
Nov 4, 2017
I am liking what I am reading, though I still need play thru RE7. I enjoyed Chris' part, need to play the rest of the game.

I hope with they go all out with enemy designs, and it feels more like RE4. You never knew what was around the corner, and every single enemy was fresh and new for the series. Not a single recycled enemy from the series, and they were all memorable.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
REmake 3 has cemented Jill as the best character. Bring her back capcom.
Jan 4, 2018

Hype just fell to zero.


Still waiting for the true sequel to Resident Evil 5 with a Chris + Jill co-op campaign like in Lost in Nightmare and the return of Wesker and the Mercenaries mode...
Oct 25, 2017
Hallucinations? Like the cancelled RE4 " Hallucinations" version. Or something different?

because id be down for Capcom bringing back ideas from that demo. Looked awesome.



Oct 27, 2017
Eh first person again?

Capcom knows third person is where the franchise sell the best, i dont know why they keep doing this


Apr 26, 2019
"Hallucinations, Occultism, insanity and not being able to trust others are huge thematics of"

sounds great to me


Oct 25, 2017
I will definitely have my Index by the times this comes out so that makes me even more excited about it. Unless they end up making it exclusive again.

Whatever happened with RE7's VR mode? I thought it was announced as a one year exclusive but from what my buddy has told me it has never been released for PC. Did Sony lock it down forever?


Oct 25, 2017
Oof, I didn't like the First Person View for RE7, that's a bummer. But, I'm still down for it, just not as hyped as REmake 2 and 3.


Oct 27, 2017
Using sales figures to argue about what Capcom should and shouldn't do is pointless, that's for their accountants to worry about. I'm sure it's going to be good regardless of what perspective it's played from


Nov 12, 2017
For the record, I am VERY unclear who the playable characters are right now. AS Revelations 3, Ethan, Chris and Rebecca were the playable cast. But I got word Rebecca got 100% cut and Ethan and Chris were "changed", so I don't know what that means, I'm going in blind on that with everyone else on who's actually playable (and to give an idea of how severe these story changes may actually be).

Salty as fuck about Rebecca being cut. If anything they should've made her role bigger.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6 are by big margins the best and second best selling Resident Evil games. This is not a fake narrative.
It's kind of a fake narrative if RE7 sells better than a majority of the games, which are third-person. And if it's selling faster than RE6, which had a 5-year lead on the market.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I'm down. Can't wait for official reveal and for the media cycle to start so I can get some info to excitedly conjecture over.


Oct 30, 2017
For the record, I am VERY unclear who the playable characters are right now. AS Revelations 3, Ethan, Chris and Rebecca were the playable cast. But I got word Rebecca got 100% cut and Ethan and Chris were "changed", so I don't know what that means, I'm going in blind on that with everyone else on who's actually playable (and to give an idea of how severe these story changes may actually be).


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
Resident Evil 7 is the third best selling Resident Evil game. So stop that fake narrative.

That doesn't really change what they said though and I personally don't mind more FPS. There's a reason why the "more FPS" title started as a spin-off first. It's a gamble to bring it back for mainline again.

I think it'll pay off though. Since it'll be more action like Not a Hero from what has been said.


Oct 27, 2017
Re7 was a pretty fun ride, I'm down for some more FPS but fuck I'll be scared. Make hook man a stalker character around the castle or wherever it's supposed to be set in lol.


Sep 29, 2018
Loved my time with RE2R and loving my time with RE3R. I just hope Capcom still keeps making third person titles for people like me and don't leave us out in the cold.

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
Sales figures isn't what made this game. The development of this game is SO much more fascinating than many probably imagine, I'll love to talk about it in detail in the future but can't yet as it includes spoilers and some things better for someone else to reveal.

Essentially what happened is this game came into creation and was kept alive by pure passion of some of the devs. So this game was ORIGINALLY RE8, but in late 2017 it got turned into Rev 3 and stayed like that through most of development. A big reason the game did not go under was huge support by one of the series producers who kept pushing for this title to be made. Others in the company weren't as sure what fans of the franchise may think of it or that it might be "too weird" for Resident Evil.

But as Revelations 3 the game was 95% done late last year basically, it was fully playable and just being polished. They did some internal testing, and the reception to that was far, FAR more positive than they were expecting. People who didn't work on the game but work at Div 1 also played it and were surprised how good it came out.

The Ambassador Test held last year was to test it with more direct fans as they were toying with the idea of it being RE8, but they weren't sure what fans would think. However, the test, plus some other stuff (and especially the fact the other RE8 was years away from completion), meant Revelations 3 got an upgrade.

But the existence of the game has nothing to do with anything, it was a pure passion project by some people on the studio, which managed to be made and was originally kinda' thrown into a Revelations game as it's a side series, but due to circumstance and the actual quality of what was made, it gets a bigger chance to shine and gets an additional year to build onto it, polish it, etc.
Oct 25, 2017
RE5: 11,5 millions
RE6: 9,3 millions
RE4: 7,5 millions

RE7 (2017): 7 millions.

Remake of RE2 (2019): 5,8 millions


Platinum Titles |Product Data | CAPCOM

Titles which sold more than 1 million copies each are listed with videos and screen shots.


Resident Evil 4 -> 7.5m over 15 years and 9 platforms (Not sure why you used this as an example lmao)
Resident Evil 5 -> 11.5m over 11 years and 6 platforms and a Gold Edition rerelease
Resident Evil 6 -> 9.3m over 7 and a half years and 6 platforms

Resident Evil 7 sold 7m in 3 years over 3 platforms and a Gold Edition re-release. Much faster sell rate.

Also dont forget budget and team size. RE6 had 600 people working on it and was Capcom's biggest production. (Until RE2 Remake overtook it with 800 devs) RE7 only had 120 and was a much smaller scale title.
Last edited:
Oct 29, 2017
I mean, this all sounds awesome to me and I can't wait to play it, but I'm not a hardcore RE fan like some here. I have some friends who are, though, and they're all incredibly disappointed after reading this :(