury duty summons, I wasn't really worried. It's the best day for jury duty because it's for any straggling spill over cases. I got picked for Thursday summons...showed up they picked 20 people for one court and myself and the rest of the room went home before lunch
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One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
We doing an Easy Livin' thread? Honestly, an embed to the fancy graphic schedule and the Twitch channel, links to the schedule on their website, Patreon and here and we're good. Just need a snappy subtitle
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