
Oct 27, 2017
United States
I just see a bunch of middle fingers.


Nov 11, 2017
Is he om parler now or anywhere else? Any sight of him? Im kinda curious to watch his angry tirade 🤣
I doubt he uses parler or any other services. He doesn't a shit about his base or what they like and prefer. He just wants to have the biggest blow horn in the world. Twitter was ideal for that
Oct 26, 2017
That echo chamber is partially responsible for why he thinks he won the 2020 election in a landslide. After all, he was packing them in at his rallies while Joe Biden only had a handful of people present for his virtual addresses.

"On Twitter, half my replies were nasty. Real nasty stuff. Fake stuff. Probably paid for by Soros, that's what people are saying, but now 100% of real Americans are behind me. They love me and I love them, it's tremendous, and we're going to take back the country and make America great again again." *stilted dance*
I mean I want to agree but I really believe he doesn't 'think', he just assumes what he wants as fact. I swear he could have a rally with one person attending and claim 'thousands' showed up.

On that note, I appreciate all the tiktok kiddos signing up for fake tickets to that one Trump rally lol


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
Ha. Had no idea this was happening. Been banned since Era became a thing.

Side note, I got my account banned there for condemning a call for violence against government officials like 2 years ago. You gonna unban my account and let me post Evilore? Lol

Edit: I found the post, it was a call to execute reporters actually
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Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
This was 2 years ago. The last post registered on my account before being premabanned on GAF.

Looks like they went back and retroactively changed the warning they gave to that user to a ban, lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Ha. Had no idea this was happening. Been banned since Era became a thing.

Fucking chuds. Also I don't think he's a sociopath as much as he is just a slimeball opportunist. Lol to think we're pressuring him to do anything. This is the mad Men gif where Don doesn't think about the other guy


Oct 25, 2017
Seeing That Place get tilted over the fact a sitting POTUS advocated for an insurrection and are being told to chill and stop believing his lies is remarkable.

The worst people ever associated with that site walked right on in as soon as people of reason left. Being more "comfortable" to talk about white replacement theories, that COVID isn't that bad despite America entering a depression over it, and the usual Trump cocksuckery, it's just become a troll site. That comfort came from being around more like minded people, which...is incredible to think about because they attack the "globalist left" for only allowing echo chambers of like minded thought, but they already know they hold positions and beliefs that would ostracize them in a more public sphere. That's an echo chamber y'all.

It's kinda funny.