
May 17, 2020
Because it's a game that does nothing new in any way. It's, uh, great for what it is.... I guess. But I disagree with a game as unambitious and as stuck in the past as DQXI being worthy of praise. In fact I felt insulted while playing the game. I couldn't believe that this is a game released in modern times. EVERYTHING felt ancient, boring, unambitious. Just a game that's all about evoking nostalgia. And "charm," but the lack of ambition in pretty much all areas of the game ruins any potential "charm" it may have for me.

It has a full and lively world filled with many characters young and old with well-told vignettes at nearly every turn, which is more ambitious than anything in FF7 Remake. And it's a better playing game than FF7 Remake as well. At every level.


Good Vibes Gaming
Oct 24, 2017
Los Angeles, CA.
I mean, this is not even a fair comparison. Dragon Quest XI S by a country mile.

This is, pretty much word for word, what I came here to say. Final Fantasy XII is one of my least favorite games in the series, though.

Still, even removed from that context, Dragon Quest XI S is one of the very best JRPGs I've ever played in my life. It's just phenomenal.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
DQXI, for sure.

FFXII is good in many respects, but having "interesting, quirky characters" is absolutely not one of them. Not to say the cast is weak, but they absolutely are not a focus of the game.
Oct 31, 2017
Nah, this is objectively and factually wrong. I know you are a regular shitposter, but this is definitely too on the nose.
Wtf is up with posters on this site and thinking "negativity"=trolling/shitposting

DQ is archaic, it's not wrong, and a lot of people think this way. This is far from the first time you've heard someone say this. Get over it


Oct 29, 2017
Neither. These are both pretty bottom of the barrel traps with a shiny coat of paint and too much marketing. There are much better games, especially jrpgs, out there you'd enjoy playing more. Since they're free you may as well try them to see if they stick, but you can do better


Jul 7, 2020
Both. These are two of the best games of all time. There are very few better games out there you'd enjoy playing more.
Oct 31, 2017
It has a full and lively world filled with many characters young and old with well-told vignettes at nearly every turn, which is more ambitious than anything in FF7 Remake. And it's a better playing game than FF7 Remake as well. At every level.


you're obviously free to think that. I'm not going to tell you you're wrong. I don't really care if you think FFVIIR is shit, just like I'm sure you don't care that I think DQXI is shit. I just tend to be very dramatic about my opinion especially when I'm not on my ADHD meds lol tbh


Oct 25, 2017
I made a thread asking this exact question but with sightly different wants. It had a poll:

Looking for a JRPG on PC - can you help me find the best fit?

Heya. I'm looking for a JRPG on PC, something that scratches a specific itch. The main things I want are: - Turn based or tactical combat ahead of action if possible (I will consider action, though). - A more modern game with 3D design. - Meaningful and rewarding exploration. - Challenging...

It was almost 50/50, I didn't find a concensus in the thread either. Ha.

I went with FF12 I'm the end, I didn't finish it. I would personally recommend DQ11 as I think FF12's licence board makes long term leveling up really not very fun.

Gambit system is very, very cool though.


Jun 6, 2020
I think DQ is more engaging, but there's many who'll disagree. Characters make me think you'd like DQ more, and while probably does better in short bursts it's also significantly longer game so ymmv.


Oct 26, 2017
As someone who got the platinum trophy for it and enjoyed it very much, it confuses me that people say the gameplay for FF12 is anything special. The most efficient choice 99% of the game is set gambits to Attack or use one specific spell and have the characters set to heal when below X amount of health, and you don't even have to do anything either, just let the gambits play out. Rarely did I ever have to change gambits other than some exceptions here and there.

Dragon Quest is simple but really tight and refined at least and allows for some option that aren't clear wastes of time. Especially with the Draconian Settings set to On.

OP, I'd pick DQ11 over FF12. Though either way, you get something great to play!
Last edited:


Feb 21, 2021
Final Fantasy XII is one of my favorite games of all time, and I've 100%'ed it four times over its various rereleases. I love just getting lost in the world. The music is amazing. It has some seriously creepy places that give me an adrenaline rush just exploring. And I love, love, LOVE the battle system. It's a battle system made for being able to explore the world without being taken out of the setting and wonder, and it's one of the only RPGs I've played where I actually enjoy fighting and grinding. So I will always recommend it, haha.

Deleted member 2834

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I preferred Zodiac Age. It's a great game really. The combat is so much better. The story isn't that amazing though.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
If you're not a big JRPG guy I would skip these
Dragon Quest XI is a JRPG ass JRPG and like 100 hours long.


Oct 25, 2017
There ought to be a poll for this thread...

But I'll say again, Dragon Quest all the way. DQ XI taught me to love turn based JRPGs... Then Final Fantasy taught me that most everything else in the genre is crap. FF and a lot of the games that are taking after it are all flash and gloss and bombastic spectacle, without actually good, rock-solid game design that Dragon Quest nailed and is still nailing.

sora bora

Oct 27, 2017
Just finished DQ IX this morning. I don't anticipate playing another Dragon Quest ever again. Kind of a funny anecdote: Dragon Quest Warrior was the first RPG I ever played! Got me into the genre. Can't recall a Metacritic score being so different from my own personal view of a game. So it goes.

FF12 is fine. Not great.

You should consider other options :D

edit: you said, "If it helps, I enjoy good narrative with interesting, quirky characters." How about Final Fantasy IX? I believe that is on gamepass.

Gaia Lanzer

Oct 25, 2017
Dragon Quest games are designed so that you can play brief periods and still feel as though you accomplished something.
This is what I've noticed as well. I remember playing DQVII and each location that you traveled to and helped with their problem felt like stepping into a different Grimms-esque fairy tale. There IS an greater narrative and a main goal set up, but to advance forward you encounter different towns with their own little quirks and problems that need solving. It's perfect for short bursts, as it feels more like a fantasy serial condensed into one game. FFXII is basically one full story from start to finish with little to no deviation from that main plot. IMO, neither are better or worse than each other, just different flavors that depend on what you like or what you feel in the mood of experiencing.


Jun 11, 2018
Never played DQXI but I have always loved FFXII. One of the best-translated games ever (by Alex O. Smith; it was groundbreaking at the time), and it's a world that is fun to spend time in. I still remember walking into Archades after that very long journey and seeing that amazing multi-leveled city with air taxis and skyscraper office buildings. Hitoshi Sakimoto's OST is excellent, too.

The remaster has some QoL improvements like fast-forward while in the field, so you can do a lot more in limited time and even chase things like rare drops which you might normally just ignore.

I just replayed it last year after three or four go-rounds on the PS2 over the years. About the only negative thing I can say about it is that FFXIV hits many of the same buttons exploration- and architecture-wise so if you're already playing that, you might not be wowed by FFXII.


Oct 26, 2017
I"m trying to get back into FFXII but I'm spoiled by playing DQXI. I liked how easy it was to auto battle in DQ. I'm playing Zodiac age and I hate dealing with gambits.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
DQ11 by far. Both games mostly play themselves but DQ11 is prettier, better written with better dialogue, better voice acted, and infinitely more charming.