
Nov 13, 2019
I mean, Rutte hugged everyone to death: PVDA, D66 and now even CDA. So, not governing with Rutte doesn't seem like a mortal sin to me.

And now with this new fusion they actually stand a chance to become the biggest instead of supporting a center right coalition.
In handsight after years and years, yes. But I always find it easy to speak loud and when it comes to it back down, and imo that is what Klaver did

But we will see tonight I voted Timmermans because I am against the right


Oct 25, 2017
The most scary part is the Scholierenverkiezing. Our future is fucked with this new right generation.

I think once the hormones wear off and they start building relationships with more people than their direct circle at school, their views will settle differently.
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Oct 26, 2017
I constantly switch each election between GL and D66.

This time I simply voted GL-PVDA strategically.

Wtf. Is that pic the results of the Scholierenverkiezing? If so we are indeed fucked
It is indeed....

Decided to follow my heart and vote Bij1. I think enough people are voting strategically this time and Bij1 is simply on the moral right side of history.


Oct 30, 2017

The most scary part is the Scholierenverkiezing. Our future is fucked with this new right generation.
Keep in mind, this election was held among high schoold ánd MBOs, but not HBO/WO. So lower education levels are overrepresented, and that 13% number for FvD could literally be all 12-year olds. Not only are 12-year olds idiots, they also know it's not a serious election so you're going to see a LOT of meme votes. Most of those have gone towards Baudet, who targets Tiktok relentlessly, has been doing Minecraft streams and has as such taken over the baton as the "funny politics guy" from Wilders, who would otherwise win in a landslide (note Wilders will get close to 20% in the real election, apparently even meme votes can't help him match that number among schoolchildren).

Not saying there's no reason to be worried. FvD is definitely more popular with kids than adults, DENK at 7% worries me, but honestly VVD matching GL/PvdA among kids is the most worrying sign. Still, you can't really draw any conclusions based on these numbers.
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Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Voted for Partij voor de Dieren.

Considered a strategic PvdA-GL vote but I figured lots of other people are already doing that and those votes aren't all coming from the NSC but rather from other left wing parties. PvdD already dropped to 5 seats in yesterday's poll, after spending months at a stable 6, and I'd hate to see them drop lower.


Oct 27, 2017
The Netherlands
I've never vote strategically (started D66 and moved ever more leftwards) and this might be the first time I would do so, indeed to stop Wilders from leading the pack.

At the same time I'm seeing alot of people on the left switching strategically so that gives room back to ensure some of the other important left sounds are being heard as well. Still doubting then between Bij1, PvdD and PvdA/GL, going to the voting booth in about an hour or so.

Hoping for some kind of PvdA/GL, NSC, D66, PvdD, Volt, SP coalition but the numbers are probably not there anymore (67 to 68 according to recent polls).


The most scary part is the Scholierenverkiezing. Our future is fucked with this new right generation.

we already covered this a bit yesterday in this thread... a lot of kids voted FvD/PVV to just screw around.


Oct 29, 2017
But I always find it easy to speak loud and when it comes to it back down, and imo that is what Klaver did

I never blamed Klaver for this. Rutte never wanted GL in his coalition so he forced a break on that particular issue.
If Klaver had folded on immigration, Rutte would have just forced the next issue.


Dec 4, 2018
I never blamed Klaver for this. Rutte never wanted GL in his coalition so he forced a break on that particular issue.
If Klaver had folded on immigration, Rutte would have just forced the next issue.
Actually I congratulate Klaver, because they felt the tandem of VVD,CDA,D66 where giving him to less. Say scraps sinds they already made a coalition deal, and wanted to give the 4th party a small thing for them to sign.
Guess if they negotiated from the start with GL they might have gotten enough compromises to say yes.


Oct 27, 2017
35 for PVV? What the fucking fuck is wrong with people? What the fuck?!

Let's hope Yeşilgöz wasn't bullshitting when she said she wasn't interested in 'serving' under Wilders, and what Omtzigt really is made off.


Nov 4, 2017
Fuck! Fuck!

The man that talked about deporting tens of millions of Muslims from Europe is now by far the biggest.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with people in this country.

At least a PvdA-GL - VVD - NSC - D66 coalition is possible I guess? Since nobody wants to actually partner with the PVV.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah vvd is going to fold like a wet tissue with these results. You can forget about the climate and I feel for the minorities that will get fucked over a lot.


Nov 9, 2020
This is looking quite terrible, it might mean we end up with a racist Putin loving asshole as PM. Although I'm wondering which parties really want to work with him


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, not a fan of that exit poll, things can still change though.

Heck, I can see any coalition fall real fast once they figure out what kind of person Wilders truly is. Wannabe dictator will let this go to his head and will start spouting inhumane shit. Moreso than before.


Oct 26, 2017
As a Dutch person, who is non-White and from a Muslim family, I feel absolutely sick to my stomach. There's no real strong left remaining in the Netherlands, so hard to find any source of hope about the path the country has been on for the last decades.


Oct 25, 2017
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with people in this country.

At least a PvdA-GL - VVD - NSC - D66 coalition is possible I guess? Since nobody wants to actually partner with the PVV.

That feels like an almost impossible coalition to make work. VVD is going to fold to the PVV 100 %, they will get much more of the things they want that way.


Oct 27, 2017
Good lord, this is terrible. Prime minister Wilders, seriously? I mean, it's a lot better than FvD, but Christ people...

Thanks, Rutte, hope it was all worth it for you to keep clinging to power for so long at all cost.

Wow now that's a country that sure hates brown people.
Plus, we apparently don't care about the environment or climate either. (much like the rest of the world I guess..).


Oct 28, 2017
Exit polls tend to be fairly accurate though, like 2-3 seats off tends to be the maximum.

I know. Ugh. We'll see though, cause it might be that less people decided to participate in this poll, for whatever reason, and the PVV voters are just more vocal. Not happy with this development at all. :(


Oct 28, 2017
As a Dutch person, who is non-White and from a Muslim family, I feel absolutely sick to my stomach. There's no real strong left remaining in the Netherlands, so hard to find any source of hope about the path the country has been on for the last decades.
Come to belgium, we have no such parties.

Oh wait….


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
At this point you can only hope that people who voted for parties such as the VVD and NSC will make it extremely clear that they wont forgive their party's leadership if they go with Wilders. If not, a prime minister who wants to exit the EU and basically ban Islam is a real possibility.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 18, 2017
Our Trump moment. PVV - VVD - NSC coalition is going to ruin alot of things. The hope is that after things going to shit the 'people' will come back to their senses again (yeah right).

Doing nothing about the migration issues biting us in the ass. The deciding issue making people go to PVV.


Oct 25, 2017
The sad truth is that if you want to move to a country that is not moving to the right, your options are very limited and you probably end up having to move each 4 years or so to a new country. It's fucked almost everywhere.


Jan 20, 2018
What is with fascism's rise globally all of the sudden?

Bit of copium on my part but I hope that either the forming of a PVV led coalition fails or if it does succeed that the resulting goverment collapses shortly thereafter.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Only thing I'm happy about is that VVD is 3rd behind even the PvdA-GL. Still 23 seats too many, but finally they got slightly punished for years of garbage politics. Yesilgoz was so confident she was going to be the PM.

Gonna assume we'll get a PVV - VVD - NSC coalition and it will collapse before the end of next year.


Oct 27, 2017
As a Dutch person, who is non-White and from a Muslim family, I feel absolutely sick to my stomach. There's no real strong left remaining in the Netherlands, so hard to find any source of hope about the path the country has been on for the last decades.

I wanna say that Wilders just gobbled up all the reactionary right wing votes, as a response to the lead that GL-PvdA was building up. Away from BBB and FvD and stuff. So it might not all be racism motivated...

But even then it's still people voting for a racist asshole, who said way too much racist and gross shit. So I fully agree, this is utterly sickening.


Oct 25, 2017
At this point you can only hope that people who voted for parties such as the VVD and NSC will make it extremely clear that they wont forgive their party's leadership if they go with Wilders. If not, a prime minister who wants to exit the EU and basically ban Islam is a real possibility.

Apperently 70 % of vvd voters want them to collaborate with the pvv. I have no hope the vvd will keep him out.


Oct 28, 2017
What is with fascism's rise globally all of the sudden?

Bit of copium on my part but I hope that either the forming of a PVV led coalition fails or of it succeed does that the resulting goverment collapses shortly thereafter.

It's not sudden, it's been in the works for decades now. Media conglomerates being bought bought and run by (ultra-)conservatives, who then say what kind of stuff you as a viewer can watch, what kind of news items you get in front of you etc. The continued lying to the point where people start to believe things must be true, it's all by design.

It's fucked up.


Nov 6, 2017
Welp, looking forward to new elections next year as any cabinet with Wilders as its leader is doomed to fail.

The win for PvdA/GL is nice at least. If formations under Wilders fail, which is a very real possibility, Frans is next in line.


Oct 27, 2017
I think if PVV would have just barely won, other parties could have ignored Wilders, but at 35 seats, it's only logical that they'll be allowed not only the first attempt, but multiple (months of) attempts to form a coalition.

Plus, if Wilders will not be in the coalition, what will happen next election? A coaltion with other parties will have to do a damn good job (for once) with such a strong opposition. Any misstep will only make PVV bigger, unless some scandals about the PVV chamber members come out and / or they break up or so.