
May 4, 2018
User warned: Inappropriate Language
I still don't get how some individuals can get triggered and misinterpret everything out of context. There was nothing in the gameplay being offensive.


Oct 27, 2017
I was just about to post this. I saw headlines for this online and didn't even click them but knew it was faux outrage thing.

I still don't get how some individuals can get triggered and misinterpret everything out of context. There was nothing in the gameplay being offensive.
I would watch the video.


Oct 30, 2017
i would totally be one of those "sjw triggered cuck tweets", I should have run to twitter when I heard those cringey-ass lines.

great video as usual from Shaun
Oct 27, 2017
It was honestly crazy seeing people like Sargon calling Doom an alt right game and that that's the reason people are liking it compared to BF5.


Oct 25, 2017
SJW Outrage is totally fake and construed? Who could have thought.
Great video, but I feel tired that so much time and energy needs to be invested to clean up the BS made up by alt-right idiots.


Oct 25, 2017
I still don't get how some individuals can get triggered and misinterpret everything out of context. There was nothing in the gameplay being offensive.

Hey, can we stop using the word "triggered" as a stand-in for "people calling out bullshit" Your real self is showing.

edit - to clarify, I understand that there really isn't any outrage over DOOM and that this is a made up scandal designed to rile up the anti-SJW crowd.
Oct 25, 2017
Haha, I knew that this "SJW outrage" was based on a couple of tweets that aren't even outraged at the game, but Shaun noticing the bolded letters was amazing.

The "anti-SJWs" literally searched Twitter for "doom demon offended" to find some outrage. That's how desperate they were to find some outrage after finding out nobody was offended by the jokes.


Oct 27, 2017
Online is not real. Everything's a joke. It'll all be over in a few decades.

Never bought it, never will. Online simply strips away all the phony faces people wear in real life. Let's them be their true asshole self. Does feel like it's all leading to something horrific, though, so I'm sure in a couple decades opinions might have altered (kind of like WW2's aftermath injected humanity into people for a couple decades).


Mar 17, 2018
Looking forward to watching this.
Well, sort of. No doubt he'll include video of some True Gamer acting like a smug prick on YouTube and it'll ruin my evening.


Oct 25, 2017
My Youtube front page feed was getting absolutely flooded with these types of videos for weeks on end, and all I did was watch the Quakecon preview footage. If that isn't indicative of how onesided and manufactured this whole thing is, I don't know what is.


Oct 26, 2017
The video explains in detail why some people might find it offensive. The lack of context is key here as the 2016 games had a similar satire towards corporate culture, and that includes videos about how behave towards demons, and how to worship them. The tone is actually what makes it funny. When I first saw the trailer for Doom Eternal it made perfect sense when the holograms had the same satire I saw in the 2016 game. I didn't find it offensive at all, but a person seeing the doom trailer without playing the 2016 game might interpret it as being anti-left as it makes fun of progressive policies or tone in a corporate entertainment.

Blade Wolf

Oct 27, 2017
There was absolutely nothing offensive about the Doom Eternal gameplay, I knew the outrage was fake.

There's no way people got triggered by that ''mortally challenged'' joke.

Deleted member 13560

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
What is so funny no one major was posting anything about being offended by the joke. They had to dig deep to try and fake this outrage. Luckily it wasn't anything from anyone I follow, because I would have dropped them quick. This was like some checkout line gossip paper grade journalism.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 28, 2017
My Youtube front page feed was getting absolutely flooded with these types of videos for weeks on end, and all I did was watch the Quakecon preview footage. If that isn't indicative of how onesided and manufactured this whole thing is, I don't know what is.
It was the exact same story for me. I was wondering who exactly these folks were talking about since none of the leftists I knew had said anything about DOOM Eternal.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought the whole thing during the quakecon demo was eye rolling...trying to make Doom into some political statement on either side. It's the definition of taking a simple joke and reading way too much into it. The entire point of the previous game was doomguy going "enough of your bullshit shut up and let me kill demons". We did have a couple of people on here try to make the demo into some controversy but thankfully it was shut down by everyone else as being completely ridiculous.


Oct 27, 2017
Finally, a video that talks about the so-called outrage. I saw the "SJWs Outraged about Doom Eternal" so many times after the gameplay reveal and didn't get want give them clicks just to find out what the outrage was.


Feb 2, 2018
Bloody hell at the list of videos + associated channels at 2:15, so many of these loons online D:

EDIT: "There were more youtube videos about these tweets than there were tweets"

Bahaha, Shaun exposing these goons is so satisfying
Last edited:


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
Most of the "triggered" people I saw were saying "Hey, I think this joke is a bit tone-deaf", and that's about it.

Personally I liked the joke, not everything has to do with american politics.


Oct 28, 2017
Haha, I knew that this "SJW outrage" was based on a couple of tweets that aren't even outraged at the game, but Shaun noticing the bolded letters was amazing.

The "anti-SJWs" literally searched Twitter for "doom demon offended" to find some outrage. That's how desperate they were to find some outrage after finding out nobody was offended by the jokes.

If this is true, that's one of the reasons I stopped using twitter. Incredible the amount of times I've seen a discourse because one (1) person said some dumb shit, and suddenly it's blown up and dumbasses thinks it's a whole group of people. Twitter repeats itself until maximum idiocy is achieved


Oct 25, 2017
This is the first I've heard of this so-called "outrage". Glad I managed to avoid it. After watching this video though, I wished I stayed oblivious to it. Some people are mental. I found the jokes pretty hilarious.

Deleted member 6730

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm shocked alt-right gamers have effectively gaslighted themselves into being outraged.

Also I had no clue ReviewtechUSA just went full alt-right.
Oct 27, 2017
This is a good take. And "melting pot" itself is/used to be a term of erasure that's drifted to vaguely imply "welcoming diversity." UAC tries to exploit the demons' resources, then assimilate them/enslave them, and it goes horribly wrong. It's like a worst-case scenario for colonialists.

I do agree that the trailer didn't frame the satire as well as it should've.


Oct 27, 2017
If this is true, that's one of the reasons I stopped using twitter. Incredible the amount of times I've seen a discourse because one (1) person said some dumb shit, and suddenly it's blown up and dumbasses thinks it's a whole group of people. Twitter repeats itself until maximum idiocy is achieved

It's true, every video with the tweets has those words bolded since those are the words they used to search for the outrage.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, it's not completely fake as the
same complaints were brought up a bunch of times in the trailer reveal thread here. But of course do these alt right goons embellish it and act like the world was on fire.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Finally, a video that talks about the so-called outrage. I saw the "SJWs Outraged about Doom Eternal" so many times after the gameplay reveal and didn't get want give them clicks just to find out what the outrage was.

The only people who attribute concerns to "outrage" and complain about "outrage culture" are generally terrible people with questionable sympathies. It's just another way to tell minorities or allies to shut up.


Digital Foundry
Oct 26, 2017
There was outrage around Doom? This is genuinely surprising news to me. It seemed like everyone was really into it.
Oct 25, 2017
There was outrage around Doom? This is genuinely surprising news to me. It seemed like everyone was really into it.
The point of this is that there wasn't an outrage. But the internet right pretends that there was.

There was so little outrage they had to actively search for it through a Twitter keyword search.


Oct 25, 2017
There actually were some people on this very forum who were outraged by the satire about political correctness. This is why people shouldn't choose to die on every hill - it just gives ammunition to the gators.


Oct 25, 2017
There were quite literally posts on this very forum getting offended by several things in the reveal trailer.

Not huge amounts, but not nothing.


Nov 1, 2017
There actually were some people on this very forum who were outraged by the satire about political correctness. This is why people shouldn't choose to die on every hill - it just gives ammunition to the gators.

Came to post this.

There was quite some complaining going on in that thread regarding the joke and "symbolism" of the demons.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Reminds me of Mario Odyssey when there was "outrage" of Mario in a Sombrero and Poncho where in reality it was like 4 dudes discussing minor grievances, largely to themselves. But Twitter loooooved telling me SJWs were rounding up to attack that game because of it.

Thankfully that didn't gain much traction, unlike the fake outrage surrounding Cuphead.


Feb 2, 2018
Came to post this.

There was quite some complaining going on in that thread regarding the joke and "symbolism" of the demons.

Shaun goes into this in the video, how ultimately it was a bad trailer as the intention of the satire was vague enough that it could be taken multiple ways. Shaun among many thought of it as mocking corporations co-opting progressive language, while others thought (and liked or dislike) that it seemed to mock progressive rhetoric. As he says, it's not great satire if intent is unclear, especially if it gets celebrated as a win for the far right.


Oct 25, 2017
When you see videos with over 700k views whose authors are whining about literally a couple tweets with each a couple retweets and likes that they specifically searched for.


That is so pitiful...