
Oct 30, 2017
My only concern is this motivating trump voters. Yes, people are that Fucking stupid. I just feel like impeachment with no pay off is kind of a risk.

Eh. They were already motivated as you can be. I think you can argue it also motivates Democrat-leaning voters who think their votes won't lead to anything.


Oct 30, 2017
He finally beat Obama

Won't be removed, but this will kill his ego having it on record forever. Good enough for me knowing it will make him suffer.

White House is surely lit right now
Why this is important


Oct 25, 2017
Being complacent and doing nothing sets a dangerous precedent going forward. By doing nothing, we're collectively saying that the President can do whatever he wants and is above the law of the land.

The Federalist Papers and Constitution lay out explicit terms and verbage, including, but not limited to "high crimes and misdemeanors". It is noted that the aforementioned applies to those who hold publicly appointed positions of power, in this case, the President.

It is beyond a reasonable doubt that Donald Trump unlawfully denied congressionally authorized foreign aid, and then used that act as a bargaining chip, in order to coerce a foreign entity into sabotaging a domestic political opponent. He then made multiple attempts to obstruct the investigation, a right, which is bestowed upon Congress by the Constitution.

Democrats are in no way trying to subvert the results of the 2016 election, despite the fact that Donald Trump LOST the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. This impeachment process does not only hold the President accountable for his illegal and unscrupulous actions, but ensures the fairness and sanctity of the 2020 election.

The notion that this process is merely motivated by misguided hatred for Donald Trump is untrue. May I remind everyone, that the Republican party questioned the legitimacy of President Obama, solely on his race and origin of birth. Yet here, this is clearly an issue of right versus wrong.

Ideally, President Trump needs to be removed from office. It is abundantly clear he is unfit, unqualified and totally unequipped to be allowed to have the awesome power that is the President of the United States. The President, the American people, and the entire world must be reminded, that nobody, no matter who you are, is above the law and immune from due process and moral and legal accountability.

If nothing else, this impeachment sets a legal and historical precedent that no one is above the law. History will look back at Senate and the GOP as enablers of Donald Trump's corruption. It begs the question, "If this isn't impeachable, then what is?"

Now, I'm fairly confident, despite all of this, that President Trump will get re-elected next year. There is no way there will be a paradigm shift in people's attitudes. Once again, the silent majority and (some) of White America will exercise an absence of good judgement and empathy, by voting for Donald Trump. Our archaic Electoral College will ensure it, unfortunately. That, and the President will undoubtedly, as he has already, deem the entire impeachment process as a hoax and unjust witch hunt against him and his supporters.

But once again, this was a necessary measure to protect future generations of Americans. We simply cannot allow illegitimate and unscrupulous individuals in public office, to not only believe they can abuse their power, but have the audacity to attempt and go forward with it.

The road to redemption and progress will be long. It will get worse before it gets better. But better days will come. Be sure of it.
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Oct 25, 2017
At this point i think the senate will remove him from office, they probably don't want to risk losing seats in the next election.

There's no chance of this happening. They'd probably love to have Mike Pence as president, but their base is full of idiots who would primary them if they removed head idiot.


Oct 26, 2017
Not to be a downer but doesn't this literally mean nothing since the Senate won't impeach ?

It has flow-on effects for the Senate. They won't remove him from office but they'll have to go back to their electorate to explain why bribery and corruption and obstruction of justice is okay.


Oct 27, 2017
Look at all of those white bread mofos behind him. Payed propogantics. Probably believe the shit from this orange pos too.


Nov 6, 2017
Tulsi Gabbard statement on her Present votes.

But it only appears purely partisan. This is the problem with that argument republicans couldn't let go. Under normal circumstances, this, the most amoral self serving sneaky slimer fucker of a president got caught doing something inexcusable, and would be tossed out immediately by both sides, but the republican party has become a hive mind of dissenters not interested in doing any government, just causing chaos and ruining it.

They're so corrupt, we shouldn't be playing ball with their false narratives and refusal to accept reality. The entire impeachment proceedings were republicans just saying 'nuh uh, you!' So utterly shameful. John Mccain died, one of the few republicans who sometimes had a glimmer of humanity about him, and rather than reflect on what made him great, they couldn't forget him quicker.
Being complacent and doing nothing sets a dangerous precedent going forward. By doing nothing, we're collective saying that the President can do whatever he wants and is above the law of the land.

The Federalist Papers and Constitution lay out explicit terms and verbage, including, but not limited to "high crimes and misdemeanors". It is noted that the aforementioned applies to those who hold appointed positions of power, in this, the President.

It is beyond a reasonable doubt that Donald Trump unlawfully denied congressionally authorized foreign aid, and then used that act as bargain chip, in order to coerce a foreign entity into sabotaging a domestic political opponent. He then made multiple attempts to obstruct the investigation, a right, which is bestowed upon Congress by the Constitution.

Democrats are in no way trying to subvert the results of the 2016 election, despite the fact that Donald Trump LOST the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. This impeachment process does not only hold the President accountable for his illegal and unscrupulous actions, but to ensure the fairness and sanctity of the 2020 election.

The notion that this process is merely motivated by misguided hatred for Donald Trump is untrue. May I remind everyone, that the Republican party questioned the legitimacy of President Obama, solely on his race and origin of birth. Yet here, this is clearly an issue of right versus wrong.

Ideally, President Trump needs to be removed from office. It is abundantly clear he is unfit, unqualified and totally unequipped to be allowed to have the awesome power that is the President of the United States. The President, the American people, and the entire world must be reminded, that nobody, no matter who you are, is above the law and immune from due process and moral and legal accountability.

If nothing else, this impeachment sets a legal and historical precedent that no one is above the law. History will look back at Senate and the GOP as enablers of Trump's corruption. It begs the question, "If this isn't impeachable, then what is?"

Now, I'm fairly confident, despite all of this, that Trump will get re-elected next year. There is no way there will be a paradigm shift in people's attitudes. Once again, the silent majority and (some) of White America will exercise an absence of good judgement and empathy, by voting for Donald Trump. Our archaic Electoral College will ensure it, unfortunately. That, and the President will undoubtedly, as he has already, deem the entire impeachment process as a hoax and unjust witch hunt against him and his supporters.

But once again, this was a necessary measure to protect future generations of Americans. We simply cannot allow illegitimate and unscrupulous individuals in public office, to not only believe they can abuse their power, but have the audacity to attempt and go forward with it.

The road to redemption and progress will be long. It will get worse before it gets better. But better days will come. Be sure of it.
Thank you. I've been saying in all these threads that it's the essence of congress's duty to act when a President does something like this. It goes way beyond catastrophizing about people who were already going to vote for him.


Oct 25, 2017
California, USHeyHey!
Tulsi Gabbard statement on her Present votes.




Oct 29, 2017
Love to do big brain triangulation by voting for one article but not the other, or voting present.

These genius tactical moves will surely appeal to both sides


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly I feel like this strengthens his base as they already feel it's a witch hunt.

We already know per polling that his base and the majority of Republicans will support him no matter what he does, so might as well give him what he deserves. Heck, maybe it encourages more people to vote D when they see he can be held accountable.


Oct 25, 2017
these "congrats dems he will win 2020 now" shitposts are giving me life. y'all just holding up a neon sign with a down arrow that says you're a dumbass