Does this feel real

  • Yes I am extremely aware in this historic moment

  • No my mind is still trying to catch up to reality

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Oct 26, 2017
Working in retail and a part of retail that is not going to close no matter what happens. Yeah it's pretty real to me at this point.

Especially the way that no person seems to want to respect personal space of retail employees. I don't want to tell you how many people have shoved a phone in my face or gotten way too close to me after we put up the CDC information and said no more than 10 people in the store at a time.

I work for US Cellular and they're not allowing customers into the store and we have to go outside to help them. They're doing the same thing Gamestop is doing and it's frankly bullshit.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
I'm still adjusting, but it has already affected my life through work-at-home rolling out at my company and me having to cancel a trip that was supposed to happen in two weeks.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
If you get laid off reality will hit you pretty damn hard how awful this is.


Nov 1, 2017
Sonoma County, California.
Northern CA here. My partner and I have been watching this slow-motion car crash for awhile now and once we saw they were bringing infected Americans from the Diamond Princess into a nearby county, we figure it would spiral out pretty quickly thereafter. My partner has an essential job working for the county and so we've been in the loop with information around here before (and if) it's made public. Seeing behind the scenes of the communication and decision making process has been helpful to keep anxiety in check.

I will say though that seeing the amount of people out and about, gathering in large numbers in places like grocery stores, etc.. is really frustrating and is just exacerbating the problem.

Also my sister has had to postpone her wedding that was planned for May, which really sucks.


Oct 26, 2017
It's all over my life but I still dont understand the mortality rate so I mostly just shrugg it off.

Deleted member 49611

Nov 14, 2018
yeah, going into work every day not knowing what to expect and knowing you are risking being infected makes it feel extremely real. i'm working in health care so in and out of hospitals/health centres and interacting with patients.


Oct 25, 2017
a parallel universe
Went for a walk last night and when I got my unemployed ass down to the harbor downtown around 10pm and I was the only person outside when it's usually packed with people, I definitely had a "this is fucked" feeling. Just dead silence. Was kinda nice actually. Fucked up but nice.

Deleted member 28461

User requested account closure
Oct 31, 2017
I'm not sure if its even right, but for mental status' I think its important to count our blessings.

if you are at home, have heated water, electricity, internet, a good portion of food. Consider yourself lucky vs. those out there barely making it out there.
Yep. And be nice to those that are still having to work. Everyone is stressed out right now.

Every time I think about complaining, I remind myself that I still have at least half a job and a roof over my head. So many people are already in serious shit. I wish I could afford to order pick-up from my favorite local restaurant, but I can't afford it right now. People need jobs to come back to, but I'm not in a position to help make that a possibility. It's a sad feeling.

Deleted member 11985

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
It is an extremely surreal feeling to me. A lot of my everyday life is the same. Like the maintenance crew all still works at my apartment building, so I'll still be saying hi to the same people and everything as I'm walking through the halls. But then I get outside, and it's like a ghost town.

And then there's the whole economy crashing thing. This is my first time being out on my own for a major recession, so this should be fun.


Nov 8, 2017
Not really. The fact that millions can die has but the ways in which society will be permanently and significantly changed by this hasn't. The fact that I might not really leave my house for months hasn't set in either. I haven't left my house in a week so I have no idea how empty the outside world really is, but the thought that everyone could just be a ghost town feels insane. It definitely feels like something I could wake up from or whatever.


Mar 16, 2020
My dad has hypertension and asthma, while my mom has had a heart attack in the past. To make things worse, my SO works at a county jail, so she's going to be constantly at risk of exposure. I don't know what to do.


Oct 31, 2017
I am absolutely shocked! I cant believe this shit is happening.

I cant goto the gym, my health might deteriorate, there was a girl I liked at work, I might not see her ever again, I might get fired, I wanted to change jobs that will be super hard now. I am worried about my parents and grand parents.

This came out of and now I am locked in my house for how many months??? FUCKKKKKKKKK
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm supposed to start a job that involves lots of domestic + international travel on Monday. Somehow it's still moving forward.
I need to move states for this job too (~5 hr drive). My wife is staying here for another 3 months until our lease is up, and is currently working from home.

I have no idea whats going to happen and it's really scary. We don't have any savings so if my new job goes south we are in big big trouble.
She was going to use the next 3 months to find a job in our new location, but with the impending recession/depression that ain't looking good either.

It feels like there's no way this can go well.


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
Real enough that I prepared and am ready to bunker down for a month yeah.


Product Management
Oct 27, 2017
I dunno, it's all a bit surreal. I've come to terms with the fact it's happening and this is a historic moment, but it still kind of feels like a fever dream.


Oct 25, 2017
I know 2 people (over the Internet) who may well have it. Then again, it's like war. You very likely won't see it, all you get are news reports.

Deleted member 60582

User requested account closure
Oct 12, 2019
My wife's hours are looking at being cut but my job is safe for now, we're still in the office. It's real to me, definitely, but I was lucky to be born dumb enough to accept when shit is out of my control and not freak out about it. So, until things get worse I'm just going to work and going home, basically the same thing I do anyway. I find comfort in the fact that if life does go to shit, it's not only me. This type of situation is on a large enough scale that there's no way the things that would happen to a single person unable to pay their bills would happen to 20% of the population or more.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, it's real. The stress is really getting to me and the people close to me. I'm sorry to everyone infected.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Living in Manhattan my whole life, yea this shit is real and feels real.
Oct 26, 2017
It's pretty surreal to me since I've been stuck home, always feels different going through it with uncertainty than looking back on it with clarity.


Nov 27, 2017
Yes. It's a like being in the aftermath of a hurricane. It reminds me a lot of Ike, which hit us harder than Katrina and Rita.


Nov 13, 2017
It almost feels like it only exists in the news and the internet. I'm working 100% from home now, so I feel isolated from the outside world. When I drive to the grocery store I still see way too many people mingling on the street and crowding in the parks. The grocery stores shelves aren't as barren as they were at the start even. So many people don't seem to be taking it seriously, and we are in a hard hit area.

Then you notice every restaurant has a sign in the window - take out only - and all of their chairs are stacked on the tables. Every day on the news you see higher infection numbers, lay offs, stock market turmoil, bars and theaters closed, hospitals at capacity, medical ships being deployed. It just feels surreal as I sit here in my home office.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, it is very real and will go down in the history books as likely one of the most significant blunders in American history.


Oct 29, 2017
I haven't left my apartment for more than a few minutes the past few days but I look outside and it seems like nobody else really cares.

I feel like the longer people continue to go outside, the longer I'm going to have to stay inside. I wish they would just go home.
Feb 1, 2018
Shit got real for me when all my friends are working from home and LA county + CA governor issued orders this week

And we all know at this point it's going to totally crash the economy and we'll come out of it, hopefully, a better country that learned a lesson the hard way re: the evils of private healthcare
Blue Skies

Blue Skies

Mar 27, 2019
A thread like this is when I really wish we had country tags
A lot of this might be different by country


The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
Yes, this is the first time I've been legitimately afraid of losing loved ones. This is war.

Also, we're already seeing the economic ramifications of this.


Oct 29, 2017
I haven't left my apartment for more than a few minutes the past few days but I look outside and it seems like nobody else really cares.

This. I've worked from home forever, and the only times I've been out this week is to walk the dogs or go to the grocery store/pharmacy. Somehow there's still all this traffic though that seems barely down from a normal weekday, even though nearly every place where people would congregate is closed.

It's like it feels real while at home, because I'm watching the news. And then I go to grab a gallon of milk or something and people are going about their daily lives oblivious to anything currently happening. That's what makes it feel not real at times.


Apr 24, 2018
Living in New York and seeing it empty with grocery stores with empty shelves feels surreal.


Oct 29, 2017
This. I've worked from home forever, and the only times I've been out this week is to walk the dogs or go to the grocery store/pharmacy. Somehow there's still all this traffic though that seems barely down from a normal weekday, even though nearly every place where people would congregate is closed.

It's like it feels real while at home, because I'm watching the news. And then I go to grab a gallon of milk or something and people are going about their daily lives oblivious to anything currently happening. That's what makes it feel not real at times.

Tons of people at the dog park, walking in groups down the street, couples walking their dogs with other couples. Like, is everyone on vacation? Do they realize why they're not at work?

Deleted member 8752

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
My fiancé is a primary care physician so hearing what she's going through as well as her peers makes it all extremely real.


Oct 28, 2017
I have three infected members of my extended family. My Parents have to isolate from my Sister's family (I live abroad).

So yes.


Oct 27, 2017
More and more. I've always taken it very serious but things are getting more extreme and closer every day. Videos i've seen from Italy have scared an scarred me.
At the moment i try not to be terrified all day. Especially for my parents. But it still feels kinda unreal.


Oct 25, 2017
If you've been to a grocery store recently it has to feel real.

Feels like it's hard to even make a list for the store when you're kinda stuck with whatever is there. Also have to buy a lot of the more expensive all natural or organic stuff because that's all that's left in a lot of cases.
It's pretty weird, but I wouldn't say surreal.

People in my area are just shut in their homes, with many continuing business from the internet - which isn't really much of a change for me.
The usual items are sold out at stores, but there's still more than enough food to buy at my local stores.

I'm much more concerned for folks with risk factors.

Also, so many small businesses and restaurants are going to close because of this, it's going to be a different world when things open back up.

Five years down the road - we will hopefully have better steps in place to handle novel viruses much better.

It's definitely a catalyst that will affect how we view some aspects of life for a while.


The Fallen
Nov 6, 2017
Earlier of this week my closest swimming/sport center close for a unspecified time period.

And today I went to a small Health (care) center for other medical reason (not covid-19) and the were only one other visitor there, otherwise it is around 10+ visitor there!
And I only saw 2 nurses + 2 receptionist(?) (visitor and pharmacy) today.

so yes, this is real now, Sweden is half ghost towns now at many places


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
If you've been to a grocery store recently it has to feel real.

Feels like it's hard to even make a list for the store when you're kinda stuck with whatever is there. Also have to buy a lot of the more expensive all natural or organic stuff because that's all that's left in a lot of cases.
The sad part is that it's wholly unnecessary. In Italy where the virus has hit harder than anywhere in the world, there is no panic buying, no supply issues, supermarkets remain open. Possibly because they didn't know what was coming, so they had no time to panic.

So the public elsewhere is literally creating their own stock issues with their unnecessary bulk panic buying and helping to spread the virus whilst doing it.
Nov 14, 2017
No disrespect, but they're not even comparable. While 9/11 was tragic, it didn't affect the whole world, it didn't make millions lose their jobs and it didn't make people so scared that they're afraid to leave their homes. I'm sure 9/11 was a big deal in the USA, but overseas it was just a sad news that you saw on TV, it didn't actually change anything.
It's comparable to 9/11 in that it's making the current moment feel like a disaster movie. I remember how it felt watching TV and seeing it all happen. It had that unreal feeling like this was a film. This crisis is the same, it's just being played out over weeks. They both feel like we're in a disaster movie.