
volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
rural shooting clubs have multiple teams so people are not allowed to join due to usually not following proper gun safety, not really bad aim, but who knows

View: https://x.com/OliviaRubinABC/status/1812573696118374536

saw some articles on NBC as well that basically democratic strategists now are focused on house and senate seats and consider the presidency lost, which seems kinda wild to me and hope its not true


I mean "democratic strategists" here were shitting bricks too before more information was out. I'm convinced they're as much Chicken Littles in DC as we are here.


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
rural shooting clubs have multiple teams so people are not allowed to join due to usually not following proper gun safety, not really bad aim, but who knows

View: https://x.com/OliviaRubinABC/status/1812573696118374536

saw some articles on NBC as well that basically democratic strategists now are focused on house and senate seats and consider the presidency lost, which seems kinda wild to me and hope its not true


Adding in the "It was considered like dangerous" sounds to me like it was bad shot to the point of hitting other people's targets or going above the back wall on the range. I would especially consider the later "like dangerous" for obvious reasons


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
with how confusing the news cycle has been I'm half expecting his motives were to miss and give Trump a rallying call but his aim was so bad he almost accidentally did it

like I don't mean this in a conspiracy way, more in the nothing makes sense and everything is chaos way


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Feb 28, 2018
rural shooting clubs have multiple teams so people are not allowed to join due to usually not following proper gun safety, not really bad aim, but who knows

View: https://x.com/OliviaRubinABC/status/1812573696118374536

saw some articles on NBC as well that basically democratic strategists now are focused on house and senate seats and consider the presidency lost, which seems kinda wild to me and hope its not true


These are the worst kind of posts with anonymous sources. Dooms day randomer insider Too


Nov 15, 2017

that was the third speech in a row he messed up? really? and that was clearly scripted with a script in front of him he was looking at.

saddness. :(

edit: Oh and CCN just picked up he called him "President Trump" not former president. He doesn't even think he's President anymore?


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Remember the conversations around Biden being a liability for the Obama ticket because he was a notorious gaffe machine? Now it's like every time he opens his mouth and his stutter makes him substitute a word everyone goes "whuuuuuuut?"


Oct 27, 2017
with how confusing the news cycle has been I'm half expecting his motives were to miss and give Trump a rallying call but his aim was so bad he almost accidentally did it

like I don't mean this in a conspiracy way, more in the nothing makes sense and everything is chaos way
People will bend themselves into pretzels to come up with the least plausible things to explain reality. No one is going on a suicide mission to shoot at a person with the intent to miss them. Life isn't a movie.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
edit: Oh and CCN just picked up he called him "President Trump" not former president. He doesn't even think he's President anymore?

People refer to Obama as Mr. President too. It's a holdover from style guides where you're meant to address someone by the highest (or sometimes last) office or rank they held.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI

that was the third speech in a row he messed up? really? and that was clearly scripted with a script in front of him he was looking at.

saddness. :(

edit: Oh and CCN just picked up he called him "President Trump" not former president. He doesn't even think he's President anymore?

It is normal for ex-presidents to still be referred to as "President _____" after they leave office. It's an informal thing done out of respect. (Not that Trump deserves that respect.)


Sep 18, 2018
Remember the conversations around Biden being a liability for the Obama ticket because he was a notorious gaffe machine? Now it's like every time he opens his mouth and his stutter makes him substitute a word everyone goes "whuuuuuuut?"

Hell I do this all the time and I'm a third his age. You can almost always tell what he meant to say.


May 27, 2020
He mumble mouthed his way through that, reading off a teleprompter. It may not be a big deal but it's more clips of him not looking or sounding very good


"This guy are sick"

that was the third speech in a row he messed up? really? and that was clearly scripted with a script in front of him he was looking at.

saddness. :(

edit: Oh and CCN just picked up he called him "President Trump" not former president. He doesn't even think he's President anymore?
He has to constantly fight against stuttering. I know a couple people with stutters and that shit is debilitating.


I'm Your Favorite Poster's Favorite Poster
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
When you leave office, you hold onto the name "President" for the rest of your life.


Nov 15, 2017
Ok guys, thank you for the info. I was just quoting on what CNN was reporting on. Please stop quoting me. Thank you.
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
He has to constantly fight against stuttering. I know a couple people with stutters and that shit is debilitating.
i've stuttered since the 4th grade, I dont have any recollection of what its like to just speak sentences and not meticulously think about it. I often fuck up because I am so focused on a single upcoming word that I know will give me trouble that I rush through everything else to get to that and hopefully get through it. I imagine it'll only get worse with age. Non-stutterers have absolutely no idea the constant hell of trying to get through a single sentence fluently.


Oct 26, 2017
I almost have to wonder if the strategy Biden is taking is to gaffe as often as possible to make it normalized so people don't bat an eye like how Trump's base does whenever he lies obviously.


Oct 29, 2017
If he was using a scope instead of iron sights he 100% would've hit him instead of just coming close, even if he still missed the first, the follow up shots would've probably hit him. If he was using .223/5.56 there's no way he was actually hit by the bullet, it was almost certainly glass fragments as other reports indicated.


Oct 27, 2017
A colleague who worked with Crooks at the nursing home and who asked not to be named described him in an interview as "the sweetest guy." Just this week, the colleague said, the two of them worked together to find an easier way for nursing home residents to open ranch dressing packets, an act the colleague said was indicative of how caring Crooks was.

"These stupid ranch packets in the kitchen — no one can ever open them," said the colleague, who also went to high school with Crooks. "Earlier this week he was helping me with a bunch of sick old ladies (to) put ranch on their salads."

Crooks, the colleague said, never expressed political views at work and wasn't "a radical." They added: "It's hard seeing everything that's going on online because he was a really, really good person that did a really bad thing, and I just wish I knew why."



Mar 10, 2018
Someplace Far Away
It's fucking crazy how perfect a storm this is, between Biden's apparent decline, democratic infighting and the extremely photogenic failed assassination attempt on Trump.

I don't think Biden can even step down any more just in pure terms of it adding to the chaos. Or maybe he can, but fuck if I can see how its possible.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
I almost have to wonder if the strategy Biden is taking is to gaffe as often as possible to make it normalized so people don't bat an eye like how Trump's base does whenever he lies obviously.

If it is, he's been playing the long game cuz he's done it his entire career.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I almost have to wonder if the strategy Biden is taking is to gaffe as often as possible to make it normalized so people don't bat an eye like how Trump's base does whenever he lies obviously.

The man has always been like this, it's part of the stutter and also, now, part of getting older.
Jan 23, 2024
rural shooting clubs have multiple teams so people are not allowed to join due to usually not following proper gun safety, not really bad aim, but who knows

View: https://x.com/OliviaRubinABC/status/1812573696118374536

saw some articles on NBC as well that basically democratic strategists now are focused on house and senate seats and consider the presidency lost, which seems kinda wild to me and hope its not true


Dems and cowering in fear, name a more iconic duo.

There's no reason to cede the presidency immediately, considering there hasn't been a lot of polling after the incident and we don't know how it'll affect things. There's also at least one more debate, both conventions, and the election all the way in Nov.

If you want the fastest way to suppress enthusiasm for voting into a lower turnout election (and lower turnouts always hurt Democrats more), arm flailing and immediately declaring a loss because of yesterday's incident is exactly how to do it. No waiting to see how incidents affect polling. No strategizing around the shooter being a registered Republican. No ensuring that the momentum to replace Biden is kept at a healthy pace. Just immediately give up and cower and quit. Many Democrats truly are their own worst enemies.


Oct 28, 2017
"Democratic insider" "Democratic consultant"

Such meaningless anonymous titles. Fuck knows what the actual positions of these people are within the party or if they're the equivalent of nihilistic era posters.

i've stuttered since the 4th grade, I dont have any recollection of what its like to just speak sentences and not meticulously think about it. I often fuck up because I am so focused on a single upcoming word that I know will give me trouble that I rush through everything else to get to that and hopefully get through it. I imagine it'll only get worse with age. Non-stutterers have absolutely no idea the constant hell of trying to get through a single sentence fluently.
Biden is like infamous for gaffes too, for his entire career. He's been foot in mouth guy for 40+ years on top of the stutter. The age isn't helping but it's pretty much par for the course for him.

Redmond Barry

Nov 24, 2017
Paraphrasing what I say doesn't in any way get the "gotcha" that you think you got. I know that you think you're being cute by trying to use some reverse psychology here, but that doesn't devalue anything that I said.

If this happened at a Biden rally, you'd be "thoughts and prayers" for the family. The man died protecting his family and did more than the police could.
No, no, I think I "gotcha" quite well. What you have said so far has not been devalued—because you, at best, had nothing of value to add in the first place.

The person you responded to, quite rightly, pointed out that heroes do not hang out at fascist rallies for rapists. What, exactly, did you hope to accomplish by interjecting Erm akshually his daughter thinks he's pretty neat and also he did something any decent father would have done? Was it to distract? To tone police? Maybe it was a horribly misguided "We go high" moment on your part?

Whatever the purpose of your finger-wagging "can we not do this," it is irrelevant to the fact that Mr. "Hero" spent his last day on Earth at a thinly-veiled klan rally. Pointing it out is not "mean" and so needs no tsk-tsk-tsk addendum by anyone.

You do not "gotta hand it to them."