Deleted member 34239

User requested account closure
Nov 24, 2017
When EA initially announced EA Access, I must say, I strongly opposed the idea. Honestly, I've never been a fan of subscription services and EA access was something I just couldn't get behind. To make matters worse, after EA Access came to PC and Xbox, we started seeing demos for EA titles disappear and these demos were replaced by 10hr game trials that were locked behind EA Access. Obviously, this move by EA only served to annoy me further. In 2017, I caved and decided to try the service first on PC. It was $30 for a year and it had a fantastic catalog of old EA games and a few old third party games that I could tryout. It offered fantastic value and I was so pleased with the purchase that I later subscribed to the service on Xbox. I'm the type of person that usually purchases games at launch. Battlefield, Mass Effect, Fifa, NHL, NFS, etc are all games from EA that I've thoroughly enjoyed in the past. They were games I'd usually purchase at launch. With EA Access, I now got the opportunity to try these games for 10 hours prior to purchasing. In the past, I and many others have often complained that demos are usually not an accurate representation of the final retail release. Trying these games for 10 hours usually provided enough time to form an opinion on the title.

The vault of games provided by EA Access is indeed wonderful but it's not the best feature of EA Access in my opinion. The reason I love EA Access is simply because it's saved me hundreds of dollars yearly. In the past, I'd purchase those titles at launch for $79.99 to find out if I liked the new iterations. Now, I just play EA access to find that out. It's helped prevent me from purchasing many EA titles. Take NHL 18 for example. I played it on EA access and did not enjoy it at all. My disdain for it was so high that when it went on sale last year for $15, I still refused to purchase it. In the past, I'd have given EA $79.99 to find out if I liked it or not. Another more recent example is Battlefield V. I played the beta and thought it looked promising but then I tried the game on EA Access..... It was buggy, lacking in content and it's basically an early access game. As a result, I don't think I'm even going to bother purchasing the game. I'll check back again in about 6 months or so to see if it has improved as I still have some time left on my trial.

In my opinion, EA access(not origin access premier) is the best gaming related purchase I've ever made and I thank EA for this wonderful service. The vault games are nice but the real value of EA Access is paying $30 to potentially save hundreds of dollars by giving yourself the ability to make an informed decision when purchasing EA games. Also, if you wait long enough, the game will pop up on EA Access lol.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I agree, However the best part is the 10 hour trial. I haven't bought an EA game at launch since EA access launched and even if I do decide to buy the game by the time my 10 hour trial is up the game is usually 50% off.
That alone has paid for its subscription for me.

I'm still waiting for Battlefront 2 to enter the service though, I'd like to finish up that campaign.
Oct 25, 2017
EA Access is great for playing through all of EA's backlog. However, EA is not really releasing many games these days so once you've played through all of the games you're interested in, you might as well unsubscribe. It's a great service to get access to the old games.


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
I only got a XBO for the first time this gen when X launched, and EA Access was my initial purchase.

It was great at that time in November 2017 - Titanfall 2, Mass Effect Trilogy + Andromeda, Skate 3 enhanced in 4K, Mirror's Edge enhanced in 4K, Peggle 2, Unravel, Dead Space trilogy etc.

But a year on and I won't be renewing. EA has released next to nothing aside from their sports games, and the value of EA Access has dramatically reduced (for me) as a result - I've played the good stuff and unlike Game Pass, there's barely anything new arriving.


Self-requested ban.
Oct 28, 2017
I don't really care about EA's games anymore and I hate the fact that their new games are almost two weeks behind a paywall. But as a subscription service, EA Access is great value. I hope other publishers will raise a similar service.

bbq of doom

Oct 25, 2017
When EA initially announced EA Access, I must say, I strongly opposed the idea. Honestly, I've never been a fan of subscription services and EA access was something I just couldn't get behind. To make matters worse, after EA Access came to PC and Xbox, we started seeing demos for EA titles disappear and these demos were replaced by 10hr game trials that were locked behind EA Access. Obviously, this move by EA only served to annoy me further. In 2017, I caved and decided to try the service first on PC. It was $30 for a year and it had a fantastic catalog of old EA games and a few old third party games that I could tryout. It offered fantastic value and I was so pleased with the purchase that I later subscribed to the service on Xbox. I'm the type of person that usually purchases games at launch. Battlefield, Mass Effect, Fifa, NHL, NFS, etc are all games from EA that I've thoroughly enjoyed in the past. They were games I'd usually purchase at launch. With EA Access, I now got the opportunity to try these games for 10 hours prior to purchasing. In the past, I and many others have often complained that demos are usually not an accurate representation of the final retail release. Trying these games for 10 hours usually provided enough time to form an opinion on the title.

The vault of games provided by EA Access is indeed wonderful but it's not the best feature of EA Access in my opinion. The reason I love EA Access is simply because it's saved me hundreds of dollars yearly. In the past, I'd purchase those titles at launch for $79.99 to find out if I liked the new iterations. Now, I just play EA access to find that out. It's helped prevent me from purchasing many EA titles. Take NHL 18 for example. I played it on EA access and did not enjoy it at all. My disdain for it was so high that when it went on sale last year for $15, I still refused to purchase it. In the past, I'd have given EA $79.99 to find out if I liked it or not. Another more recent example is Battlefield V. I played the beta and thought it looked promising but then I tried the game on EA Access..... It was buggy, lacking in content and it's basically an early access game. As a result, I don't think I'm even going to bother purchasing the game. I'll check back again in about 6 months or so to see if it has improved as I still have some time left on my trial.

In my opinion, EA access(not origin access premier) is the best gaming related purchase I've ever made and I thank EA for this wonderful service. The vault games are nice but the real value of EA Access is paying $30 to potentially save hundreds of dollars by giving yourself the ability to make an informed decision when purchasing EA games. Also, if you wait long enough, the game will pop up on EA Access lol.

I have (had?) EA Access on my Xbox and now have Premier on my PC. IMO, both are tremendous values to the consumer, giving me access to a massive vault of games that I personally never had access to (no PS3/360) while giving me discounts on games I am interested in and, like you said, a meaningful "demo" experience of the same.

With Premier, I was planning to purchase 2 EA games within the next year--Battlefield and Anthem. I now get those, along with early access and the "best" version of the game--for less than I would spent.

And that's in addition to the vault, discounts, other benefits, etc.

Deleted member 34239

User requested account closure
Nov 24, 2017
What could we do to make it even better?
For me? Absolutely nothing. I still don't like subscription services and I don't think I'd pay more than $30 for EA Access. I like to fully own my games so I'll purchase them outright. I just like EA Access because in the last 2 years, it's saved me hundreds of dollars and as long as it continues to save me money, I'll continue to purchase it.

Deleted member 11093

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I've been an Origin Access sub for two years now, might upgrade to Premier next year.

It's a pretty great service, I hope that Ubisoft launches something similar next year so that I could subscribe to it.

What could we do to make it even better?
Add games to the vault in a faster/more consistent? ;)

I hope the existence of Premier doesn't that down.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Gamepass is so much better. The thing with EA Access is that there's been months were they don't at a single game or add one old 360 one and that's it.


Oct 26, 2017
I used to sub to EA Access but wasn't really seeing the value so I canceled. I subbed to Premier Access though since I wanted to play Madden, Fifa, Battlefield V, and Anthem and spending $100 was less than spending $240.

Deleted member 34239

User requested account closure
Nov 24, 2017
Its great. Gamepass is the best though.
Gamepass is not for me tbh. Firstly, it's $99 so that's pretty much a non starter for me. Secondly, it has a rotating library which puts you under pressure to play the games quickly. A rotating library is fine for netflix because tv shows or movies don't require you to invest as much time. Thirdly, by the time a game comes to gamepass, it's already old imo and If I was interested in the title, I'd have purchased it already. You also won't see stuff from Rockstar, Ubisoft, EA, or Activision on gamepass. As a result, gamepass is only a great investment if you enjoy microsoft first party titles and games from independent developers. I'm not the target consumer for gamepass.


Oct 27, 2017
It's been great along with Game Pass. I'm not sure why Ubi hasn't jumped on this bandwagon yet either.


Oct 28, 2017
What could we do to make it even better?
Put your new titles on it day and date (even if it needs to cost more)...but you know that already.
I still think Game Pass is the best offering this generation because of not only getting MS 1st party titles, but smaller titles are launching on the service (something that I feel a lot of people leave out) and get me interested in playing titles I never would have bought otherwise. EA Access was definitely the trailblazer for MS though. In the same breath Sega did it before everyone with SegaTV :)

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
Just to confirm (I asked yesterday and got no answer), do games leave EA/Origin Access like they do on Game Pass and other services?


Oct 30, 2017
Gamepass is not for me tbh. Firstly, it's $99 so that's pretty much a non starter for me. Secondly, it has a rotating library which puts you under pressure to play the games quickly. A rotating library is fine for netflix because tv shows or movies don't require you to invest as much time. Thirdly, by the time a game comes to gamepass, it's already old imo and If I was interested in the title, I'd have purchased it already. You also won't see stuff from Rockstar, Ubisoft, EA, or Activision on gamepass. As a result, gamepass is only a great investment if you enjoy microsoft first party titles and games from independent developers. I'm not the target consumer for gamepass.

Fair enough. I dont buy a yearly subscription (i dont pay anything due to microsoft rewards) but if i was paying i would be buying on a monthly basis when there are games i want and hav time to play. No one is forcing me to play games.


Oct 25, 2017
I jumped on board day 1 and haven't looked back since. I wish they would offer premier access on Xbox.

Just to confirm (I asked yesterday and got no answer), do games leave EA/Origin Access like they do on Game Pass and other services?

I can only speak for Xbox but the answer is generally no, except if they lose the licenses on songs or sunset a game, see FIFA14.


Oct 25, 2017
What could we do to make it even better?
Develop, or license from others, more single-player games. I realize I'm no longer EA's target group in this era but the reason I have used EA Access in the past but don't right now is because there is not a steady influx of strong single-player games to the service. I have played what's available. More games like Dead Space, Mirror's Edge, Unravel and FE are what would make me come back. Your appeal right now is only to those who love EA's annual/bi-annual franchises, more or less. Others do not need a running subscription.

The reason Game Pass is so great to me is that it lets me play new one-and-done single-player games every month at a very low price. EA Access has very few new single-player games every year.


Nov 4, 2017
What could we do to make it even better?
I'm mainly talking about Origin Access here but I wish there were the versions of the old games in the Vault that were enhanced for PC - it kinda annoys me there's an enhanced version of Jade Empire on Xbox but it's not available on your PC service.


Nov 5, 2017
It's ironic that the main value of EA access is... preventing you from buying EA games.


Oct 27, 2017
Barnsley, UK
Subscription service is only as good as its catalogue and EA's catalogue this gen, Titanfalls aside, has been extremely lacking, to be charitable.

I've got zero interest in playing sports or last gen games either so the service holds no value for me and never will unless EA gets on another good run again.


Nov 29, 2017
What could we do to make it even better?

I let my subscription lapse after Fifa 18 took an unacceptable amount of time to show up in the vault. That and there's really just not enough games in the console vault outside of the annual sports titles. I'd come back if you combined the PC and console into one payment. I'd also like to see DLC included with the vault games.

Or Skate 4 I'd subscribe to anything you want for Skate 4


Oct 27, 2017
I've had an Origin Access subscription for around 2 years. I remember getting it just to play a few EA games like DA: Inquisition and Unravel. Apart from games like Titanfall 2, there wasn't much that caught my eye after that. Still, it was a pretty good deal, especially since I don't really care about owning the games, I usually just want to experience them once.
Then they slowly started adding other big 3rd party games, which is when things got interesting. And indie games on top of that.
For example, yesterday I noticed Hand of Fate 2 had been added, been wanting to play that for a long time. Saved me 20 bucks right there. Same with games like Hyper Light Drifter, Inside and Sexy Brutale.
Anyway, with all this taken into consideration, I think $30 per year is a steal at this point. Even for someone like me who doesn't care much about EA games. I honestly think some people assume it's still EA titles only and are missing out.

What could we do to make it even better?

Even more indie games please, and maybe Japan developed games as well, if possible!
Last edited:


Nov 6, 2017
If you like EA's output, I can definitely see how it would be. They put out very little that interests me, unfortunately.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
It seriously annoys me that Sony wont let it be on the PS4. I would sub day 1.

Tbh Origin Access is WAY better than EA Access, the Xbox offering is not even close to the PC catalogue.

Yep. Origin access is ridiculous. It is crazy how much it offers for the price they ask for it.


Oct 27, 2017
I always use EA Access when i want a EA game day one. I get it a month or so before release. Then i play some games i didnt play yet.
Then i play the 10 hour trial and i use the EA Access 10% discount to get the game. So i even end up playing less overall for the game and i get to play earlier with the 10 hour trial. Win win.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
What could we do to make it even better?

Origin Access here. Honestly, only more games/better deals for purchases, for example the Mass Effect DLCs are expensive still. I'd like more older EA games. Like Dante's Inferno or the first Sims. Hopefully more deals like what you have with WB there, I love that


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
It is a pretty good deal, whether on PC or Xbone. $30 is certainly a very good price. Decent catalog of non EA games on PC as well.