
Oct 27, 2017
Downloaded DA2 really quick because I am now certain it is next on my replay list after Inquisition and man do I love the UI in that game. It is simple but I love the art from the loading screens and how clean everything is. Also, Auto HDR is just perfect. Inquisition has it too and it makes these games pop off the screen. Definitely one of Windows 11's best gaming features.


Oct 25, 2017
Downloaded DA2 really quick because I am now certain it is next on my replay list after Inquisition and man do I love the UI in that game. It is simple but I love the art from the loading screens and how clean everything is. Also, Auto HDR is just perfect. Inquisition has it too and it makes these games pop off the screen. Definitely one of Windows 11's best gaming features.

With Auto-HDR in DA2 I frequently get a bug where the lower city looks like someone dropped a glitter bomb on it. I think it may be related to the HD texture pack I'm using. Auto-HDR looks great outside of that though.

EDIT- Actually I'm using RTX HDR come to think of it. I'll have to try it with Auto-HDR and see if it still happens.


Feb 15, 2018
I mean Inquisition would have been the best DA game imo if it wasn't for the bloat.
Bioware going back to linear mission based is music to my ears. Both Inquisition and Andromeda didn't have good open world. If Bioware go back to mission based and keep their budgets in check we should get more of those games than chasing open world trends that wasn't their strength to begin with.
I couldn't agree with you more. I played DA:I at launch but dropped it when the grind became apparent. I am in the middle of a playthrough now, ten years later. I have to say, I like it way more than I did originally. At its heart, it's a great BioWare game. The open world is the problem; it obstructs the narrative and pacing at every turn. Without the pointless filler, Veilguard has the potential to be something special.
Oct 27, 2017
I guess its fitting with the name change and focus on all the companions, but I do find it a little odd how BioWare chose to just reveal all of the companions right out of the gate. I remember with Origins and Mass Effect when they'd market those they usually kept the identities of the companions as a secret and slowly revealed them as the marketing went along.

Seems like we'll likely have temporary companions like we did in Inquisition and Varric in the opening to Veilguard. I wonder if Veilguard will have secret companions like Loghain that we won't know about until we play the game?


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
I guess its fitting with the name change and focus on all the companions, but I do find it a little odd how BioWare chose to just reveal all of the companions right out of the gate. I remember with Origins and Mass Effect when they'd market those they usually kept the identities of the companions as a secret and slowly revealed them as the marketing went along.

Seems like we'll likely have temporary companions like we did in Inquisition and Varric in the opening to Veilguard. I wonder if Veilguard will have secret companions like Loghain that we won't know about until we play the game?
I think it's possible that some of these faction representatives will act as as additional companions during major missions, but I expect they will be truly temporary and not controllable at all, simply a 4th companion that's fully AI. A secret companion could be really cool but at the same time when you are still recruiting companions past the midway point their development often feels lacking.

With how much of this game's focus seems to be on the companions and the relationship of the entire group I think the odds of some kind of secret character is pretty low, especially a late game one. If there is one I think they would need to be introduced fairly early on in the game. I'm pretty sure they said that we'll have all of our companions by the end of the first act. I imagine any secret companion would need to be introduced sometime before the midpoint of the game at the latest to really make them worthwhile and integrated with the full party.


Oct 27, 2017
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Origins done, on to Awakening. Still love this game, and it will always be special since it was my first RPG of this type.

It's been *so long* since I did a full playthrough, that I forgot how much the final battle caused the engine to buckle under the stress. Massive delays on anything being registered, you can almost hear the gears grinding as it tries to calculate all the damage and status affects and dying Darkspawn across the map.


Oct 28, 2017
Given the lack of save import from the Keep, I wouldn't bet on the "cameos" being any character who could die or have any variability in their status.


Oct 27, 2017
I dunno, I think having a system for picking past events built into the game might encourage the devs to have some more obscure/varied options. I think the thing that kept some things from moving forward was that only a small portion of the player base would ever select/use them. That's less of an issue if the options can be selected from within the game at the start of a play through.


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
While the list of things that I would like to see more info on ASAP is quite long I will say it's probably a good idea if we get some better details on just how in depth, or not, the tarot card choices are in the character creator. Most people seem to be expecting the worst and that there will only be like a literal handful of choices that we're going to be asked. Like single digits low. Even if they keep it really vague, don't actually go into detail about what these tarot questions are, and just say like you'll make 25 choices I think that would be super helpful at quelling people's fears And building up a bit more hype around just how much continuity of choice there will be between TV and the prior games. And if it isn't that many options then I think it's better to just lay that out now and temper people's expectations.


May 17, 2018
Glad all these articles have some new info so far, even if it's not much. I wasn't expecting a full reputation system for the factions, so that's interesting. I wonder how easy it is to actually lose favor with them or if you'll just naturally end up on everyone's good side by completing all side quests.

Learning that each faction has different casual wear also makes me feel like my choice will come down to that more than anything else lol


Oct 25, 2017
Glad all these articles have some new info so far, even if it's not much. I wasn't expecting a full reputation system for the factions, so that's interesting. I wonder how easy it is to actually lose favor with them or if you'll just naturally end up on everyone's good side by completing all side quests.

Learning that each faction has different casual wear also makes me feel like my choice will come down to that more than anything else lol
I like the idea of wearing faction uniforms as casual wear because it's a visual reminder of our background, but fingers crossed none of them look like pajamas and we have at least two options to choose from lol


May 17, 2018
The irony of saying this with a Leliana pfp.
To be fair that was far from a cameo lol. I don't think forcing a dead character back to life is something they'd want to replicate either. But I also think people are dooming too much at this point about "quantum" characters not coming back, Bioware has never shied away from that despite people claiming otherwise.

Every single companion can die in ME2 and every single one appears in ME3 if alive. Wynne appears in Awakening, Zevran and Nathaniel appear in 2, Loghain appears in Inquisition, and Alistair is in all of them. Even for characters who don't appear, there were usually references to their current status in dialogue or war table missions so the reactivity is always there even if it's minor. I don't buy that they're just not going to bother asking about this stuff because they dropped the Keep when it's a staple of Bioware games.
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Oct 25, 2017
To be fair that was far from a cameo lol. I don't think forcing a dead character back to life is something they'd want to replicate either. But I also think people are dooming too much at this point about "quantum" characters not coming back, Bioware has never shied away from that despite people claiming otherwise.

Every single companion can die in ME2 and every single one appears in ME3 if alive. Wynne appears in Awakening, Zevran and Nathaniel appear in 2, Loghain appears in Inquisition, and Alistair is in all of them. Even for characters who don't appear, there were usually references to their current status in dialogue or war table missions so the reactivity is always there even if it's minor. I don't buy that they're just not going to bother asking about this stuff because they dropped the Keep when it's a staple of Bioware games.

The point is that all of that was possible because there was good save import or The Keep being insanely detailed. Now maybe the in-game choice selector is just as detailed as The Keep and the worry is over nothing. However, it's reasonable to assume that they will go with something quicker and more high-level and that starts to remove a lot of the more granular choices that snowballed across the games.

Again, hopefully it's worrying over nothing but we didn't get much in the way of detail and it's hard to imagine that Bioware is going to kill all of the momentum of starting a new game by having the player spend 15 plus minutes recreating everything in tarot cards. That's what was brilliant about the Keep- you could set everything up in advance so the save state was all set up before starting the game.

I think something like the motion comics in ME are probably going to be closer to reality- you could still make major choices but it didn't have remotely the same level of detail as the actual save imports had.


Oct 28, 2017
I didn't even realize it was a bunch of tarot cards, I was picturing a list of drop down menus. That I think only reinforces my belief that we will be talking about 5 major choices tops:

Was the Inquisition disbanded?
Who drank from the Well?
Who rules Orlais?
Who rules Ferelden?
Maybe a question about the Inquisitor's romance but even that can be written around.


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
I could definitely see them having a fully interactive recap of the prior three games narrated by Varric or someone else in a similar presentation just like the DA Keep's narrated recap or the ME Genesis where we can make changes at key points with tarot card themed choices. It won't be as in depth as going through the full tapestry itself but still covers a pretty large and varied number of choices. They are already going to need to provide some kind of recap, optional or not, for new players and just the fact that it's been 10 freaking years since the last game so it seems like a pretty obvious choice to marry the two together.


May 17, 2018
The point is that all of that was possible because there was good save import or The Keep being insanely detailed. Now maybe the in-game choice selector is just as detailed as The Keep and the worry is over nothing. However, it's reasonable to assume that they will go with something quicker and more high-level and that starts to remove a lot of the more granular choices that snowballed across the games.

Again, hopefully it's worrying over nothing but we didn't get much in the way of detail and it's hard to imagine that Bioware is going to kill all of the momentum of starting a new game by having the player spend 15 plus minutes recreating everything in tarot cards. That's what was brilliant about the Keep- you could set everything up in advance so the save state was all set up before starting the game.

I think something like the motion comics in ME are probably going to be closer to reality- you could still make major choices but it didn't have remotely the same level of detail as the actual save imports had.
I mean, you don't need insane detail to cover the state of past companions. You just have a tarot card of each and say whether they're alive/were romanced. That's all you really need. A few may need an extra choice, like if Cole is more human or spirit, or if Carver/Bethany is a Warden, but people are making this out to be much more difficult than it actually is, or like it would take up much more time in character creation than it actually would.

Maybe they will oversimplify it as much as people are saying, but if that happens then I hope no one excuses it with "well, if they'd made it any more detailed than a single digit number of choices then it would've been too cumbersome" cause it absolutely wouldn't. There is a middle ground between that and the Keep's granularity of tracking every random side quest you can think of. And it's also possible to simply ask the player how detailed they want world state setup to be.


Oct 27, 2017
Having a blast with Origins but damn I wish they had updated it at some point to include gamepad controls on PC.

My hands cramp up so easily these days, controller is the only method that doesn't seem to flare me up.

Can't bring myself to just skip to II so just going to soldier on and play in short bursts.


May 17, 2018
Having a blast with Origins but damn I wish they had updated it at some point to include gamepad controls on PC.

My hands cramp up so easily these days, controller is the only method that doesn't seem to flare me up.

Can't bring myself to just skip to II so just going to soldier on and play in short bursts.
I'm sorry to inform you that 2 has the same problem. If you have them on steam, there are some community controller layouts you can easily download that do a decent enough job, it'll be clunky though.


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if Lucanis' personal quest in Veilguard will have something to do with the final scene of his story in Tevinter Nights.

The Qunari invasion on Antiva from this short story also sounds like something that will be part of the game. "The Crows rule Antiva" is an answer to the Qunari propaganda, and it's also said in the Thedas Calls trailer we got last year.
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Dec 12, 2021
I wonder if Lucanis' personal quest in Veilguard will have something to do with the final scene of his story in Tevinter Nights.

The Qunari invasion on Antiva from this sorry story also sounds like something that will be part of the game. "The Crows rule Antiva" is an answer to the Qunari propaganda, and it's also said in the Thedas Calls trailer we got last year.
I mean, you can see Qunari banners in the Antiva shot from the DA Day teaser, so it's pretty safe to assume they'll be there:



Aug 30, 2020
Pretty sure "Rook" is just a reference to the chess piece.
It is. We've seen a player icon with a Rook chess piece symbol.

For some reason, your post made me think of the hidden monologue in DA2 that you can only get if you become sarcastic Hawke and go to a specific mission alone.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18PEQHZ4o5M

And people complain about auto-dialogue in Veilguard.... (seriously, though, I hope they copy DA2's style of imprinting a personality on your Rook based on your dialogue choices and varying up the auto-dialogue)

God, I love sarcastic Hawke. Can't wait to get to the second game in my replay.


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Curious if BioWare will add some class/race specific dialogues and comments from npc's in regards to your character is a Talvashoth Qunari mage
I would be shocked if they didn't. While DAI was a bit light on reactivity even that game did have a number of instances where they reacted to the Inquisitor if they were a Qunari Mage. The biggest issue with that game was that the original intent of the game was to star Hawke again when it was just a big DA2 expansion, not sure if that carried over when they decided to make it a full on new game, but it wasn't until they got approval for the delay from 2013 to 2014 that they went from a Human only Inquisitor to all four races. So while they added in some reactivity based on your class and race it was pretty minimal since for most of development they were just building everything around a human only lead.

DAV at least seems like all four races have been in the cards from the start, so hopefully that has meant that more extensive reactivity will also be present. That was something that the previously DA4 project Joplin seemed very focused on, lots of choices and reactivity, so hopefully some of that intent carried over into this new iteration we are getting.
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Oct 26, 2017
For some reason, your post made me think of the hidden monologue in DA2 that you can only get if you become sarcastic Hawke and go to a specific mission alone.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18PEQHZ4o5M

And people complain about auto-dialogue in Veilguard.... (seriously, though, I hope they copy DA2's style of imprinting a personality on your Rook based on your dialogue choices and varying up the auto-dialogue)

Wait, DA2 has solo banter? Is this a one-off or do I now need to consider a solo playthrough?


Oct 27, 2017
If so will make being a Qunari Mage all the sweeter. I want to rub that shit into both the Qun and Tevinter's face.
I think I'm going to enjoying kicking the followers of the Qun's asses just as much as I am the Tevinter magisters'.

Feels good knowing we'll (hopefully) finally get a qunari companion that doesn't respect it/isn't indoctrinated.


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
I think I'm going to enjoying kicking the followers of the Qun's asses just as much as I am the Tevinter magisters'.

Feels good knowing we'll (hopefully) finally get a qunari companion that doesn't respect it.
Yeah would be cool if Taash is Tal-Vashoth and not just a Vashoth that grew up outside of the Qun like the Qunari Inquisitor did. Having a companion that actively left the Qun after being raised in it and opposing it would be far more interesting than if Rook were since there's only so much detail they can have. Especially because Taash is a warrior and the Qun doesn't allow for female soldiers, only Ben-Hassrath agents. And Taash seems much too brutish/wild to be Ben-Hassrath.


Oct 27, 2017
They did say there are some "killer cameos" they're keeping secret. My mind's going to several different possibilities...
I've been replaying Inquisition on PC for the first time in 10 years and its wild seeing characters from Origins in such high fidelity. Gonna be crazy to see some of these people in even higher fidelity, especially with Frostbite's strand hair system.
View: https://imgur.com/bLL7IVi


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
It will be interesting to see how much of an impact the Qunari invasion has had on things. And if it's at all still ongoing. It's been like ~9 years so a lot can happen in that time. I personally hope the war is still active rather than starting and ending all in the interim. Even if largely at a stalemate it would be awesome to have some big set piece story events against the backdrop of a big battle or siege or such.


Oct 27, 2017
Don't the qunari have some weird concoction they force some people to drink that aren't compliant enough?

Remembering hearing about that and it sounded creepy as hell.


Oct 27, 2017
It will be interesting to see how much of an impact the Qunari invasion has had on things. And if it's at all still ongoing. It's been like ~9 years so a lot can happen in that time. I personally hope the war is still active rather than starting and ending all in the interim. Even if largely at a stalemate it would be awesome to have some big set piece story events against the backdrop of a big battle or siege or such.

I really hope it doesn't get pushed into the background and resolved anticlimatically like the mage rebellion was in Inquisition after all the crazy shit they setup in II.

Origins always remembered that the social and politicial struggles were far more interesting than the actual epic adventure and DAII carried it forward.


May 17, 2018
Curious if BioWare will add some class/race specific dialogues and comments from npc's in regards to your character is a Talvashoth Qunari mage
They've said there's some special reactivity to dwarves in the Mournwatch because of their lack of magic, so reactivity to a Tal-Vashoth ought to be a given assuming you can actually be one. It sounded like when you're selecting race there's some extra stuff like being able to choose if you're a city elf or Dalish, independent of your faction, so hopefully Tal-Vashoth is a possible Rook background.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah they do all sorts of different stuff for forced re-education. Qamek is basically a lobotomy/tranquil poison/potion they sometimes use.
Its one of these creepy celebrity cults and they got poor Felicia Day and Freddy Prinze Jr. roped into it.

"No, really, its great once you let them drill a hole in your head."
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You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Its one of these creep celebrity cults and they got poor Felicia Day and Freddy Prinze Jr. roped into it.

"No, really, its great once you let them drill a hole in your head."
It will be interesting to actually see a Qun community. I doubt we'll be going to Par Vollen but maybe something on Seheron, or more likely Kont-arr. Not sure how representative Antiva City will be since it's more so occupied territory than fully incorporated. All we've gotten is info from adherents removed of context and then reports of the worst elements of the Qun from others. We've yet to really see the appeal of it and it does seem like a lot of people do like it as some Thedosians remained followers of the Qun after their initial invasions were rolled back.


Oct 27, 2017
It will be interesting to actually see a Qun community. I doubt we'll be going to Par Vollen but maybe something on Seheron, or more likely Kont-arr. Not sure how representative Antiva City will be since it's more so occupied territory than fully incorporated. All we've gotten is info from adherents removed of context and then reports of the worst elements of the Qun from others. We've yet to really see the appeal of it and it does seem like a lot of people do like it as some Thedosians remained followers of the Qun after their initial invasions were rolled back.
We know enough about them though at this point that I think I'll pretty much fight them tooth and nail either way.

I think I've basically turned into Loghain on this issue. DAO and DAII have hardened me and now I'm convinced the ben hassrath have put something in the water to turn frogs gay.
Oct 25, 2017
Anybody else always do a boring self-insert human in games like this for their first playthrough? I did it for Inquisition and plan to do the same for Veilguard. At times it feels like I'm wasting an opportunity, but I know for a fact I'm gonna replay it SO MANY TIMES and I like having that baseline at the start.
Yeah, though I will change gender at times just to do something a bit different

Though I actually came to that realization 10hours into my Inquisition playthrough and I was messing around with a 2nd character I said what the heck and made an Elf Girl which became my main