
Oct 27, 2017
The sad part is I honestly don't know whether to think he's lying or if he's genuinely clueless. You want to believe that the lizard people have a plan, because at least then there's some kind of sense to the madness, but I'm starting to think that none of these multi-billion-dollar corporation execs have any self-awareness whatsoever.

"We used to make normal video games, but we got more money from FIFA and lootboxes, so we heard you loud and clear: we killed all the regular game studios and now we just make FIFA and lootboxes like you wanted. What, why is everyone so upset?"


Oct 25, 2017
"Offering very friendly deals to indie developers" and offering a very raw deal to consumers and employees are not mutually-exclusive behaviors.

The Argus

Oct 28, 2017
And people also hate EA more than companies that regularly kill people. That says a lot about how immature the reaction to them is.

I always liked those "Worst companies in America" reports where EA is #1.

Okay so one company employs overseas slave labor. Another destroys the rain forest. The other steals the clean water from a tiny island community. This one literally kills people. But this one has loot boxes.

And Reddit goes - "Oh it's definitely the lootbox one, that affects me!"


Oct 27, 2017
"Offering very friendly deals to indie developers" and offering a very raw deal to consumers and employees are not mutually-exclusive behaviors.

How prolific it the origins program anyways? I know of Fe and Unravel , there's maybe a few more games. It would be something else if they were behind the biggest indie hits and pushing those games hard. It feels like a PR outreach move


Nov 2, 2017
Blackpool, UK
If you struggle with it...try addressing it by not doing the things you're being accused of. See if that makes a difference. Maybe stop telling countries that they're misinterpreting their own laws. Maybe don't fight hard to keep a system in place that you know encourages reckless spending in those so inclined. Maybe stop buying studios, setting them unreasonable targets for success, then shuttering them when they inevitably "fail". Maybe stop calling exploitative and predatory mechanics "surprise mechanics" and comparing them to fucking Kinder eggs, you greedy jerks.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure the vast majority of people working at EA are pretty nice and normal people. And it seems to be a good company to work for, at least considering the industry at large.


The ones driving the boat and making the big decisions can go fuck themselves. From the acquisition and destruction of many great studios, to the ever decreasing creative contributions to the industry, to extremely predatory and shameless monetization schemes.

This is why people dislike EA. Also because there's almost nothing to like to balance it out. Other pubs do a lot of the same shit but then put out quality work. EA makes sports, Battlefield and lootboxes. They even managed to mostly fuck the Star Wars license for half a decade.


Oct 25, 2017
How prolific it the origins program anyways? I know of Fe and Unravel , there's maybe a few more games. It would be something else if they were behind the biggest indie hits and pushing those games hard. It feels like a PR outreach move
There's also A Way Out – which honestly washes away some venal sins because it gave us Josef Fares.


Apr 6, 2018
I always liked those "Worst companies in America" reports where EA is #1.

Okay so one company employs overseas slave labor. Another destroys the rain forest. The other steals the clean water from a tiny island community. This one literally kills people. But this one has loot boxes.

And Reddit goes - "Oh it's definitely the lootbox one, that affects me!"

It's kinda sad how obliviously selfish people are.

Son Lamar

Oct 27, 2017
So, this article just appeared on my Twitter feed:

Wonder why people don't like EA. Maybe it has anything to do with this:

Maybe it's because they actively killed the Dreamcast. Or maybe it's the studio closures. Or maybe it's them shitting on the amazing legacy of franchises they have.

I have a really hard time understanding why people don't like EA.

Killed the dreamcast am I missing something


Oct 27, 2017
I always liked those "Worst companies in America" reports where EA is #1.

Okay so one company employs overseas slave labor. Another destroys the rain forest. The other steals the clean water from a tiny island community. This one literally kills people. But this one has loot boxes.

And Reddit goes - "Oh it's definitely the lootbox one, that affects me!"

The list is an popularity contest. The idea is it shows which companies consumers dislike the most. So yes, there is going to be an element on how this affects people.

It's run by the consumerist, not the church.


Oct 25, 2017
I struggle with it too. EA is a corporation of hundreds of people making an honest living, many of whom probably love what they do and the company they work for.

Not to mention, given the sort of shit going on in the world that's a bit more significant than whether or not my favourite game has enough content or monetisation systems I don't like, they're far from evil or even bad guys. There are companies profiting off and actively contributing to the deaths of thousands or willingly damaging the planet solely for capital. Perspective is a wonderful thing.

The online gaming community lives in this very weird bubble whereby they selectively ignore and acknowledge the fact that game companies are comprised of many human beings just doing their job to suit the narrative of the day.

Not to say EA is free of criticism, but the big bad image that has been built around them is ridiculous in my opinion.


Oct 27, 2017
Not supporting a super successful console with huge userbase just because they didn't fall for your shameless scam (Mass Effect 3 on Wii U)? Yeah, that's pretty evil.

EA refusing to support Nintendo Switch is beyond logic.

Deleted member 1698

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Remember Origin?

Not only did those fuckers kill it, but they then had the balls to name their cynical game delivery service after it.

If you don't want to be the bad guys, maybe just stop acting like complete assholes.

But overall the problem is EA is there to make money, not to make games. They should just sell life insurance and be done with it.


Oct 27, 2017
They have been awful since the Sega Genesis days.

I love the name of the company and loved some games like the genesis sport games Dead Space, Alice and the ME trilogy,
but I stay away from anything related to them these days.


Oct 25, 2017
Killed the dreamcast am I missing something
EA intentionally withheld support for the Dreamcast because they didn't want it to succeed. It certainly wasn't the only factor behind the Dreamcast's demise, but it was probably one of the bigger ones that wasn't directly the fault of Sega themselves.

They seem to be attempting to do the same to the Switch, but that hasn't been nearly as successful.
Oct 28, 2017
I can name 8 dev teams that were well known to make quality games that are now defunct/disbanded because of EA. so.....

Son Lamar

Oct 27, 2017
EA intentionally withheld support for the Dreamcast because they didn't want it to succeed. It certainly wasn't the only factor behind the Dreamcast's demise, but it was probably one of the bigger ones that wasn't directly the fault of Sega themselves.

They seem to be attempting to do the same to the Switch, but that hasn't been nearly as successful.
I mean but why lol


Alt account
May 18, 2019
I am actually surprised why Activision gets less hate than they deserve


Nov 14, 2018
Costa Rica
I feel so bad for these guys that consistently innovate in how to make the medium worse but hey at least they can clean off the tears with dolla dolla bills.


Alt account
May 18, 2019
Activision used to get a lot of hate too but they started to change their image with their amazing Crash / Spyro remakes, projects like Sekiro and the new MW.

We don't know anything about MW yet, if anything it will have worse Microtransaction than BO4. And should EA not get any credit for Apex?
They are both just equally bad imo


Oct 27, 2017
Yikes imagine being that out of touch. Every(besides APEX sorta) AAA game they release has been a buggy mess for months or devoid of content on release due to wanting to hoard it for its live service, they love their "surprise" mechanics, killed off some well liked IP's and Studios and the have interviews like this.