
Oct 25, 2017
I'm skeptical of that message working especially in states were abortion is already legal. Just like with Roe, folks may think it's all settled.

I'm not when Trump and his cronies can't keep harping on it. Vance especially has been quite outspoken on the topic and I doubt that's stopping any time soon. That and abortion amendments and similar will be up to vote in several states just amplifying the noise around the topic even further.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm skeptical of that message working especially in states were abortion is already legal. Just like with Roe, folks may think it's all settled.

Because of the young women who are more left than ever.

Men are generally more Conservative as it is. There was a small uptick before these polls. It just looks like a larger amount of young men are moving to the right which makes sense considering all the garbage the Manosphere spews to them.

Except every poll recently shows voters under 35 voting for Trump more than those over 35.

In fact, Biden is doing better with older folks than ever according to the polls. It's why some folks following polls much more closely see this as either they are missing something when it comes to young voters or there's a realignment going on where Biden is swapping young voters for older voters.
I feel like I've seen you say that the abortion issue won't be that big of a decider numerous times in recent days and I totally disagree.

If Trump and the GOP had simply killed Roe and then stayed quiet afterward that may have been the case. But the fact that he/they constantly brag about it, constantly try to push even more extreme, and are also now trying to go after the pill and contraceptives keeps it front of mind.

I think it'll still be a massive issue.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
And they also show Trump getting something like 20% of the black vote. Crosstabs are fucked and I keep telling you people that. The actual research on this data that we have, research that is specifically about this subject, shows that Gen Z men are still further left than previous generations.
And like, let me be real specific here. This is not like 2012's Republican unskewing of polls. Their argument there was that "oh, polling is just oversampling liberals and if we nudge it by two or three points, we win!"

This is Trump getting absolutely unprecedented, not just by him but Republicans in general, numbers with demographics he shouldn't be for no discernable reason. We are legitimately operating under the assumption Trump goes from ~8% of the black vote to 20%. And even then Biden is still somehow losing within the MoE? If Trump was really pulling those numbers with youths and minorities, this election should look for Trump the way the downballot elections look for Democrats.


Aug 1, 2018
I feel like I've seen you say that the abortion issue won't be that big of a decider numerous times in recent days and I totally disagree.

If Trump and the GOP had simply killed Roe and then stayed quiet afterward that may have been the case. But the fact that he/they constantly brag about it, constantly try to push even more extreme, and are also now trying to go after the pill and contraceptives keeps it front of mind.

I think it'll still be a massive issue.

I think it will probably be a massive issue in places where it's on the ballot. Other places where it's settled or where it's not on the ballot? Not so sure.

I'll be happy to be wrong.


Oct 26, 2017
How rattled do we really think Trump is because of this? I was looking at some RNC coverage and I don't know he didn't seem to have his usual energy.


Movie Aficionado
Oct 25, 2017
What are you guys expecting? The guy was a racist shithead, Biden still called his wife and she declined 'cause Biden's not her president. Trump doesn't give a fuck, he went golfing instead of calling, and he didn't mention his name anywhere since. He likely already forgot.

Umm I think you are confused, we're talking about the shooter's father, you are talking about the family of the deceased firefighter.
Mar 11, 2020
I just want to share this cause someone else shared this and it is 100% correct. And i think more need to watch this.

View: https://youtu.be/bgE9PB5LOW4?si=2jFFfNdWK-sAQT1z

I'm just so angry at this, i'm so angry at the people supposed to protect us DON'T. I am angry at a world that i just want to exist in does not fucking exist. I am angry at the CONSTANT AND CONSISTENT DEATH HAPPENING TO MINORITY FRIENDS AROUND ME and people just STILL constantly espouse this they go low, we go high bullshit that is nothing but fucking platitudes to the PEOPLE ACTUALLY EXPERIENCING DEATH due to things Trump fucking says and all fucking republicans do yet we out here defending him saying we should never wish someone death.

I'm just so done. Everything is fucking upsetting. I'm afraid for my life, i'm afraid for the future, AND PEOPLE THAT AREN'T FUCKING DYING ARE TELLING US WHAT WE CAN OR CAN'T SAY ABOUT PEOPLE CAUSING THIS DEATH
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
It is the exact same mentality that gave rise to the bullying epidemic in schools. "Just ignore them and don't stoop to their level" to the point where we are basically being told not to defend ourselves for the sake of "civility" as our everyday rights and our personal security are being stripped from us and the people we love. It's infuriating. Trumpism is what caused this.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI

Donald Trump does not get post-shooting poll boost

A new poll shows Donald Trump leading Joe Biden by just one percentage point ahead of November's election.

I saw this. Not sure what American sources are good but the preview shows so I assume it's fine.

Good news. It quickly started to feel like this wouldn't move the needle very much, for a number of reasons.

This, combined with the Vance VP pick, should boost morale a bit. Now dems just need to convince Biden to step aside and I'll feel pretty good.
Oct 28, 2017

Nov 27, 2020
The only way you think that picture is cool is if you think fascists look cool.

Because that was some fascist looking shit, and all the known fascists salivated over it.
You've just put into words what I've been feeling for years, which is…if you want that "strongman" hugging the flag like it's a comforting snuggie, if you think that all that performative patriotism bullshit is "cool", you're exactly the type of person that propaganda would have worked on in any fascist regime.

Greg NYC3

Oct 26, 2017
Imagine playing that for someone who knew nothing about either man and then telling them that the person speaking is the one without a confirmed case of brain worms.


Oct 25, 2017

Donald Trump does not get post-shooting poll boost

A new poll shows Donald Trump leading Joe Biden by just one percentage point ahead of November's election.

I saw this. Not sure what American sources are good but the preview shows so I assume it's fine.

God damn it's so close. I see stuff like this and I don't understand the attitude of a lot of people around here who are talking like they've given up lately. It's going to be a close fight right down to the end and I get that being so close to disaster is uncomfortable, but you don't come out in the 3rd period down and goal and give up because it's going to be close and uncomfortable.


Jun 1, 2024
A single poll has never meant anything

Trends in the aggregate are why us "chicken littles" are the way that we are

Finale Fireworker

Love each other or die trying.
Oct 25, 2017
United States
The only time I've ever been polled is from one specific outlet out of New Hampshire who contacts me a couple times a year via text or email. I think I signed up for them at some event and have been contacted ever periodically ever since.

Never been phone polled in my life.


Oct 25, 2017
I get polls over text but it's crazy. They want to know employment and income and all sorts of bullshit that I am definitely not sending to someone who sends me a link from a random phone number.


Dec 15, 2018
It's kinda hilarious that the GOP contributed so much to the state of the current political climate that they have only themselves to blame when not many are quick to give sympathies that their guy got shot at


Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): Concern trolling and downplaying concerns of bigotry over multiple posts in a sensitive thread, previous severe bans
Feels weird to post video about Trump being sleepy in a thread about an assassination attempt against him.

As much as I hate the guy, doesn't seem like the best place to put that kind of stuff.