
Aug 30, 2020
I still can't believe this of all things is what bothers them so much
Fascists always envision themselves as the strong, lone voice of reason out to restore order to the world.

Nothing hurts them more than confronting the reality that they're weird, pathetic outcasts who can't function in normal society.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
nothing weird about this right?
Jul 1, 2020
There is something hilarious about THIS being the thing they hate being called. Out of ALL the shit they have been called. This is the one that gets under their skin. It's so... weird.
It's because they are supposed to be the "normal" ones. The whole "Silent Majority" thing they hide behind falls apart completely when you point out how abnormal everything they do is.


Oct 27, 2017
It's because they are supposed to be the "normal" ones. The whole "Silent Majority" thing they hide behind falls apart completely when you point out how abnormal everything they do is.

I think I might even take that a step further. They do want their beliefs to be the norm. But, the real thing they desire with all their heart is to be cool.

You see this is a major driving force in people like Pool, Shapiro, and Musk. They HAVE to be fucking cool. Musk is Tony Stark. Shapiro is debate bro Einstein. Tim Pool is a skateboarder punk/rock star. The reality is, of course, that they are anything other than cool, and people seeing that kills them on a mental level that all the money in the world can't overcome. So, you see Pool buying up a skate park that shunned him, Musk spending all day every day dancing his heart out while looking back nervously at his fanbase for approval, and Shapiro literally just falling back on "well, I'm rich!" when he actually comes face to face with someone who knows how to shut down his bullshit in a discussion.

In their world view, you can be racist, sexist, transphobic, etc. and still be cool. You can't be fucking weird and be cool, though. So, calling them that actually hurts.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Cleveland, OH
THIS is the thing that's sticking, isn't it? Everything else over the last (good god) EIGHT PLUS years just bounced off of Trump, no matter how heinous, vile, or disgusting.

But being called "weird" is the sticking point. And it's working, especially as more and more attention is being drawn to it.

I can't believe it's been this simple this entire time.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
THIS is the thing that's sticking, isn't it? Everything else over the last (good god) EIGHT PLUS years just bounced off of Trump, no matter how heinous, vile, or disgusting.

But being called "weird" is the sticking point. And it's working, especially as more and more attention is being drawn to it.

I can't believe it's been this simple this entire time.
Walz entered a cheat code.


Oct 25, 2017
THIS is the thing that's sticking, isn't it? Everything else over the last (good god) EIGHT PLUS years just bounced off of Trump, no matter how heinous, vile, or disgusting.

But being called "weird" is the sticking point. And it's working, especially as more and more attention is being drawn to it.

I can't believe it's been this simple this entire time.
I don't know if it would have worked to push this angle back in 2016, people were still somehow enthralled by the idea of Trump as a political outsider and that's what pushed him to a narrow victory. But after 8 years of constantly seeing him and his cronies flying their freak flags, people are more receptive.
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Mailing Out Their Business
Oct 30, 2017
It's not all that surprising that they're so sensitive to this. It's obvious they get defensive about it out of insecurity. Racist, bigoted, etc, that doesn't matter to them because they don't see it as an attack on who they are or who they want to see themselves as. "Weird" cuts down their alpha-male sensibilities, it flies in the face of their masculinity, it's diminutive.

I love it.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
The thing about "weird" is that you can't shake it. You can call these people anything in the world and they'll just deflect or lie until the subject changes. Being weird, though, is like an ever-present state of being. You can't get rid of it. People recognize it and there's literally nothing you can do to decouple yourself from it when you're just a straight-up weirdo. It's not as severe as other labels, but it's certainly unique.


Oct 28, 2017
Other things perhaps:
  • Racist
  • Regressive
  • Fascist
  • Evil
  • Nazis

While these are all 100% factual, none of it has actually stuck because of how hard the language is and people can just go "Woah.. woah.. you're being AGGRESSIVE and HARSH with that language and these very serious accusations."

The reason "weird" has stuck is because it rides the line. It calls out all of the above in a softer way that resonates with people. A moderate will be reserved about calling someone Racist, Evil.. or a Nazi... but they will 100% have no issue calling them weird.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
While these are all 100% factual, none of it has actually stuck because of how hard the language is and people can just go "Woah.. woah.. you're being AGGRESSIVE and HARSH with that language and these very serious accusations."

The reason "weird" has stuck is because it rides the line. It calls out all of the above in a softer way that resonates with people. A moderate will be reserved about calling someone Racist, Evil.. or a Nazi... but they will 100% have no issue calling them weird.

Yup. That list was always something that was turned around on people saying "you're over-exaggerating." "They'll never go THAT far." Despite every evidence to the contrary.

Weird can't be so easily. It gives people pause to actually think about what the MAGAs/GOPs/etcs actually WANT to do and go "wait a minute....."


Oct 25, 2017
People call them ignorant assholes, and they don't blink.

People call them weird, and they feel the need to respond.


They fear being labeled weird more than being labeled assholes. Considering their platform, I can only assume they associate weird with something else they hate... Which is why they are so defensive about it.


Oct 28, 2017
It's too funny seeing conservatives all over the world doubling down on the fringe far right and their topics and slowly realize normal voters are turned off by the craziness


Oct 27, 2017
Walz really got under their skin so easily.

It's like he's used to dealing with immature assholes who wanna look tough.

So glad he's the Vp nom, it's a perfect fit.


Oct 29, 2017
I love what gets under trumps skin is essentially elementary age insults. When you get too far into the weeds of criticism that goes beyond an encapsulating word he sort of shirks it off. Truly have to get down to his level of intelligence.


Oct 25, 2017
Trump: "People keep asking a lot of questions already answered by my 'I'm not weird' shirt."


Oct 27, 2017
"I'm not weird!" screams the sun-downing dotard who can't stop talking about Hannibal Lector and how wind farms means bacon doesn't exist anymore.


Nov 14, 2017
Trump's a normal guy, just ask his good friend the late great Hannibal Lecter.


Oct 30, 2017
damn this sucks, being weird used to be cool, now it's being right coded. feel bad for portland.
That's the fun part about it, it hasn't been ruined; Being called weird is still a fine little badge of honor as long as you simply acknowledge it and own it. The negative connotation only really sets in if you get all butthurt and defensive about it.


Oct 26, 2017
Dems don't even say it anymore really right? I feel like they're trying to make it a basket full of deplorable type of moment but it doesn't really work because the weird accusation is just directed to Trump, Vance and their policies and not all his followers.


Oct 28, 2017
That's the fun part about it, it hasn't been ruined; Being called weird is still a fine little badge of honor as long as you simply acknowledge it and own it. The negative connotation only really sets in if you get all butthurt and defensive about it.

yeah true, i'm weird in an endearing way

being weird and being a weird creep are two different things

Portland weird vs incel groyper Russian asset weird

that's the weird thing about the word, i guess it does carry different connotations like freak. and i agree, the right are weird but like you said, creep weird.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Something finally stuck to Teflon Don and it's GNAWING at him.


Feb 12, 2022

I bet the next thing Trump tries is to call him "weird(o) Walz", because he is a "no u" kinda guy and alliterations really stuck in your brain.

And then Walz will counter with what the chris suggested "If I'm weird for standing up for people's healthcare options/reproductive freedoms/mitigation of the climate crisis, then maybe America needs some weird(o) Walz right now. You know, I'm just some guy from Minnesota and see a fraction pushing against what the people of America want and I think that's weird."